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private A personal letter for the one I have wronged 1x1 RP with Illiad Easle


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Selena went over to inspect the dresser, "Yes, she sheets, how the bed was always made with hospital corners like it had never been slept in." There was no key on the dresser unfortunately. However, it could be seen in the dust outline where the box once rested the outline of a key. "The key was here after the box left, but it hasn't been here for some time." Only then did she actually look around the room, attempting to remember anything, but all she remembered was that she hardly used it, it was mostly to keep up appearances that she was normal. Normal ponies slept.


The thestral was torn between chasing the panicking mare up the stairs, aiding the pony tied up that looked like Suspect 2, I don't know what to think at this point. And guarding the door. The door was most important as it didn't really matter where they ran so long as they did not exit the building. They would all be spellbroken before they could leave that was for sure. What is taking those spellbreakers so long?


"All right, just remain calm. I'll do my best to get you healed, I just need you to stay awake so your concussion can't do any more damage alright? keep talking, tell me everything that happened the day you met this mare."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"crap, do you think it fell under it? that's how I lost my house key one time" he said moving the dresser over, well trying anyway "I was built to fly, not go push this stuff" he said still trying to push it.


About to reach the top she thought panting up the stairs to floor seven, ah the final room, lets do this...its locked, magicaly locked, thank Celestia I learned these spells for my stories, why is this so protected? I got this though, she thought as she used a powerful lock breaking spell completely breaking the seal. She entered the apartment and looked around seeing two sets of rooms and goes to the way Jade and Selena are not and starts rapidly searching rooms making quite a bit of noise until she got to what looked like a parents bedroom.


"she talked to me for a while finding out I was friends with Jade, how I really like Luna, what the potions I sell are...my potions she stole my potions, tons of them! anyway she knocked me out after that and I don't know what happened after that" she said hoping it would help

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"I don't know, it looks like it was picked up, not slid or pushed off. It could have been moved somewhere when I moved out."

Selena felt the magic discharge of the front door lock being broken, then the repeated open/close of doors at the other end of the house. She turned to face Jade.

"Someone is in the house, someone that shouldn't be as they burst the door lock."

She hardened, readying retribution.

"You can keep looking if you want, I am going to investigate who did this."

She then proceeded the other way, following the trail of open doors.

Don't panic, I am on my way over now.

You felt the door lock break?

Indeed, a subspell was set to alert me if the lock spell was tampered with. I will be there in a few minutes, when I have my teleport charged.


The two spellbreakers finally arrived, and began establishing a quarantine to keep the scanned ponies away from the unscanned ponies. They started with the mare that had been tied up, revealing her to not be Suspect 2. The thestral then facehoofed. "Suspect 2 must have gone up the stairs, but she could look like anypony now."

One of the spellbreakers came over to the thestral. "Sir? we just got word that a special spellbreaker will be teleporting in from Canterlot, that should help speed things up."

The thestral went silent, knowing exactly who the special spellbreaker was. he turned to the guards assembling outside the doors. "I need two of you to go secure the VIPs on the top floor now."


The medic was only half listening to Bright's story, he was more focused on ensureing that she wouldn't have any lasting brain damage. "Alright, just stay awake for a few more minutes and we'll be done," He continued his healing spell.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"I'm right behind you" he said following Selena to the open doors that lead to a mare, a mare that looked at them with a look of shock "son of a bitch! of course this has to happen!" she yelled levitating the objects in the room ready to use them as she saw fit "one, dame, move" Jade stared at the mare "what in the world are you doing in Selena's home!" he yelled at the mare when he saw a twinkle, under the levitated bed, Jade tried to focus on it which got the mares glance to move toward the bed for a second bringing in a key "this must be important, are you looking for it?" she asked as she heard a hoof step, like an army "I swear to Celestia if I get caught, your life's will become hell" a bountiful amount of spells came to mind, some would be aggressive turn and some would be a decisive plan but she settled on a very good one "you know what problem diamonds have? they can cut them selves" she used her best levitation on Selena while drinking another potion. "now if you do what I say she will be safe, let me teleport away with her and I won't kill her, with herself" Jade was stunned by what this crazy mare said and turned to the restricted Selena then to the mare in front of him "I..." he was speechless "time is ticking" she was preparing the spell to go to a little place she found in Topaz's memories

Edited by Yoshikupo
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To be perfectly honest she found the whole situation rather amusing, she giggled a bit, then turned to face the mare directly.


Immediately Selena had the ability to float the other mare with as much force as she was being levitated by, but she didn't want to tip her hoof just yet, keep the ability a secret for now.

Taunts came to her mind, but she didn't want to provoke the mare into hurting Jade instead, instead she changed her view, going instead silent as if the actual implications of what was happening hit her.


Then two things happened, there was a loud bang as the front doors burst open again, as two LTF(Lunar Task Force) guards and a thestral entered the floor, There was also a bright flash from the center room as the special spellbreaker arrived.


"If you are going to leave I'd do it quickly, It appears as though you wont have much time before you're caught."


The thestral felt the teleport discharge and immediately moved up the tower, arriving in the entryway at the same time as the guards he sent up previously. He bowed before his commander.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"of course, every time! every single dame time! I think I got ahead and then some bloke like you comes along and ruins everything!" she shouts making her throat hurt "fine, FINE I'll just go, enjoy your dame lives" she lets go of Selena and levitates the key "hope you like no-" she pops away with the key as the LTF come into the room. Jade was just standing there stunned, so many questions came to mind but I new one was "why is the LTF here?!" he yells backing away from the door they barged into

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Selena fell lightly to the floor, slightly disappointed that she wasn't taken. That would have been quite the story arc.

She turned to Jade as she dispelled retribution. "Because I and my siblings occasionally stay here. My mother generally wants us to be secure. Speaking of which she should be in the center room now, follow me." She turned to the guards as she walked by. "Unfortunately you're too late to catch her, but you did save me from being taken, I'll put in a good word with Mother for you." She entered the center room to be hug tackled by none other than Princess Luna, her mother.


The thestral got up from his bow, lifting his amulet he ended the quarantine, the suspect had escaped, and the teleport would be traced once the spellbreakers got up the stairs. He was surprised when the princess leapt to hug her daughter, but he didn't say anything, if asked he would deny it ever happened. He turned and left them to themselves. proceeding back down the staris to explain the situation to the spellbreakers, then got ready to head out, once the teleport had been traced they would need to track down that unicorn. Nopony attacks the princess' daughter and gets away with it.


Luna was quite happy to see that her daughter was unharmed, so much so that she didn't say anything, she just held her for a time, like she had been unable to. tears came to her eyes as she cherished the moment.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"wait...your mom is Luna? that explains, so much" Jade said still trying to get his head around this all "why couldn't you have told me that before? was it supposed to be some sort of secret? did you not tell me because you thought I couldn't take it? could you give me a specific reason?" he wanted to get all his questions out right then and there


"-t having this key!" she shouted in a almost empty room in an abandon building "oh...I'm here, what does this key even...what, the, hell" she looked at it with wide eyes seeing a magic in it, a magic that cant be duplicated from how complex the spell was. what does this even open? she thought then remembered that the guards are coming for her, She left the building soon after trying to wrap her head around what the key went to and what disguise she should use now and got an idea of a new pony. "I swear that as long as those two shall live, I will make there lives hell, well as long as there alive"

Edited by Yoshikupo
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"He talks too much, Is he like this all the time?"

"No, this is new for him. It is so good to see you again."


Selena emerged from the hug, and turned to face Jade.

"If anyone knew that I was the daughter of Princess Luna then I would get all the wrong kinds of attention, and since I wanted to live a normal life I chose to live in anonymity, that way ponies wouldn't try to kiss up to me to get in good with mother."

Her head dipped a bit, "I was afraid that if you knew who I was related to you would be just like the other shallow ponies, ether want me for the social standing or flee from the responsibility that you will never outlive your mother in law."

Luna took this opportunity to step in. "Similarly, few ponies outside of my sister and my task force know that Selena is my daughter. If ponies knew it would just cause all sorts of trouble. Ponies would ask questions like who the father was, why she isn't an alicorn, and if she would be a princess, to take the throne after me. It was simpler to let her live a life of anonymity even if it meant I couldn't see her very often these past decades."

Luna moved closer to Selena to nuzzle her.

"Eventually she will be ready to step into the public eye, but for now she will continue to live a normal life. Well, as normal as it can be now. You two have quite the adventure ahead, but where it will lead I can only guess. Do be careful."

Luna moved closer to Jade, "Well, seeing as you know now one of the biggest secrets the crown has, I suppose we can answer some questions you might have about my little moon diamond."


The thestral was understandably upset that Suspect 2 had gotten away, he decided that he had gone long enough without sleep so he returned to the guard station to rest, he would pick the case back up in the morning.

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"well I guess that explains that but...why is Selena made out of Diamond and Mist made out of water? did you enchant it to have life or something? sorry but I have a lot of questions to be asked because its kind of a bombshell on me" Jade explains then remembers what Selena said "I would never be one of those shallow ponies...wait mother in law? does that mean...?" he did not hide it well in the tone of his voice that he kind of wanted that to happen which his mind scolds him for again for thinking its stupid

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"This runs you into another of the biggest secrets of the crown. Understand that if you repeat this to anyone, not only will it be denied, you will be disappeared. Long ago, back before I was banished to the moon, my sister and I were entrusted with artifacts of great power. My sister received the six elements of harmony, and I received the four gems of balance. Neither set could be wielded by a single pony, so we each formed groups to use the artifacts. She became the element of Magic with her 5 followers, and I became the balance of good and evil or Karma, with my 3 followers. As the balance of karma I was forced to cause a great evil to occur to preserve the balance of the land, but I simply could not bring myself to do it. So I split my soul, preserving the best parts of me and my memories within the gem, a diamond, and became nightmare moon. When I was banished the remaining followers of balance copied their minds into their gems, and sent them off to rescue me from the moon. making the four stars that aided in my escape. When I returned my sister's new group used the elements against me, restoring the part of my soul that had been removed thus making it impossible for the part of my in the gem to return. Over the thousand years it traveled, it formed sentience, becoming like me, but not quite as it was influenced by the other gems as it traveled. Thus it became the Selena you see before you. When she returned I helped her to have a body so she could experience a life outside of my memories. Mist was the balance of weather, the first equestrian weather coordinator, and now a liquid sapphire. Star was the balance of wisdom and strength, one of the greatest mages to ever live, and now a wisdom gem. Pharma was the balance of sickness and health, a budding scientist who discovered much of the medicine we use today, he has a body much like Selena's"

Luna shook her head a bit, "Sorry, that was a bit of a ramble, did that answer your question?"

Selena stepped in, "I say mother in law because if I were to get married then Luna would be their mother in law, and many of the sincere ponies don't want to be royalty, it really makes you stand out when you marry the daughter of a princess. That, plus the fact that I will likely outlive everypony I have ever met, including Luna, is why I only have friends so far and not anypony special, yet."

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"that...that explains it, I promise not to say anything, I don't want to 'disappear' " Jade says and then turns to Selena "I thought that was directed at me, I thought you liked me like that for a second" Jade thought about it a little and got slight courage to ask "do you?" it rolled off his tongue like it was natural but inside his mind the courage fell fast making him think it was the dumbest thing he ever said, I mean from what he did, she should never love him! well that's what his mind said

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It got very quiet, so quiet you could hear the tracers muttering in the other room.

Selena looked down, digging at the ground a bit. "Well, you see..." She looked up with a bit of a sheepish expression. "Maybe?"

She sighed. "I mean, we only met like 4 days ago. Well, I just met you then, you've apparently known me for a long time. I don't really know anything about romantic relationships, but I suppose I think of you as more than a friend I guess? I mean, I didn't have the guards arrest you when I met you, I have no intention of having your family arrested because that would hurt you."

She sits down, hanging her head. "Star would say I don't have enough data to draw a conclusion, but I think it looks positive so far."

Luna wraps a wing around Selena. "I suppose we'll see. It looks hopeful if that means anything to you." 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"ok...I don't know what to say or think right now from everything" his mind settles down and stops punishing him "why don't we get some sleep, it's getting late and tomorrow we have to go get a new key" wonder what the mare will do with that key...and how much more of a friend I am to Selena Jade thought waiting for a response

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Oh, yes, sleep. He needs that.

"Well, you've seen both of the beds this place has, you can take either of them. I'll be fine resting out in the center room where the moonlight can hit me. Besides, I should wait up to explain to Mist what happened here. She'll be glad to see Luna again."

"About that key, I just remembered it was a two part lock, a physical and magical. It would take weeks for even Star to replicate it and I'm sure he has more important things to do than open my jewelry box."

"Don't sell Star so short, he loves you even if he doesn't show it. I'm sure he'd be glad to help if you needed it."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"I'll take the adult bedroom then, also why would the magic be so strong for that? was something in there you didn't want anypony to see?" he thought he could be told, he was told about everything else about the royal secrets that he would never tell a soul for it would guaranty death or worst, so the contents of a box would be fine

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"Like I said earlier I don't know what is inside the box. As far as I remember it came with the lock like that so if the box was stolen it would be nearly worthless without the key."

Luna looks like she knows more but doesn't say anything.

"I just know that whatever is in the box is quite important to my memories. I hope that it isn't bad but I expect it will be." 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"I meant for that to go to Luna but I hope that too" he yawns "I know you don't need to but I do" he collapses on the bed "its so much better than mine" he commented falling almost right to sleep


"can't sleep now, have a new plan, need help though" she walks throw the street lighted town

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Selena proceeded into the center room, taking a seat in Mist's empty pool. From here she had an unobstructed view of the moon shining down on her.

Luna hung back a bit, "I'll just make sure our guest has pleasant dreams." She laid down to enter the dreamscape. Where her close proximity allowed her to find Jade's dream quickly. As it was just starting she had great control over the situation, so she simply left a note, assured that Jade would read it and remember it. It read: Jade, I know what you did to hurt Selena, I know what is in the box, and I think you know what will happen if you hurt her again. I will know. This is the reason many ponies don't want me for a mother in law, I see what you think at night. -Luna.

Luna hoped that it would scare Jade enough to never hurt her daughter again, but hoped it wouldn't scare him enough to keep him away. Despite his flaws he had been an adventurous influence on her daughter. Luna went over to Selena and enveloped her in a hug.

When Mist returned they were still embracing, so she decided to join them, wrapping her forelegs around them as they simply sat, enjoying each others presence. Then they talked the night away, telling each other how their lives had been until the sun rose in the distance.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

Jade saw the note, it slightly terrified him as it was true but this was his dream, he made a pen and flipped the note writing 'the day that happens, would be the day I give my life up, also thanks for the note that I will forever see in my dreams to make sure to control them' he finished and went throw his dream like normal for the rest of the night


the night passed as fast as that for Jade and he woke up, he came into the center room to see the three talking "sucks that I miss things because ponies need sleep...good because my dreams are great and I can do anything in them" he looked at Luna almost anything he thought

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Selena turned, looking quite bright due to the high concentration of energy she had recovered.

"Oh, good morning Jade. We were just catching up with each other, it has been a few years since we last interacted."

She stepped out of the pool, "I like it here, but my house in Ponyville has a much better view of the stars. I think I'll put in a glass roofed gazebo when we get back."

"Do come join us Jade, I'm interested to learn more about you, and I am sure you must have more questions."

"We were also about to discus how to go about finding the key that awful mare took. If she's still in the city I can have the weather teams keep an eye out for her, but if she leaves then I'm not too useful."

"Similarly my reach is limited to dreams, I would have to know her internal image if I wished to find her. So until we know what she actually looks like all I can do is have the guard continue searching for suspicious activity. IT's hard to conduct a search when she can change forms with less fanfare than a changeling. That gives me an idea, we'll have changelings looking about to see which ponies have been using transformation magic and tag them, that way we can narrow down the search a bit."

"It will take a while to scan the city though and we can't exactly do a quarantine for the key. What do you think Jade? got any ideas as to how we catch this Mare? Our ideas are mostly waiting to see if she does something to reveal herself before our changelings can scan the entire population. All hoping she doesn't leave the city."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"well she was talking about how it was important, she probably realized it had the magic in it as well, my guess is she is still in the city" Jade responded "right now all we can do is make sure Selena won't be in danger by that wicked pony, also I have a question, what will you do with the mare when we catch her?" Jade asked thinking it would be death or some other thing that would be worst "never mind I don't want to know" he withdrew trying to think of something else "wait you said your interested in me? wow said by Luna, what do you want to know?"

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"Don't worry it's nothing serious. When we catch her she'll likely have a few decades in prison for her charges. She hasn't killed anyone that we know of."

Luna adopted a less serious stance.

"About you though, firstly how is your family doing? it's been a while since they were last causing enough trouble for the guards to look into it. Is Pyrite still active or has he retired already? Then as for you, what do you plan o doing for the rest of your life? Thievery isn't the best way to support a family you know."

Selena could tell that the questions would only get more serious from here if Jade didn't ask any questions of his own to deflect Luna's inquiries. She attempted to nonverbally convey that he should ask questions. Hopefully he got the message. She turned to Mist.

"I'll head down to the guard station to tell them our plans for finding this mare, why don't you head down to the nearest friendly changeling hive and request their assistance. I'm sure you have enough appreciation to win them over."

"I'll get right on it then."

Mist gave Luna one last hug before she flew off in a similar manner to the night before. She was heading towards the south end of town before she disappeared between the buildings.

Selena gave Luna a hug before she headed to the front door, collecting the package she had left there when they arrived.

"Oh, and Jade? Don't worry so much about me, I am a bit tougher than I look. Besides, Luna can track me since I am technically half her if I get lost. Enjoy your talk!"

With that she left, package in hoof, to the guard station which was in fact on the next corner down the street, so less than a mile away.


The thestral was used to sleeping during the day and thus his mood was not good for having to switch up his schedule. He decided he would head to the guard station, see if they had found any leads while he slept.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"yeah most of them have been laying low, Pyrite was kind enough to have the family there until...you know" Jade didn't want to finish it "also no he is way to old and kind to do anything like that now, or as somepony in the family would say, he got soft" he didn't want to even think about black pearl "also Selena pitched that I should become a spy or a person that sets up defense against break ins, I think I like the former more" Jade says then tries to remember what the heck Selena was trying to signal to him "so do you think coming down here will make some attention? I mean does Celestia know?" Jade asks


"you call these potent magic potions? I could find better in ponyville, show me the good stuff you have" "this will cost more" she lays a bag on the table "what will this buy?"

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(I base changelings off of "A Novel Tale" a great story that really builds the world of changelings.)

"I could see you as a spy, you have a quick eye for value and swifter hooves. You also are good with a knife when things don't go as planned. If you are interested I'm sure you could make it in the LTF boot camp."

"Celestia knows I'm here of course, so long as I keep the moon going she doesn't mind my travels, night court got much simpler when we have a small group of nobles decide which ponies actually need to see me. Fancy Pants makes a great chairpony. As for making attention so far you are the only civilian to know I'm here, and I intend to keep it that way."

She gets up and moves towards a seating area on the left side of the center room. She lays across a comfortable looking couch.

"Come, take a seat."

She gestures towards a slightly less but still very comfortable looking couch.


Mist was recognized by the guards and was allowed in to the secret hive entrance, the queen came out of the throne room to meet her. She had a similar build to Luna, the holes in her body filled with a smoothed blueish amber. Her eyes and back were a light blue. "Mist it is good to see you again. Are things well with you?" She spoke in a light tone, almost contrary to her hive's chosen emotions of Ambition and Euphoria.

"I wish all was well above Queen Permu, however my family needs the help of your hive. A pony skilled in transformation magic similar to yours recently attacked my sister Selena, and stole a magilock key from her. I was wondering if you could help us find this pony."

The queen nods, "Luna has been nothing but kind to us since we arrived, I will gladly assist in the search. I will have my guard changeling report to you if we find anything." She adopts a more serious expression, "Do realize, it will take some time to scan the city, and much cosmetic magic will be returned, so know that just because we find somepony doesn't mean we found the one you're looking for."

Mist nods, "I couldn't ask for anything more, good luck."

With that she flies off, on a course back to the tower.


Selena arrives at the guard station at about the same time the thestral does, she hoofs him the package with a nod and they both enter the building, he goes to the back while Selena approaches the front desk. Waiting for somepony to arrive.


(Seeing as I took the changeling interaction I decided to give you back the standard, non LTF guards.)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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