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private A personal letter for the one I have wronged 1x1 RP with Illiad Easle


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Jade waited at the park, after years of stealing and running enjoying a park was a great thing but he knew it would not last long. The guards were sure to be somewhere around and he had to get out of there when they did. "I should I start it...hello? there you are? thank you for coming? I think that ones the best I can think of" Jade sighed at his lack of planning for this "I wonder when she will be here?"

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Selena woke up, quite a bit later than usual, but that was just fine as she didn't have to go to work today. She trotted over to her mirror to inspect her appearance, and was pleased to see that her mane and tail were in perfect order. This was to be expected as she is basically made of diamonds. Happy at everything in the world she moved outside, both to enjoy the warmth and magic of the sun, and to check her mail. As she stood, basking in the rays of the sun and casting many rainbows as the sun shown through her, she once again attempted to remember some part of her childhood, she had forgotten most of it after some tragic accident that had left a chip missing from her forehead, hidden by her mane. Every day she would usually remember some part of her past, today she remembered a small green pegasus, just an image, no name or experience. She shrugged it off, no point on dwelling on it if she wouldn't remember any more. She retrieved a single letter from her mailbox and returned to her house, taking a seat in her comfortable chair as she opened the letter, and began to read.




Dear Selena 'I know what you might be thinking, how is this pony named Jade? well I used to be your best friend and now that I have found that your in Ponyville I want to give back what I stole, your jewelry box, I know you may have not thought about this at all but I have...it haunts me every night and day because I got my cutie mark from it, if you want whats yours back, then meet me at the bridge over the park. Please come the guilt is killing me even as I write this letter.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Sincerely Jade


She was stunned, suddenly she remembered the green pegasus' name, Sparkling Jade. She remembered that they had been great friends before... It must have been when he stole the box that he left, She didn't remember him leaving, the edge of her memories had him there, then gone. Then she remembered the box, it had been a gift from her adoptive father, she hadn't even realized it had been missing as she had forgotten it existed after the accident.

"Well," she said to herself, "I guess I should meet him, if only to get the box back. Who knows? Maybe he knows something about what happened to me?"

She started moving towards the door, when suddenly a thought struck her.

What if the accident was his fault?

She didn't like this thought, but it was important.

She left her house and started walking towards the Park Bridge, cautious against anything unexpected.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

Jade saw a crystal pony nearing the bridge, there she is, just give her the box and then leave...maybe ask her about how her life is doing he thought then got a strange feeling, like he was being watched, the same feeling he had when ever a guard or patrol appeared "crap, skip the conversation just give the box" he said to himself walking off the bridge toward Selena getting the box ready to drop next to her

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As Selena neared the bridge, she stopped. She could see Jade coming towards her, he looked... paranoid? Like he expected someone to jump out at him. She immediately has second thoughts about meeting with him, and starts backing away slowly. not taking her eyes off of him.

She shakes her head, No, I can't  let fear rule my life.

She adopts a more confidant stance, but a neutral expression.

He's got a few questions to answer.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

Jade neared Selena how got into a better stance, it was weird for him to see her do that but he kept on walking with the box out "I don't have time to talk right now so just take this and go" he said loud enough for her to hear than dropped the box next to her "I just need to go, I can sense guards coming my way"

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"Guards?" Selena was annoyed that he had asked to meet, then not want to talk, in addition to the fact that he dropped the box on the ground instead of hoofing it to her. Her annoyance was present in her voice, "If you didn't want to talk you could've left the box at my house, then we never would've had to see each other." Her inner light is tainted a slight orange as she picks up the box, the beginnings of memories coming to mind, she huffs, "Fine, if you don't want to talk then fine." She turns to leave with the box in hoof, "You know where I live." She begins walking back home, a stray tear in her eye. Can't believe I came all the way across Ponyville... What was I even hoping for really?

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"I'm sorry that I called you her for no reason" he commented before running off. a guard how was tracking the the thief saw him quickly leave, if she just saw that then it would be the end of the story but he left a box next to a mare coming to the bridge. "however you are, give me the box! that is stolen goods that must be examined!" she yelled at the crystal pony walking away "I also will need you to come with me"

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Selena turned to the guard, her inner light shifting more towards red, "Excuse me? Under what guise do you think you can take MY property?" She places the box on her back, slightly adjusting her form to hold it securely. "If you want this box you'll need a warrant, if you want me to come with you I'll need to have committed a crime." She turns away, "Last I checked you can't steal something that belongs to you." 

She starts to walk away, head high and inner light shining red. What am I even doing? This isn't like me...

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"all I need is a reason to check you and I know for a fact that pony was Jade" she takes the box by force then checks it to find an assortment of jewels but no name or symbol to mark its owner, if it did have it, it was faded and gone "your under arrest for possession of stolen goods, your coming with me to the guard outpost for investigation" she grabbed on tight to the mare's hoof, if there was circulation in the crystal ponies hoof, it would be cut off

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Selena was surprised by the guard's sudden grab, and thus did not have sufficient time to strengthen her form. Once the magic circulating through her forehoof was cut off...

It shattered, into many tiny pieces.

Selena screamed, partly due to the pain of having a limb shattered, there were small fracture lines extending up the length of her foreleg as well. She also screamed to attract attention, because there is nothing a guard likes less than looking like they did something awful to somepony. Selena thought up the second reason later, her screams were mostly due to pain at the time. She scrambled a few steps back, holding the damaged limb rigid to prevent aggravating the injury. her inner light changed from red to black, a slight glow emanating from the cracks. She turned to the guard, her expression fearful.

"You monster..."


(Bet you didn't expect that.)

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"I did nothing wrong...I guess I was to forceful but you still need to come with me! even if your not a bad pony I want you to tell me about Jade!" she yelled a bit as some ponies started to notice the screaming. the mares hate was growing toward the crystal pony but if she did anything to her but help then everypony would think she really was a monster "fine let me get you somewhere that can help you, I cant leave even a potential criminal in pain" it was hard for the mare to say since she knew exactly what the mare was doing, it happened to many times to not notice a trend of the criminal pony playing innocent

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"You... you did Nothing WRONG!?" Selena accidentally moves her damaged limb, shattering the forehoof completely, pieces falling to the ground. She screamed again, collapsing due to the pain, looking up again,

"You shatter my foreleg and take my property, but you've done nothing wrong!?!"

She falls to her side, immobilized by pain and the threat of further damage. It'll take a long time to heal this.

From her side she can see some ponies moving towards her.

Through labored breathing, "I'll see you in court for this."

Her vision starts to go black around the edges, not quite passed out, but close.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"crap" stupid fragile ponies, I'm used to resistance but they just crumble she thought as she was about to pick the mare up when a green blur passed by her and then heard cheering from the crowed directed at Jade "YOU, come with me now you criminal scum!" "he's better than you!" "I saw you break her hoof!" the crowed screamed at her "I got you parts, I'm sorry I caused this...now to take you somewhere you can heal" he flew away to his family house which was now 'abandoned' and put her on his bed in the attic

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I'm so going to court over this one, just as soon as I can. What is my lawyer's name again?

When Selena closed her eyes she was lying on the street with a shattered forelimb, when she opened them she was lying in a bed, still with a shattered forelimb. "Ooooooohhhhhhh, that hurts quite a bit." She looks around the room, trying to find a source of magic by which to heal. If Jade were in the room she didn't see him. "Where am I? better yet, where is the rest of my leg?"

Well, it's unlikely that guard knows who I am, I'm fairly different from a crystal pony, and anyone who knows me knows that.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"your awake, good" he said looking at her from the back of the bed "your in my house, I couldn't leave you when I heard the scream" he stopped talking to get the leg pieces which he had in a about medium sized pouch "there still glowing so I think I can fix it, magic is weird but when you except its all around you, it becomes easy to understand in a weird scene" he said looking out a window near the bed "I can't believe they cheered for me back there, that mare must have not known how fragile you were"

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"I'm usually not so fragile, she surprised me while I was soft, I couldn't harden fast enough."

I chuckle despite the pain,

"I know a thing or two about magic, given that it permeates every faucet of my shiny diamond body."

I look up at Jade,

"So, could you give me back my leg? I'll need it to heal."

He can't dodge my questions now, answers are within my grasp. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"sure, I still remember the rules with you" he gave the bag to her "is there anything you would like me to get for you? I'll do anything for you if you just ask" he looks out the window again waiting for her to say something. He saw a group of angry ponies chasing the guard "she is probably going to get fired from that"

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Selena was touched by Jade's remark, We really must have been good friends.

"Good, that guard deserves to lode her job, she still has my jewelry box though..."

She dumped out the bag on the bed near her jagged stump, shaking it a few times to get all the diamond dust out. she closed her eyes as the stump and the larger pieces began to glow, thin gossamer threads of diamond dust slowly drawing the shards together. Instantly the pained look disappeared from her face. She sighed in relief, "That feels much better, This healing will take quite a while by myself, if you could go find Amethyst Star, she's helped me heal before."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"done...hope she does not recognize me though, I stole a good looking vase from her one time...don't question why right now" he says flying out the window to Amethyst's house which was just down the street. he got to her house and started thinking of ways he could introduce himself then thought he would just wing it and knocked on the door.


(your CPU now)

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Amethyst was having a great day, and then she woke up to the sounds of screams. Now this sound was not foreign to her, the flower trio lived just down the street after all. No, this sound woke her up, it sounded a bit familiar but she couldn't place it. Oh well, she was up anyway, if it was important somepony would let her know. She had taken the day off from her jewelry shop and had instructed her assistant to do the same.

She had just sit down to eat something when there was a knock on the door, she sighed and made her way over to the door, passing an empty pedestal that used to hold her favorite vase. She opened the door and was about to greet them when she recognized the green pegasus standing at her door.

"... Give me one good reason why I shouldn't call the guards on you, Jade."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"well I have Selena at my house, her hoof got broken by a guard that probably targeted her because of me because I left her jewelry box near her so you get the picture" he tried to explain himself so he would get arrested by those ass guards 


"sir I-" "no no no no! I don't want to hear it! getting fired is the least amount of punishment I could give just get out!" she was sent out of the room immediately with tears in her eyes. everypony gave her dirty looks, her used to be friends now hated her for one mistake  

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Amethyst was surprised by his comment, "Selena got hurt!?" She rushed back into her house, grabbing a rough diamond and a grinder from her locked chest. She quickly came back down the stairs, "You have a bad habit of getting your friends hurt you know, this isn't the first time she's suffered because of you, now take me to her." She exited the house, "Oh, and you owe me a new vase when I'm done."


Selena's eyes drifted around the room, it was clear that this room hadn't been cleaned recently from all the dust. as she watched her leg slowly healed, it would likely take a full day to be usable and a few weeks after that to be fully healed. If Amethyst is available though, then it should be fully healed in less than a week. Her inner light grew slowly dimmer due to the excessive use of magic, and thus she felt quite tired, If I could just have some sunlight on me then I would have some more magic to use, but I can't get out of the bed yet.

So tired...

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"I still have the one I stole, lets go" he hurried with her to the house he lived in passing the living room that looked very dirty but still had some good condition stuff in it, most he stole. "there's the vase but Selena's upstairs in the attic" he said going up the stairs to the second floor that had three doors and a rope that opened a hatch. he pulled it letting the stairs hit the floor then just flew up it like normal "were here, you ok? Selena?"

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Selena simply mumbled in response before falling back asleep. her inner light a faint glow.


Amethyst rushes to her side, inspecting the wound, "Wow, that is some intensive damage. You said a guard did this to her? She must have been soft when it happened." She ignites her horn and begins weaving the diamond strands together, meanwhile Selena's inner light begins to slowly glow brighter. Amethyst gestures towards the rough diamond and the grinder. "Could you grind off a few carats of diamond dust for me?"

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"yeah, whatever helps" he says putting a diamond in the grinder "thanks for coming by the way, I didn't mean for this to happen...like most things"


"one Celestia damned pony and that Jade, that bastard...nothing much I can do anymore" the mare said thinking about what to do now then took a drink "tomorrow, I start to think about this stuff"

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