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private A personal letter for the one I have wronged 1x1 RP with Illiad Easle


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@@Illiad Easle,

"don't mind if I do" he sits on the couch "there's been a question that I wanted to ask since last night" he took a deep breath "whats in the box? Its fine if you don't say it but I would know sometime in the future anyway" he said looking at the skylight seeing a colt pegasus fly by bringing back a memory from the past "do you know why I stole from your daughter?"


"another mare, hm crystal, not many around here" a guard said looking at Selena as he got to his desk "do you have something you want? I could give you directions if your a tourist, there's a tour near the marepire state building"

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"The box contains a nexus to her memories, a shard of the original moon diamond that formed her. Specifically it contains the memories of the night you robbed her, the nexus scrambled her prior memories when it was removed so she had amnesia. If she opens the box she will remember what happened that night. I cannot predict what will happen but I will stand by her in what she decides."

She sighs, "I know you didn't do what you did intentionally and I have forgiven you, but she might not. As for why you stole the box primarily you didn't realize it's importance, secondarily it was to escape Topaz, yes I know a few secrets of your family, my spies watch every known criminal family and guild for signs that they're getting too powerful."

"What I want to know is, why did you take the box after you were attacked instead of just leaving?"


"Actually I was sent as a representative of the LTF to let you know that we are conducting a ponyhunt for a mare that can change her form, she attacked some VIPs over in Hay tower and escaped, we are having some special agents looking through town so if you see anything suspicious tell the LTF before you do anything okay? Good." With that she turned and left, making her way back up the street. I haven't had to talk so official in a while, I hope I got the point across ok.


The thestral put the package he had received in a mail slot to send back home to his wife in the Fast Star clan territory. he attached a note indicating his love and his hopefully soon return after this mission. He looked about the guard station for any leads, he found the tracer's report tracking the teleport to an abandoned warehouse. It's as good a place as any. He donned his armor and prepared to investigate the warehouse.


(Check the ooc thread, I've got a cool idea for villain 3 that leads Selena to forgive Jade after the box opens)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"oh" he responded to the first part then heard her follow up question "I...I got it for myself, I didn't know what was in it and just wanted to have something I wouldn't sell of hers, every thing in her room is heavy but that, she doesn't even have clothes in her dresser" he sighed "I knew that with some magic I could track her, Bright told me she learned that spell just for me and I had to take the chance" Jade remembered, remembered everything about the robbery "I hope she could forgive me" he puts his head down


"well...if we find anything we'll tell you right away" the guard said getting serious at what she said

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"That is certainly an odd reason to take something, but ultimately understandable I suppose. I can't know what Selena's reaction will be when she opens the box and remembers what happened. Given that she injured herself that night does not seem positive in that regard. But onward to brighter topics, I was wondering if you had any insight as to how to catch this villain of ours? According to my reports you interacted with her while she was posing as your friend Bright. Do you think she may have given you any hints as to where she might go?"


Selena thanked the guard as she left. Proceeding back up the street at a more nonchalant pace. She took in the sights around her, remembering bits and pieces of her prior life. eventually she made it to the base of the tower and started up the stairs.


Mist enjoyed flying, it was like swimming but with more to see. Alas, she would have time to shape clouds some other time, she slowly glided down to the balcony, enjoying every last moment she could of flight.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"she was Bright? I don't know anything about her following us or anything but I know that Bright told me she could do the spell at just the right time, I think this goes into a deeper reason" Jade said thinking about it just a little more "is she another crazy stalker? or vigilante trying to kill me? or maybe something with Selena? or both of us?" Jade said trying to think of a reason "I'm kind of trying to grasp ideas here, can you pitch one?" Jade said frazzled and looking at Luna wanting to know everything that he couldn't


"hmm...full proof ideas here, somepony know anything about Selena other than her name and that she can do a revenge spell thing?" the bandits looked at her "right none of you know, how about giving me info, be spies and if you get caught then its your own dame fault" "no, no matter what money we'll say its your plan, I don't want to be thrown in jail from some almost petty money that you give us" "dammit, how about Jade? anypony know Jade? he's a very fast pony in love with Selena, any ideas are welcome as long as in the end I get to kill one or both" hopefully Selena she thought

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"All I know is that this mare replaced Bright sometime after your family party, and she followed you here. Her motives are unknown at this point but we do know that she knows a spell to see into the future. She bought a bracelet for a pony named Page which could be this mare's real name, it could be just a red herring. If there's anything she said to you after the party, any locations she may have indicated, though it may very well be a trap it is a quick option to see if we can find out more before the changelings scana the whole city looking for her."

She perked up, as if struck by an idea.

"I should have the local gangs looked into, see if any of them know anything. they're always good sources of information when jail is on the line."


Selena and Mist returned at about the same time, "So, what did we miss?" 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"just how we were talking about the mare how attacked us and how my best friend Bright was replaced and probably told lies to me, and plus I bet Page if her name, she was speaking highly of her in a way Bright would" he said responding to her then looked back at Luna "also I saw her drink a potion, so did Selena, I think shes on some mana potion from how she reacted after drinking it, being more alert and able to do spells" Jade said thinking Luna should know


"fine just" she writes on a paper for quite a bit of time then shows it to the bandits "well? I'm ready to hear praise" "you know that we may just throw you out, this plan could only be pulled off by a master unicorn" she places a bag full of mana potions "think I cant do it with these?"

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"From what you describe it sounds like it very well could be, I fear that this mare will consume too much, like many potions, mana can be quite deadly when ingested in large quantities, effects range from permanent horn disfigurement to total energy disintigration. I hope for her sake she knows the dangers of that kind of potion."

Selena looked quizzical, "I don't recall her drinking a potion, but if you saw it I trust you. However this just makes it more important that we catch her quickly, we may not have time to wait for the changelings to finish their scan of the city."

"The changelings of the city have agreed to help us, and have already begun scanning the lower income areas of the city, if she's there she will stand out as one of few capable of transformation magic."

"I will have the LTF begin paying visits to the local bandit groups, see if she's tried to get some outside help. They'll tell us anything they know to keep out of jail."

"That still leaves us with waiting to see if she does something. I say if she doesn't turn up in a week we all head back to Canterlot and have star build a new key for the box. that way if she did simply flee we will have only lost a week looking for her."


The thestral received word that he was to begin investigating the various criminal groups in the city for Suspect 2, he agreed as the warehouse hadn't told him anything other than that she had left it. He decided that he would start with the middle groups, the ones with enough power to be worth hiring, but stupid enough to do crazy things for enough money.

(Well, I guess you could roll a die, see if the thestral gets the right group in the first go.)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"yeah, Bright only made them for rare instances...and a stallion I don't want to talk about" Jade says about the potions "also I hope they find something soon, that mare tried to hurt you and that's the only reason I need to have you know she is bad" Jade says looking at Selena knowing it was a little hypocritical 


(it came up with 4...lets say that they know but won't blurt it out to anyone, not to hard since the whole jail thing)


a few ponies were playing darts as some were playing cards "a good job hasn't come up in days, I hate those last few ponies, wanting impossible things that not even a expert gang could do"


"your insane lady but...with those it can work, that is if you don't want to work right ever again because those things can literally give so many negative affects" "I don't need you talk back now do what I say when I say and we won't have a problem" she says as she goes up stairs with a few others, the rest leave throw the front door leaving no pony in the front

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"Well, seeing as we have discussed everything that needs discussing, and we really can't do too much until that mare is found, we really should find something to do."

She looks around the assembled group, but mostly at Jade, "Any thoughts?"


The thestral didn't thank the bandits for their time so much as assure them that they were not yet going to jail.

She came through but was sent back out pretty quickly for wanting the impossible. Better try a lower caliber gang.

He left the bandits to their waiting. heading into a seedier district for the next group.

(Roll a d4 I guess, 25% of getting it right this time.) 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"well I remember a that I went to a flee market a few times with my family, I think mom was using me and my sister as a distraction sometimes but I still loved some of the things I found there" Jade said remembering a very good item "maybe I could find a record of that song" a glint in his eye was visible as he looked at Selena but he looked away getting red "just a thought"


The next group the thestral checked looked ransacked, if a pony was in there, they would be dead or unconscious.


(I had no d4 so I used a random number generator from 1-100, next is above 50 he will find them)

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"Well, as interesting as that sounds..."

"The market of fleas seems like the place for a potential ambush if that is what the mare intends, it would be near impossible for even the LTF to protect you if you went, I couldn't go without drawing far too much attention."

Selena looked a little sheepish, "I'd have to agree, but once we're sure this crazy mare isn't at our tails I'd gladly go with you, it sounds like a great time."

She thought about it for a moment, "We could go to the Manehattan Mall though, it doesn't have quite the variety of the flea market, but we could be protected a bit better while we're there. Plus, I'm sure they'll have whatever record you can think of there."


The thestral didn't waste much time, he called in a team with a medic to sort out the group, whoever did this to them was likely a rival gang, an investigation would have to take place but he hardly had the time now, he had to hurry. After he had confirmatin that the medical team was en route he kept looking around, one of these gangs had to know something, he'd check them all if he had too. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"that's fine, the mall could be fun...I hope they would have the song I'm thinking of" Jade gets off the couch "I hope we can find a 5 stallions there, I'm getting hungry" she heads out the door to the mall


(guess how got a 44?)

the thestral got a three times a charm moment as he neared the gang the mare hired "we do not speak of this until tomorrow" "maybe the marepire state building would use to much levitation magic and to much room for saving" "then what place should it be?" "the old clock tower, its the perfect height for it" "where is that?" "well-" "shut up, I sense that pony that wanted me to come with him, I'll find out my self, you fly away now" she teleports to an ally way that she passed on the way to the hay tower

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"I too could use some food, you two enjoy yourselves, Mist and I will go about the town."

Luna gracefully got off the couch and began to make her way to the door, Mist forming herself and following after. As she walked Luna seamlessly transformed into an utterly ordinary unicorn with an indigo coat and a silvery mane, her cutie mark was a diamond with a star burst behind it. Even her voice was different, almost unrecognizable. "We'll be back before I have to raise the moon, I expect you two will do the same."

"Bye guys!"

And with that they left.


"Well," Selena turned to face Jade, "Shall we go?"


The thestral heard a slight commotion in the hideout, then felt a teleport, one strikingly similar to Suspect 2. He readied his amulet for defense then burst into the hideout, knowing full well that this gang could easily escape through the back windows facing the bay, he hoped that at least one of them would be willing to surrender and cooperate. This gang was only barely being allowed to remain out of jail and were prone to doing stupid things for bits. "LTF, don't anypony move."

(Well, this should be interesting. She most definitely got away, again. The thestral will sure be frustrated now.)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"we shall" he chuckled as they leave the building and start toward the mall "do you taste anything? just a question I wanted to know, your very unique and even though I know the rules, I don't know exactly how you feel"


The thestral came into an empty room with stairs, flapping is heard then silence as the place was now actually abandon except for the thestral inside it. There was a paper on a table that had a rough draft for a plan that talked about levitating multiple ponies on a tall building but that's all anypony could make out.

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Selena chuckled at his peculiar question. "I feel things just like a normal pony, just not exactly in the same way. Instead of a biological sense it is more of a magical sense, it determines what I am eating and builds a sensation by analyzing the compounds similar to the way you do. If it encounters a new compound that it doesn't know how it ought to taste it looks around for someone that has experienced that compound and uses that experience to build the sensation. if the compound is new enough I won't be able to taste it at all. It is quite hard to poison me because of this as known toxins are filtered from my magical stream before they can affect me."

She shrugged, "I know that doesn't make much sense to someone unfamiliar with advanced magic, but the short answer is yes, I do taste things, there would be no point to me eating otherwise."

She come up close to him, to whisper a secret. "Personally, I find the taste of cooked meat delicious despite normal ponies being unable to consume it, Griffons make great food just so you know."

As she pulled away she realized that what she said may have a adverse affect on Jade, Too late now.


The thestral was mad, he recovered the paper and stowed it nicely, he calmly searched the place for any other clues as to what this gang was planning, then left. He called in arrest warrants on the known members of the gang, they wouldn't all be caught, the smart ones would be gunning for the edge of town or rushing to turn themselves in to stay out of jail. Unfortunately this gang did not have many 'Smart Ones.' Furthermore if they laid low they would remain uncaught for some time. The thetral called in a pair of tracers then went back to the guard station to turn in some arrest warrants, this gang wasn't going to get off easy this time.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

Jade was very much speechless, that was one of the most horrifying things he has heard, it was next to Topazes confession and Ruby talking to him about Black Pearl "well...ok" he didn't want to upset Selena by saying that was horrifying "I mean its not like you can find griffons meat around here" he hoped he was right as they approached the entrance of the mall "well were here" his stomach grumbled "lets just hope that we can relax for a while and get food" he entered

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It's likely one of the worst things he's ever heard, he probably thinks I'm a monster for liking such a food as meat.

She could tell by Jade's apprehension that her conjecture was true.

How can I bring myself back from this? 'i knew I should have learned about conversation from anypony other than Pinkie.

Selena had a bit of a sheepish smile. "Yah, uh... Let's do that."


The teleport was quick and dirty, it wasn't prepared in advance, so it was easy for the tracers to track. The thestral rushed to the indicated alleyway as soon as he heard. He knew she would be long gone from there, but he hoped there would be clues as to what she was planning and where she was going. As he looked he alerted Luna that Suspect 2 had hired one of the gangs.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

They enter the mall and go to a near by taco store to eat and then start wondering around the mall to see if they find something they could do when, sure enough, they find a record store "I'll search for a second, I want it to be a surprise" he starts looking in the old bins till he pulls something "its silly but I thought it would be sweet or something" he shows a record that has the song they were singing the night before there party


the place where the mare teleported had nothing but some trash cans that were recently emptied.

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At first Selena was surprised to see a taco store. Then she realized it was completely vegetarian and lacked just about all of the native griffon culture. What even is a meatless taco but sadness and betrayal. But they do have good ingredients, I suppose they could serve it differently and it would be much better.

Selena was also disappointed that they had hardly talked over the meal, Jade was apparently in a hurry to get moving.

Did my comment on meat really startle him so much that he wants to get out as soon as he can?

She approached the record store with this apprehension in mind. The slightest bit worried that he would try to ditch her here and flee for some other city. She was then pleasantly surprised when he came back with a record she recognized.

"It's not silly at all, I think it is quite sweet."


The thestral bucked the empty cans down the length of the alley, leaving sizable dents in them, before returning them to their spots.

How can she keep getting away from me like this? At this rate I'll never be home in time for my anniversary. Oh well, I'm sure she'll like the gift and she is nothing if not understanding about my work conditions. I just hope I can make it home soon.

He left the alley, deciding he ought to see if the changelings had made any progress with the scanning. He went over to the hive's entrance, disguised as an office complete with a secretary.

(You can decide if she's been scanned yet either empirically or randomly, I don't mind. You really found a great way to avoid the guards, I don't have much of a way to find her without her tipping her hoof.)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"thanks...I don't mean to break the whole moment but I only have gems" he did a nervous laugh. great, my own poor planning and stupidity made it awkward...more awkward then what she said before we got here and I didn't talk throw the meal that is...that could be a reason why she never has friends but I guess to each there own? even though she ate intelligent animals...please let her never taste ponies, EVER Jade thought

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(Harsh man, she has plenty of friends, you wouldn't know because you only met her again like 4 or 5 days ago.)


Selena could tell there was a bit more to Jade's nervousness. He must think I'm some sort of monster for liking meat. It wasn't even intelligent, not even griffons eat communicative creatures unless it is an emergency.

"I guess I could pay for it, I certainly have the funds for it."

She lifts her hoof to reveal a small stack of bits.

"I always keep a few on me just in case."

This is why I'll never get into a good romantic relationship. I always manage to scare them off with something they just can't live with.


The changelings reported that they had scanned only 10% of the city so far, but they would continue until they had finished. They needed to do a changeling census anyway.

(so a 10% chance that the changelings have found Suspect 2, roll for it? if she's been spotted a changeling could follow her trail so long as she doesn't teleport, or from basically the alleyway to wherever she teleports next.)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

(I can change his emotions, he is my puppet...he turns into a dragon and flies away! nah but your right he does not know so lets say he thinks that it might not have been right to think)


"thank you" he says taking some bits and buys the record then comes back with it coming a little out "we should listen to this tonight till we fall asleep to it...I know you cant but I bet I will" he chuckles a little then walks off with Selena. Now that I think about it, I just meet her and know nothing about how many friends she has Jade thought "so how is your life in ponyville? I know mine has little ponies that like me but I don't know about you" he thought that was a good way for her to say it without asking 'how many friends do you have?'


(I have a reason why he does not like that at all, also guess how's unlucky number is 11, literally what I got)

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Selena was glad for the change of topic, plus he seemed genuinely interested in her life, which was a good sign.

"Well, I had only moved back to Ponyville just recently, just a month or two before your letter. I rediscovered a few friends I had before I left like Ditzy and Amethyst, and I made a few new friends too, Cheerilee loves to have me teach history at the school on occasion."

A slight smile came to her face, then it left with a slight sigh. "I remember having more friends here, but I seem to have forgotten them. I'm sure I'll remember them if I ever see them again, but with a city of this size and turnover..."

She shakes her head, "Anyway, My life in Ponyville was pretty simple, I worked in Amethyst's shop, I helped teach at the school, I like my life there, I don't think I'll move back here any time soon."


The thestral was disappointed to hear that they hadn't found her yet, but left them a way to contact him immediately if they did, the suspect was not to be approached without him.

(I guess you roll every time I post now, increasing the percentage by 5% each time, so 14 posts till they find her for sure, maybe less. The hunt is on.) 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

(math says 100 is in 18 posts counting from 5s at 10, should I count your posts?)

"maybe you will add 'hang out with Jade' to that list because I won't leave ponyville as long as I'm not run out or something" Jade said walking with her, then saw how the crowed thinned as they walked "about earlier...it wasn't intelligent griffon was it? I have a big personal problem about eating eat meat, especially intelligent life...would it be fine to tell you the story of Black pearl?" he asked in a nervous voice but kept it quiet so nopony would eavesdrop 


(and nothing because 95)

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