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private A personal letter for the one I have wronged 1x1 RP with Illiad Easle


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(On the tray you see the following items: A magic powered carpenter's drill, a hammer, a hatchet, a pen and pencil, a magic powered rotary bonesaw, some small scalpels, surgical scissors, a green and a blue syringe, and a pair of tweezers) 


Selena arrived at the base of the hill, she could vaguely make out some creatures at the top, guarding a makeshift doorway. She began to feel in the ground for the tunnel entrance, and she found it midway up the hill, she began to stealthily climb up the hill. A stray glint off her body was noticed by the spot of light it cast on the wall behind the guards. She managed to lay flat quickly enough to not be spotted by them, but they were on alert now. She started to dig her way to the tunnel, the sounds of which went unnoticed by the guards.


Luna sent off a letter to Jade's family, notifying them of his capture.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

When Jade saw the hatchet he went faster and got free from his wing ropes...sort of as it was now around his back ankles but we didn't care as he used his wings to reach the tray and got poked with a scalpel as he tried to get the hatchet, move like sliced a bit than poked. He made his legs spread and used the hatchet as quietly as he could without dropping it thinking that these guys were so dumb from how well he was getting by. he finished and started with his front hooves watching the sensitive spot that was his back so he would not get cut.


"has anypony seen Amethyst? She just disappeared this morning without so much as a word" Emerald said to some of the other family in the main room. Meanwhile in Manehatten Amethyst was in the sky watching Selena, debating on talking to her in her mind as she was digging a tunnel to how knows where as she hid behind a cloud

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(You notice that your wing is bleeding a bit from the cut.) 


Jigsaw went over to where the Griffon and Earth pony were playing cards. "I do believe our prisoner may try to escape, do ensure that he doesn't. Oh, and don't kill him if he does, unlike you two I can't reanimate him." With that he left them, (You hear a door open and close in the distance) The Griffon and Earth pony look at each other, then move into their guard positions.


The deer returns inside the base, the sentry looks about the area, looking for anypony not in its matrices.


The changeling remained unconscious as the apartment door closed.


Luna moved towards the window, with magic she could barely make out the base from here. "Stay safe my child."


Selena made some progress in the hole, digging in enough that her hole body was in the hole. she estimated that she was about a quarter of the way there now. I hope he will be fine by the time I get there. I could never forgive myself if he were hurt because of me. He probably hates me for what I told him.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

ah crap, Jade thought as he rushed a bit to get the ropes off which worked with a small bit of blood on the tip of the hatchet though. He was free and not getting rid of the hatchet as it could be the best thing for him at the moment. He felt them getting closer so he did what he thought would be right and go on the ceiling and look for and exit nearest to him.


"do you think we would have told you if we knew?" Pearl said to Emerald how was quite mad that no pony knew where Amethyst was "maybe she is just gone for a little trip to the store" "she would brag about what she would buy, she woke me up in the middle of my sleep just to brag once" she explained "besides, she has no money since she has been taking care of Pyrite lately and that gives no opportunity to make a heist work, I would know since I have been doing the same" "maybe she will send us a letter, I bet somethings at the front door by now" she walks to the door.


She watched her a bit till she thought that it would be fine to talk to her and flew down in a pink-purple blur. "what are you doing? Also what happened to Jade?" she approached being more serious than Selena had ever seen before "I thought you two love birds would be together at all times" she dropped the seriousness for her normal brat like behavior.

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(You feel strangely lucky for some reason. You see two exits to the room, one to the south and one to the east. Jigsaw exited to the east. Both ways turn a corner.)


The Changeling is still unconscious.


The Earth pony pulls out his shovel and gives it a few experimental swings (You hear noises out the South entrance)


The door guards did not see Amethyst. But the Dragon did hear her talking, he began to stalk down the hill listening for her again.


Selena was spooked by Amethyst's sudden appearance behind her. But managed to not say anything. She did her best to pantomime the urgency of remaining quite. She turned back and dug another quarter of the way to the tunnel.


The dragon heard the sounds of Selena digging, and proceeded further down the hill, looking for a freshly dug tunnel.


(How come you get all the luck in my rolls?)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

(your rolling a die? Also I can picture the action happening and then just it cuts away to the changeling at the front door)


Jade looks from the ceiling of the south entrance to see if he could see the thing making noise and because he did not want to go to the east exit from Jigsaw


Amethyst got the message, I'm not stupid like someponys may believe, she thought then sighed, I guess helping would be the best answer right now? Even though I have no idea what this is going to accomplish. She did as she thought

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(Yes I'm rolling a die, now I don't even know what will happen next. The South exit is a hallway, it turns towards the east in about two strides.)


Selena digs quickly and breaks through into the tunnel. A small trickle of pungent water begins to travel out the hole they dug. Selena quickly moves in to the tunnel and finds it up to her ankles with the pungent water. She waits for Amethyst to exit the hole before she begins to follow the tunnel as it goes forward and to the right.


The dragon didn't hear the sounds of further digging, he couldn't see very well in the dark and had long lost his sense of smell from burning so much stuff. He decided he'd search a bit longer before returning to his post.


The thestral emerged from the structure and took a position on the roof over the door.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

Jade sneaks on the ceiling trying to get to anywhere that was not there from the hallway, he looks for anything while he goes down the hall so he can make sure where he is going


Amethyst still wanted to know what this was about but it seemed like a heist or something so she stayed quite even though it was probably not that. She wondered what was going on at the house and where Jade was again as she went down the tunnel.


"see there is a letter right here" Pearl picks it up "well...I know where Jade is now" Emerald grabs the letter and reads it "we are going to Manehatten NOW" she left the letter as she bolted off out the door "I'm going with" Pearl follows

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(You quickly reach the corner of the hallway, you cannot hear anything over the faint hum of the building's inner workings.) 


The dragon finds the hole that Selena dug. He would call out to the door guards if he could still speak. He attempted to get their attention but they either didn't see him or simply ignored him in the case of the Zebra. The dragon decided to investigate the hole further but in trying to enter the hole he caused the tunnel to collapse. Blocking Selena and Amethyst's way back. The dragon then lost interest, concluding that whoever was trying to get in would have to go through the door to get out anyway. He returned to his post. 


Selena heard the dragon attempt to enter the tunnel and it's subsequent collapse. She turned back and confirmed it was indeed collapsed. It would take a while to dig that back out now that the ground had been loosened. She turned to Amethyst, the only light in this tunnel coming from her and a sort of flicker further down the tunnel. She whispered, "What are you doing here, you could have gotten us both killed."


The Changeling stirred into wakefulness, he was supposed to capture Selena as soon as she left the apartment but couldn't for obvious reasons. He attempted to reach Jigsaw with the communicator the deer had given him, but to no luck. The changeling cloaked and began to make his way back to the base slowly.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

that could be a good sign, Jade thought continuing on the hallway the way it lead still listening and looking for some kind of way to get out that was not the main entrance


"Jade, I heard you were going to Manehatten and after a few days I freaked a little because you are a random pony I just got to know for a few seconds...plus I didn't you were infiltrating this building, why are you exactly?" she whispered

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(As you turn the corner you see a well muscled earth pony facing away from you where the hall opens into a larger room about three strides from you. The earth pony is brandishing a dangerous looking shovel)


The pegasus comes down the stairs at a leisurely pace, in no hurry to start his guard duty shift. "Yo, what's up?" (You hear the sound of wings, they stop across the room and to the left of where the hall enters the larger room.)


The changeling attempted to hail the deer, but to no avail. He kept on, arriving at the base of the hill.


Selena sighed before proceeding down the tunnel, It turned right, then left, then there was a sort of lit room before it went left again. She got up out of the water before she turned back to face Amethyst. "Now's not a good time to talk, Jade's been abducted by a retired government mercenary group. They want me, I was going to bust Jade out and leave, but now I have to worry about getting you out safely too." She turned to keep moving down the hallway, she could see stairs up ahead.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

I'd be best just to say here, he thought hearing the wings and seeing the shovel holding pony


"well I just have to say that I can pull my own weight, that and I'll be above you until further notice...of you" she whispered then went on the ceiling like Jade did. Well this was unexpected, I swear may family would go double time if they knew.


Emerald was the first to get into the room Luna was in "ok tell us everything now before something happens to Jade" "I bet he can hold his own" Pearl said entering the room "yeah but he's family and we don't leave others to get torture, its worst than death"

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The griffon got up from where he was seated, "Scout, Get on point." 

The pegasus took the griffon's place, "I got it, I got it, I got it."

"Very good!" With that the Griffon traveled past the East exit, before turning and leaving the room.

(You here creatures moving about in the room ahead, a griffon goes south past the earth pony, before turning west and leaving the room.)


The changeling finally reached the top of the hill, "Did you forget about me? I did all I could." With that the changeling went inside the structure.


Selena creeped up the stars, they turned a full 180 before ending at a T in a hallway, one goes north about two strides before turning east, the other goes east two strides, reaching a doorway to the east and a doorway to the south. Both ways have a pony sized hole in the ceiling about two strides down. "I am so out of my league here." 


(Edit, I forgot Luna's scene)

Luna remained calm at the sudden intrusion by Jade's family. "I really need to get better security for this place." She turned slightly towards Mist, "Remind me to get better security for this place." She turned fully around, casting one last glance towards the structure in the distance. "To be honest, I didn't expect you to arrive so quickly. I will tell you only what you need to know as I cannot reasonably expect you to keep an oath of secrecy. As I stated in my letter, Jade has been abducted by a rouge government mercenary group. They want Selena, so she went in an attempt to save him. The only way in to the structure where they have kept him is through the main doors which they have fortified. The secret tunnel Selena used to get in has collapsed. I must recommend that you not go after them. There is a very high chance that you will die in the attempt, these creatures were trained to kill without fear of death, for their leader has the power to heal them even from death. If you must go, then the ponies at reception will provide you with some weapons, tell them Romeo Equestria Delta sent you."

She turned away from them. "If that is all you may leave now, the sun will be rising shortly and if I know their leader..."


"... He'll be wanting an early start."

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"great, now a great plan has to be used just to get Jade out...I swear every hoof they lay on him is something we will return ten fold" she was pissed and sat down "so I guess we need ideas fast to do anything, tell us everything about whats happening"


uh, why does this place have a bunch of crap like this here? She thought as she looked at a bag she brought which started to glow a pale white color. She hit it and it went away "where do we go?" She whispered to Selena the lowest sound she could make


Great there going to keep cycling and I don't even want to know what else is in there, Jade starts to go back hoping the other way is better...and that Jigsaw was gone from that direction

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(You approach the East exit, you see it turns south about one stride down. you can see that it then opens into a large room, likely the same one as the other exit.)(You remember that there are plenty of sharp objects that you could use as weapons in this room.)


"Well, I was told this used to be a sort of military structure, those holes could be used to get between levels quickly." She looks down the different paths, "I think they would take him deep within the facility, let's split up, I'll go forward and you go left, see where these paths lead okay?" Selena moved east and turned south under the hole. she was met with two dead ends that clearly used to be doorways. She continued east into a small room, there was a door to the north with a bit of the light of sunrise shining in.


Luna sighed, Dear sister how do you put up with this? She turned to face the members of Jade's family. "Alright, I'll tell you what you need to know, if you repeat this to anyone, including other members of your family, I'll finally get around to arresting your family. So, Jade has been abducted by a rouge mercenary commander that used to work with the LTF, this leader was also the director of the LTF for some time and stood in as Selena's father figure while she was growing up. A terrible brain injury as a result of Jade's thievery resulted in this commander's termination and subsequent separation from Selena. This drove the commander insane and that is likely why he abducted Jade, revenge. The commander has regrouped his team inside an old military compound that some rich pony had moved here from Minos. Since the secondary tunnel collapsed the only way in is through the front door. Which is guarded by three members of the crew. Again, going at it is likely to end in your deaths as I cannot send any guards to assist you. There is a full armory downstairs that you are welcome to if you want to try to help, I will be sending guards once I hear that Jade has been found by Selena and no earlier."

"Now, do you have a more specific question I can answer?"

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

scalpels, a good substitute for throwing knifes...I hope. Jade thought grabbing the scalpels, bone saw, hammer, and the syringes. Not going in there, even with all these, would mean death...maybe I could make a trap but should I make it here or where that other probable exit is. He thought a bit on where it should be and decided to do it at the other room without Jigsaw then got on the ceiling again heading to the other room.


"got it" she responded then went where she was told, were coming Jade


"well if we don't hear from Selena or whatever I'm going to find my son" ruby entered the room with a silver looking stallion how had a stern look "don't worry about the whole telling any other in the family...Silver has that covered" "they aren't going to be here for a while, they said they were going to get supplies or something...I just can't believe my child got wrapped up with royal things, not saying anything bad of course" Emerald and Pearl were shocked seeing Ruby and Silver there but Emerald pulled herself together "agreed, if she doesn't come in soon then we'll go there are self's" Pearl nodded

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(You accidentally drop one of the syringes, it shatters on the floor. (Sorry, but that's just how the dice rolled))

The Pegasus heard the faint sound of glass shattering down the hall as was curious. "Aw, crap." he turned towards the earth pony, "You hearin' dis?"

The earth pony didn't even turn "Nope."

The pegasus gave a short sigh, then proceeded down the hall, he stopped at the entrance to the room where he could see the cut ropes around the chair and the missing tools.

"You gotta be kiddin' me... I can not believe this."

The pegasus turned back around, bat in hoof. He turned to face the doorway he came through and he looked like he was about to call out.

(You heard the pegasus before you saw him, he is holding a metal baseball bat and his muscle definition implies he has great wing strength and speed. The pegasus has not noticed you.)


Selena meets up with Amethyst in the room where the first rays of sun were shining in. Selena entered from the South and Amethyst from the West, Amethyst's hall was devoid of anything but the hole in the ceiling. Looking up they could see that the area had once been open to the air, but had now been fenced in on the top. There are two stairways leading up to a walkway, Selena can see a doorway to the north up on the walkway. She motions to Amethyst to stay quiet, and she begins to climb the south stairway.


The changeling was awoken by the sounds of hooves through the north wall of the room he was in, he decided to investigate.

(Amethyst hears the sound of a door opening to the south up on the walkway level.)


"Fine then, I understand your intense desire to come to your son's aid. If Jade weren't at risk of death I would be there myself attempting to rescue him."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

Hm, didn't mean to make this a trap but it seems like it made a perfect one. Jade thought as he landed behind the pegasus and without a second thought, used the hatchet to slice his throat. Then that pony comes in and I do the same thing...hopefully without a hitch. He looks at the body and checks it everywhere to make sure he is dead, as well as taking his bat.


She reacts fast going to the south on the stairway, in front of Selena before she could climb all the way up. She sighed to her that a door opened then tapped her bag making it start to glow a small light muffled by the cloth of the bag to where it couldn't shine in the walkway.


"I'm in the same boat then as I don't want him to die from us coming in to early...doesn't mean we won't take those weapons while we wait for any kind of progress, because once there is, I'm getting my son back" Ruby started to walk down the stairs with Silver to get weapons "my advise is to go with them" Pearl chimed in as Emerald and her walked down as well

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The Pegasus managed to get out a syllable before he bled out on the floor. "Me..."


Jigsaw suddenly awoke, "Scout is dead!" he had previously been dreaming of when his team had been attacked by a hoard of golums, he vividly remembered seeing the pegasus get skewered right through the throat. He wiped the sweat from his brow and got off the cot. He turned to the mirror, what looked back at him looked like him, but more sinister. "Do you ever worry you might be going mad?" "Oh, all zhe time. I don't zhink it's anything to worry about."

With that Jigsaw emerged from his room.


As the changeling passed through the second door he readied his knife, it was modified on the non pointy end to stun. 

Selena heard the second door open and quickly leaped from the stairs, dragging Amethyst with her, and hid beneath the stairway.

The changeling heard more noise to the north and decided to investigate further. He moved out onto the walkway and looked around. "It seems I am not the only spy."

(The changeling is suspicious but has not seen you yet.)


Luna sighed as Jade's family finally left. She closed and locked the door behind them, then leaned against it, knowing that the lock would not keep them out on it's own. How does my sister do it day in and day out?

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

Jade put the body over to a dark corner of the room that no one could see unless they had a skilled eye or brought a light. He dropped the hammer for space then went toward the room the pony with the shovel was at, waiting for him to go check for him to pounce on him.


The glow from her bag got brighter and could be seen from the bottom stair case if somepony looked at it. Amethyst tried to sign to close Selena's eyes as she pulled a large diamond that looked like it was about to discharge some sort of magic force from it. After getting it out and not trying to go blind she throw the diamond with great force onto the walkway as it shined brighter than it ever did before.

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(My phone derped so I didn't see your post till now. Great rolls though, your movements went unnoticed for now.) 


Selena was incapable of closing her eyes to the diamond's powerful light as it was refracted through her, leaving her temporarily blinded. The changeling fared no better though as he was similarly blinded by the light. He backed away from the source (he moved south) and covered his eyes to prevent further damage, "Medic!" He called out quite loudly.

(The changeling is blinded, he knows someone is out there.) 


The thestral heard the changeling's call, "Spies, bloody useless." He came into the structure and saw the changeling covering his eyes from some bright light of an unknown source. He carefully approached as he tried to divine its source. "Crikey!"

(Amethyst hears the sound of a door opening further inside than the changeling's door)


Jigsaw looked up the stairs to his left the smile on his face was replaced by a fine determined line. "Zis ... is unacceptable!" He turned to the earth pony. "Soldier, find Scout and ensure zat our guest is ready for me. I vill be back shortly." The earth pony nodded as Jigsaw rushed up the stairs, emerging at the top only to be blinded by the light as well, but not before catching a quick glance at something beneath the stairs, he tried to block out the light as he struggled to make out what was hiding under the stairs.

(Jigsaw is partially blinded, he knows there is at least one pony hiding under the stairs.)


The deer was not sleeping like he was supposed to, instead he was finishing a sort of project. With a smile he stepped back, then boxed it up. He concentrated as he focused his limited magic, lifting the box into the air before teleporting it away. He rubbed his antlers after the magic was done. "Winter is coming a bit early this year."


Luna saw a bright light coming from what she remembered was a sort of courtyard, a twinge of worry came to her face as she helplessly watched. Suddenly another flash of light appeared to her side, a wooden box with a note which said, You'll know when to open this. She recognized the hoof-writing as the deer's and  she wondered what he had planned.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

Idiot, Jade thinks pouncing on the Soldier and killing him the same way he did the scout. He put the body next to Scouts after one trip then went back to what was going on in the other room.


Amethyst looked around seeing the new pony and hearing the other door open and a voice and sighed. She looked back to Selena "find Jade, I'll be going" she flew out to the walkway and picked the slightly glowing diamond. She plunged the point of the diamond into the changling "this is what happens when you mess with my family, come and get me because I'm right here!" she yelled hoping to be the center of attention for a entirely different reason than normal.


(A little cliche but the heroic sacrifice was really the only thing I thought of...you said Jigsaw saw at least one pony so I think its reasonable for Selena to escape)

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(You don't get auto kills anymore, all other attempts to kill have a chance to dodge/miss)

(You enter a large room, about 3 paces by 6 paces. To the north there are two exits, the left turns west and likely goes back to the first room. Down the right you can see a doorway. To the southeast is another exit to the room, you cannot see down it from your current view.) 


(The diamond barely punctured the changeling's naturally armored chest, he is not noticeably hurt by the attack.) The surprise of the attack stunned the changeling for a moment, knocking him back against the wall. He struggled to clear the light from his eyes.


The thestral watched as the changeling was knocked back, then he pulled out his knife and moved forwards, standing near the changeling he could see the one responsible. "You shouldn't have even gotten outta bed." 


The Griffon had just reached the top of the other stairs when he heard the commotion. He turned to see a strange pony and the thestral holding a knife threateningly. "You! You are dead!"


Jigsaw managed to clear his eyes well enough to see what was happening on the walkway. He realized he had left his bonesaw back in the room with Jade. "You are trying my patience!" He turned to the thestral as he lept towards Amethyst, landing on the walkway behind her, a smug and evil grin coming to his face. "It seems you are quite surrounded mine stutfohlen (german for filly)."


Selena quickly cleared the light from her eyes and took the opportunity presented to her. She quietly leaped up the other stairway to the doorway that Jigsaw had come through, risking a quick glance back at Amethyst she realized that there was little chance that Amethyst would survive. She vowed not to let her sacrifice go to waste as she quietly made her way down the stairs.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"It doesn't matter, I will still fight to my last breath!" Amethyst said as a tear came down her face "my family would be proud I at least fought against you jerks!" She looked at Jigsaw behind her  and bucked "bring it!" She got ready to counter.


Well which way should I...wait, hows that? Jade thought seeing Selena enter the room throw stairs "Selena? Is that you?" he approached her with a hopeful smile, not noticing that all the things in his wings and hooves could be seen as threatening

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Selena turned around the corner as she reached the bottom of the stairs. She was at first surprised to see him all alone, then slightly nervous at the sight of all the medical tools he was carrying. She noticed the faint traces of blood on him and grew a bit fearful, she would have backed away had she not already been spotted. Oh no, he does hate me for sending him away, and now he's after his revenge I'm sure.

Let's not be so hasty, he likely ambushed his guards to escape, I'm sure that's all.

"Jade?" a bit of the nervousness crept into her voice, "Are you alright? They didn't hurt you too bad did they?"


(Now for some action. Amethyst missed Jigsaw's face by a wide margin (2), he having dodged, but she recovered beautifully into a defensive stance.)

Jigsaw's smile dropped from smug and evil to just confident. "Vell zen," he turned towards the assembled members of the team. "Raus, Raus!" 


The thestral was the first to attack, swinging his long Zebrican knife at her. It hit hard, causing her to start bleeding badly. He smirked as he stepped back a bit, "You got blood on my knife mate."


The changeling shook his head as he got up, removing the diamond from his chest, he was bleeding slightly, "Doctor, if you please."


The griffon charged at her, unarmed except for his naturally sharp talons. He missed his attack, his charge carrying him over the edge of the walkway to land surprisingly softly on the ground below.


Jigsaw laughed at the fight that was unfolding before him, then he turned to the Griffon, "Heavy, come here. Ve need to check on our guest." He began to make his way to the stairway he had entered from as the griffon made his way back onto the walkway. As he was about to enter the stairway he turned back towards Amethyst. "I hope you don't die too quickly, it would be sure to draw out those wretched thieves you call a family if I have you And Jade as captives." He began to laugh again.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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