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private A personal letter for the one I have wronged 1x1 RP with Illiad Easle


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That was odd.

Which part?

Well, the diamond to start with, usually much sentiment is attached to this sort of thing. To give it away to me?

I too find it odd, keep it safe, such a gift is not given lightly.


"I ... well, Thank you."

With that she left the house, she was a bit sad that Jade had just left her there.

I really must have screwed that up. At this rate I'll never have romance.


She returned to her house, thinking more on her last home, in Manehattan, she found that she missed the domed glass roof the most. she refilled her chest cavity with the diamonds she removed earlier, placing the diamond she had received in a strongbox.


She then started to get ready for work, the events of the past night still weighing heavy on her mind.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

feel kind of bad I left just like that...maybe I should have walked Selena home. Jade thought as he stopped once he touched the ground of his house, I need sleep...maybe I could get a few things from Bright when I wake up, she's sure to have some kind information on Manehatten and a few potions or something he thought laying his head on his pillow. Jade woke up in the middle of the day like he normally does but he had a dream where he could see him and Selena were just sitting next to each other next to a sunset. He got that out of his mind and went strait to Brights shop, I'll get some food after this Jade thought landing at the shop. Jade entered the shop "hello? Bright?"  "huh uh, hi Jade!" she said with a smile to her friend exiting the back room quickly "I'm going to Manehatten with a friend, do you know anything or anything that could help me travel throw the 'dangerous suburbia' know as the city" "ha ha I know a perfect place where you should go, there is a great dinner at the mall called 5 ponies...I don't have anything by the way" "well thanks anyway" Jade flies out

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Work was boring that day, not many ponies came in. Selena didn't work because she needed money, she was independently wealthy due to a large inheritance and the distinct knack for coming across gems of all kinds.

She worked to interact with individuals, to make them look and feel better than they had before. She especially prided herself in improving others days, as Karma was her duty, it pleased her to be the one to return good things, not that she didn't find enjoyment in seeing somepony get exactly what they deserved. Like when she got to trip Diamond Tiara into the mud, that was fun.

Today however, was unlike any day before, she felt wrong. She knew that some of the ponies last night didn't deserve the death that She and Jade gave them. She felt sick about it, knowing that something horrible would have to happen in the future to balance it out.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

Jade flew away from the shop, put on his cloak, and flew to a a restaurant that had mushrooms as tables. I don't have any food at home, might as well get something to eat here


"good he's gone...Selena would have more information about the story now than Bright would, isn't that right my little puppet?" she says going into the back room a second to see a bound Bright "don't worry I'll let you loose when the story is over when Jade or Selena is dead or an equal tragedy happens" she closes and locks the door as the real Bright struggled more when she said Jade might die. 'Bright' walks to Amethyst stars store, probe her, buy something and get out 'Bright' thought while entering the store readying her spell that did not make her horn glow

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Selena was quite bored, she simply hoped that anyone, even that snob Filthy Rich would come in here.

She was glad when someone new walked in.

As was her precaution she scanned everyone who walked in, mostly to see if they had any preformed spells or hidden weapons like one would use to rob a jewelry store. She was surprised to see a unicorn using the anti-glow spell, it initially put her off as suspicious, so as her secondary precaution she prepared her magic defense, Instant Retribution. Anything that the new pony did to Selena would happen to the new pony. On the flip side, anything Selena did to the new pony would also be done to Selena.


Defenses in place she stepped out from the back room to greet the new customer, a smile on her face. "Hi there! Welcome to Sparkler's Jewelry store. I don't think I've seen you before, my name is Selena, how can I help you today?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"oh I would like to have a bracelet, I need it for somepony I know" that's a good enough lie, now time to probe her the unicorn walked over to Selena "could you help me pick one out, I want a red ruby one" she said with a delighted smile. She sent a invisible magic link to Selena's mind but something felt off, it felt different, she kept doing the spell though seeing up to 48 hours in the future but like always it was a little fuzzy making it kind of hard to see and hear ponies except for where Selena was and said. Good now just buy the bracelet and get out the unicorn thought.


Selena was hit with memories or visions of this pony and her environment, one sounded like a train station where she sat waiting for a train, another very visual one was her talking to a guard saying "wheres the clock tower?" and the last very visual one was her standing in an almost attack position as a clock rung for the afternoon...the vision or memories stopped after that

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A memory spell? odd... She must have wanted to know a bit of my past, judging by the tower, it wasn't any further back than the day before yesterday.

Why would she want to know about me and not just ask?

You need assistance? I can have a thestral there in 15 minutes if you can stall her that long.


Selena gave no outward indication that anything was the matter, proceeding through the order as if nothing had happened.

"A ruby bracelet you say? I'm sure we can accommodate that." She retrieved the styling pamphlet from under the counter opening it to show the customer. "Now we carry and craft many different kinds of bracelets, you can pick from this selection of band shape, material, and color." She then retrieved the gem guide, turning it to the ruby section, "Here you can decide on a design for the ruby as well as the cut, clarity, and carat of the ruby. As well as the particular shade if you have a preference."

She then retrieved the work order form and placed it in front of the customer, "Just indicate your choices on this form and sign at the bottom so we can get started. I could offer some recommendations if you would tell me about this pony you're buying for."


Even if she is suspicious, I'll still do this by the book, plus it gives me a chance to craft something. At least she isn't racist, so far.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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'Bright' almost blasted throw the papers, making sure it was affordable and not take to much time to make "here I want this bead like one with that light red ruby" she turned to leave "I think you can make it within today right? Because I need it tonight"


"Wonder what I should do?" Jade thought for a bit "might as well see the train station to find a good one" he thought out loud then flew toward it

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She's in quite the hurry to leave, very suspicious. Let's see if I can't stall her any longer.

Selena looked through the order form as quickly as she could.

"Hold on there... Bright? It's standard procedure for me to require that you leave a 10% deposit as a security against you not coming back. Plus, with a bracelet this simple I can have it done in an hour if you're willing to wait. If not you'll need to come back by closing time to pick it up or you wont get your deposit back." 

Selena made a note of the gem specs and placed it by the grinder.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"OK fine I'll wait, I'ts just a gift to a friend...I forgot his birthday" 'Bright' lied as she gave the bits up to her. Celestia just let me leave already you broad she thought "I'll pick it up in an hour" she still kept up the nice act


Next train is just 3 hours away" the pony how was at the train station said "that's just after Selena gets off work, better tell her" Jade left the pony

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I'm confused, will she pick it up in an hour or wait?

"All right then, I'll get started."

Selena quickly gathers the needed materials to fashion the bracelet, fusing them as needed to form the bracelet according to the specs. Placing the gem holder securely in the front. She holds it out to inspect it.

That was fast, probably took no longer than 10 minutes.

She holds it out for Bright to see

"About half done now, before I attach the ruby are you satisfied with the band? I can make alterations if you want."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"Yes its fine" 'Bright' was getting a little impsiont and just wanted to leave this shop so she could plan her next move at Manehatten. "Please be quick" she added still trying to keep the nice act up


Jade neared the shop Selena was at, I hope she's happy after all this Jade thought

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She really wants to get out of here, where is that guard?

Any moment now, there he is.


A thestral walked in to the shop, he was not in uniform, except for the night guard amulet around his neck.

Selena turned to see who had walked in, "Oh hi there Cloudy Memory! You here to pick up a gift for that unicorn marefriend of yours?"

"I suppose so, you been keeping busy?"

"Not till her and you showed up, I haven't seen you since I moved from Manehatten, how have you been?"

With that she returned her attention to the gem grinder, taking the gem in hoof she began to manually shape it with tendrils from her hoof, which was obscured by the grinder's shield, preventing anyone in the front room from seeing how she crafted the gem.

"I've been fine, life as a night guard sure is tough work."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"Oh I night guard to Luna? That's awesome!" 'Bright' commented as the night guard finished speaking, uh why did I have to chose a peppy pony to hide as? My stories would be better if a pony like this never got involved...but its the only cover I have here because both these ponies have little friends...plus Amethyst is a jerk with her mind barrier so I can't act like her throw memories, I shouldn't have never chosen Jade to be the main character but it will all work out soon, she thought as a door opened behind her once again


"Selena the train comes in three hours, what a stroke of luck" he said ignoring the two going to the counter.

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"Yup, I'm one of her personal guards, but I'm off duty during the day."

The guard started to look through the styling guide, Might as well order something for my wife while I'm here, our anniversary is coming up soon. ​ He kept the eye of his medallion pointed at the unicorn mare though, scanning for magic use in the memory field, just as Selena had instructed.

Selena turns to face Jade, "Well, that's great, Amethyst gave me a few days off so I should be good to go tonight, thanks for checking that for me."

She turns back to the gem. "Well, this gem is just about done, is there anything you'd like to change about it before I seal them together?"

She removes the gem and brings it to the counter, the remains having been fused into a smaller, lower quality, ruby.

"If not then I'll seal them, you can pay, and be on your merry way."

She turns towards the Night Guard, "And I'll get right on yours once you decide, she passes the form to him. Just fill it out when you're ready." 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"no its fine, all I need is that" she said to Selena while giving the bits to her which got Jades attention "Bright what are you doing here?" oh crap! stupid non predictable future! "yeah of course its me, I was just buying a bracelet for...Page, what are you guys planning?" she asked knowing the answer from the visions of Selena which she would expand on later "were going to Manehatten for some personal business" "ah you cant tell your friend?" "I'd rather not talk about it right now" Jade said to 'Bright' when he looked at the night guard then chuckled "I bet your questions about Luna are burning in you right now" "could you not bring that up Jade?" she responded not really knowing an questions Bright would ask so avoided it

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...Page? Hmm, I don't think I know a pony named Page.


"All right then, I'll seal it up." She then took the two pieces into the back room and attached them together in a way that would be quite difficult for them to be separated again.

She returned with the bracelet in hoof, she placed it in a bracelet box and passed it to 'Bright'. "Here you go, I hope Page likes it."


The guard filled out the work order quickly, a silver chain with a small but well crafted diamond as a pendant in the necklace. he placed the deposit on the counter with the form before turning towards 'Bright'. His face had perked up when he heard she had an interest in Luna. "If you have any questions about my princess I would be happy to answer them."


(There, it has been edited.)

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"I bet she will, she loves rubies" she said as she heard the guard. crap if I don't ask something I'll be suspicious "the questions kind of lost track now that you said that but...is she really friendly? do you like working for her? does she do something weird? do you know how she feels about those really into it Luna worshipers?" she named a few off the top of her head wanting to know exactly zero of this "Page? must be a new customer, am I right" "yeah she writes books, I read a few, most of them are tragedies though" 'Bright' answered to the nosy pegasus "hm, well anyway be seeing you Selena" he walked out the door going to get his bag ready at home but first he had to buy some food, his trusty cloak worked wonders for his identity...he thought

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Selena took the guard's order form, "I'll get right on it."

Then proceeded to the back to get the right amount of silver chain.


"My, you do have quite a few questions. Well, let's see if I can answer them. Yes, she is quite friendly on occasion, mostly towards diplomats of other nations, but also to the guard and to any pony who comes to her court. I do like working for her, the Fast Star clan prides itself in producing the best night guards and spies, and I am glad to be among them. I won't answer that. She is slightly surprised that some would worship her, but she does appreciate it. She would rather they be her friends, talk to her instead of praising her every movement."

He sighed, a slight smile on his face. "Is there anything else you'd like to know?" 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"I'm literally drawing a blank right now" she said walking out the door, thank Celestia that's over, I my self have to get ready for Manehatten...my book needs some actual details that I can sell 'Bright' thought as she walked back to Brights shop.




Jade got ready with his bag packed with food, quite a few gems, and a map of Manehatten he found in his parents room "yep ready to go" he said to him self flying over to Amethyst stars shop with 30 minutes till the train came

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As soon as 'Bright' left the shop Selena went over to the thestral.

"Follow her, I'll have your order delivered."

With a nod he left, taking to the sky's to track 'Bright's' motions discretely. 

Selena returned to the counter where she began crafting the intricut diamond.


Now time skip.


Phew, that took a while.

She sat for a moment admiring the carefully crafted diamond, those lunar agents sure get paid well.

she fastened the diamond onto the necklace, ensuring that it would be nigh impossible for the two to be separated. them she placed it in a padded box, and prepped the box for shipping as Jade landed out front.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,


"ready to find out where that key is? I sure am...I literally have nothing to do, except help you" he got quiet again on the last part "I got a map and plenty of food, with some money...ponies accept gems all around equestria right? I mean they take it around here"


'Bright' left some food for Bright that she left in the backroom, then took some potions from the backroom as well "ah, these potions will help so much with my spells" he put a few in her bag but drank one in the privacy of the backroom. As she did her color changed from grey and black to a light blue coat and a deep blue mane, changing her cutie mark to a book and quill. She left the shop closing it up making it look like she worked/was asked by Bright to do so then walked away to the train station.

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Hmm, Bright goes in, some other mare comes out, closing the shop. Suspicious.

The thestral spoke into his medallion. "Suspect entered shop, new suspect leaves, closing the shop, no sign of first suspect having left shop. Second suspect is a unicorn mare, light blue coat, deep blue mane. Need backup to watch shop while I follow second target."

The amulet blinked once, and the thestral began to discretely follow the second target.


Selena moved out from behind the counter, carrying with her the shipping package with the guard's order.

"I suppose I am as ready as I will ever be. It's been so long since I was last there. I wonder if anypony there recognizes me?"

"As far as I recall most shops will only take bits or bank notes, since gems are too volatile a currency for big time markets. I am pretty sure you can get gems exchanged for bits at jewelry shops there or I can buy them off you here. In any case, I should have enough bits in my Bank of Equestria account to cover any expenses we incur."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"oh...well I guess this is back up for me then" he says walking out the door with Selena. They make it to the train station seeing many ponies there "I wonder how there lives are, I wonder if one of these ponies has anything to do with us or even has a story kind of like ours...its a stupid thought I bet" he went to the ticket stand.


now its my turn to wait, wait and find a wrench to throw in there story the blue mare thought as she also walked to the ticket stand, wonder if any of these ponies would have some connection to Jade or Selena that I can use, she got a big grin on her face as she looked at the group of ponies in the train station

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Selena looks over at Jade, a slightly skeptical look on her face. before looking back towards the trains.

"Every living thing has their own story, they have feelings, desires, motivations. They interact and influence the stories of others by their very presence. Even if they didn't directly interact with us they have already affected our story by simply existing. It gets really deep for some ponies when they actually stop to consider that every pony here has a name and a talent, every last one of them is unique with places to go and things to do."

She sighs,

"That's why I work at Amethyst's shop, to interact with ponies in a positive way, influence their lives for the better when they're down."


"Suspect two is moving towards the ticket stand, possible intercept course with J&D. Continuing surveillance. Intent to move on train if needed."

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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