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private A personal letter for the one I have wronged 1x1 RP with Illiad Easle


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Amethyst sighed, "I know you didn't mean for it to happen, you never do, but you need to be more careful about who you drag into your messes, if that guard saw me rush over here with you she might think I am with you too, then what?" She sighed again, "Look, I suppose, in a way, it is good to see you again. At the very least I get my vase back."


Selena stirred back into wakefulness, her inner light back to a healthy brightness. She yawned, then noticed Amethyst working on her foreleg. "Oh, hello Amethyst, thanks for coming over. I wanted to let you know that I wont be at work tomorrow, if that's okay with you."


"I understand, this is some intensive damage, hopefully your body will accept another dust transfusion."


Selena's leg is now mostly whole, with one large crack remaining with many smaller cracks extending from it.


"Jade, come pour the dust along this crack, then hope with all you can that it holds, I find optimism really helps this sort of thing." 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"got it, my hope has been lacking over the years but I can still do it" he hoped it would work putting the dust over the crack when a letter went throw the window "Bro, you got a letter from Mom!" the mare how delivered the letter said then flew away "oh great" he reads it "reunion? we never had that, why do we have to now?" he reads more "ok looks like Monday is planned" he looks at Selena "not fully"

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Selena looked down at her slowly healing leg, "I'm going to need a sock to hold this all together as it heals."


Amethyst stopped her magic, the leg bound enough to hold itself together, so long as no pressure is applied. She turned towards Jade, "You wouldn't happen to have a sock or a medical boot lying around now would you? Oh, how is your family doing? I haven't seen any of them in my shop in the past few months."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"that's a good thing, also they are hosting a bit of an underground party for my family and cousins because apparently my grand father pyrite is turning ninety on Monday" Jade said then thought if there was any socks or a...medical boot in his house "my sister and mom may have some, I don't understand why though" he flies down stairs and starts to check his/Emeralds room if these were any sock to find nothing. I was hoping she didn't have any Jade thought then went throw his moms dresser she has a drawer full of them...I hope she likes red he thought to him self going up to the attic again and handing the socks to them

(its Sunday) (also I forgot to mention again!)

Edited by Yoshikupo
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"Oh, that kind of sock. Well, I suppose it will do, I only need one though. You sure your family wont mind if I borrow it?" Selena put the sock over her injured foreleg, adjusting it so it would apply even pressure to the injured area. "I better head down to the police station, I'll need to report that officer and get that jewelry box back."


Amethyst packed up her grinder and the remainder of the rough diamond, "I'll help you get there, we'll need to go by the hospital to get you a real boot. That kind of sock isn't the most useful for walking but it will hold you together till we get there." She turns to Jade, "Old Pyrite's 90 already? He's nearly as old as Granny Smith. Well, you have a good time then, unless there's anything else you want to return to the ponies in this town? You didn't steal Ditzy's muffin tin did you?" 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"that was once when I was a kid, I do have a few things, almost all in the dresser near my bed...also I didn't know what sock you meant, I have not been injured on my foot at all" Jade said then started thinking a little "can you tell me what happens? I kind of have a little guilt about this" he says to the girls


go to sleep, forget Jade for a bit the mare though to herself when a letter fell on her from the window what is this? she picked it up to find an invitation then smiled writing a reply on another letter then mailed it perfect she thought with a devious smile

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They look at each other.

"We'll, uh, tell you when you're older." They make a hasty retreat through the house, retrieving Amethyst's vase, Ditzy's muffin tin, as well as a few other stolen goods. They store the items at Amethyst's house before moving on to the hospital. Selena turns to Amethyst, walking with a limp due to being temporarily three legged. "That could have been very awkward." 

"You know he's older than you right?"

"Only technically."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

whatever he thought as they left without telling him, it was getting late, throw all the excitement he forgot about the time but first he replied to the letter he got from Emerald. I hope they will be ok out there he thought as he feel asleep.


the next morning


a letter was next to him, Emerald must be the delivering pony because of how fast Jade got his reply to going to the reunion. he reads the letter cant wait to see you there and other messages were on there "yep normal family, I wonder how Selena is doing?"

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 The girls proceeded to the hospital without incident, and after a few lighthearted jokes by the nurses, Selena had a full boot for her foreleg. They then returned to their houses for the night.


The next day,


Selena woke up early that day eager to make use of her additional day off work to return the items Jade had stolen over the years.

Wait, it really should be Jade that does the returning now shouldn't it? Yes, that would be best.

With that thought in mind Selena proceeded toward's Jade's house, still with a slight hobble due to the boot.

​Hopefully he won't mind me showing up unannounced. He would probably want to know how I'm doing anyway.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Jade did what he normally did and looked out the window a bit thinking about the party being held a his grandfathers house which was inside a part of the mountain canterlot is was attached to. He saw Selena walking toward his house then flies down to her "how you doing?" he asks hoping it was good still thinking about the party

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Selena was startled by Jade's sudden appearance, she hadn't expected him to notice that she was coming.

"I'm doing much better now, my forehoof hardly hurts anymore."

"Anyway, I was about to go over to Amethyst's house to start returning some of the things you stole, you wanna help?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"seems only fitting, by the way some stuff, mostly gems are not going to be returned...I need money sometimes" he replied to her a little ashamed at that last part "maybe we could talk about something on the way?" he said wanting to do what he wanted all along and started walking "so how's your life been? I see that you have made friends with Amethyst"

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"Well, to be honest, I don't really know you anymore. I know that you know me, and that we were once friends, but I can't remember what we used to do, where I used to live. basically anything before I moved away. Amethyst was the first friend I made when I moved back here, I suppose I must have lived here before, as you know me and Amethyst remembered me too. It was good to become friends with her again, she even hired me to work in her jewelry shop with her due to my, peculiarity."

With that they had arrived at Amethyst's house, "Don't worry, we didn't take any of the gems, just the little things ponies have been missing for a while." 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"yeah, you can understand why I need them because no pony wants to hire me" he thought about the whole thing she said "well then I guess I have to explain myself more...I kind of want to know you again as well, that and I want to make sure your ok with that broken hoof" Jade said knocking on the door "Amethyst I want to actually apologize in person for all the stealing to the other ponies"


The mare was getting things ready for tomorrow, first things first weapons "give what ever you got that can kill a beast" "going hunting?" "yes, my prey is very illusive so I want the right equipment"

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Selena moves in front of Jade and retrieves a key from under the welcome mat.

"Amethyst isn't home right now, she's tending her shop."

She opens the door to be greeted by the small pile of stolen goods, left there the prior night.

"Don't worry about my hoof, it'll be fine in a day or two. Besides, I have to be fully hardened for it to heal anyway, so long as I stand in the sun I could take a crossbow bolt right to the face without injury, I just move slower and tire more quickly."

She picks up the muffin tin, "Ditzy will be happy to see this again. Oh, that reminds me, I still need to go by the guard station to retrieve my box, I know you can't exactly come with me though."

That guard couldn't have been stationed here long, all the guards stationed here were told how I was different. She must be newly transferred or been following Jade for some time. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"yeah I know that but I still feel some guilt about this...I have an idea, you go get you box while I go return this stuff, either in person or on the door step" Jade said grabbing some items "you seemed kind of pissed yesterday when I left, why exactly?" he asked thinking her answer would be exactly the time it would take to but the item in his bag

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"Well, I did end up walking all the way across town expecting to talk to you, then you didn't  even want to talk to me. Plus, I was hoping that seeing you would help me remember more of my past, and it did, but not as much as I was hoping. When I met Amethyst again I remembered a bunch of our history, but with you... it's still just fractals."

She turns to face Jade fully, "Alright, I'll head down to the guard station while you return that stuff, you'll need to leave so I can lock up and give Amethyst back her key. Oh, if you steal something from her again she will hunt you down, she knows where you live now."


(Will you be running the Guard Station?) 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"yeah I know" he says finishing gathering everything. she cant remember much can she? wait...I saw an article almost right after I stole her jewelry box about a crystal filly, uh mind work! he tries to  think but cant remember more about it "I'll just go now" he says flying out the house toward the first house, residents of Lyra and Bon Bon how he stole a shiny necklace.


(yes I will)

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Selena locked up the house, then hid the key as she had agreed to with Amethyst.

She then hobbled down to the Guard station with as much grace as she could muster. Almost tripping on numerous occasions.

Finally she made it to the building that previously had instilled her with hope, but now seemed dark and foreboding.

With a bit of trepidation, she entered the building.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

A white guard was at the front desk looking like he wanted the day to be over "what do you want? we got a numerous amount of cases already, one of use got fired and now we need some other guard to take her place, what do you want?" he said rudely


next some help the mare thought as she walked to a near by gang hide out then knocked on the door "what do you want?" "I want some help, I got plenty of gems" "we don't take gems" "then I can sell them for bits just let me in" "fine talk to the boss, don't make it a waste of time"

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What is with the guards these days, honestly.

Selena walked up to the guard, Perhaps he just didn't recognize me as the Only pony in this town that looks Anything like a crystal pony.

"Hi," her tone less than jovial, the trepidation from earlier was gone.

"One of the guards took my jewelry box yesterday after an old friend returned it to me. She said it was stolen property and I heard I could get it back here."

She places her booted forehoof on the desk, "That mean anything to you?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"oh your the pony how Jade gave the box too and inadvertently got Topaz fired? we get some weird cases about him returning things to the owners, some take days others, like yours, took years" he said then got up from the desk "might as well give you the box, not much good evidence will come from a returned box of jewelry" he goes into another room for a second then comes back out with the box "make sure to mark with something, now leave me to my business" he said looking at more papers looking tired 

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Selena took the box from the table, and replaced it with a sheet of paper.

"Oh, that's not all, here's the bill for my medical expenses. My lawyer's name and address are at the bottom, do make sure it's taken care of in a timely manner."

She makes her way back to the door, "Oh, let the Captain know I am disappointed that the guard didn't know about my condition, if it happens again, I'll have to speak to the mayor. He's lucky I'm not pressing charges."

With that she left the guard station, her inner light going blue as the door closed.

What is wrong with the world today? The guards used to be so nice to me before.

She glanced down at the green band around her uninjured foreleg, meant to alert ponies that she had brittle bones.


Selena then returned to her house, box in hoof. Maybe this will yield some answers.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"not my fault Topaz is a total ass" the guard mumbles as Selena leaves


Jade hummed as he completed the final drop off to Ditzy how looked happier than ever. He saw Selena from the ground with her box, I forget how fast I am sometimes Jade thought as he landed a little bit in front of her not to scare her like last time "how did things go?"

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"I think I'll have to schedule a meeting with the mayor, even though much of her power has been superseded by Princess Sparkle she should still be able to do something about those guards. Oh, and I think I'll delay my yearly contribution to the guards, see if that garners any more respect... Oh, Hi Jade. Things went okay I guess, got my box back and it looks like Amethyst and the hospital will get reimbursed. How about you? Returning things go well?" 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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