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private A personal letter for the one I have wronged 1x1 RP with Illiad Easle


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@@Illiad Easle,

(yeah maybe it was to high)

"now I think I know how did all the planning for all the death of the goons" "wait why would Topaz do such a thing? she was always so nice to us, she's part of are family" Pearl looked about to cry "pony up, you need to guard and exit to, hope she doesn't take your end" "sorry if I have emotions" she said flying with the others to each one exit


Jade was in deep thought of what to do "I guess you can't decide? time to go I guess, hope your sister is happy with me" she hit a switch making a tube behind her appear that she backed up into "she has the right idea, lets get out" a goon said signaling multiple goons to also get out, Jade followed after Topaz. they all got a surprise when they left, lots of punches to the face except for the one Topaz left from "Diamond help with Topaz, take Emerald" "got it!" he said trying to get the Emerald away from her "your not taking me away my bargaining chip you freak!" she stabbed Diamond in the eye which made him scream with immense pain "I hope you learned your lesson, come on Jade last chance before I leave" "you just stabbed my uncle in the eye! the answer it no!" "then I'll see you later Jade" she said going to the ground, pulling out pellets and deployed out a almost wall of smoke that reached up to the clouds that Jade couldn't see throw did she go up? strait? left? right? up! he thought going into the clouds


"oh crap" she said seeing the giant cloud of smoke "she took Pyrite's equipment"

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Selena recognized the voice of Topaz as the guard from before.

Not getting away from me that easily

Selena burst through the smoke, eyes unaffected and ears tuned down the paths, she heard the body being dragged as one can't move very fast when dragging an unwilling pony behind them.

"This way, follow me!"

Selena rushed through the tunnels after Topaz.

It's payback time.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"I'm coming Selena!" Jade yelled following her voice, soon the rest of the family followed "why do you have to get in my way, you poor excuse for a family!" she was about to stab Emerald "I know you won't do that" "you don't know what your doing!" her eye started to twitch. "I will never like you, you stupid broad" "I...I have the knife, all I wanted was you!" her actions were getting more and more erratic


(all yours, do your worst)

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"Hey Topaz! Remember Me?" Selena shouted as she sprinted forward.

She attempted to replicate the body slam She had done before, but only partially succeeded.

Topaz was knocked away from Selena, and Emerald, but the knife was lodged in Selena's chest, diamond dust poured from the wound like blood, it hurt, but Selena didn't show it. She looked down at the knife.

"Oh look, I've been impaled."

Selena returned her gaze to Topaz, a smile that bordered on manic.

"You were that guard right? the one that SHATTERED my LEG?!?!"

She blitzed forward, closing the distance between them in a brief span.

Topaz looked like she was about to say something, but Selena stuck her hoof in Topaz's mouth.

"Shh now, this will only hurt alot more for you than it did for me."

Selena pushed Topaz to the ground, one hoof still in her mouth, the other hoof raised above her foreleg.

Then she stomped down with all the rage of an angered Earth pony. completely shattering Topaz's foreleg.

Her screams muffled by the leg in her mouth.

"What's that? I forgot how Fragile you ponies are. Karma hurts doesn't it." 

With that Selena turned away, knife still embedded in her chest, diamond dust still pouring from the wound, a substantial amount sat in Topaz's fur.

"I feel a bit woozy."

With that she faced Jade, "She's all yours now."

Then she collapsed, passed out like Topaz behind her.


(To let you know, I could have made that scene significantly darker, but it wouldn't fit Selena's characterization. This only made sense to me as her talent is karma.)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"hot dame...you brought her right?" she eyed Jade "Its a long story...lets get Topaz out of here and to a mental hospital with a good written note" "it would solve that problem but I bet we would need a lot of cleaning for this" "were thief's with all of us we can do it within the night, you guys don't have plans better than covering are hide right? because he has all are locations" "no we don't" everypony in the family said as they flew back to the house "wait, Pearl take care of Diamond and Amethyst take care of Topaz please, I got Selena" "what is she? your mare friend?" Jade lost the ability to speak for a second "she would have to agree with it" "got it, so you like her" "just shut up" Jade carried Selena back to the house. a few hours later, everypony got freed and most of the mess was cleaned, Jade was in a mini clinic that one of the rooms were made into. The knife was long gone and Jade was waiting for Selena to wake up so he could ask a few questions to this mare

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You got hurt...

I did? Oh, right.

You've lost quite a bit of material.

I can feel it.

Was your revenge as sweet as you imagined.

... yes.

Well, I suppose you are still true to yourself after all this time.

I would like that more mobile body now.

Soon, I've begun making the arrangements. You'll need to wake up now, you'll have enough energy to say a few words before you return.


Make them count.


Selena's eyes opened slowly, the wound had stopped leaking, but was far from being closed.

With as much volume as she could muster she said, "Diamond dust, moonlight, now."

With that she passed out again.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Jade tried to interpret the words, wait she glowed in the moonlight before...is that what she means? Jade thought well she said now as the last word so now it will happen "don't worry I got it" Jade picked up the unconscious mare and flew out of the still opened skylight "you know I thinking of telling that mare Jade likes him" "why?" "I want to see the look on his face" "your cruel" Amethyst chuckled a little. Jade set Selena down again in the moon light field, the moon was about to leave for the sun soon though "come on, glow like your beautiful self"

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The moonlight poured into Selena, and almost instantaneously the wound closed.

Her eyes opened slowly again, she still felt weak, much like a pony who had lost a lot of blood. But so long as she stayed in the moonlight she would be fine.


Her hoof moved to rub her chest, where the wound was.

"That hurt a lot more than I had expected."

She turned to face Jade, "I still need the diamond dust, the dust that fell out of me in the passages. It's basically my blood."

If you bring Topaz to me I can get the particles out of her coat, it wont be pleasant, for her, but it is absolutely necessary if I ever want to leave the light of the moon.


Hush up, I like inside too.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"well then I need to dash, we kind of bumped her off to a mental hospital since we didn't want to deal with her crap" Jade flew off in the direction of the mental hospital in ponyville and saw and ambulance on the way before arriving. He looked around the place to see anything but Topaz so he decided to ask the receptionist "hey one of my family dropped a pony here, have you seen her?" "yes maybe you should have dropped her at an actual hospital, oh I found this" she gave Jade a note saying 'this pony needs help' in cursive "Celestia dame it Amethyst!" he screamed running out the place. Why am I even doing all this for a mare a hurt long ago, that if she found out about her past she would probably kill me? Love  what no, mind stop acting insane Jade thought seeing the ambulance he saw before she's in there isn't she? Jade thought diving toward the truck, pulling the doors open, got spotted by the driver, grabbed Topaz and flew away "uh, I wish this wasn't so heavy, I can pick up diamonds one third of her size but she's giving me trouble!" he complained heading back to the house which would take about 20 minutes

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Selena heard Jade's flapping and labored breathing long before he arrived.

Took him long enough,

He's not a strong flyer like you.


She turned to face Topaz, extending a forehoof in her direction.

"To me." She whispered.

Instantly much of the hair was ripped from Topaz's barrel, innumerable shards of diamond having coalesced around the hairs of her coat. The shards traveled with great speed, seemingly disappearing on impact with Selena's body. Once the shards had been recovered from Topaz, Selena stood up, and gave a full body shiver like every hair in her coat was involved in a wave stretching from the end of her tail to the tip of her muzzle. She spit out a ball of Topaz's fur.

"Thanks, I hope it wasn't too much trouble. She tastes awful by the way."

She turned to face the skylight, Contemplating on the best way down without revealing too much to Jade's family.

"I can get the dust from the passages on my own now, it looks like you have some unfinished business with some hospital orderlies."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

(I said moonlight field two posts ago, counting this one)

"yeah for all I care she can go to hell but I cant leave her...I guess" a bloody Topaz woke up, still delusional like ever "I knew you loved me...even with my flaws" she fell back asleep "I think I should leave her somewhere, that could care for her or otherwise" he slowly carries her away to a nice little spot on the edge of ponyville that would get the attention of anypony that passed by "screw her, she comes after me when she heals I'll deal with it then" maybe you can still be with Selena when that happens Jade thought letting that one slide by this time. He got back to Selena when it was about sunrise "some eventful night huh? I wonder if anything like that will happen again"

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(I just realized that I totally misread the scene where Topaz escapes through a wall, I though she took a secret tunnel deeper into the mountains. MY mistake.)


It will, but will you be ready this time?

I hope so.

"I have a feeling that this is only the beginning." Selena turned to face Jade. "Back in the planning room, you said Topaz made you steel from your best friend, that was me wasn't it?" She turned away from him, looking back at the setting moon. "What did she make you steal from me?"

Are you sure you want to know?

I must, I have to find the key to the box.

Some things are better left forgotten Selena,

I can't live with this hole in my life, if I am to live as long as you I can't drag this forever.

Understood, I will always be with you when you need me.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"so you know that much...really I just had to steal anything, my family was thinking of buying a house here and I didn't want to live with that pony anymore" Jade sighed "so I stole the money from you...I'm painfully sorry for what I did, I just couldn't think of a better place because I knew you so well" he puts a hoof on his face feeling the guilt in him grow. I don't know what will happen if I say the full truth "all I could salvage was that box"

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"I see, I asked because I can hardly remember what my old house looked like, I must have moved soon after my accident. If you hadn't told me you took the box I never would have known it was missing."

Selena sighed, closing her eyes.

"She wasn't very forthcoming with the details, don't think she even knew the box existed till now."

I was unaware Jigsaw had given it to you.

Where is he now?

You chose to forget that too, you chose to forget many things. It is not my place to bring them back, you alone must decide to remember what you have forgotten.

"I could never have listed the box as missing, I suppose that explains how Topaz knew it was stolen."

She sighed.

"The reason I asked is, firstly what else you stole so I can get an insurance claim on it. And second, to see if you know where the key to the box might be?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"a key? hm...if I were to guess it would still be in Manehattan, I don't know if you remember but that's where you moved from and I moved from" he says trying to think of any extra information "I think I might have dropped it, making it in possession of the guards there" Jade suggested "if you want to I could come with you" he said getting a little quiet on the last line "because he loves you~" she said sneaking up on the two "Amethyst get out of here you jerk!" "meh I did my joke" she flew away then Jade forced a chuckle "funny joke Amethyst" he held back the urge to hit his cousin

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? Noooo..


noooo, Couldn't be.

Course not

Could it?

... I'll go ask Ca.

Do that.


It could.

No way, really?

Yep, He definitely kind of sort of prefers your presence above at least most others.

You sure?

Ca. Just told me.

Wow, I don't know if I can do this

I don't know how I feel about it.

Would that even work?

Maybe? I must admit my experience is limited.

Maybe I could just sort of play along? see where it goes?

And hope he realizes that you're the immortal daughter of a princess?

Yes, that could be quite the relationship breaker.

You ought to say something, going solid in the middle of a conversation is often noticed as a negative.

Oh shoot.


Selena quickly shook her head as is clearing her thoughts, 

"Huh? Oh ya, real funny." She chuckled, little more convincingly than Jade's.

She thought about what he had said earlier.

"Yes, I would like it if you came with me. After all, you know my old house better than I do at this point. It's likely they key could still be hidden there, I still own the place through inheritance so it should be untouched."


I still own it right?

You do, you were really Jigsaw's only child.

If this does go forward, how should I break the news to him?

I'll see you in Manehatten, we really ought to have a face to face talk instead of this telepathy.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"well we should go sometime soon then, want to walk with me to the train station to see if there is a train coming soon?" Jade said trying to stop his anger. why did she pause? I knew she would think it was weird...that shouldn't be what I'm thinking right now, what I should be thinking of is helping this mare because it was my fault shes in this situation in the first place...maybe I could help myself a little in the processes Jade thought

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Selena noticed Jade's slight coldness.

Carpé, he noticed.

"There's no hurry, we should ensure that your family is all okay. Is your uncle dead yet? the one that got stabbed in the eye? I hope not."


Selena inwardly cringed, hoping that she hadn't offended Jade by asking. As far as she knew it was still the same night as the party, thus she hoped nothing much had changed.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"wow...just wow" Jade said at her horrible way of suggesting to see if his family was alright "I made Pearl take care of it, if she had a second cutie mark it would be for care...and maybe acting" he said walking over to the house hoping to walk with Selena when he remembered something "what about your job? that seems like something that would be important"

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Selena cringed outwardly, "Sorry about that."

She then adopted a mire neutral expression.

"That's part of why there's no hurry, I'll need to tell Amethyst, Star, that I'll be out of town for a bit."

"Besides, the sun just barely rose. At the earliest I wouldn't need to be there for another few hours. I can wait."

She quickly trotted over to Jade.

"Besides, I still haven't really met your family yet."


(If you're thinking of putting in a secondary villain, now would be the time to start setting up for it.)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"I guess so, well I might as well introduce them"


a pony walked down the street when she found a pony on the road "oh my project failed, it was so good too, a family of thief's battling a mare how's sanity was an all time low trying to get love she would never get...I hope they at least got me a good story to write" the unicorn picked up the body with her magic "I wonder if my assistant has anything more to say about Jade, a sequel is brewing in my mind"

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(Your post set it up so nicely, it felt like the perfect part end.)


Part 2: The Open Box


Selena enters the house with Jade, All the while wondering if she had accidentally crushed her only chance at romance in decades.

I really hope he doesn't hate me for that, I don't mind if he only wants to be friends, so long as we can still be friends.

I'd hate to lose a friend.

Be careful what you wish for, I'd hate to lose a daughter.

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"so how are things in here everypony?" the family all gathered around "we still have a bit of a mess to clean up from you two and Pearl is still trying to get Diamonds eye to stop bleeding" Emerald says "I want Selena to at least know your names" "oh I got this, Emerald, Ruby, Silver, Sapphire, Pyrite, Aquamarine, Gold, Diamond, Pearl, Bronze, Garnet, Amethyst, and...I forget the ones out side the family names" she said pointing to each member till she got to the others "is swift that hard to remember?" a stallion says looking at Emerald "no but I know gems...some ores as well and we name most of are kin after gems" "yes we all know that Emerald, hows Pyrite doing by the way?" "he's doing ok but how are you two love birds?" "do you want to be hit?" "relax its only a joke" Jade sighed "well you meet them and some are annoying" he shot daggers at Amethyst for a second then looked back "do you want to know anything else?"

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(If you don't mention me I don't get an email, so I don't know to post.)


"I don't suppose so. Look, not that this isn't awkward or anything but I guess I should head back home now, let you guys take care of yourselves. Besides, it's been a long time since I last ate."

When was the last time you ate?

Probably at Pinkie's last party.

So, about a week?

Just about.

Selena turns to leave, "Unless you guys need anything from me I'll be going then." 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"we should be fine, we need to still get rid of some bodies and-" an old yellowish pony walks up Selena "hold on" the old pony says grabbing a chunk Diamond from his bag and giving it to Selena "you may need this sometime...I sure won't" the stallion smiled then walked away as everypony stared at him and the chunk of diamond "so what? he gave her the diamond he proposed to grandma with" Jade said interrupting the silence "you can go if you want to know, I'm going to get some sleep" "so your going to leave everything to us?" "I just saved you and some others of the family, I deserve some rest" he walks to the door

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