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private A personal letter for the one I have wronged 1x1 RP with Illiad Easle


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@@Illiad Easle,

The blue mare got to the ticket stand before Jade and Selena "you know stuff like that goes throw my head at time" The blue mare bumped into Jade after getting her ticket. "excuse me" she said as she got up fast not wanting to change the future just yet from this encounter then walked off quickly sitting on a bench waiting for the train breathing heavy as she checked the visions again to see if something changed. "well that was weird" he said getting up then getting the tickets for them


 The blue ponies visions did change but in a slight way that would do nothing which got her to calm down more.

Edited by Yoshikupo
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(retribution only applies to spells that one casts on the other, casting on oneself would do nothing for the other.)


Selena looks back at Jade. "Really? All the time you think about how your actions affect those around you? You really ought to be more careful about your actions then. I've heard how much you've hurt ponies in the past. Plus those thugs..."

She shakes her head, "Let's just get moving, the train should be boarding right about now if it wants to leave on time."


Mist wanted me to let you know that she's currently living in your house, she's excited to see you again.

Really! I've missed her so. I can't wait to see her again.


A slight smile came to her face, a certain cheeriness entering her disposition.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"yeah, lets just go" Jade did not feel any joy right now from what Selena said, he knew he hurt ponies, especially her but to hear her say that...it made him beat himself up inside for being such a horrible pony. Jade still continued to walk with her and on the train, the blue pony also boarded but made sure not to interact with the two this time in fear of changing something big, after she did that she started talking with other ponies on the train hoping for something she could use. "so do you remember anything new about the house or Manehatten?"

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"Funny you should mention it, I just remembered that one of my siblings has been using it off and on since I left. She'll be there when we arrive so you'll finally get to meet someone from my family after I got to meet some ponies from yours."

Selena knew that the seats on Equestrian trains were less comfortable than the seats on say, a griffon express, but she still felt oddly comforted sitting next to Jade.


"Suspect 2 has entered the same train as VIPs, moving to follow and watch. Backup on standby in Manehatten."

The thestral boarded the train with a quick flash of his medallion to the conductor. He sat himself in a way that he could clearly see suspect 2 and could move to intercept if she went towards J&D.

Why does she look so familiar?

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"oh that's great...how did you find out? a letter?" Jade says still oblivious to how Selena was Luna's daughter. no pony here has a connection or future connection to these two, the blue pony thought, wonder how the affected characters from my other books are doing? wonder about my first character... the blue pony sighed there's no going back to that filly or pony now

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"Oh I just remembered that she had moved in after I left and I don't remember her moving out so in all likelihood she should still be there. Of all my siblings she was the one I liked the most."


The thestral wished he had a book to read, or had grabbed a newspaper before he got on the train. Suspect 2 had hardly moved, just cast a few spells about the future of some of the ponies in the car, which wasn't illegal unless she tried to tell them their futures without their consent. She seems innocent enough, but it simply doesn't add up. Where did Suspect 1 go and where did Suspect 2 come from?

He couldn't use his amulet on the train without drawing attention to himself, he was satisfied that she had not tried to see his future, the medallion would prevent that if she had, which would reveal that he was a lunar guard, but she shouldn't have any reason to fear him if she was, in fact, innocent.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"oh so its more of a guess" Jade sighed "so...do you think bad of my from the stuff I've done? I try you know" he says still kind of sad from what she said before. The blue pony saw how close they were getting to the city, well looks like I better start planning on what to do next...to ruin these lives, she thought then shakes her head, morality and business are two different things she convinces herself looking back at the city.  Back at Brights shop Bright was trying to get the anti magic spell off her which was fading ever so slightly over time.

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Selena sighed, before looking directly at Jade.

"To be perfectly honest, I think what you've done with your talent is less than the best you could do. You have so much potential to do good in this world, but you do theft because that's what your family has done for decades. However, I can tell you with absolute certainty that because of what Topaz did to your family, your karma is mostly balanced out. At least as far as I know."


Finally the backup the thestral asked for arrived at Bright's shop. A unicorn guard of the night variety. He approached the door and knocked, "Excuse me, Miss Bright? Are you okay in there?"

He scanned the door, nopony had passed through it since the call for backup was placed.

I'll try around the back if she doesn't respond.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"yeah I guess...but I have no idea how I can use my skill for good" Jade admitted putting his hoof on his face as a announcement came from the conductor "we will be in Manehatten in ten minutes" "that's good" Jade said after the announcement. well its about time to go finish my story the blue pony thought. Bright heard the knock on her door which got her to try and make sounds but failing to get anything to get his attention, come on find out! bright thought.

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Seriously? No ideas as to how being especially sneaky and swift of hoof could be used for good?

Not all ponies have the vast understanding that we do.

I suppose I could give him a few ideas.


"Well... you could help ponies to make their homes harder to rob, testing anti-theft equipment and the like. You could make a good spy, stealing for the good of our nation. I like the idea of testing security systems, you could help ponies protect themselves."


I'll check around the back then.

As the guard went around the house he scanned any entrances or exits that could be found on the building, they all returned unused since the call. He went back to the front, knocking again, "Miss Bright, this is Lt. Pick of the Lunar Guard, I am going to open this door, by force if needed, do not be alarmed." He attempted to open the door, finding it locked. he then turned his horn on the lock, utilizing his talent in lock-picking to unlock the door. He then moved onto the dark shop floor. "Miss Bright?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"I guess, I never really thought of the security stuff, i did think of being a spy though...I didn't like the idea to be honest, high stakes is not my thing" Jade said as the train stopped "well its time to go, I hope this trip will be good" he said getting up from his seat. "mh!" Bright tried to say help as she edged to the backroom door and hit it with her head making a loud bang then silence as she did it to hard

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"All right then, my house is the top floor of the Hay building, it's not the tallest or most impressive building in town but it does have a great view of the sky. Follow me, I'll lead us straight there." Selena said as she stepped off the train.


The thestral waited to get off, he was to follow Suspect 2 for as long as needed.


Lt. Pick heard the thud and rushed to the door, opening it just a bit before it was blocked by Bright's unconscious body. He carefully lifted her out of the way before opening the door completely. "By the stars," He lifted his amulet to his mouth. "I need a medic here stat, I have Bright, she's wounded, likely concussed. She was tied down with Anti-magic bonds. This is more serious than we thought."

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"off we go then" Jade followed Selena to the house "right I forgot your family was loaded, actually I cant since...you know" he said not wanting to bring it up "so after we get there, what will we do? I mean if the key is not there, and the guards don't know where it is?" he says then thinks of something else "what will we do if we find it?" 


right time to go and do this story the blue mare thought as she exited the train as well following the two from a far distance so she would not be seen by them but still hear what they say, with some magic assistance.

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"Well, you still have my family to meet, I can't be some mysterious figure to you forever. If we don't find the key I'm sure there is a locksmith who could get the box open. Oh carpé, I left the box in Ponyville. If we do find the key then we'll go back to Ponyville and open it." With that they had arrived at the base of the building. It was a middle height building but it stood closer to the edge of town than the other towers. "Well, here we are."


The thestral was following Suspect 2 when his medallion began to blink. He held it up to his ear, still following the mare. "​Suspect 2 may be responsible for the abduction of one Bright, be advised that the suspect may have the ability to magically alter appearance." "This is thestral one, I have suspect 2 in sight, suspect is moving towards Hay tower in a similar path as VIPs, I am moving to intercept Suspect 2." With that the thestral came down behind Suspect 2, choosing to follow a bit longer before confronting, hoping for a smaller crowd.


The medic preformed a scan on bright before beginning to heal any damage she may have suffered from her abduction. "Hopefully she wakes up soon so we can get some answers."

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

Jade looked up at the large "it looks bigger than I remember" Jade said entering the tower with Selena "we don't have to talk about just the problem at hand, there is no rush that we have right now" Jade said trying to think of something to talk about.


The crowed was a little smaller since it was more to the edge of the town, where is a wrench when you need one? maybe if I turn into a staff in that tower or somepony close to one of them, maybe just staff for now. She stopped outside the tower to think and not be seen again by the two

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(I think 7 floors is high enough for the tower.)


Selena starts up the stairs. "Come on, we're going all the way up to the seventh floor."

"Oh," she comes back to Jade, "Before you meet Mist you should know, she's like me, but a bit more different. You'll see when you meet her, just... don't freak out if she does something you wouldn't expect a normal pony to do."

With that she started back up the stairs.

He's in for a surprise.

He's in for two surprises.

About that, you think we could not do both surprises on the same day?

I can't be in Manehattan until tomorrow anyway.


The thestral saw the crowd thin and Suspect 2 stop in front of the VIPs tower. He quickly approached her. "Excuse me miss. Would you please come with me. I need you to answer some questions."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"I've been throw my sister Emerald, that maniac Topaz, and my friend Bright does weird stuff all the time, as long as I'm with you I think I would be fine" Jade said then thought a bit about the last line. why did you say that!? his mind screamed at him


"no I don't have the time right now" she answered not even turning around to see the thestral "if you have questions to ask me you can do it here, not like I made a crime"

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"Well I guess I tried, you're not allowed to freak out then if she does something different."

They were quickly approaching the seventh floor of the building. When they arrived Selena seemingly pushed on the door to open it. "The door is tied to magical signatures so only pre-approved individuals can open it from the outside." She walks into the floor's entryway, setting down the package she had been carrying by the door before proceeding to the second set of doors. as she opened them she said "Mist! I have finally arrived!"

The room had a small body of sapphire  blue water in the center, and a large glass dome on the roof. the far wall had large glass windows providing a great view of the setting sun through the buildings at the town's center. To each side of the entryway were doors, likely leading to other areas of the house.

Selena turned back to Jade "So? What do you think?"


"Actually," The thestral moved so he was standing close enough he could tackle Suspect 2, but far enough away that she couldn't immediately strike back out at him. "We have reason to suspect that you have, in fact, committed a crime, so by the authority of the princess I am ordering you to come with me for questioning."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"is it a bad thing to remember why I thought it wouldn't hurt your wealth that much if I stole from here?" Jade looked around "you know I had a good question to ask you a bit ago, why is your family so rich?" he looked at Mist "also hello"


The mare backed away, into the Hay tower "I've done nothing wrong! why would you say something as stupid as that!" she got aggressive "what crime would I have done?"

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"That is a statue, not Mist."

Selena approaches the sapphire pond, "You can come out now Mist, he promised not to freak out at you."

With that the pond began to swirl, two legs and a face as blue as the pool emerged. Wrapping around Selena in a hug.

"I missed you so much!" She looked over Selena's shoulder. "Oooh! Is that Jade!"Yep, Jade, This is my sibling Sapphire Mist."

With that a flow of Sapphires spilled over the edge of the pool, moving towards Jade, where it formed a puddle in front of him. Sapphire's smiling face and forelegs emerged from the puddle, one on the ground and the other extended towards Jade. "Hi there, It's nice to finally meet you!"


"I've been following you since Ponyville, where you locked up a shop where we found one Bright tied up in the back room. Where she apparently was when she was also at the jewelry store I followed he home from." The thestral proceeded into the tower, extending his wings to cover the doors they entered from. "So why don't you come calm and quietly so we can sort this out?"

If I could call for backup this would be much easier but I can't do that without lowering the amulet's magic shield. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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no, no, no, no, NO, NO, NO ,NO ,NO! why did this asshole follow me!? after all my work, after all I have done, some bloke follows me and makes my life harder! she thought looking around seeing ponies kind of freaked out by this whole seen "your right, I should just be calm...and focus" she said as her horn started glowing till the room was put into a sort of flash bang, after that she was gone...she started toward the backdoor


"oh...I guess that's why your called Mist" he said trying to play it cool, taking the hug from her "so I got to ask, why is your family so different? your made out of diamond and she's...water, pony, thing, sorry if I offended you but its something most ponies don't see"

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"Well, That question would be better answered after you meet my mother. She'll be here tomorrow."

Mist got excited at that. She withdrew from the hug, then pulled herself fully from the puddle of sapphires. The pool in the middle now empty. "I am actually made entirely of sapphire like Selena is made of diamond, I just have a more fluid body because I draw energy from the weather, which is my talent." She giggled a bit before turning back to Selena. "Loony didn't tell me she would be visiting, do you know if Star or Pharma are coming too?" "Unfortunately I doubt Star and Pharma would leave their labs to visit unless it was important, They do have all the time in the world to do that."

Mist walks over to the picture windows, opening them up to a balcony. "Well, I need to go organize some weather, I'll be back around 2 or 3 am, we can talk then." With that some natural looking wings formed on Mist's back and she flew off, the doors closing behind her.

Selena moves back over to Jade. "So, what do you think? I'm sorry if I can't really explain why we're so different, my mother has a much better way to say it. I think you'll like her."


The thestral was blinded by the flash, as his eyes were more suited to the dark than the light.

As he tried to rub his eyes he lifted the amulet to his mouth. "Suspect 2 fled when questioned, I need the Hay building locked down. She may still be in here somewhere. I need backup now." He lifted his eyes, squinting in an attempt to see clearly again. When I find her I will take her down.


(You know Bright is still a factor in this right?)

The medic quickly loaded Bright onto a stretcher and had her rushed to the hospital in a medical carriage. She should have woken up by now, if she doesn't wake up soon she may never wake up again. And if she does after too long there may be too much damage to her brain for even magic to repair.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"I bet I will, I mean from first impressions I like Mist" Jade said smiling at Selena "also cant wait for that explanation also shouldn't we start looking for that key?" he asked looking around at the rest of the place


crap, he's a guard he's defiantly going to get others in here or guarding the exit she thought as a mare stared at the blue unicorn "hm, say don't you think blue is a better color?" she got a wicked smile as she punched the mare into a janitors closet "time for a spell I never thought I would use on somepony else" she made the mare into looking like her and vice versa which made the now red unicorn feel very tired from all the magic she did. She tied up the other mare as she drank one of the potions making her feel better "now just don't move, your going to be a hero, well if I wasn't you that is"


Bright twitched "i'm just tired, I've been up using magic for quite a long time...SAVE JADE" she yelled remembering what the blue unicorn said to her

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"Oh! Yah, um... I wouldn't know where to start. I haven't been here since the acident, so I couldn't really tell you what is behind any of these doors. I doubt they've been used much since I left."

She looks at Jade,

"What I'm saying is, do you remember where you stole the box from?"


The medic was startled by Bright's sudden outburst, but he lifted his medallion "Units, we have confirmation that the one who attacked Bright may very well be after our VIPs, I can also state in my professional opinion that this Bright was never at the Jewelry shop. Be advised that our suspect can likely alter their own appearance." The thestral raised his medallion, "Acknowledged, I need some spell breakers at the Hay Building, if what you say is true she could be disguised as any one of us." the thestral then tapped his medallion, switching it to megaphone. "Attention, By order of the Lunar Task Force, this building is in changeling lock-down, nopony is to leave without passing through a spellbreaker first. Somewhere in this building there is a pony who can change their appearance, they could be disguised as any one of you, please remain calm so we can inspect you and we will get through this lock-down as quickly as possible. Thank you."

With that backup had arrived from the guard station, blocking the windows and doors on the ground floor while pegasus guards patrolled the higher windows. The spell breakers would take longer to arrive.


The medic parked the chariot by the hospital and gently carried the stretcher inside. "Now I know you may feel a bit disoriented, we found you unconscious tied up in the back of your shop. Can you tell us anything about who attacked you?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"in your room over here" he said leading the way opening a door that lead to the bathroom "sorry its been a while since I was here to" he closed the door and opened a different one "ah this is your room, I can tell by the bed sheets" he says entering the room "It was on the dress-" he tried to say something but was interrupted by a pony with a megaphone shouting about how there was some wanted pony


oh course the perfect dame counter...I don't even care about the story right now, I just want to leave without being under arrest, she thought taking the bag of potions and leaving the room with the captured pony. crap the stairs are two close to the entrance...make up something and go up stairs, there has to be somepony or anything that I can use to escape, she though racing toward the stairs dropping the blue mare "I left my things in my room, I found this pony trying to hurt me" she yelled going up the stairs as fast as she could going to find the biggest room. somepony or thing would be in there for sure! I hope...


"I remember it was a blue mare that can change her form...I cant think of anything right now though, my head hurt" Bright answered

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