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private A personal letter for the one I have wronged 1x1 RP with Illiad Easle


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It was clear to Selena that Jade was quite nervous, jumping from question to question without waiting for a response. She wouldn't be surprised if he started into the story if she didn't say anything.

"To answer your questions in order, I think it would be interesting to hang out with you, you shouldn't get run out of town if you stop stealing and join the LTF." She thought about his second question a bit longer, confused by it, "The griffon would have to be intelligent if they were to prepare food. No, the meat I ate was not griffon, it was either chicken or cockatrice. I would never eat a communicative creature, and most griffons wouldn't either if that eases your mind any."

She sighed a bit before continuing. "Does the story pertain to why you have a personal problem with eating meat in addition to a fundamental biological problem with it? If so, we should probably go somewhere private, possibly back to my house if it is that personal."

Selena had the feeling that the story would be in no wise pleasant. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"to that first part, I was joking, I know all that already and its nice to know that stuff...maybe say what you ate and now how made it, cheak your wording of 'griffons make great food' " he says trying to be clear "also yes, yes it does but its entirely up to you" he stops to hear her answer



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Selena sighs, hearing sad tales is not her favorite thing in the world, but it did make her curious. "Alright, lets head back to the tower first, then I will gladly hear your story."


The thestral was utterly bored, there had been no report so far that the mare had been spotted. He decided that he would go flying, the note said something about levitating ponies on a tall building, so he decided he'd check out the tall structures that had roof access. Sure a pegasus or thestral could get on most roofs, but a unicorn would have trouble on most of the steep slopes.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"ok, I'm sorry that I brought down the mood...the story set the rules for the family and it also ties into why Topaz was so messed up" Jade starts walking in the direction of the tower "what did you do with the diamond Pyrite gave you?" he got reminded from him talking about the family



"and it's sent, time to go back to my little hiding spot"

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"It's fine, I left the diamond back in Ponyville. I think I'll put it in the jewelry box once we get it open."

She turns to look at Jade.

"Does it have to do with the story too?"


The thestral kept flying, if only to take up some time and fill the minimum number of characters to count as a valid action.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"sort of, the thing came from where Black pearl was, in a cave but he didn't inhabit it until after Pyrite abandoned it" Jade said walking "I asked because I wanted to see it, not to do anything wrong with it but I wanted to see if you wanted to make something out of it because you are a jewelry smith"


well...that's new...a changeling...I'm out, screw this, another hiding place, this place is bad, no pony or changeling should be here. she thought teleporting away from the place not knowing the changeling sensed her and alerted the others. She went back to the train station and started walking away to the very edge of the city where the water was

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"Well, the thought came to mind. It is quite a few carats and the color and clarity were decent for a diamond of that size... I just wanted to give it time, if he wanted it back I wouldn't have wanted to have done something to it. I usually wait at least a week before I make use of gifts given to me. I know nopony would take back a gift they've given but I always give them the chance."


The changeling was noticeably startled by the unicorn's sudden appearance, he almost didn't scan her before she teleported back away. The scan revealed that she used full body transformation spells recently. Quite likely the suspect. He signaled the thestral immediately. I drop my disguise for one moment in an empty room and then a unicorn appears, just what I needed. I doubt she'll start a changeling scare though, if she is the suspect she wouldn't want to attract any attention to herself.

The thestral arrived only a few moments later. "You saw her?" "I did sir, but she teleported away as soon as I scanned her." "Blast, We'll need the tracers again, shouldn't be too hard to trace now that they've had to track her twice in two days, they should be able to find her destination in under an hour this time." The thestral took this time to examine the changeling in front of him, he noticed that he wasn't disguised. "What's your name, and why aren't you disguised?" "Oh! Sorry sir," He quickly disguised himself, a grey unicorn with a coal black mane and a black diamond(Jewel) as a mark. "Carbon Copy at your service sir." "Alright Carbon, once the tracers get here and find us a destination I'll need your help to track this mare, ok?" "Yes sir."

The thestral then signaled for the tracers to come and they waited, the destination would be traced in a short while.(By my next post. Yes, traces get faster the quicker the teleport was conjured and the more the teleporter is traced.)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"your very nice you know that?" he chuckled a little "I really like this time with you...after what I did before" he exited the mall with a sad look "but I hope I'm making it up now"


if anything those dame guards will be on me in no time, I mean unless that changeling was illegally here then...my luck would never have that she reached the water and jumped in

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Selena was surprised by the compliment, if she could she would have blushed. "That's sweet of you to say. I've enjoyed this break from the monotony of my normal life. Other than the violence we've been forced through. You made up everything I know of when you helped me get the box back, and your making it up now as you help me find the key. I've already forgiven you for taking it, this just makes me glad I did."


The tracers did their job and teleported the group through. Carbon found the trail easily and they all went off after the suspect. Past the train station and towards the seaside they sped, stopping as the trail went into the water. "Why would she go into the water? She can still be tracked can't she?" "Well, yes. However, changelings are not very good swimmers, myself included. However the trail is still fresh, she only entered the water a few minutes ago at the earliest, she couldn't have gotten far." "All right then, lets all split up and search the coastline, hopefully she doesn't try to teleport away while in the water, or she has an underwater breathing spell. If we don't find her in the next half hour I'll call in some divers to look for her." 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

red appeared on his face as he heard the reassuring statement that he was being more liked by Selena "we should be there in a few minutes

the mare made sure not to make tracks, even magic ones since she went into the water with a bubble around her preparing a very concentrated jump when her head started to hurt, she drank a bottle of the mana potion trying to get the feeling to go away from her. She was ready to teleport but she still wanted it to be clean of magic trail so she concentrated more

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"Good, I am actually curious to hear the story you have to tell, despite it being potentially dark and such."


The group spread out trying to peer into the water to see any sign of the mare they were after. If she teleported while underwater it would be very hard to trace the teleport, since they would have to be underwater for quite a while. If she charged it long enough it would take continuous hours underwater to trace, and at least a half dozen unicorns to keep a constant air flow for the tracers to work with. In short, a whole lot of trouble. They'd likely have to relocate her with the changelings to establish a new trail.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

They got to the tower and after a little walk up stairs Jade thought he could finally put the story into a sort of story. They entered the room as Jade put his bags down and sat on the couch taking a deep breath "should I leave in the parts about me yelling at his corpse or no? yeah its very gruesome"


The mare was ready and teleported to her last resort place and that was to her 'home' or more like one of her facades homes as she came here during off time in different skin, she got books and a small batch of mana potion she had for safe keeping, it was less potent but she thought she could use it for a minor boost then left the home as her facade of a book mare with a orange pallet making sure that if any neighbors saw her they would think she just came back to the little house for a bit to gather things

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Selena took the opposite couch from Jade.

"Well, it's your story, tell it in whatever way makes you most comfortable. I don't mind."


Carbon noticed the sudden bubble of air as it surfaced. Evidence of an underwater teleport.

"Wrath, she teleported." The thestral was noticeably peeved by this news.

"Great, just great. Tell the rest of the changelings to continue scanning. We need this mare found as soon as we can."

"Got it, scans will resume immediately, as we already know her scent we would know her as soon as we scan her."

(The changeling scans resume. They have to rescan prior areas but they can scan faster. Scan starts at 10% but increases by 10% for each of your posts. Good escape by the way.)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"lets just say that Black Pearl was a really nasty kid as he always gave Diamond a hard time with parenting and once he grew up he rebelled so hard on him, he had to get Pyrite to straiten him out. Now he never did fully convert Black Pearl into the good pony he set out but he thought he got close and when he grew up he thought he should get his own home. Black Pearl wanted a hideout for what he would do so Pyrite gave him the old mine he used to run with his wife how was still alive at the time. He got settled and started making plans, we never knew what those plans were but we all assumed it would be stealing things, we were dead wrong. He was planning on killing someponies that bullied and hurt him in the past so, he did and never got found out we assumed as he never was convicted for anything. After he did all the killing, he found it fun and exiting and after his wife gave birth to guess how? He murdered her and then thought that she deserved more so he ate her to preserve her, it was sick and twisted and he liked it. After a while he got weaker from what we thought was a disease but I guess you know why he did. After he died of sickness the family went to check out his place to gather items seeing Topaz for the first time in are lives...her first words to us were 'did daddy bring home the pony for supper? I have the knifes ready' " he had to take a pause "we all hated him for what he did and now for what he brought into the world...I wonder where she is right now, it scares me not knowing" the apartment started getting darker as his story and everything that happened today ate up the time



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Well, carnivorous ponies. While not unheard of is still uncommon.

"Well, I suppose I can understand why you feel so strongly about it. What he did, ..." She stopped, "I am no good at this sort of thing, you ponies have this feeling, sentiment, that I as an immortal entity have a hard time grasping. Even though I do enjoy meat, I would never support cannibalism. What you described is plainly horrifying, to think that a pony would go so far off their very nature... I sincerely hope it doesn't happen again." She shakes her head slowly.

"So Topaz was raised on meat. I suppose she still had cravings later in life? I can understand how such an unnatural and imbalanced diet would have impacted her mental growth. It's sad really." 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"yeah, especially the part of her wanting me to love her, we switched her away from that a long time ago so she should not eat ponies anymore...hope that is" he responded then thought about her talking about sentiment "well...maybe somepony could make you feel it some time, do an action from emotion alone, Topaz sure did a lot of bad examples but they were examples I guess" it was getting a lot darker out side and the skylight almost screamed that moon shine was about to go in it



Edited by Yoshikupo
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"Sentiment to me is attaching memories and feelings to objects. However, I'm stuck with object impermanence. Everything I see I know will become dust as I watch it. So long as there are intelligent creatures, perhaps even so long as there is life on this planet. I will remain. Few things will remain with me."

She shakes her head again and gets up off the couch, moving towards the ground under the skylight.

"The moon is one of those things, and I am glad for it."

She sighs as the first beams of moonlight hit her.

"I'm sorry, that was a bit deep for this conversation, I really try to live in the moment. Enjoy the time I have with the ponies I've come to know. I guess I don't understand sentiment because I don't want to attach myself to things that won't last. But that has changed since I met you, now I don't know  what to think." 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

Jade was a little deterred by the deepness of it all but heard it from Bright before, kind of, if I got with her, she would be happy then sad as she watches me die as she is healthy... he thought. He walked over to her "do you think that will stop someponies?" he thought a second "now with you that's different, you live forever but what if you did die? from natural age? what would you do? mop about and be sad that we all will die or start living life till it kills you? not saying to jump off a cliff and see if you will be ok but I mean to do what you want to do that makes you and others happy, because in the end if you made more ponies happy and glad to be alive then sad then I would say that was a life well spent...that was inspired from Bright, she makes that stuff at the top of her head" he hoped it helped



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(She has some insane luck.)


"Wow," She lifter her head up a bit, looking over at Jade. "I never thought of it like that. Thank you, I think... I'll think about it. I guess I should talk to Bright when we get back to Ponyville then, she certainly sounds interesting."

She looked back up at the moon.

"Though I can't die, I could be trapped. This body could be destroyed, but my consciousness, though fragmented, would continue. It's a hard existence, but the others are coping with it well. Actually, I think Mist told me something similar, she's always so happy going about the city, organizing the weather."

She sighed, a slight smile coming to her face as she turned her head to the rising moon, closing her eyes.

"You can drag a cushion over her if you'd like to sit with me. I'm told I get pretty warm when the moonlight flows through me." 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

Jade drags a cushion to Selena "well I like that warm feeling" he sits down "I could fall asleep to it" he sort of lied as the heat coming off her felt a little to much now but still sat there then yawned as he actually started getting tired from the heat "if you were trapped when I was around, I would do anything...I dug myself into this hole so why get out without helping you" he yawned again then lied down



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That was one smooth move. I can't believe it worked so well.

Selena spoke softly, "That's sweet of you to say."

She tentatively reached out a forehoof, lightly brushing his mane.

"Sleep well Jade," She looked out towards the moon, a slight frown coming to her face. "We may not have this peace for much longer." 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

not much happened during the night as the mare was still unseen by guards, from sheer luck or skill no pony but herself knew. Jade slept well, still trying to make sure Luna did not see anything in his dream that would be considered wrong because he was slightly terrified of her power. The night passed and a new day approached as the gang was separately preparing for the plan, no one could spot them out from any normal pony though as they didn't really have any thing on them, magic or otherwise.



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Selena spent the night Practicing the dreamwalking spell Luna was teaching her. She did not succeed in watching Jade's dream, but she was able to ensure that his dreams were pleasant. Luna and Mist returned some time after Jade had fallen asleep, Mist electing to wrap herself around the group as a sort of hug blanket. Anypony watching would likely be creep-ed out by how she distended her body to wrap herself around the group. "If Jade is traumatized when he wakes up I blame you." "Oh hush, I may not be as warm as you but I'm sure he'll appreciate the comfort I provide." "Fine, just I hope he wakes up soon." "As do I, we have much to discuss, the mare has so far remained in the city but has evaded capture, she has hired one of the local gangs to help her so I fear what she might be planning. I will alert the local guard as to the marks of the guard members so they can be arrested quickly."


The thestral received the order to spill the identities of the rouge gang , so he headed off to the guard station to add to the wanted stack, placing the gang members at the top of the most wanted list, any guards coming through the office that day would be on the lookout for members of the gang, to arrest on sight. If only the solar guard had as good communication as the LTF, then these gang members would be found in an hour. But now it could take a few hours or even days to catch them all.


(I finally wrote Selena's character sheet. https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/selena-diamond-r8905Tell me what you think of it.)

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

Jade woke up to see the distended face of Mist "uhhh...is this a dream or I'm I awake and am seeing something she can do right now, I'm still going to be creep-ed out by either one" he sees Luna and Selena next to him "I don't think I'm dreaming...is there something you want to talk about? I mean I think Luna being here has some reason for it"



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"See? Not traumatized." Mist said as she withdrew herself from being wrapped around the group.

"As you've likely concluded by now, no, you're not dreaming anymore."

"We just need to discuss how we will move forward from here, I have received reports from my agents that the mare is still in the city, she has hired one of the smaller gangs, for what purpose we know not. The local guard has been alerted to apprehend the guard members on sight so hopefully we will catch at least one of them who can tell us what this mare is planning. Until then, we need to decide what we will do."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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