Electrobolt 2,069 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Electrobolt couldn't help but chuckle at Scope's freak-out as he looked around the area. *He's taking things way too seriously...* he thought, still chuckling to himself. He then looked to the broken piano as he thought, *Though, what are we gonna do with the piano...?* Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bronium 512 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 "OVERTHINKING! WHEN YOU LEND ME YOUR 724,360 I'LL OWE YOU THAT MANY BITS! THAT IS A LOT OF BITS LIKE A LOT! OMC(Oh My Celestia),OMC,OMC,OMC. I'm a slave and now I'm in serious debt!" Scopes was on the verge of tears. What had he gotten himself into these past few days. He is now owned by an evil shop owner with shady business tactics and great PR AND he was in debt of a pony he just met. Now I gotta slave myself "FOR TWO PONIES!" Scopes yelled. "I should have stayed in my cave. It was so dark and cozy and the bear I was sharing it with seemed really nice, though he did try to kill me multiple times and I only staying inside if he wasn't there/. Ahhh, the good old days." Scopes seemed suddenly nostalgic for something in the not so distant past and maybe the not so distant future. Why PAST ME. WHY DID YOU HAVE TO BE SO REBELLIOUS! WHAT DID PAST MUM AND PAST DAD DO THAT MADE YOU INTO THE WORLD'S DUMBEST PONY? Hmm, I wonder if there is a title for that. Maybe there are some privileges. Maybe that could pay off my debt. Everypony I'm selling my prestigious title "World's Dumbest Pony" for the lowly price of 724,360 bits. Get in while stocks last!" I really hope there is a pony dumber than me here. I mean you got to be the world's dumbest pony to buy this title. I mean I wouldn't want this title to go to somepony that was just buying it for the laughs. 1 This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 "scopes, were friends....now, you dont owe me, or anypony anything, i promise." midnight smiled and blushed a bit, "okay? i could make that many bits in as little as 2 months, from all the compititions ive been going to lately, now come on, and help us do something with the piano." Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Power Ten 213 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Overdrive walked over to the piano and examined it closely. The pieces of the piano didnt have jagged edges. In fact, all the pieces had perfectly unharmed edges, some with pegs others with holes the same size as the pegs. "you're overreacting, the piano is meant to come apart. Look at these pegs, this piano is meant for easy assembly and storage. See?" overdrive demonstrated by holding up one of the components of the piano. Sure enough, it was undamaged and had little wooden pegs protruding from all sides. "Honey probably knows how to put it together. Now quit yelling, because I'm hungover." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bronium 512 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 (edited) "Do you really mean that Midnight. Aww Shucks, thanks. You should be the element of Generosity. In fact all of you should be the Element of Generosity. I mean who in their right mind would give another pony 750,000 bits. Wait... I don't mean to offend but...are you in the right mind. I don't want no stinking Monopoly bits. I tried using them once.I said "I'll buy Sugarcube Corner please and he just scoffed." Scopes was the epitome, the symbol of Political Incorrectness. If somepony was making a living of telling jokes that crossed the line, Scopes would be his Cutie Mark. "Thanks Overdrive, but I didn't know that it was Cider Season. Then again. Me in cave equals me not knowing anything. I am literally living under a rock." "I say, why don't we take it to Honey's Bedroom, install it, you play a love ballad and say It was Fear's idea! What a hoot that would be! She would blush and then Fear would blush and we could all blush together and we could all be that Family that constantly blushes. We could be redder than Big Mac. We could be the Macintosh Apple Family. Oh what fun that would be." Scopes seemed to finally at rest with the ponies around him. I wonder if we will be able to do it. I mean Fear has obviously got the hot's for Honey. I mean seriously he wasn't even hiding it. I bet even Honey knows it. AND LOVELY IF YOU ARE READING THIS PLEASE DON'T READ THIS. "I MEAN I'M THINKING REALLY LOUDLY AND WOULD HATE TO HAVE RUINED A BEAUTIFUL RELATIONSHIP. ALSO ARE YOU REALLY A LESBIAN...oh my." Scopes said finally realizing that he was speaking out loud. "I really should keep my mind and mouth in check. Also Lovely sorry about the thought. Which thought?...well you know what thought right? I mean you read minds you'll know what thought right? "Sorry for making it really short though, it normally goes on for ages. I can last a day you know." Everypony was staring at Scopes. "I did it again didn't I?" Everypony let out a collective sigh and in perfect unison said "Yep." Edited April 21, 2012 by Scopes This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 (edited) midnight smiled, "well, as overdrive said, this piano is supposed to fall apart, well.....not fall, but come apart," midnight thought for a moment " and hey scopes if you need any money, id be happy to give it too you, and no, its no monpoly bits, its cold hard bits that i earned." Edited April 21, 2012 by Midnight Moon Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strong Hooves 289 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Cloud wasn't in the room during the conversation, he was elsewhere moving several boxes to nearby rooms, "Heh, you weren't kidding Lovely, these things are pretty heavy" he grunted as he moved another box, "But not for me!" he joked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Power Ten 213 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 (edited) Overdrive stumbled out into the room where cloud was and slumped against the wall, "piano's done... I need, like, five minutes away from that Scopes kid. My head is killing me and his shouting doesn't do much in the way of assistance" He looked up at cloud, lifting some boxes. Without a word, overdrive walked up and began levitating boxes to their proper locations in the house. He passed by lovely at one point, giving her a nod of greeting before moving on to place the box. Edited April 21, 2012 by Power Ten Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strong Hooves 289 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 "Why do ya think I left?" chuckled Cloud Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Electrobolt let out a light sigh as he decided to actually do something now and walked over to one of the boxes. Making sure he was being careful, he loaded the cargo onto his back. Slowly but carefully, he began to move the box to it's proper room. Even though it meant lugging this box upstairs, he made sure to move carefully and safely so the box wouldn't fall off and have all the contents break. Thankfully, he made it to the room safe and sound and unloaded the box in the right room. "Well, so long as I watch how much weight I carry and make sure I can handle it, I'll be fine..." he muttered to himself. As he was walking towards the stairs, he thought, *I just gotta make sure I don't---* he began to think, before he ended up tripping over his own hooves. *... Trip...* And he wound up picking a horrible place to trip, right near the edge of the stairs. Electrobolt began his tumble down the staircase, as he eventually tumbled into the wall on the opposite end, hitting the wall with his face. Pulling his face off the wall, he uttered, "I'm alright..." even though his face and voice said otherwise. Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 midnight flew over, and failed to catch the falling electrobolt, "yo.....you okay?" he turned and picked up the box setting it at the top of the stairs then turning and making sure electro was alright Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fear Moonscar 55 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Fear woke up slowly, blinking his eyes as he looked around. "Hmm... i wonder what there is for me to do today?" He looked outside and noticed there was an absence of light and wondered how long he was asleep for. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Shaking his head, Electrobolt looked back to Midnight and responded, "Um... Yeah, I'm... I'm alright..." He then got off the ground and back onto his hooves. "I guess I should watch my step even when I don't have a load on my back... Heheh..." He then looked away for a second, embarrassed that Midnight saw him smack right into the wall. Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 smiles "hey dont sweat it, ive walked face first into trees before." Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fear Moonscar 55 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Fear walked outside after standing up from behind the couch, taking in the fresh midnight air as he smiled and sighed. "I think tonight's going to be ok..." he thought to himself as he looked around for something to do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MachineGunLola 408 April 21, 2012 Author Share April 21, 2012 Honey Dew had been cleaning the house, and hadn't heard any of this conversation, but she noticed that quite a few of the male ponies were drooling over Lovely. Honey Dew sighed sadly, and began to clean up the kitchen. BANG! BANG! BANG! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 knocks on the kitchen door "hey honey, whatcha doin in here all by your lonesome?" Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 (OOC: When was Electrobolt drooling over Honey Dew? xP ) Rubbing his forehead, Electrobolt looked over to the rest of the boxes. "Maybe I'll stick to the ones that go to the right rooms on THIS floor, instead..." he muttered, approaching the boxes. Getting a box on his back, he began to carry it over to the proper room on the main floor, so he wouldn't have to carry it up the stairs. This way, if he trips, it would be impossible for him to tumble into a wall like last time. Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fear Moonscar 55 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 He stood outside of the door to Honey's house, looking up into the night sky as he closed his eyes. "Hmm... somethings...not right..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Lovely helped herself to a glass of orange juice as she watched the stallions get to work. Lovely's peaceful drink was disturbed by the crashing of Honey's grand piano. Lovely sighed, can me do anything right? Lovely giggled as Scopes began to freak out, "calm down! Calm down! Sheesh you're a nutty one eh? You really need to transition that energy into something constructive." Lovely inspected the broken piano, it was broken but salvageable. Lovely heard another glimpse of Scope's rant, "no Scopes I'm not a lesbian. I like the stallions." Lovely watched Cloud walk over, lifting a heavy box, "wow. Has somepony been working out?" Lovely giggled and went to the kitchen to help Honey clean up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MachineGunLola 408 April 21, 2012 Author Share April 21, 2012 Honey Dew Jumped at the sound of Midnight's voice. "Oh- uhm.. I'm cleaning up the mess I made. I- didn't think anyone would notice- you know, with Lovely around and stuff.." Honey Dew scuffed at the floor with her hoof and sighed again. BANG! BANG! BANG! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 midnight smiles and trots over, "well, i noticed," he tilts his head slightly then blushes, helping honey gather up dishes "a-anyway, did you need help, id be glad to help with anything." midnight couldnt really fathom why he was blushing, but mentally shrugged it off. Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 After moving the box over to the right room, Electrobolt looked at the pile of boxes. *Still got a bit to go...* he thought, as he looked over to the kitchen. *Maybe I'll get a glass of water...* He then walked over to the kitchen and walked in, seeing Honey Dew and Midnight together. "Um, I hope I'm not interrupting anything..." he said, hoping he didn't really intrude on anything. Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 "Nonsense," Lovely said walking in behind Electrobolt, "it was getting a bit too steamy in here anyway." Lovely winked at Honey and Mindight. Lovely walked over to Honey and whispered in her ear, "I can handle things in here sweetie, the boys need you to babysit your things out in the living room." Lovely smiled at Midnight, "I'm watching you Casanova." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fear Moonscar 55 April 21, 2012 Share April 21, 2012 Fear peeked in through the window right as Lovely began talking, although he was unable to hear anything that was said, he just watched silently Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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