Power Ten 213 April 24, 2012 Share April 24, 2012 "lightweight" overdrive snickered. He turned his attention back to Electrobolt. "Yes, don't let what other ponies might think get in the way of who you care about. Now go get 'im cowpony! Ill always be there if you need somepony to talk to. Overdrive turned his attention back to the strange pagasus and offered her a hoof. "you alright?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MachineGunLola 408 April 24, 2012 Author Share April 24, 2012 Honey Dew woke up in her bed and smiled. It was warm and cozy and she loved her new house. She got up, yawned and stretched. Honey Dew walked downstairs and opened the front door, going outside and into her small garden. mmm, I love this place... She picked a fresh strawberry and ate it, licking her lips afterwards. (seductively ;D ) 2 BANG! BANG! BANG! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apollo 297 April 24, 2012 Share April 24, 2012 "lightweight" overdrive snickered. He turned his attention back to Electrobolt. "Yes, don't let what other ponies might think get in the way of who you care about. Now go get 'im cowpony! Ill always be there if you need somepony to talk to. Overdrive turned his attention back to the strange pagasus and offered her a hoof. "you alright?" "Should have never drinken those five barrels of hard cider...."*She said as she took his hoof and stood up.* "Dammit, I hate being such a drunkard." I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.GildaShy is best ship.I AM AN 18 YEAR OLD BOY!Please stop mistaking me for a girl.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 April 24, 2012 Share April 24, 2012 Electrobolt nodded when Overdrive spoken to him and began to hurry back to Honey Dew's house, feeling better having had somepony to talk to. He was lucky to have Overdrive as a good friend. *I just wonder if Midnight's still there,* he thought, continuing to head back to the house. Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 April 24, 2012 Share April 24, 2012 (oh my god XD your just one big ball o fun arent you lola) midnight smiled and tried to say a cheery goodmorning to both scopes and honey dew, but they were kinda half hearted, he was still thinking, "what if he dosent mind?" he shook his head "i dunno, he seemes like a filly fooler....dang it all, midnight why did you have to do that?" "I did that? your my mind, your the one who controls the movements." "oh no, you aint placin the blame on me your the one that wanted to try." (figured why the hell not, going into scope mode XD which is what it shall be called from now on) Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Power Ten 213 April 24, 2012 Share April 24, 2012 "Should have never drinken those five barrels of hard cider...." *She said as she took his hoof and stood up.* "Dammit, I hate being such a drunkard." Overdrive looked up to the sky, <apology accepted, Celestia> he thought. He turned his attention back to the mare in front of him. "mmhmm... And does this drunkard have a name" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fear Moonscar 55 April 24, 2012 Share April 24, 2012 Fear sat up from behind the couch and looked around, not seeing anypony in sight as he yawned. He shook his mane and slowly and clumsily walked outside for some fresh air. trying his best to wake up smoothly and without much noise. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MachineGunLola 408 April 24, 2012 Author Share April 24, 2012 Honey Dew noticed Midnight wasn't very happy. She trotted over to him and cuddled against him. "What's wrong?" Honey Dew looked at him with worried eyes. BANG! BANG! BANG! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apollo 297 April 24, 2012 Share April 24, 2012 Overdrive looked up to the sky, <apology accepted, Celestia> he thought. He turned his attention back to the mare in front of him. "mmhmm... And does this drunkard have a name" *She rubbed her head with her hoof.*"Im Schwartz. And if you make a joke about my name, you will lose your manhood." *She said sounding both threataning and playful at the same time.* I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.GildaShy is best ship.I AM AN 18 YEAR OLD BOY!Please stop mistaking me for a girl.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bronium 512 April 24, 2012 Share April 24, 2012 Scopes went downstairs and saw Honey. "Honey!" he exclaimed as he ran straight at her. "Oh umm, Scopes how was you s-" Honey tried to ask. She couldn't though. I thought the dash might have implied it but someponies need everypony to tell them everything I guess. "I've missed you," cried Scopes "I haven't seen you in at least 7 hours. This is amazing. Imagine the odds of meeting you after all this time. It must be like 0.9675 rounded to the 4th significant point" "Ummm,yeah I guess" "Don't you like me Honey, you aren't that surprised to see me?" Scopes said on the verge of tears. His new trademark. "No, it's just. I'm-I dunno. Midnight is kind of sad and I was just going to help him." "Ohh, well then let's help him Scopes said smiling suddenly light heated and serious. (BTW: Scopes mode is trademarked and my demon is a french guy. XD) This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 April 24, 2012 Share April 24, 2012 (BTW: Scopes mode is trademarked and my demon is a french guy. XD) (orly? mines a german guy XD DEMON KOMBAT) midnight sighed and looked at honey, then scopes, and smiled, "well..." he sighed and frowned, "i like somepony.... alot." he swallowed and layed his head down, "but im not sure if they like me." he looked down, "i....." he blushed and became a little quiet "i kissed them." Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Power Ten 213 April 24, 2012 Share April 24, 2012 *She rubbed her head with her hoof.* "Im Schwartz. And if you make a joke about my name, you will lose your manhood." *She said sounding both threataning and playful at the same time.* "um... What's a man? Nevermind. The name's Overdrive. What, er, brings you over to my little street corner today?" Overderive cocked his head and fired another one of his charming smiles. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apollo 297 April 24, 2012 Share April 24, 2012 "um... What's a man? Nevermind. The name's Overdrive. What, er, brings you over to my little street corner today?" Overderive cocked his head and fired another one of his charming smiles. *Schwartz raised an eyebrow.*"Not much. Plumiting out of the sky from a massive hangover. Nothing out of the ordinary." *Schwartz was surprised though. This colt had not even seemed to notice, or care, about her bat wings. Most ponies would have run away by now.* <Maybe the ponies here are different then those snobs in Canterlot.> *She thought to herself.* I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.GildaShy is best ship.I AM AN 18 YEAR OLD BOY!Please stop mistaking me for a girl.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 April 24, 2012 Share April 24, 2012 Lovely growled at how ANNOYING the other ponies were being, but she wasn't going to let that ruin her time with Cloud. Lovely blushed as Cloud bent over and kissed her on the cheek. Lovely raised her one eyebrow, "cheek kisses are for friends." Lovely touched her nose against Cloud's. She felt her some becoming hot as her heart began to race. She locked lips with the handsome pegasus as her brain imploded. Lovely was more red than she was pink. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Power Ten 213 April 24, 2012 Share April 24, 2012 *Schwartz raised an eyebrow.* "Not much. Plumiting out of the sky from a massive hangover. Nothing out of the ordinary." *Schwartz was surprised though. This colt had not even seemed to notice, or care, about her bat wings. Most ponies would have run away by now.* <Maybe the ponies here are different then those snobs in Canterlot.> *She thought to herself.* "did you break anything?" overdrive asked, leaning to one side to look for any cuts on her. He noticed the wings and his eyes went wide, "sweet wings, bro." he complimented as he leaned to the other side to check for injuries. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strong Hooves 289 April 24, 2012 Share April 24, 2012 Clouds mind suddenly flashed with fireworks, feeling a tingling sensation running up and down his spine as they kissed. <Yes yes yes yes yes!!!!> he screamed in his mind. He wrapped a hoof around her and held her closer as he deepened the kiss. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apollo 297 April 24, 2012 Share April 24, 2012 "did you break anything?" overdrive asked, leaning to one side to look for any cuts on her. He noticed the wings and his eyes went wide, "sweet wings, bro." he complimented as he leaned to the other side to check for injuries. "Im anything but a bro."*She said with a laugh. She liked this colt. He was definately kinder than any other pony she had met.* "Even though for the first seven years of their lives my brothers thought I was a colt..." *Schwartz looked away for a second, rather frustrated.* "Well, anyway, now thay Ive been fired from the royal guards, I have to find a job and a home." *Her head drooped down and her light greyish-blue mane fell in her face. She rose her head up and whipped it away.* "Its been nice meeting you. Guess Ill see you again when Im on the streets, begging for spare change." I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.GildaShy is best ship.I AM AN 18 YEAR OLD BOY!Please stop mistaking me for a girl.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 April 24, 2012 Share April 24, 2012 Before Lovely knew it her body was intertwined with Cloud's. Her horn sparked with chemistry, Lovely's blushing faced faded as she became comfortable with Cloud. Lovely clung onto Cloud as their kiss became more passionate, occasionally rolling on the bed together. She never wanted to moment to end, it was just. Perfect. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Power Ten 213 April 24, 2012 Share April 24, 2012 "Im anything but a bro." *She said with a laugh. She liked this colt. He was definately kinder than any other pony she had met.* "Even though for the first seven years of their lives my brothers thought I was a colt..." *Schwartz looked away for a second, rather frustrated.* "Well, anyway, now thay Ive been fired from the royal guards, I have to find a job and a home." *Her head drooped down and her light greyish-blue mane fell in her face. She rose her head up and whipped it away.* "Its been nice meeting you. Guess Ill see you again when Im on the streets, begging for spare change." Overdrive was suprised, <a royal guard...> he thought, astonished. He hated to see a pony like that become a common bum. "Hey... Listen... I know I barely know you, but I can relate to what you're going through. So... Damn, this was less awkward in my head... I've got a free couch where I'm living, maybe you'd like a place to stay? At least until you can score a job." he really didn't want to see her begging on the streets. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strong Hooves 289 April 24, 2012 Share April 24, 2012 Nothing at all could compare to what he was feeling as he shared this moment with Lovely. Nothing. As they continued, Cloud unconciously began to caress her body. He believed he was kissing an angel, and to him, Lovely truly was an angel. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apollo 297 April 24, 2012 Share April 24, 2012 Overdrive was suprised, <a royal guard...> he thought, astonished. He hated to see a pony like that become a common bum. "Hey... Listen... I know I barely know you, but I can relate to what you're going through. So... Damn, this was less awkward in my head... I've got a free couch where I'm living, maybe you'd like a place to stay? At least until you can score a job." he really didn't want to see her begging on the streets. *Schwartz smiled.*"If its not too much of a hassle, thanks." <Such kindness, from a total stranger. Maybe this was the right place to go after all. Thanks for the suggestion Brass.> "Hold on a second." *Schwartz flew up into the air and into a cloud. She flew bak out with a duffel bag slung over her shoulder.* "Okay, so where is this place?" *She asked.* (Gotta go o bed now. Ten, you should know Schwartz's style of play by now, you have control over her for now, just font make her do or say anything that I wouldnt. Bye everybrony.) I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.GildaShy is best ship.I AM AN 18 YEAR OLD BOY!Please stop mistaking me for a girl.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 April 24, 2012 Share April 24, 2012 Midnight sighed and lowered his head, wondering if electro was alright, he had been gone for an awfully long time. Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 April 24, 2012 Share April 24, 2012 Cloud's touch gave Lovely goose bumps. He was so gentle yet so strong at the same time. Suddenly it was as if the world around them didn't exist any more, and it was just Cloud and Lovely combined together. Lovely's heart raced. Is this real life? I've never felt this way before. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Power Ten 213 April 24, 2012 Share April 24, 2012 Overdrive slowly led Schwartz through the streets until they arrived at honey's house. They quickly moved through the living room and up the stairs "hi everypony! Bye everypony!" Overdrive rolled his eyes when he heard the noises coming from Cloud's room. Schwartz cocked an eyebrow, "are they-" "eeyup." overdrive shook his head and moved on to his room. "you can have the bed. I'll take the couch." Schwartz was toontired to object, and fell asleep on the bed. Overdrive snickered, "it's like she's me!" he left the room, and as he passed by the lover's room, a terrible pressure built up in his hindquarters. <this opportunity is too good to waste> he thought with glee as he lined himself up with the keyhole on their door and let out a horrible fart, instantly filling the room with noxious ass gas. Overdrive snickered gleefully as he ran downstairs and blended in with the occupants of the living room. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 April 24, 2012 Share April 24, 2012 After having traveled for a bit, Electrobolt walked up to the door. He was wondering if Midnight had left to look for him or not, but shook that thought out of his head. *If he isn't home, then... I'll wait for him here...* he thought, before he proceeded to knock on the door. Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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