Prince Midnight 817 April 20, 2012 Share April 20, 2012 "s-sorry i....ive never had much more then an apple or two a day." he blushes, "have never seen so much food....oh and ahem, hello lovely," he smiles then turns back and decides to try a honey cake, and as the treat touches his tounge, he blinks and smiles, "t-this is amazing." Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 April 20, 2012 Share April 20, 2012 Before Electrobolt took a bite into one of the honey cakes, he saw Honey Dew bring a friend of hers into the kitchen. Slowly, he began to set the honey cake down, as he looked at the unicorn that was named Lovely. "Oh, um..." he began. "Hello, Lovely... My name's Electrobolt. It's nice to meet you..." Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 April 20, 2012 Share April 20, 2012 Lovely gave her friend a huge hug, "I've missed you so much love, you look gorgeous!" Lovely touched Honey's mane, "I am so jealous of your mane as usual, this country air has done wonders to it". Lovely walked into the kitchen, "you're home is beautiful Honey. You've always had such great taste in decorating.. and," Lovely gasped. "And even better taste in colts! Surrounded by hotties as usual eh Honey?" Lovely winked at Honey. "Hello, Lovely... My name's Electrobolt. It's nice to meet you..." a shy pony (Electrobolt) said to Lovely. "Oh hey Shy guy," Lovely said messing up Electrobolt's mane. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Midnight 817 April 20, 2012 Share April 20, 2012 tilts his head and smiles at the beautiful mare, trying to hide his blush at the comment, wondering if he was included, "its nice to meet you lovely." (and with that, i kinda have to go to bed XD ill see ya ponies later) Electrobolt is my waifu x3 Midnight moon (my main OC) siggy by: Toa of Ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MachineGunLola 408 April 20, 2012 Author Share April 20, 2012 Honey Dew blushed and shook her head. "H-h-hotties as u-u-usual?!?" Honey Dew shook her head again and backed away. "You're always so confident, Lovely. I wish I could be like that." Honey Dew walked over to the kitchen window and opened it, sighing. "You're the one who's always surrounded by hotties." BANG! BANG! BANG! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Electrobolt 2,069 April 20, 2012 Share April 20, 2012 Electrobolt tried his best to keep from blushing when Lovely said, "And even better taste in colts! Surrounded by hotties as usual, eh Honey?" But his face began to show some red anyways, as he did not expect that at all. Electrobolt was about to take another bite of his breakfast when Lovely came over to her and messed his mane up after calling him a shy pony. Once again, Electrobolt's face turned red as he recalled Lovely's words. He then cleared the thought out of his mind for now as he began to continue eating, although the red was still visible on his face. Electrobolt | Grand Journeys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 April 20, 2012 Share April 20, 2012 Lovely looked at Midnight, "wow! I've never seen fur so black! This can't be natural! Did you dye it!? It's gorgeous!" Lovely turned and smiled at Honey. "Puhlease! Who wouldn't want a mare that can cook as amazingly as you can!?" Lovely picked up some of Honey's food and ate it, "oh my Celestia, I have missed your cooking!" Lovely looked at Electrobolt and giggled, "are you blushing!? How adorable!" Lovely turned back to Honey, "you fit your namesake, you attract good stallions as if they were bees!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bronium 512 April 20, 2012 Share April 20, 2012 Scopes wasn't used to sunlight, nor was he used to a comfy bed. Then again a living in a cave wasn't exactly like living in a house. Scopes jumped out of bed and went into the hallway. He immediately smelt those delicious honey cakes. What's more he smelt apple pies. He hadn't tasted an apple pie since Applejack gave him one out of pity.Scopes was salivating just thinking about it. I gotta get me some food. He quickly rushed down the stairs to get some of those delicious treats! As he entered the kitchen he saw a new pony he'd never seen before. Oh great, another female pony. I have a hard time talking to one now there's another. Just fabulous. Oh well might as well talk to her."Hey! I'm a Popes" Damn. Where in Celestia's name did I get Popes from!? "Umm...I mean Scopes. I'll just...ummm... sit down..." Scopes levitated a plate towards him and put a honey cake on, a piece of apple pie and a piece of toast. Hastily Scopes ate his meal creating a mental checklist of what he was going to to do today. Scie-No,no not science, find work. You're a real pony now. You got to get your life in order. Mooch- No,no get an apartment. Well, I might as well start with one of them. "Umm, excuse I'm ummm going out now.... need a job you see. Thanks for having me Honey Dew!" With that he stood up and began to make his way to the door. This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MachineGunLola 408 April 20, 2012 Author Share April 20, 2012 Honey Dew couldn't stop blushing. "Well, Lovely, you're the only pony here who's complimenting me. I think all the others just wanna help.." Honey Dew smiled and giggled. "Thanks, I do like to cook. It's a lot of fun!" BANG! BANG! BANG! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 April 20, 2012 Share April 20, 2012 "Where yah going Popes?" Lovely teased. "Don't be rude now, come sit any enjoy to food Honey worked so hard to make you," Lovely pulled out a seat next to her. "Scopes is so boring, so I'm going to call you Popes!" Lovely giggled to herself. Lovely turned to Honey, "I'm just saying what all these colts are thinking love! Who wouldn't wanna help out such a cutie! Am I right gentlecolts?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fear Moonscar 55 April 20, 2012 Share April 20, 2012 Fear was laying behind the couch, dreaming as he was in a sleeping coma for two days due to the sheer excitement and happiness of having somewhere to stay. His legs twitching every once in a while and only a little as he dreamed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bronium 512 April 20, 2012 Share April 20, 2012 "NO" Scopes cried indignantly. "Oh, I'm...uhhh...sorry. I didn't mean it like that." Pathetic. Jeez how many times have I thought that word in the past 24 hours. Wow. I'm trying to remember how many times I insulted myself by saying pathetic. Now THAT is just pathetic. "Oh...well...Ms Lovely...I wouldn't want to impose..." Ohh just sit down dammit." Should he or shouldn't he, Scopes, blushing,finally sat down at his seat. Talking to girls was definitely not his strong suit. What do these mares think about. I wish there was a scientific way of understanding these creatures. It's like their a totally different sub-species. Oh...this is worse than science class in Magic School. Well, I might as well make some conversation while I'm here. "So umm Ms Lovely, how did you meet Ms Honey Dew?" This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strong Hooves 289 April 20, 2012 Share April 20, 2012 (edited) Cloud returned a short while after, not sure whether or not they had finished their breakfast. He had skipped his own while going to visit his father at the retirement home, but ignored the grumbles his stomach made, he was not about to ask if he could join, that would be rude and uncalled for. He merely showed up to see if Honey could use an extra hoof in unpacking, seeing as he skipped out yesterday. He still felt bad because of that. He approached the door and knocked, sitting on his haunches as he waited. Edited April 20, 2012 by Strong Hooves Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 April 20, 2012 Share April 20, 2012 Lovely gave Scopes a strange look after he yelled no and then sat down next to her. "Whoa bro, don't get all bi-polar on me now," Lovely laughed whilst patting Scopes on the back. This one sure is a strange one, it's like he grew up under a rock or something. Lovely flipped her mane and addressed Scopes' question. "Honey and I go WAY back. Back when we were just little blank flanks, she was the cutest filly be-tee-double-you (btw). I was in the class two years ahead of her, so we never really talked or anything, until some 'wanna be tough colts' thought it'd be cool to start picking on her. Yeah, so tough! Picking on a girl, amirite? Anyhorse, I showed them whats-what, and they ran away, tail between their legs. HA! And Honey was so cute we instantly became life-long friends." Lovely grinned ear to ear. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Power Ten 213 April 20, 2012 Share April 20, 2012 (crap! I'm so sorry! I literally fell asleep on my keyboard. I was so exhausted last night ) Overdrive nodded his thanks and sat down to get some delicious breakfast. He didn't want to take advantage of her kindness, so he only took small amounts food. Another good looking mare came into the house. Overdrive nodded politely and began to eat. It didn't take him too long to finish because he didn't pick up that much food to begin with. Seeing that everypony was in a conversation, he decided not to interrupt. He pulled out his guitar and began to lightly play basic scales and chords. He found a pattern and played out a song. (No Rest for the Wicked by Cage the Elephant) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bronium 512 April 20, 2012 Share April 20, 2012 "Indeed you are right. Nopony should pick on another pony. I mean it's awful. I was never good at Magic and everypony kept on telling me that my horn was prosthetic. Nopony believed be and damn it was awful. But I assure you this horn is a real horn. Trust me it is. You believe me right?" Scopes sniffled a bit, he felt quite depressed whenever he thought about Magic School. "I never really had that many friends. Hell even my "best-friend" was just this this painting I had of Starswirl the Beared,I used to talk about my day, what I had learnt in Science class, practically everything with him." I must be boring her. Well at lest I through a sentence without stuttering for once. "Sorry, I'm not the greatest conversationalist, am I?" Wanting to switch the subject to something a bit more happy Scopes turned to Overdrive. "Hey Overdrive, what's that song you're playing. It's pretty freaking awesome!" Wow, she is right. I am bipolar. Am I that one dimensional and transparent? This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 April 20, 2012 Share April 20, 2012 Lovely heard a knock at the door, "excuse me," she told Scopes. As she answered the door. A dashing young colt stood before her, "ah and the babe parade continues. Lovely; Honey's best friend forever and secret lesbian lover." Lovely winked playfully, "come in and stuff your face like the rest of us animals!" Lovely went back to the table to return to her previous conversation. Lovely rubbed Scopes horn, "this is definitely real, I've seen a lot of horn extensions before, so I can tell this is a real macoy!" Lovely giggled, "Starswirl is rockin' I get it. Takes a real stallion to pull off a beard like that." Lovely rolled her eyes, "don't be so critical, I'm enjoying myself here a lot." Lovely turned to Overdrive, "rock on!" If only I had fingers to do the 'rock on' symbol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Power Ten 213 April 20, 2012 Share April 20, 2012 Overdrive glanced up. "I'm just warming up. Gotta keep the strings hot if I want to pay the bills" he looked back down and picked up the pace (Mortal Kombat Rock by some guy on YouTube). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strong Hooves 289 April 20, 2012 Share April 20, 2012 At first, Cloud could only stood wide eyed at the beautiful mare in front of him. At first he thought he was at the wrong house, but when she mentioned Honey Dew, he realized she was a friend of hers. He walked in, but saw they were eating, "Oh if you all are still eating, I could come back later, I'd hate to be a bother" he then looked at Lovely and smiled, "And it is nice to meet you Lovely, my name is Cloud Chaser" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shankveld 4,950 April 20, 2012 Share April 20, 2012 "Leave after you just got here!? Don't be absurd. You don't turn down the cooking from such a cute mare! Besides Honey makes the best food you will ever taste! Your taste buds can thank me later." Lovely winked at CloudChaser, as she got up from her seat. "Here, come keep Scopes entertained. I need to register myself at the inn, I'll be in town for a while." Lovely blew kisses at the colts before leaving. (Going out for a bit will post back later!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strong Hooves 289 April 20, 2012 Share April 20, 2012 Cloud blushed slightly at what Lovely said before she left. He looked to the others and smiled, "Sup guys?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bronium 512 April 20, 2012 Share April 20, 2012 "I can vouch for that brother!" Scopes said uncharacteristically joyful. Then again Scopes being bipolar, it really isn't out of character.Jeez, the last time we met, it was really awkward. I wonder what he thinks of me. "So hey Cloud... how's them clouds hanging? Hahahaha" Scopes laughed nervously.Oh Luna! I totally forgot about getting a job. Dang it. Well Cloud seems like an Average Joe. Maybe he has some work for me. "Hey Cloud ummm, I was wondering would you happen to have a job for me to do. Kicking it in a cave isn't doing it for me as off this moment and it's probably best if I repay Honey Dew for the bed and breakfast." This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strong Hooves 289 April 20, 2012 Share April 20, 2012 Cloud looked at Scopes with a raised eyebrow, but chuckled nonetheless. "Well, I don't actually live here, but whenever I am here I always find work at one of the smaller shops. I'm sure Sugarcube corner would love to hire another delivery pony for their many orders across town" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bronium 512 April 20, 2012 Share April 20, 2012 (edited) "Well, I live in a forest, so forgive me for not knowing much about Ponyville. Well thanks for the suggestion." Scopes made his way out of Honey Dew's house and headed to Sugarcube corner. As he arrived at Sugarcube Corner he did see Mr Cake over at the counter. "Oh great, not you again. Like I said no bits, no food." "Oh, I'm not hear for that. I just want to know if you have any openings as a delivery boy?" "Well, even if I do. Why in Equestria would I give it to you. You're a bum. Just a malignant tumor everyone prays to go away." Scopes was surprised. He had never seen a pony so nasty before. He did come in a few times to ask for some food, but this seemed a bit like an over-reaction. "Look I lived in the Everfree Forest. I'm definitely fast and I can use my magic to levitate the food. It'll be a cinch." "Hmmm, well I guess you are trying to make a living for yourself but still how can I know I can trust you?" "I guess there really isn't any way for me to prove myself to you, but if you give me a chance, I'm sure you won't regret it." Mr Cake was debating with himself over whether he should hire this pony or not. Eventually after 3 long minutes he finally gave his answer. "Fine, I'll take you on. You'll get 2 bits per delivery and you should deliver about 5 orders a day. So you'll make about 70 bits a week. Sounds fair?" Scopes couldn't believe it. He got a job and with 70 bits a week, he was sure he could repay Honey Dew and find an apartment. This was going to be awesome. "Of course, boss!" "Great, you can start tomorrow. Just be here at around 9pm. You'll usually be delivering cakes which are pretty big, so be careful" "Yes boss." "Great, I'll see you tomorrow" Scopes jumped in joy. He had got a job. He galloped all the way to Honey's house and proclaimed loudly "MY FELLOW PONY'S I GOT A JOB!" I showed Ma off didn't I? I am something now! (OOC: Gosh I can't decide If I wanna sleep or not. Oh well if you want you guys can use my character for your conversations) Edited April 20, 2012 by Scopes This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strong Hooves 289 April 20, 2012 Share April 20, 2012 Cloud smiled and brohoofed Scopes, "Nice dude! Heh, now that I think of it I need to find my own job. No sure how long I'm gonna be in town so I gotta be ready" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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