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private A personal letter for the one I have wronged 1x1 RP with Illiad Easle


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@@Illiad Easle,

"not much different from normally returning things, a threat here, a questioning of what my I am actually like there" Jade heard what she was talking about before he landed "guards getting you down?" Jade thought of something that could cheer her up "you know how I have that party? its kind of late at night but do you want to go to it with me tomorrow?" he tried not to make it sound to weird. She is cute though Jade thought ok stop that right now said a different part of his brain


"check and check, now time to go to grandpa's house to set up some stuff" Topaz said then flew toward the mountain Canterlot was built into

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"Tomorrow night? Normally I would counter with I haven't a thing to wear, but I have always looked good under my mother's starlight."

Maybe he won't notice that last part.

"Sure, I'd be happy to go. My leg just might be healed by then. You can pick me up at Amethyst's shop, that's where I'll be working." 

Did I really just agree to go to a family party with someone I just met?

With that they had arrived at Selena's house.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"I really thought you would decline, I bet it will be better now that your coming, my family can get boring in social events" Jade said to her surprising agreement. why did she say mother when I think she meant Luna? I bet its figurative like how Bright treats her Jade thought "see you then" he said with a smile flying away to his house to sleep till dawn because he was tired from flying everywhere

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"Alright, see you."

Selena had been hoping that Jade would spend more time with her, as it was only like 3pm at the latest, time is hard to measure when the regular schedule of meals isn't a factor.

That reminds me, I'm likely to be expected to consume things at the party, which means I'll have to clear some space in my chest to store them.

She proceeded inside where she, after closing all the windows, proceeded to cough up a few rough diamonds, which she then stored in a safe place. It feels weird to be hollow again.

She then turned to the jewelry box, inspecting it for any damage by the guards. Not that she knew exactly what it looked like before it was stolen.

The longer she looked at the box, the more distant memories came together, bunching together like they were all connected by the box, except one crucial factor was missing, she had no idea where the key to open the box would be. On the bottom of the box faint lettering was visible, 'Some things are best left forgotten.'


It took a great effort to set the box down and move on with her day, but she managed it. When she looked up, hours had passed, it was night once again.

Time to shine again.


Selena moved to her yard, where she often spent clear nights. She sat on the lawn, face towards the moon with her eyes closed, basking in it's radiance as the light shown through her, casting innumerable spots of light around as it passed through her many faucets.


She remembered the moon, how it had once been so close to her, once been a part of her, or she of it.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

Jade woke up during the night probably since he slept so early, more like a nap since it was only an hour. he spent most of his time cleaning the house seeing how dirty it was and ate a few apples. He headed out to see the night that was beautiful to him after that, time alone was great but like it was he was alone. He flew with a cloud under him to make a mobile platform that he liked to sleep on sometimes. Jade passed by many houses on his cloud platform one being Selena's home which he thanks for getting him to return all those things, he saw her again under him when she was on her lawn. she looks great in this light Jade thought I still cant remember that article but I think it had something to do with her hitting, or something with her head, why would that happen?


"hey Topaz, how you doing? Topaz? come on answer me, how are these guys? T...Topaz?"

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As she sat beneath the moonlight, she sighed. Sorting through memories like puzzle pieces, trying to string together a sequence of events, but ultimately it kept returning to the box. Something of great importance was in that box, something she had locked away.

As she opened her eyes a single tear fell from her eye, casting a brief rainbow to be momentarily cascaded through her body, the colors briefly flashed against the local area.

She felt the magic of music welling inside her, she felt herself alone so she complied.


"Who said that every wish, would be heard and answered, When wished on the morning star?"

"Somepony thought of that, and someone believed it, and look what it's done so far..."


"What's so amazing, that keeps me stargazing, and what do I think I might see?"

"Someday I'll find it, the rainbow connection, the lovers, the dreamers, and me..."


(http://www.metrolyrics.com/rainbow-connection-lyrics-muppets.html if you want to sing the next verse, starts with 'Have you been half asleep?')

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"Have you been half asleep? And have you heard voices? I've heard them calling my name, Is this the sweet sound, That called the young sailors?
The voice might be one in the same, I've heard it too many times to ignore it It's something that I'm supposed to be
Someday we'll find it, The rainbow connection, The lovers, the dreamers and me"

Jade sung out above her in a baritone voice, loud enough for Selena to hear "I remember that song ever since we saw that movie" he said lowering the cloud "sorry for ditching you earlier, I was just tired and needed a nap" he chuckled a bit

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Selena was so startled by the intrusion of her song, she almost moved. Inside she was quite embarrassed.

"Oh, I didn't hear you come over here."

She turned her head to the ground, digging at it slightly with her uninjured limb.

"I had forgotten the song until just now, I had forgotten where I had heard it before, I thought She had sung it to me before..."

She shook her head and stood up, "No point in dwelling on it now. So, that party is in like 18 hours, is there anything I should know about your family before I meet them?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"they like stealing, Emerald likes to make fun, so does Ruby, Silver is the most accepting there, Pearl does not like to be teased and if you see a yellow mare, don't talk to her, I don't know the rest of my cousins/uncles/aunts/any other family I have though so I'm just going to wing it" Jade tried to explain to her "if you want to know about those 5 then just ask me anytime" Jade thought for a second "also are family is like about over half the apple families" he started thinking about the song. "I remember you and me loving the song when we heard it the first time"

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"Well, Given that I am technically the most valuable thing in all the land, this should be quite interesting."

"For some reason I remembered the song as sad, but a bit hopeful at the end,"

Maybe she did sing it to me, and the song was put in a movie later. Could be why I loved it so much.

She turns to face Jade, sitting back down. "No one else in you family knows about how I'm different right? Because if they do it could be a very big problem. For them." 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"no, non of them do, non ever met you before, if they did I didn't notice" he remembered the first thing she said "they would steal you if you weren't living, they will think you were a crystal pony and even those they know have no value because its literally the corpse of a pony just sparkling and has gems that can't be used for anything" Jade explained. "I may just call it your song if you like it" he chuckled a bit "I'm glad I got to see you again by the way and sing that song"

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Selena chuckled, "Glad to see your family isn't involved in the black market, last I checked crystal organs were quite valuable."

Suppose that's a good reason why I don't truly have any.


She stands up again, "It was good to see you again too, but you really ought to get some more sleep, it sounds like the party will last late into the night."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"I've grown to not having a lot of sleep, that's for many reasons. My family do some bad stuff but they draw the line at killing without it being self defense" he thought for a second "plus when I get home I'll probably sleep till 12 am anyway" he looks at the moon again "you know, the morning is ok but my family and me all agree the night is better, no matter what the reason"

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"That's good to hear,"

Selena turns her face back to the sun, closing her eyes again.

"I to prefer the night,  I feel so much more alive with the light of the moon cascading through me."

Her inner light glows with a greater intensity then it did during the day. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"the glowing tells me all I need to hear" he chuckled "I like this time, it great to have a rest once and I while...you know from all the problems I normally have, all the hate, all those horrible things I try to control by my own" he sighs "I bet no one in equestria thinks like me which is both a blessing and a curse" he looks at the glowing bright Selena. a kind of curse that hurt you Jade thought "you know I always wanted to go to other parts of equestria, might want to blame my family for that"

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"I know what you mean, Before the Crystal Empire returned no one knew what to think of me."

A slight smile came to her face

"Being on the endangered species list sure does cut down on the hate though."

"I remember different parts of Equestria, I traveled a bit after the incident, after crystal ponies had been discovered I didn't stand out quite as much in a crowd. But I like this town best, except for Princess Sparkle, I live in fear of the day she finds out that I am not a crystal pony." 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"why would you be scared? she is the princess of friendship, I doubt she would do anything to you if she knew...not that I would tell her if you didn't want me to" Jade said still thinking why she would say that "also I understand why some ponies would do that, hate you for being different, not accept you when you were born a certain way" he felt the last one was kind of him instead of her

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"She is also a scientist," she sighs, "I know I don't really have a reason to fear her, but I just do. With her new powers as princess she could do whatever she wanted to me, by the time She could do something about it, it would likely be too late."

"Its not entirely the fault of the ponies that they despise what isn't like them, there are some ponies, some nations that are inclusive of all races, all species."

"Have you ever seen a deer? a camel? Not many ponies even believe they exist, but they live just outside the borders of Equestria."

She sighs again.

"I don't even think Princess Sparkle truly comprehends that there are other nations out there, individuals that live independent of the Princesses."

She looks down, "Sorry, I'm waxing philosophical again." 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

Jade hovered his cloud down to her "its fine, I know I vent out sometimes, they may not fix from just the princesses sometimes but that's partially are job, live a good life so things get better" Jade thought a bit again "I bet if we had a something to make time bend then if we went in the future we would see a bunch of species all walking together in this town and if we see the history of what happened then the princesses would be only a small part of all the other ponies that thought we should all get along. heck not even just ponies, deer, camel, many others, because there will always be that glimmer, that glimmer of hope for friendship, that glimmer that any pony, any species can get along...I think I rambled enough" he chuckled "thank Bright for teaching my that one...she is always optimistic like that"

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I know so much, but understand so little.

"The princesses were a big part of bringing the ponies together, but they also played a role in driving the other species out."

Selena looks up at the moon again, eyes open, yet unfocused.

"They unified the three races by putting themselves on top, the crystal ponies wouldn't let her rule them, so King Sombra disappeared the kingdom as he was defeated, he had promised his people that they would never fall under her tyranny."

"She caused a hunt to eliminate the changelings, driving them out wherever they could be found, the other races were only a little more fortunate, Equestria has very strict border control to keep out any that could disrupt her perfect land. Then, she changed history to her own favor, making it seem like they had to be cast out, they were inferior. Some nations are out there, simply ignored by her. she believes that no nation could hope to survive without her aid."

She shakes her head again, eyes regaining focus.

"Sorry, I just remember a different version of history, but I hope you're right. That eventually all species will live together in harmony. I just hop it doesn't take another extinction to do it."

She looks over at Jade, "I hope that doesn't scare you, it's been happening more often lately, me remembering things far in the past."

"Who is Bright? if you don't mind me asking?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

the whole conversation took a turn he didn't want it to but it looks like she was trying to change it with her last question "Bright is the first pony that really accepted me other than my family, she helped a lot when I felt bad about thing...her name is Bright Shine for her being cheerful and helpful to others. She has a bit of a unnatural healing business dealing mostly with dark magic, by the way dark and evil magic are different" he chuckles a little "she praises Luna like a religion which makes a few conversations sway to talking about Luna, she's not totally excepted by others because of all that but I find her great"

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Why is that name familiar to me?

"Bright Shine? The name sounds familiar... Does she live anywhere nearby? I would like to meet her sometime if possible, maybe she could help my recover my memories."

"Though I agree that Mo... Princess Luna is a truly great pony, and I have a deep respect for her, I am always startled to see ponies who worship the princesses like deities."

She shakes her head again, giggling slightly. If only they knew what I know about the princesses. They'd see how normal they really are.


At this point the moon began to set, the edge touching the horizon. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"yeah she lives near the far east of ponyville, runs a shop called alternate cures. Yeah I remember that there just ponies in the end...I wonder what they would truly act like if they weren't rulers of equestria" he said then looked at the moon "see you at Amethyst's shop, I'll just be sleeping and preparing a gift for Pyrite, don't worry about bringing one, I'll put both are names on it" he said flying up putting the cloud back. He soon got back to his house and took a long nap not knowing that Topaz had planned for him tonight.

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"Well, Bye then, I guess."

She felt slightly sad by his departure, but at the same time she was glad that she didn't have to talk anymore.

She closed her eyes as she resumed her moon meditation, drinking in as much energy as she could before the moon finally sank beneath the horizon.


Once the sun had risen to a reasonable degree, Selena brushed herself off before heading inside. She removed the boot and stored it in her closet, It's a good thing to have around. She then softened her form, appearing more fuzzy, like a regular pony, instead of the hard, crisp lines she had while she was healing, in this state she was much quicker and had more freedom over changes to her form.

He inner glow was less apparent in this form, to a pony with poor eyesight she wouldn't stand out at all. With that she went to Amethyst's shop, ready to start the work day.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

(its time for a time skip!)

Many hours pass as Jade was asleep. Once he woke up he did exactly what he said, prepared a present that was just a little gem carved to look like a heart. He did everything you would do in a normal day but in the afternoon like he normally did. It turned around that time where the party was going to start in an hour or so, so he came to the shop with a little outfit on to look nice for the party. "Selena I hope your ready for some good time with interesting ponies" he said coming throw the door

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