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private A personal letter for the one I have wronged 1x1 RP with Illiad Easle


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@@Illiad Easle,

"there's not much I can think of, I bet she will plan a trap or something that will involve us...the ponies could be to try and bring us there or it will be for something like what Topaz did and defend and capture" Jade said really trying to think of something to do "its not like we just try and go find here...it there anything we can go off of? I mean did she do anything to you?" he looked to Selena "I'm asking because I'm worried about all this"

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"Well, I don't think she did anything to me, back in the jewelry shop she cast a spell on me that led to me calling for the LTF, I thought it was a memory spell then but it could have been a future spell, I saw her at a clock tower, but I don't know what she saw in my future, for all we know it could have completely changed since then. Other than that all she has on us is the key, and if uses that as the bait we could just have Star build a duplicate key."

"I fear that she may reveal to have something we did not expect, we don't know what this mare is fully capable of, she did manage to escape the guards twice before."

"The safest option would likely be to stay here until she tips her hoof, See what she wants and what she's willing to do to get it."

"We're all worried, it isn't common that you come across somepony who's motives are as well hidden as this mare's."

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"clock tower...have some LTF stand by it I guess, I bet she will use that key as leverage but I think she will have some kind of plan B" he looks at the others in the room "revenge is probably her motive as she talked about how we were ruining something" Jade said "she might have a strong mind but I think she's about to loose it from those potions we told you about" Jade was trying to think "staying here would be the best option until she does something"

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"I agree with your plan Jade, I will have a few agents investigate the clock tower, in the mean time the changeling scans will continue. It would be best to find this mare as quickly as we can."

"Well, what do we do while we wait? I mean, we have a few options like board or card games somewhere around here to pass the time."


The thestral heard the call to investigate the clock tower. he took position on a nearby rooftop, and was partnered with an old unicorn who took position on the opposite side of the tower. From their positions they could see anypony approaching the tower as well as sense with 75% accuracy any teleport near the tower. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,
"I'll play a card game, I saw a pack of cards levitating in the parents room with that crazy mare" he says getting up and walking in the bed room
"can you give me directions to the clock tower?" it was degrading to ask this to a guard but everypony else didn't listen to anything she said "it's just over there" he pointed "thank you" she said walking away "she had some weird magic on her" the guard thinks out loud then walks toward her about 20 feet behind. The mare arrived seeing it and looking at the giant open hatch where it used to tell the exact time but now it only rings for each hour "gather location, check, everypony is in place, check, now for the main part" she teleports to the apartment in the only real visual place she saw there, the parents bed room. The guard knew something was going to go down now and ran to the nearest station to report it.
"crap" Jade responded seeing the mare in front of him "H-" is all he got out before he was trapped in a bubble which made him flinch "not the one I wanted but her coltfriend could make some use, that is if she will risk her life for you" she teleports to the open hatch she got a good glimpse of landing on a rickety old wood floor. "now" she starts raising ponies in bubbles of magic where if they popped then they would die, she did all this while drinking a small mana potion and sending jades bubble to right in front of the hatch. All the gang members started protecting the bubbles making sure no pony was saved by guards or even FTL without some life being lost in the processes as they had spears and other weapons right up to the fragile bubbles. "come out, come out, where ever you are Selena" she said "if you hurt her I will kill you!" he opens his wings about to pop the bubble "thanks for reminding me" she makes all the ponies with wings have them bound with a rope and every unicorn get a anti-spell bubble "I think of everything you know? Now I dare any guard to waste a life! My men with fight, even with there puny minds!" she yelled out "if any guard knows Selena then this can all end with her!"


(I had to think a bit...I hope there is no plot hole as you know, if the ponies break them then its death. P.S. there are about 35 ponies in the gang how will follow anypony they pop to see there death is assured)

Edited by Yoshikupo
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The thestral was stunned by what he saw. How long has the gang been waiting there?

He removed the wing blades from his pack and put them on, then his shoe blades. There would be much killing today.

He left his pack on the roof then flew over to the unicorn being sure to fly around the non-face tower of the clock. "Director Sir, What should we do?" The unicorn did a quick discrete scan of the tower. Then raised his amulet. "There are about 87 ponies in there, 51 hostages, 36 hostiles with intent to kill. Hostage taker wants the queen's diamond. The Thief is one of the hostages." He lowered his amulet, allowing it some time to recharge its mana storage capacities, he'd need a bunch of magic this time. He turned to the thestral. "If the hostage taker sees to many guards she may panic and kill the hostages, our best bet would be to somehow take out all of the gang members before she can order them to attack, or take her out before she can order any deaths, with the leader killed in a spectacular enough fashion the gang should lose moral and try to flee. It's too bad we don't have powerful attacks with enough range that she wouldn't see it coming in enough time to block with a hostage." "What will we do?" The unicorn sighed. "As much as it pains me to say the best course of action would be to have Selena come here, see what this maniac wants. at the very lest it will buy us some time to get some sharpshooters in position to take out the gang members, threatening to kill warrants death on their part. High treason on the part of this mare for attacking the royal family." He started to charge a teleport. "I will return to the local base and coordinate our resistance from there, you keep me posted with changes to the situation." "Will do Sir." With that the director teleported away.


Luna heard the message over the LTF communication network. Her sudden change in demeanor, followed by a burst of speed to the room Jade just went into, was not unnoticed by the sisters. "What's wrong." Selena got up to follow Luna as did Mist. Luna emerged from the room with a had set face. "Jade has been taken by the mare. She demands that you come forward or she will kill him and likely the 51 other hostages she has taken." With a flash of magic Luna was wearing her armor, sans the helmet. "We have to go now before she can kill any of the innocent ponies." With another flash Luna teleported the trio behind the clock tower, the thestral quickly flew over to them. He was about to speak when Luna raised a hoof. "I am aware of the situation commander. A few of my best agents are on their way here and I'll need you to organize them." The thestral saluted, "I won't let you down Ma'am" He then flew off to meet with the agents. Luna turned to Mist, "I need you to get inside the tower, pool near the roof where they won't see you, look for a way to disable the gang members and report back to me with what you find." She turned to Selena, a bit of the hardness leaving her face. "This is hard for me to say but I need you to go out there and see what this mare wants, look for a reasonable solution to save these ponies but most importantly I want you to be safe. You matter more to me than anything in the world." Selena nodded with grim determination, "I'll do my best." Luna then teleported Selena behind one of the buildings in front of the tower. Selena shook her head, then walked out from behind the building, as soon as she could see the mare she recast Retribution between them. So long as they didn't hurt each other directly she would be fine. Once she was about 15 feet away from the tower she called out, "What do you want with me?"


A few agents took positions atop the surrounding buildings, their amulets providing invisibility so long as they remained still. They held specially built griffon crossbows with stun tips, ready to fire into the tower if things went bad. two agents with minimal armor but deadly wingblades were teleported into the base of the tower, ready to sneak up from beneath if needed. Mist seeped through the cracks in the ceiling, pooling in the shadows of the ceiling and arranging herself in a way that she would not sparkle if light hit her. She could rain shards down if need be, but she decided she would not be the first to kill.


(How's that for a first response? I must admit you have a well fortified position with very few weak points, very well thought out.)

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"first I want you to come over here before I kill Jade, I want my monologue to be perfect for what I do and I know that you did retribution so I really could just jump and die right now, killing all the ponies and you as my magic will not hold them anymore" The mare said then used a scene around her "well the others were not expected but I guarantee they won't do crap" she looked at the ceiling then moved a bit more towards the hatch "I just want to make a deal with you here, not even in reaching distance just to where I can chat without having to yell, my story needs you and well I think it would be better here" she says as Jade trying to think of what kind of story she is talking about and if she thinks she can get away with writing a story about all this "I think she snapped a bit ago" "quiet you"

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Selena set her face in grim determination, At least she has no idea how retribution works, that's a plus. "Fine then." A LTF medallion, one similar to the Director's in terms of energy storage, was warped onto her. With the added energy she began to float upwards, remaining outside of the tower, but almost close enough to touch it. "What do you want with me."


The agents inside the tower began to make their way upward, investigating the floors for exploitable weaknesses as well as silently dispatching any gang members not on the clock floor. They slowly and carefully began removing bricks from the back side of the tower, allowing another entrance right below the gang members.


The thestral met up with the agents that Luna had mentioned, there were three of them. A changeling, a griffon, and a zebra. The changeling was trained in a powerful invisibility spell, to the point where even princess Luna would have trouble finding it. The griffon carried an odd looking crossbow, it could fire six rounds in rapid succession, as opposed to only one. and the zebra carried bandoleers of potions of every kind, from poison to healing to mana, they were all throw-able and would take effect through skin contact. "Alright, we need to get into the tower and save as many hostages as possible, our plan is to eliminate as many guards as possible while saving as many civilians as we can."  The group nodded, the griffon picked up the zebra and carried her to the hole made by the agents, the thestral carried the changeling. they were inside the tower, waiting to strike.


Luna surveyed all this from her position behind the tower, her chest piece relaying everything to the command bunker where the director was mobilizing the local magicorps, if they could gather enough trained unicorns in the area they could take the magic bubbles away from the mare, then slaughter the gang members. it would take quite some time though to gather 50 trained unicorns. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"I want you do die, in front of Jade or in your case shatter" she paused and looked at Jade floating above herself "that or your little friend could, I will have my way, nothing you can do can stop me, all I want is for you or him to die in front of each others eyes! I can see you heart broken as he is stabbed, falling to his death or even crushed and then I let everypony go and go out on my own terms" she drinks two smaller potions as she had a few bubbled ponies come near her with there 'guards' "I could just kill everypony here but I want my plan to be perfect as somepony, may not be me sadly, will remember this and will spread what happened here today" she looked at the two "so now that I explained, what will it be? How will die for the other?" Jade looked like he was about to speak

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"I will." Selena blurted it out, if not for her locking down her face she might have been tempted to reconsider, but she knew that she wouldn't truly die, it would just hurt, but Jade and all the others would be fine. Just in case though, she utilized the magic within the amulet to harden herself, she wasn't going to die easily mind you. "You better keep your word." She floated in closer and landed on the floor near the clock face.


Luna was stunned, she knew her daughter had made the same choice she would in her situation, but she had still hoped maybe that Selena would come out unharmed. She was tempted to rush in herself, but it would surely doom the hostages within. She sat down hard on the rooftop, a single tear falling as she watched through her daughter's amulet. I am going to demolish that tower when this is all over, I think I'll put up a memorial for the innocents that may die this day, if it comes to that.


The agents heard what was going on upstairs, but were similarly wary about bursting up from below, they were not letting this mare or any of the gang members get away from this.


The sharpshooters took aim outside, prepping their bolts to hit the gang members, they held their fire as they too had to wait for it to happen.


(Wow, harsh psychological attack, this is all building in nicely for my planned Jigsaw arc.)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"of course" she says lowering the bubbles with her and down stairs "now Jade get a good look at your friend die because of her and you messing with my plans of the future! I mean how else could the future change like that!? It's unnatural, its pathetic, it...it" she started drinking the rest of her potions till the last one dropped with a thud "It doesn't matter any more!" she yelled as she made Selena be caught in her telekinesis and then tried to smash her but somehow couldn't, it was the mixture of pain from retribution and how her magic seemed to be fading for some reason "no, no, no, no, no, no" she said scrounged for some mana from the potions she emptied "no, no, no, not now, anytime but now!" she looked at Selena "well, your going to see my death, lucky you" she said then with the last of her magic energy she casted the future telling spell which made her have a wicked grin on her face "hahahahahahaha! Oh your future, how I hope it never changes anymore for you, here's the dame key" she gets it out of the bag now emptied entirely "I'll...just die...my name is Page Turner by the way...might as well say that...all my stories are true did you know...you can't change that past" with that she died and the gang was sorely regretting what they did "these are the LTF right?" "yep I think we did something against royals" "we did something against royals!?" "yes now suck it up and kill, its the only thing we can do before we die are self's" "are you kidding me? I thought this was like a threat for money" two gang members talked to each other before one side of the members gave up and the other side started killing, civilians or LTF "I think" he grabbed the key "we should get out of here"

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Selena was in quite a bit of pain, there were no fractures luckily, but she felt the immense force Page had applied before she suffered from mana induced magic backlash. She softened her body a bit, the pain lowering as her body began to heal. She looked around the room, seeing the chaos that was begining to form. The innocents that were dying around her. She turned to Jade, "I'm not going until all these ponies are safe." She turned towards the attacking gang members with sharpened hooves. With all her rage she began to attack the gang members who dared to take an innocent's life.


The agents guarded the stairway, helping as many innocents as they could get out while fighting off the hostile gang members. The members that surrendered where tagged then sent down with the innocents to be arrested by the guards approaching the tower from below. The griffon had used up his crossbow and was taking out gang members with his sharp talons, the zebra was utilizing healing potions to help the injured innocents.


The sharp shooters took aim and fired, taking out a few of the hostile gang members.


Luna burst through the back wall, stopping the fighting with a powerful telekinesis spell. "Now, this ends." The remaining gang members were arrested and taken away. Selena seemed to come to her senses and sat down, breathing heavily. Mist dropped down from the ceiling and hugged her sister. Selena looked over at Jade. "I guess we can leave now."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"well its great that everypony is saved and this whole thing is done...I'm just wrapping my head around what just happened here, mostly with that mare" he just wanted to get out of there,  he was thanking and cursing her rage now after seeing it with his eyes "yes...lets just go" he readied his wings "I'll meet you there" he flew away. I wonder how she will react after all this, that thought scared him most of all, her mind might be entirely made into anger at me when she sees it after this...I could just run. Jade thought but throw that idea out, she'll be fine, he thought before landing at the apartment

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Selena watched Jade fly away, I don't know how I feel about this. With the rage induced adrenalin affect worn off the pain returned to her mind, as the pressure was applied evenly across her body her entire exterior hurt. Then the stress of the situation made itself known and she began to cry. She wanted me dead, for changing the future? She wanted to kill one of us, she was going to kill one of us. If she hadn't died she would have crushed me to a fine powder no doubt. I don't know if I would wake up from that pain coma. As she cried Mist hugged her tighter, she didn't speak as she couldn't hope to relate to her sister's condition. Luna came over to join the hug, and they sat there comforting Selena for minutes on end as the FTL gathered the bodies of the gang members and the slain innocents, taking a note of their marks so their families could be notified of their deaths. Among the dead was a changeling, the agent went over to the corpse, and burned it, igniting it with the same fire of disguise. The corpse burned swiftly and was ash in minutes, the agent then colleccted the ash in an empty potion bottle and left with the last of the FTL. It was only after the three were alone that Selena stopped crying. She returned her mother's and sister's hugs, then they warped into the apartment a full hour after Jade had left the tower.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

Jade was wondering when they would be there when he almost had a heart attack from them coming right in front of him as he was on the  "oh hi...I set everything up" he turned the jewelry box around next to his hoofs to show the side where the key should go, the key was on the top of the box. "I hope you...will accept it" he got up and stood next to Luna and Mist waiting for Selena to open the box.

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Selena was suddenly struck with nervousness, the words came back to her mind. Some things are better left forgotten.

She approached the box cautiously, trying to gleam what could possibly be inside that she would want to forget. Page's words came back to her mind, "She hoped my future would never change, clearly this choice is the turning point of my future, and I don't want the future she saw for me." She sat down in front of the box, taking the key off the top of it and holding it in her hoof. She felt the magic inside the key and understood the complexity of the lock, the strength of it was immense. "But which do I choose, to open or to not? Which way leads to the future she wanted?" She turned towards the group, "Is it better to know what's inside even if that is the bad future? Or should I forever wonder what could be inside despite it being the good future?" She turned back towards the key, "Or is opening the box the good future? Thus absolving the quandary entirely?" She set the key down and turned to Jade. Her face pleaded for an answer to her pondering. "Should I open the box or not?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

He felt like she wold take his absolute word on what she would do, he thought about it a long time, thinking what Page said and which future would be right as it could go either way with this box or maybe not even have anything to do with the box. Jade sighed as he got to a conclusion "open the box, you have to know what is inside at some point so why wait?" he hoped to Luna that was standing next to him that it was the right thing to do.

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"If you think it's the best option." Selena took a deep breath, then slowly inserted the key into the lock. It fit perfectly, she could feel the magics beginning to unlock the box without even turning the key. Then she turned the key to unlock the physical lock. With a soft click that sounded much louder in the quiet room, the box was unlocked. On its own the lid began to open, slowly revealing its treasure within the satin lining, a single shard of a moon diamond. It sat there glowing a pale blue like the moon, much like the color of Selena's mane. "I..." She turned towards Luna, "Is that?"

Luna nodded, "It is."

Selena turned back towards the box, brushing her hair away from her forehead to revel the scar that lasted since the accident, hidden by her mane. The shape was similar. Selena carefully lifted the shard from the box, it seemed to glow brighter as she held it up. She hesitated a bit.

Luna came over to her side, draping a wing across Selena's back. "I am here."

Selena took another deep breath, then cautiously lifted the shard to her forehead, her eyes closing as it traveled the last few inches. Once it touched it stood up, and was absorbed into her head, the scar sealing and smoothing over behind it, leaving no trace that there was ever a mark.

Luna wrapped her forelegs around Selena, draping the other wing across her back as well, she looked towards Jade and Mist, "You two may want to back up, memory reintegration is rarely a pretty sight." Luna used her body to hold Selena still, just in case a body spasm occurred.


Selena's eyes suddenly opened, glowing intensely white as she relived her missing memories. She remembered her time in Ponyville before she moved to Manehatten the first time, she remembered her foalhood friends, Ditzy and Cheerilee and Redheart and young Amethyst. She remembered the one who had been her father, his grey coat and his black mane, his kind smile and his deep friendly laugh. She remembered when they moved to Manehatten, when he assured her that everything would be okay. She remembered her new friends, Cocoa and Neon. And she remembered Jade. She remembered the happy life she had, she remembered how she ignored that Jade stole things, she never reported him or enacted his karma, she didn't understand why at the time. Then she remembered something wholly unpleasant. She remembered sitting in the center room like she did most nights, she sat in the moonlight as it filled her with energy. She was playing with the jewelry box that her father had given her that day, she didn't have anything to put in it yet, but she didn't care. She was happy to open and close it and open it again, watching as it slowly opened in a dramatic reveal every time it was unlocked. She had just turned the lock to open it again when she heard the sound of a different lock working. The door lock. She turned towards the door to see it open, a shadow rushed into her room, then she heard a rustling sound, and a crash as something fell. She stood up as her father burst from his room, looked over to see that Selena was safe, then rushed into her room, she heard him shout, then he cried out as if in pain. As Selena rushed over to the door he cried out a few more times, each with a bit more pain and a bit less energy. She came through the door to see Jade, a sack of objects on his back, and a bloody knife in his mouth, at his hooves lay her father, Jigsaw Puzzle, in a small puddle of his own blood, she could hear his breaths getting weaker, she saw Jade start to move towards her, knife in mouth, so she panicked. She ran back into the front room, but she tripped, and her head collided with the edge of the stone step into the area she sat every night. She somehow remembered the shard flying among others from her fractured forehead, it landed in the box and it closed.


Tears were streaming from her eyes before they stopped glowing, she was shuddering with such intensity that even Luna could not stop it all. As her eyes stopped glowing she stopped shaking, Luna released her from her iron grip. Selena wiped the tears from her eyes, "He... I.... He's.... He...", she turned suddenly and with such ferocity that even Luna was startled, moving back a foot or two. Selena's eyes focused in on Jade. "You!.... You killed him! You killed my Father then robbed us over his dead body! And then you have the nerve to come back to me, for an apology! You thought I wouldn't remember how you murdered him!" Tears began again to fall from her eyes. "I even liked you then, I would have given you anything had you asked it. I risked my life for you today! I would've done it again because I lov..." She broke down into tears again, Luna returned to embracing her, both to comfort her and to ensure she wouldn't kill Jade. "Get out. Get out before I kill you for murdering my father." Mist moved over to Jade, the serious look on her face so foreign from her usual cheery expression. "You should probably go, I'm sure she'll find it in her to forgive you once she's calmed down, but if you stay much longer she may try to kill you."


(Alright then, the secret is out, and the third act is about to begin. Fasten your seat-belt because this is going to places of psychological revenge. I strongly recommend you leave, The story arc starts outside the tower.)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

Tears formed at his eyes as she yelled and he thought of flying away even before Mist came in "just know that I...I regret doing all of that and I hope Luna can calm you down" he backed up to the door "Mist, I'm going to take your advice I'll be...flying" he said leaving the room and rushing out the building thinking about where he would even go. He got out and flew, no set direction, no idea where to go, only thinking on thing. I made the wrong choice and its all, my, fault!

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Once Jade left the apartment, a changeling approached the door, affixing a note in a way that it would fall to the floor once the door opened, then it left.


Once Jade left the building, a Pegasus started followed him, seeing where he was going, and subtly directing his movements by flying in his peripherals. 


The Thestral watched Jade and the Pegasus fly closer, then launched a blow-dart with pinpoint accuracy, catching Jade in the neck. He felt a bit bad to be capturing the one he had been guarding not a few hours prior, but he had orders. Sniping's a good job mate.


The Pegasus caught Jade as he fell, carrying him softly to the ground where an earth pony and a griffon were waiting in an alleyway. They placed him in a sack and on the back of a cart hitched up to the earth pony and together they walked towards the outskirts of the city where an abandoned military facility sat within a hill. 


A zebra and young dragon sat outside the base entrance, the zebra looking up from his book long enough to open the gate for the visitors.


They walked down some dimly lit corridors before they arrived at a central room where a grey unicorn and a deer were having a heated discussion. "...Are for Defence ONLY, I will not let you use them as torture devices ya hear?" The deer stated. The unicorn turned to face the incoming group instead of the deer. "Bah, set them up outside then if you want to defend so much, just make sure no one gets in here without my say so." As the grey unicorn approached the group the deer grumbled before placing a toolbox on his back and walking back the way the group came. "What do we have here? Is it the one I've waited for so long to get my revenge on?" The earth pony nodded. "Good, tie him to that chair. I want to be the first thing he sees when he wakes up."


Selena cried for hours as Luna softly brushed her mane, softly singing a melody from before she went to the moon. "... Follow, sweet children, I'll show thee the way. Through all the pain and the sorrows. Weep not, poor children, for life is this way, Murdering beauty and passions. Hush now, dear children, it must be this way. Too weary of life and deceptions. Rest now, my children, for soon we'll away, Into the calm and the quiet.Luna allowed Selena to sleep this night, she ensured her dreams would be rejuvenating so she would  be better able to handle what she had to say next, it could be an even bigger shock to her than the return of her memories. It would likely be good for Jade to hear it too, he'd probably like what she had to say.


The unicorn ensured that Jade was strongly bound before he countered the sleeping agent in the dart. He slapped Jade with the back of his hoof, once he was sure Jade was awake, "Hello there Jade, remember me?" He turned the light on himself so Jade could see the dark grey coat, the black mane, and most importantly, the stab scars on his chest.


(Don't worry too much, I realized that I control a bunch of the characters here, so you will be given control of a team in my next post, just focus on your reaction to seeing the pony you murdered standing in front of you.)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

Jade was in a terrible dream before he got woken up by the unicorns slap "ah what the...Jigsaw?" he looked in horror as he realized his situation, tied up, in a dim room, with a pony he thought he killed long ago "what's happening? How are you alive? and is Selena safe?" he doubt he would give the last answer as he was the care taker for her years ago and cared for her more than a thief how tried to kill him. Why should I even make sure she's safe? She hates me.

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The unicorn simply laughed at Jade's questions. "Did you never once wonder what I did for a living? I was the best medic the LTF ever had, your amateur attempt to stab me was but a surprise. Sure I lost a lot of blood but you didn't finish the job. I had time to heal myself. As for what's happening... " The manic joy left Jigsaw's face fast enough to rival a certain pink mare. "I'm going to bet my revenge, when you broke my daughter's mind her mental balance was too delicate for the contradiction of my death to handle, if she knew I was alive her missing piece could never be reconnected. So Luna removed me from my position as head of the LTF, and locked me up with the rest of my team. For years I sat in a dim cell waiting for her mind to be repaired so I could see her again, all the while I wanted nothing more than to make you pay for what you did to her, to me. You tore my family apart. The guards on my cell took pity on me, they would tell me what happened in her life while I was stuck there in the dark. It placated me for a time, until you forced your way back into her life, you put her in so much danger in the past week that you've known her. She was stabbed and had her leg smashed by your Idiot relative Topaz, and then this whole thing with Page, she could have been hurt in so many ways because of you. But now I have you here, you can't hurt my daughter anymore. I broke out the moment I heard she chose to die to save you, the one who murdered her father in front of her eyes. I broke out my whole team, all nine of us to make sure that no one will stop me from getting my revenge." He went behind Jade and returned with a bone saw, the manic grin returning to his face. "I can hurt you in ways you didn't think were possible, then I will heal you back to perfect health so we can start all over again." He looked into his reflection in the metal of the bone saw, thinking back to when his team was one of the most feared mercenary groups around. "Heh, I'm going to saw through your bones!He pulled up a cart beside Jade, it was laden with many sharp objects like scalpels and some odd objects like a drill and a rotary blade. "Why don't you inspect these tools for me, you're about to get much more comfortable with them in the near future."  He started walking out of the room, "I cannot vait, hah!"


The deer reached the entrance, then put down the tool box. He lifted out a smaller box and placed it near the door before removing a wrench from his toolbox. "Erecting a Dispenser." He hit the box with the wrench to activate the inner magics before he pick the toolbox back up and went out the gate, where the zebra, dragon, and pegasus were waiting. "Heavy load comin' through." He set down the toolbox and retrieved another box from it, placing it in front of the doorway, "Sentry going up." With a few well placed wrench hits the box expanded to build a small chain crossbow turret, complete with tracking magics to fling small crossbow bolts at great speeds towards his enemies. "Well, Guess that'll do."


The changeling waited by the apartment, ready to report when the group left.


When Selena woke up, she felt bad about the previous night. "So, now that you aren't a big mess, it's time you learned the truth. Your father isn't dead." Selena suddenly felt really bad about the previous night, then she turned on Luna. "How could you not have told me this sooner! I thought my father was dead for years and you knew this whole time he was just fine! I thought Jade... Oh no, I need to find him and apologize. he needs to know this too." Luna stopped Selena before she could get up. "Hold on now, there is a reason I let you think your father was dead. It is because of what was in the box, and it is the same reason why you could not be reunited with me when I returned. Your hidden hatred of Jade was what kept the wound open, if you had learned that Jigsaw was still alive it would have resolved the issue and closed the wound, thus the piece of you would never be able to return. It would forever damage your life. Your father knew this and agreed that he needed to stay entirely out of your life, any mention of his existence could cause irrepareable damage to you, so I moved you to Ponyville and ensured that your father would never be tempted to try and see you. Eventually his separation from you drove him insane and homicidal. I had to lock him and his mercenary team away to protect the populous. But I'm sure being able to see you will do him a whole lot of good.She lifted her amulet to her face, only to notice that it was blinking. she activated the message that had been sent, the director's voice came through, he sounded quite injured. "Princess, he's escaped... his whole team too... they escaped soon after we heard that Selena chose to die to save the innocents... I won't last much longer, you need to keep her safe... He is absolutely mad with vengeance and he will stop at nothing to get what he wants now... *Nasty Coughs* ... Be safe." Luna sat hard on the floor, tears in her eyes as she pulled Selena towards her. "I never thought it would get this bad." Selena got up, "We need to find Jade now," She moved through the door, seeing the note as it fell to the floor. She read it, and immediately ran back to Luna. "They already have him, it says they'll kill him if you try to rescue him, I have to go alone or he'll die."


(restructured it a bit, now there's no other team.)

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

There was no time to feel sappy and depressed, this guy wants to chop me up and fix me so he can do it forever seeing my torment! Jade thought as he looked around the room hoping there was something that he could use to his advantage "I swear my friends will come to save me, I hope one of them is Selena and if it is then your all screwed from her power!" he said hoping some intimidation went on them as he looked around more as he didn't really want to wait for anypony to save him in a few days or even hours as mostly his family would think something was wrong in Manehatten from how he was not back in his home for the few days he left. he realized he had not said anything about it to them and Amethyst was probably the only one that overheard them talking to each other...Amethyst I hope you tell everypony. he thought

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(Perception: There is a light above you, the tray Jigsaw left is still there but in your quick glances you could not make out what was on the tray. In your struggling you find that your winds are not bound very tightly.)


Jigsaw heard what Jade said and smiled. "Oh I'm counting on it, with you here she'll come to me and we'll all be a family again. You better get some rest Jade, you have a busy day ahead of you tomorrow." With that Jigsaw turned a corner and was out of sight. 


Luna took the note from Selena. "It doesn't say you have to go alone, it just says that the LTF, and Mist and I cannot go with you."

"Well who's left after that?" "I think you should get some help from Jade's family. they're probably worried about him not having returned home by now."

"It will take too long for them to get here I have to go save Jade now, it's all my fault that he's in this mess."

Luna sighed, "Since I can't persuade you to wait, I will tell you what I know about the base they're using, assuming they haven't changed anything there is a secret entrance lower on the hill, it was buried when the complex sank into the hill after a particularly heavy rain. The tunnel should still be usable though. If you can find the entrance it wont be hard to unbury it and get in without using the front door." "Thank you, I'll be back as soon as I can."

With that Selena rushed out the door, knocking the changeling out cold when she slammed it open, and galloped towards the abandoned building, she hoped she wouldn't be too late when she got there.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

Jade had a little inside laugh as he felt his wings weren't bound that well, My family learns to tie everything well in the first grade and some grown ponies cant make a good knot! Jade thought in full survive mode now as he did not want any crap from Jigsaw. He struggles to get his wings unbound by using a technique of pushing out and back in to slowly get it down his legs then looks at the tray they left hoping for something sharp, that's kind of scary that I hope for things to cut me next to me when I'm poorly bound

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