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private First Words [Roleplay]


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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/137004-first-words-solromancefriendship/


Jazz couldn't exactly say she believed in love. She never experienced it herself, and it seemed like a very dramatized, fancy-shmancy idea to her. Sure, seeing couples happily together as she strolled down the streets of Ponyville made her feel a little… Lonely, sometimes, but then she thought of all the heartbreak she’d seen ponies around her feel and had pretty much decided it was all not worth it.


Sure, the words on her hoof were supposed to lead her to her soulmate, but, theoretically speaking, there were so many ponies in the world that her chances of actually encountering her fated other were extremely slim. Humming a tune absentmindedly to herself, she glanced at the words that she’d seen thousands of times in her life, printed in elegant cursive on the inside of her hoof. Smile more. It suits you.” She read, and sighed a little, adjusting the guitar that was, as always, strapped across her back.


Celestia help me I’d probably die of embarrassment if I had to say that. My soulmate better not be some sappy romantic, I would not be able to deal.

Edited by MiniKirby123
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Dark Star would be taking a calm stroll across the city of Canterlot. He'd lightly hum in his mind as he'd take in the fresh morning air. Dressed in a light cloak and a rapier by his side. A chest-piece of 


His morning schedule would keep going through his head, same as every other day in the past several months. Though, not until lately he was fine with everything in his life, everything planned and then executed. Simple, no time for keeping friends and only sticking to the casual acquaintance. Was what he thought was simplest for a sergeant of the guard.


But now, as things went by he slowly started feeling a bit lonely, the thought of possibly making friends or meeting that special mare passing through his mind now and then only teased by the words on his hoof that he tried to ignore ever so often. "What is it you truly seek?" they read.. 


Dark Star would yawn lightly taking another turn through the streets as he'd continue walking through the by now lightly covered with crowds of ponies roads, making his way in direction of the royal castle. 

Edited by TheLonelySpectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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With a final load of cross beams hoisted up to the rafters, Ochre Dust's shift at the construction site was finished, and he had the joy of the weekend to himself. He made his way to the bar halfway between where he worked and where he lived in Ponyville. He ordered some cider and a side of haycakes to tide him over until his late night Friday meal. Then he moved to a booth, again to be alone, and looked out to the other ponies around him.


He turned over his hoof, seeing the little message that would tell him who he was meant to be with, ordained by the magics that found his cutiemark years ago. "Well you're normal, and that's what I need." He looked around again, chuckling to himself. "Well, I think I've got that bit down." He imagined who the pony might be. From the words, they were probably a pony in need of some stability in their life. He could think of worse reasons for falling in love, and only a few better.

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Tungsten Walked though the streets of Manehattan. Even though the sun was shining, it was a lot easier to see the filth of one of the city's dirtiest neighborhood. Which is were he called home. He looked around at every one he saw under his hood and though his mane that covered most of his face.


Some were homeless, others were thugs of one of the few gangs that lived around there.  Some were just normal ponies who couldn't afford to live in one of the better neighborhoods. Some were together with their love ones or special someone.  He could tell by the way they walked close to each other. Normal he wouldn't think about things like that. But some days he would feel more isolated then normal. 


His eyes went from the ponies to his right arm that was covered by his long hoodie sleeve. The words that were there since birth were covered. It's been years since he last read them be he still remembers what they say. "Blue skies, sunshine. What a day, lets take a walk. " They wrapped around his arm like a sleeve tattoo. He was told what they meant. It was like a cutie mark. It was his mark for life. And if someone spoke them to him that meant they were meant for him.


He highly doubt he would ever meet anyone, let alone someone who would say something lie that to him. The only beings he talks to is his boss and the mare who runs the gym he works out in.  And he was really sure they weren't his soul mates. But because of this  he still never really had conversations with them. Just greetings, a few words and then goodbyes.


It seemed like he was doing a pretty good job at keeping everyone at arms length. Along with not getting to know anyone. Which he was just fine with. It will be many years or maybe never till he'll feel close enough with someone that he feels like he can trust them. But he wasn't going to be the one to make the first movie. That was his rule. 

Edited by Gloomfury
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Sharp teeth flashed and a fish that shone in the morning light appeared between them.  It flapped many times, then it went still.  Somepony had caught breakfast.  Of course, she was no pony.


No one is looking, the way is clear.  The thought crossed Stormcloud's mind many times that morning, even now as she took her catch to an abandoned house in the woods just outside Canterlot.  It must've been abandoned only recently, because there was a working oven and everything.  The only signs were boarded up windows and some things that had clearly seen better days.  And zero sign that anypony was taking up permanent residence there.  She sure wasn't.  To her, it was just a temporary home and by the time she's gone, there would be no trace of her presence.  She was to leave today.


Her morning catch was put into an oiled pan (that she did everything to thoroughly sanitize) and left to cook over the oven.  As she kept an eye on it to make sure it didn't burn, she thought about many things.  What she's going to write home, what Ponyville was like, what Canterlot will be like.  By the spirits, what part of me looked like a dragon spy?!  Or a changeling, what is that even?  


She looked down at her pale yellow hooves, which were split into two toes rather than one.  She didn't have to lift up her right hoof to know what was printed on it.  "The lands are beautiful, don't you think?" it said, in simple hiragana like the spirits painted them with a calligraphy brush.  


This is the spirits' way of guiding one to their other.  Their "soulmate".  She said she had words on her hoof as well and so did her family, so maybe, here...  No, that's a ridiculous thought.  Who in Equestria would speak my language?  She laughed at the thought, which was cut short by a coughing fit.  Well, whoever my soulmate is better have a good medicine cabinet...

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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Applause. Yes, she thought ruefully, taking a bow, it seems that mediocrity is becoming well celebrated these days. In spite of her self-deprecation, she could not help the grin that was now resolutely spreading across her face. The tension she had been holding throughout the performance was replaced now by nothing but relief; her body was almost visibly shaking in euphoria. Her performance was, in truth, well executed by anypony's standard, and the approval of the audience momentarily assuaged any criticisms she had of herself. Taking one final bow, she strode off of the stage with some difficulty, her legs apparently refusing to work properly.


In the lobby of West Manehatten University's music hall, Aria Rosewood sat in relative silence as all else seemed to roar with life. Musicians scrambling to perfect their compositions, families buzzing with excitement over their children, and loud wishes of luck that were shouted from across the lobby. She would occasionally accept a passerby's warm congratulations for her performance every now and then, but for most of the time she spent resting, she remained as reserved as she possibly could. It was not an ideal situation, she reflected, given the energy she had just poured into her performance. She had nothing left to give, and would love nothing more than to lose herself in the calm waters of her own thoughts.


When silence between two people is comfortable, you know you've found love. Her hoof understood her at least. I am counting on you to find this person, hoof, wherever they may be. They certainly do not appear to be anywhere here. Unless...well, I am here. I can love myself; that surely counts, right? No, no I suppose that does seem ludicrous. It was not that she was eager for love, but rather she was eager to be around people who understood things in much the same way she did. Her gaze drifting to the glassy entrance, she saw an inviting torrent of rain that could easily provide her with the isolation she presently needed. Walking purposefully, determinedly toward the doors, a smile playing upon her lips, she flung them open to the sensual information that only rain could bring. Laughing at the speed at which she became drenched, taking in smell, the feel, the sound, the rhythm of the rain, she started off towards her house, enjoying what she considered to be a perfect day.

Edited by Wubtavia
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Tungsten was panting and leaning against a wall to catch his breath. During his time out he was able to talk a large stallion into fighting him with the promos of a large bag of bits if he could beat him.  He wasn't gonna lie, the stallion size and strength made it pretty hard. But he could tell that the stallion hasn't been in a lot of fights. 


Mostly because the stallion was in worst shape then Tungsten. Al he had was a few bruises on his face and a bloody lip, while the stallions nose was broken and his eye was swollen shut.  After catching his breath he stood up and got back into fighting.


When it was over Tungsten was a little more bruised but still standing. Unlike the stallion, who was on the ground after being knocked out. Tungsten Went over to hims and took the stallion's bit bag that was hanging on the side of his bag. He than placed it in his hoodie pocket and set out.  As he walked aimlessly it started to rain. He didn't really mind. In fact he really likes the rain.


He pulled down his hood and smoothed his mane back. The cool rain water felt good on his face. The pain from his bruises seemed to fad a little. Which brought a small smile to his face. He started heading towards the West side of the city. With his new bits he felt like getting some food and the West said usually had some pretty good places.

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"relax, the whether is perfect for this"
Cresent looked at his hoof then looked outside his tree house in the everfree forist, It did seem like an decent day with out the sun shinning thru the trees to much. It was also his day off, something he was noticed he was getting less and less of with winter soon near.
"c'mon cresent you need a life, the forest is nice but still you need to get out" he told himself. He had been meaning to explore the forest more, maybe today he could find out what those words on his hoof would mean, besides getting a life that is.
The idea of having an special some pony would randomly pop in his head, but no matter how hard he tried he'd get too paranoid of anypony close to him. Well if all else failed he would probably find out about a new section of the forest he lived in. Smiling at the thought of having an sompony he opened his door to fly off into the woods, most got scared away do to his fangs showing mid conversation or the wings.  "if she thinks the whether is perfect hope she don't mind these" he said to his wings remembering all the funny conversations he's had in the past about it.

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While Stormcloud mused over many things like family, friends, archery, and a strange confection called zap apple jam, her fish began to burn up.  She didn't notice until it was burnt into something that mine as well be charcoal.  Smoke began to fill the house, so she opened the door to let it all out.  She stepped outside to hopefully escape most of it.  The last thing her aggravated allergies needed were lungs filled with smoke.


The pale kirin sighed.  "I guess it's back to fishing."  She went back to the stream, but she noticed the smoke escape into the air.  She gulped.  Spirits forbid Canterlot noticing it...

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Dusk softly closed the door to her small apartment in Ponyville and stepped out into the busy streets. It was still earlier in the evening than she liked, with little foals having gotten out of school not long before. But something drew her out earlier than usual today though she couldn't quite place her hoof on what or why. As she walked along the busy streets she started to get lost in her own thoughts. 


It had been a long time since she lasted dated anyone and he most certainly was not the one anyway. She looked breifly down at her hooves "Why are you wearing that jacket? It's so nice out." was painted barely visable on one of them. She shook her head and mumbled to herself "Now why in Equestria would anyone choose that for me, as soon as they figured out I'm part bat they wouldn't like me anymore anyway." She wandered about a little longer, stopping in various stores for only a few minutes at a time before stopping for a bit to try to relax on a bench at the park. 

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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@@Akari of Duskshire


After his drink and snack were finished, Ochre was ready for the trek back to his home. It was out of the way being around half-way to Canterlot, but he had built it himself, so it was exactly what he wanted. On the road towards it however, he notices a particularly acrid-looking smoke pluming down one of the smaller trails that would lead to another cabin. He followed it, wanting to get an early warning if a forest fire had started.


He found the cabin, more of a proper house from the size. The windows were boarded up, and the smoke flowed out from the chimney. This close however, he could smell the rather unpleasant smell of burnt fish. He went to the door, knocking on it. He might as well check that whoever lived there was alright, he'd come that far. "Hello?!" he called.

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Dusk softly closed the door to her small apartment in Ponyville and stepped out into the busy streets. It was still earlier in the evening than she liked, with little foals having gotten out of school not long before. But something drew her out earlier than usual today though she couldn't quite place her hoof on what or why. As she walked along the busy streets she started to get lost in her own thoughts. 


It had been a long time since she lasted dated anyone and he most certainly was not the one anyway. She looked breifly down at her hooves "Why are you wearing that jacket? It's so nice out." was painted barely visable on one of them. She shook her head and mumbled to herself "Now why in Equestria would anyone choose that for me, as soon as they figured out I'm part bat they wouldn't like me anymore anyway." She wandered about a little longer, stopping in various stores for only a few minutes at a time before stopping for a bit to try to relax on a bench at the park. 

Cresent was surprised and a little disappointed he found his way into ponyville. "gusse that's another way out" he said shrugging. That's when he remembered he didn't have breakfast yet, might as well take adventage of it being in the store front area. He walked around looking for a good seller or bite to eat when he noticed another mare who seemed lost in thought


'maybe I could help' he thought approaching the grey mare in the coat 


"heya names cresent, you look like you could use some eats to help think, want to find a good bite with me?" he asked extending his hoof for a bump.


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Stormcloud had succeeded in catching another fish, but that lucky fish was released and left to swim away with only a few puncture wounds, for she had heard somepony call out.  Oh no, did something accidentally catch on fire?!  She raced back, only to find somepony standing at the entrance.  In a moment of panic, thinking him to be the owner and not wanting to get caught, she sped off, rustling a bush and leaving a rather faint trail of hoof prints in the less-grassy areas she stepped into.  

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@@Akari of Duskshire,


Hearing something rustling in the bush nearby, Ochre turned, and went to the bushes. There, he was able to see a few hoof prints, but they seemed to be split down the middle. Thinking that there was a hurt pony, he began following it, calling out. "Hello?! Do you need help?" 

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Exhaustion. Not surprisingly it was steeling over her; after all, music could be both physically and mentally taxing. She could almost feel the exchange of energy as she opened her entire being into her work. All of her thoughts seemed to collapse with each new step into a single idea.


 I suppose I ought to start traipsing back to my flat. Nothing would be more pleasing than to pass out right now


It was only now, however, that she took in her surroundings, realizing that her stroll in the rain had taken her five blocks in the completely opposite direction. Leaning against a nearby mailbox, starting to feel a bit sore in the hooves, the mare let out a sound somewhere between a groan and a laugh. 


Thank you, hooves. I am really glad you are looking out for me whilst I am lost in my musings. 


There was nothing for it. The street was deserted of awaiting carriages, and she was not going to make the long walk home without resting her feet. And so her eyes began raking the signs of the local establishments, seeking one that would have, preferably, cushioned booths in which she might even fall asleep. Finally, they came to rest upon an antique looking plank of wood that signified the building as The Prancing Pony.


A tavern...


She held her gaze upon the sign for a solid five seconds, releasing a sigh through her nostrils.


...screw it.


And with that, she promptly entered.

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Going down into a much less violent coughing fit, Stormcloud slowed down and the panic that had come over her began to fade away.  Do I need help?  Doesn't... sound mad...  Maybe he WASN'T the home owner?  He shouldn't have been, there's absolutely no sign of someone being there in at least the last few months or so.  Unless...  Cloaked in shadows, she stopped and asked,"Who are you?"

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@@Akari of Duskshire,


Ochre stopped when somepony nearby asked him who he was. He looked around, trying to find the source as he answered. "I'm Ochre Dust, I live nearby. When I saw the smoke, I thought a fire might've started. Are you alright?" He took a tentative step towards where he thought he heard the voice. 

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(OOC:  In keeping with the rules, this will be my last post for today.)


"Oh... that," Stormcloud said, laughing half-nervously and half-mockingly at her own absent-mindedness.  "Yes, some... ah, vegetables that got turned into charcoal."  The more nervous she got, the more her accent slipped out.

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After a while Dark Star would get to the Canterlot Castle, arming up, putting on his chestpiece over his cloak. After a short while he'd go to the meeting hall, as a captain would call him over as soon as he'd enter.


"G'morning, Sergeant. Up for a mission?"


"Sir, yes, Sir. " Star would reply calmly


The captain would point a spot on the map by canterlot. "We spotted some smoke coming from somewhere around here. You should check it out. Could be a dragon, or someone just lighting a campfire. Can never be sure. "


"Alright, I'll move out immediately. I guess those are all the details I'll need."


He'd salute, and walk out.


Well, that was short... normally the old stallion has so much more to talk about...


The point on the map would dart over his head, as he'd try and remember it.


Walking outside the castle doors he'd be back upon the streets, catching the eyes of the crowd due to his now visible guard armament, mostly due to the fact that it was a light silver instead of the casual gold.


They always have to stare...

Edited by TheLonelySpectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Jazz couldn’t help but feel somewhat at a loss of what to do. Being in Ponyville seemed to be exceptionally… Quiet, especially without the presence of her ever present and overtly bubbly friend, Remix. They’d pretty much been inseparable since they were kids, but, recently, they’d begun to drift apart – not only was Remix currently away on one of her own gigs, but she had also recently bumped into her soulmate.


“Remember, Jazzy! You just gotta keep your chin up, and knock ‘em down with your killer smile!”


A soft, rarely seen grin did cross her face at the memory, but she couldn’t help but feel an odd twinge of sadness. A short sigh escaped her lips, and she contemplated strumming out her feelings on her guitar as she normally did, but oddly didn’t feel up for it.


Maybe I should… Initiate conversation. She thought, glancing around at those ponies milling about. Immediately, she cringed and began to feel herself shrink within to herself.



Edited by MiniKirby123
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Tungsten kept wondering the streets till he end up in the west side. Th rain was still coming down. After his bruises less sour and pulled his hood back over his face. Earlier he was feeling pretty god. But his mood slowly changed back to his normal one. His smile was gone and his mane covered half his face again. But he was still hungry so he kept looking for a place he could get some food.


While he walked down the cleaner streets he was getting a few odd looks from other passers by. Because he was walking out in the rain and from the way he was dressed. Most ponies up town don't dress in common street clothes. But he didn't pay attention to them. He just looked though them like they weren't there



Soon he came across a tavern called The Prancing Pony. He stared at it blankly for a sew seconds and then stepped inside. He sat in a booth and waited for someone to serve him.

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@@Akari of Duskshire


"Vegetables? Must have been slathered in oils, because it smelled a bit more like burnt fish. A little too rich for my tastes." Ochre's ears zeroed in on where the pony was, and he looked in their direction, even as he noted a bit of an accent cutting through their words. "Would you care to come out? I'd rather not talk to a bush."

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Stormcloud laughed somemore, this time more nervously because she underestimated his sense of smell.  "Yes, that is it, too many oil.  Sorry it wouldn't suit your taste."  She began to step forward at his request, then she hesitated, remembering how a few ponies received her in the past. "Just a moment - when I come out, you won't scream and run for the hills, right?"

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@@Akari of Duskshire


"Screaming isn't in my nature ma'am, especially towards a mare." Ochre thought on how reticent and secretive the mare was. Perhaps she wasn't a pony? "I don't know why you think I would scream, but Equestria works to try and welcome all they can." He then waited patiently for the stranger to reveal herself.

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"Alright, if you say so..."  So she stepped out of the bush, shaking a few leaves from her mane and horns.  Being taller than an average Equestrian mare, she met him at about eye level before she briefly bowed, the white magatama around her neck meeting the ground for a few seconds.


"I'm Stormcloud.  You're from Canterlot?" 

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