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private Halo ODST Role-Play

Your Nightly Spectre

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Chapter 1

The Drop


"I need a cover!' Shouted a UNSC Marine, his fellow nodding, stepping out and shooting blankly as his friend would make a dash for it through the street.


Followed by dozens of spiker and plasma shots the Marine would dive on the other block of houses, breathing deeply, turning around to see that his fellow from earlier was on the ground with a spike stuck in his throat. Holding back a light tear he'd continue knowing he had no time. 


Turning corner after corner, running for his life alone with nothing but dozens of bodies of civilians, UNSC and Covenant alike to keep him company on his journey.

"This is Bianko, man down... I-I'm alone. Making my way to objective.  "

Raising his MA5B while simotaniously kicking an already broken door. It hardly budging. Trying several more times he'd made to make a dent big enough for him to get through, just before getting in all the way Bianko would feel a sharp pain in his foot. Falling down on the other side, adrenaline pumping he'd get up and make a run upstairs. 


After a short climb, hearing the door below him blown open he'd increase his pace, the pain in his leg becoming more and more real. After finally reaching the top he'd sigh, finding a huge satellite dish.

"This is Bianko, UNSC Ascendacy, do you read? I have reached the objective. I am overrun. The Covenant will be here any second. Proceeding. "


Not getting an answer he'd continue his way, moving over to the dish, his purpose almost fulfilled, knowing this was a one way trip that was a sacrafice for his wife and children, for all the ones he lost.


His memories suddenly became blank, as he'd feel empty. Looking down a shining object would catch his sight. His breath would be lost as he'd feel himself falling limp to the ground. He'd be kicked over to the top by an Elite holding a plasma sword. Him staring the stabbed human carefully before mocking speaking.


"How do you feel now, that your purpose has failed, human? Made it so far just to fail. A shame to your clan, to your family... Were you a warrior? " 


The Marines eyes would blur as the last thing he'd hear would be the last words of the Elite. Wanting to answer him but calmly felling sleepy as he'd die, falling completely limp unto the floor.



Up above in the upper orbit of the planet, a UNSC Frigate Ascendacy would be under heavy fire from a light Covenant corvette. Both ships exchanging loads of shots at each other and both in critical states.


Specter would be sitting the armory briefing room. A busy atmoshere as a light shaking would hit the ship once in a while. Around a table the rest of the squad.


"Alright, the plan is simple. We lost our squads moving in to re-activate communications down below. Our job is simple. We drop in into the middle of enemy territory alongside two other squads. We cause some chaos and make it harder for the Covies to get reinforcements. We get up top, reestablish communication. Let the push happen and get saved in an Evac Pelican, any questions?"

Edited by TheLonelySpectre
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My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Deathmark nodded as the captain explained them the mission. He nodded "Sounds easy enough" Said Deathmark and took out his sniper rifle, making sure that it was operatable. When he was satisfied, he took out his m6g handgun and repeated the procces. He stood up when he was done. "I'm ready sir" Said Death

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"Sure thing boss."

Ash starts checking his weapons to make sure they're ready for combat


"I sure hope none of you will be getting in my way when we touche down."

Ash then puts his weapons aside and starts carving a smiley face into his left chest plate.


"It's gonna be one hell of a fight down there."

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( I'm on mobile so no Color )


Enzo wasn't listening. In fact he wasn't even at the briefing table. His face was pressed against the window, his sharp eyes brightening in anticipation of the battle that awaited him.


He pushed away from the window and checked his weapons. Unclipping the modified energy sword he had at his side, he activated it, giving it a few test swings and swooning at the smooth hum of the hardlight.


He loaded his pistol and starting making his way to the air lock ( I'm not sure which part but it's the one where people prepare to parachute from the plane)


The man giggled


"It is time for a little blood"

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The UNSC Ascendacy would skillfully be maneuvered into orbit the ship lightly shaking as it would begin to break into the atmoshere and in the same time aiming its frontal MAC cannon at the Covenant Corvette trying to follow it.

"All hands brace, this will be a rough one. " said the rough voice of the Commander throughout the ship.


It would fire, its back practically burning up as it would hit the atmoshpere in a bad angle gravity making the back of the ship going in first as it would fire up at the Corvette which was having extreme problems following the bold move. But not like what the Corvettes thoughts mattered anymore as with a swift shot of the frontal MAC recoil canon the ship would break in half, majour life support failures and crucial engines hit causing parts of it to explode.  


The Ascendacy would level out after the very bumpy ride. 


Just before he'd give a word to Enzo who seemed to be working all fussy and on his own today the warning message from the Commander would play as gravity would do its job pushing everyone lightly down, the shaking not helping as the earlier wall was now almost the floor. Holding on to the table trying to keep his legs on the cricked floor. Then with another shake the ship would begin to level out. And as it would Spec would just fall, panting heavily. 

"Alright.. everyone okay?" 

"ODST, in positions, you got three minutes till drop. "

He'd get up, looking around at the rest of the squad. "Nap time is over, move it, move it. " 

Getting a DRM from the weapon rack, and a couple of grenades and some Magnum rounds for his pistol he'd move to the room right outside the armory which was the drop pod terminal, with pods lined up on the two walls. 


Specter would enter his pod, putting on his helmet and getting seated, turning on communications on his helmet and then putting it on. 

Edited by TheLonelySpectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Deathmark quickly got up and ran towards his drop pod. After getting seated inside the pot, Death let out a little sigh. "Time to kill some more baddies" He looked around his pot and activated the communication. "Ready to drop sir" Said Death, gripping tightly at the bars in the drop pod

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Patch looks around the frigate when suddenly his comlink beeps, "Wait... Emergency re-tasking? To a group that's dropping now?! Son of a..." He grabs his helmet and a battle rifle, as well as a spare magazine for his magnum, and sprints toward the drop pods. He arrives and places his helmet on his head, trying to key in his new squad's frequency as he gets settled in his drop pod.


He finally finds the right frequency and tries to introduce himself, "Private First Class Jacobson reporting for duty sir! Sorry for my lateness, I wasn't aware I was even on this op until about 20 minutes ago."

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Ash makes his landing onto the battlefield, he blasts a few aliens then tries to reconnect with his squad.

"Where are these fools, don't they know how to drop."


Ash fights his way through more enemies with great ease and as if he was enjoying it. Ash then spots one of his squad members but was too far away to recognize who it was. He quickly made his way to his downed team mate to help him/her out.

"I sure hope this fool is still alive."

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"God I hate drop pods."


Now, personally, Enzo had nothing against them: especially if they were drop pods from the enemy team. That just means more shit to kill


However, whenever he tells upper command 'I got this' or 'I have this area covered', guess what they send in? That's right, those God damm drop pods. Boom! Instant reinforcements! No more kills for youuuu!


In addition, what's the fun of having your own pod if you can't customise it? It's not like that drawing of a pink pony was going to make him fail his mission or anything.


Sighing in resignation at his orders to get ready, Enzo pulled a jet pack off a rack and stepped into his pod.


"I'm prepared"

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"Try and not make the same mistake on the battlefield then, private. I think the rest of the team would rather keep their lives for a day longer. "




Flying down the atmosphere the UNSC Ascendancy would pick up two light corvettes down below above the city, mainly the reason the defenders were having such a tough time. Thought, as tought as she was the frigate stood no chance against two covenant ships at once. Proceeding with the crazy plan made by the EXO, the ship would put on a red alert throughtout the crew, everyone grabbing on to anything as they'd know to expect something.


Cutting power to engines, the frigate would aim its bow down, diving at the city below burning heavily in the atmosphere but easily taking it.


As it would reach a safe altitude the ships engines would go back online and as would supporter engines, hopping in between the two frigates the MAC gun would fire again, weakening the corvettes structure before heavily ramming it, tearing it in half. Guns opening fire at the other ship immidietly would manage to catch it totally by surprise.



Green light going in the pods, they would soon be ejected. Aimed well at where we were supposed to go the drop would commence.


"Good luck ladies, meet you at randevouz, try and not land too far off. "


Quickly hitting ground Spec would hit right into an almost empty street, only several grunts standing in his way as he'd quickly pop out with his rifle and black them to pieces before they knew what hit em.


"Remember, we are the last resort, do your best. '


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Deathmark gripped tightly a the bars as he was falling. The pod crashed not so far away from spec. He quickly popped out of the pod with a pistol and a knife in his hands. When he was satisfied that no one was going to sneak up on him, he took out his sniper and aimed around him to make sure that no one was going to snipe him. After he made sure that they were clear, he walked up to the captain. "We are clear sir" Said Death and stretched out his arm "Rough landing"

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His DRM close and taking cover behind a car I'd speak through our frequency.


"Alright, Deathmark, get to me, activating squad tracking. Other members, report in your status. "


Staying down all would be too quiet as Spec would slowly move towards a bit more covered safer area, trying to stay as quiet as possible.


"Deathmark, I'll be needing you to find an advantage point and give us a recon of the area, others regroup on me. "


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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As Ash approaches his downed comrade he notices it's actually a Enemy Grunt. The Grunt is harmless and wounded, Ash smiles under his mask and pulls a pin on the injured Grunts sticky grenade vest. The Grunt covers Ash in its blood, Ash wipes his visor and continues his on-onslaught. Ash then spots Specter and regroups with him.


"It's good to see you again, I was beginning to think you were all dead."


Ash throws away his LMG since it was empty on Ammunition, he then takes a dead Aliens Plasma Gun and stays alert.


"This will get the job done."

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@@Lunar Echo,


"You shouldn't have pressed emergency eject, you dropped before schedule... you could have jeopardized the mission with your stupidity. "


Keeping his aim on the roofs Spec would constantly stay wary for any ambush or enemy snipers.


"Enzo, report in, I can't seem to catch your location, Enzo report in. " @,


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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( I can't mention since I'm on mobile )


As Enzo's drop pod well, 'dropped' out of the sky, through the glass, he noticed a pair of covenant elites armed with fuel rod canons near his squad's supposed landing point. Thinking quickly, he opened his pod mid-air and jumped out, activating his jet pack and activating his sword.


Using his jet pack to change directions, he flew between the duo, using his energy sword to cleave one of the elites cleanly in half.


He used the last of his fuel stabilising his descent, skidding on the ground behind the remaining covenant elite. The elite turned on him and started firing his storm rifle. Eyes widening, Enzo quickly rolled behind a rock for cover. As the elite waited for his rifle to cool down, Enzo made a mad dash towards the elite, constantly firing his magnum pistol and forcing the elite to stay behind cover. Seeing the elite pinned down, Enzo used his jet pack to leap over said cover and use his energy sword to slice the elite's head clean off.


His radio crackled: "Enzo report in,I can't seem to catch your location, Enzo report in. "


After taking a breather, he replied. " yeah yeah im here, where the magnum shots are"

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"Yes sir" Said Deathmark. He looked around and spotted a tower. "That's convinient" Said Death to himself. He approached the building and started climbing. After about 5 minutes he finally reached the top. After settinfg his sniper up, he activated the com link. "Sniper support in position" Said Death aiming around for enemis.

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Looking around the street, he'd duck a bit as a group of banshees would fly above, not really noticing the squadron they'd move on before hearing fighting, two would move out from the formation and the others would proceed as the two would fly in the direction of Enzo.


"Enzo, you got two banshees, 12 o'clock. " Spec would say through comlink while tracing Enzos position on his helmet.

"Bail out of there, all others, Deathmark give us cover on the street.


"Alright ODSTs, it seems you made your landing, your first mission is a covenant deployment field, break what you can. Then if you live through that you will go behind enemy lines and a force will strike the radio station. Be wary, the Covenant will try and destroy the place after they steal all the information they need from it. If The Dish falls, our forces will have no way of any long-range communication with the rest of the defending fleets and garrisons. We have two ODST squads in reserve for the breaking plan. If we push them out of Atlantis, we'll be having a major stronghold. "


"You heard the man... information updated. The deployment zone isn't far, and with the show Enzo is putting on, we might just be expected. "


Moving out from cover Spec would run between abandoned cars and debrees.


"Okay squadron, regroup one me, Deathmark cover our backs and don't let us out of your sight, you are our main eyes and ears. Be ready to not stay too far back though.  "


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Deathmark who was still in prone position on the tower nodded. *Affirmative. I will be at the buildings" Said Deathmark and cut off the communication. He took his sniper rifle on his back, and began to climb down the tower to get to a better position. He ended up next to a wall at an abandonned factory. Because of it's dark shading he could camouflage really well. He set up his sniper and aimed down the sights. He spotted 3 Zealots with energy swords sneaking up behinde. "You got company behind you!" Shouted Death over the comlink. He went for the elite who was closest. He took a deep breath to slow down his hearthbeat. He aimed at the elite's head and squeezed the trigger. A big bang could be heard as Death shot the elite. A long trail of smoke from the elites head and Death's sniper could be seen.

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Underneath his helmet his face would turn to a bit of horror as he'd hear about THREE zealots sneaking up. DRM up high and looking around he'd try and pin the snipers position to maybe get a better idea from where they are coming from. Zealots were some of the most elite in the covenant, a mere ODST usually standing no chance against their shields and plasma swords. But the planet depended on him, and with a hear of a sniper rifle and where the bullet hit he'd turn, spotting the other 2 a bit surprised. Quickly opening fire he'd begin moving back and scaling over a car to the other side, trying to make some distance as his rounds would only hit the Zealots shields. 


Tracking their positions it was clear that the Zaelots split up to get out of the Snipers fire, looking around each corner and trying to move to something that was more a wall he'd quickly react as he'd spot the elite above him, quickly firing round after round into it as it would attempt to jump down at him. Breaking through his shield they'd still impact on each other. 


Grabbing his hand Spec would wrestle the bastard trying to keep the blade away from himself,as his other hand would try and punch or grab on to the elite. 


"You are going down you bastard!" 


Punching it in the face and breaking through his defense the Elite would kick back sending him back. Activating its plasma blade again Spec would quickly pull out his pistol and shoot the elites blade hand, making him drop it as the elite would then jump on him and pick him up, hitting him against the floor. Pulling out his dagger and finding the right time Spec would jab it into the elites chest, then delivering it a heavy punch to the face again, pulling out his dager and once more wrestling with the beast.


...But the 2nd Zealot one was nowhere around... 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Ash is helping the Squad when he's suddenly abducted without his Squad noticing. Ash wakes up after being knocked out for god knows how long. He looks around and notices his weapons had been taken from him. He tries to radio to his Squad or Command but got nothing but Static on the other end. So he turned on his flash light on his helmet and started wandering around. The location was dark and it felt almost empty. Ash then walked over something that Yelp t at him. Ash was quick to raise his fists for possible CQC combat, he saw nothing. Then the thing made another sound and this time sounding like help. Ash looked down and noticed a Marine stuck in the ground as if the ground was slowly eating him alive.


Ash Replies: "W-what the hell!? Holy shit, you're still alive! What the hell happened to you!?"


Ash then tried to free the Marine to no avail. The trapped Marine tells Ash to leave while he still can before "They" come back. Ash listens to the trapped Marines words and tries to make haste as he looks for a possible exit to this nightmare of a place. As he progresses what seems to be getting deeper and deeper he comes across more and more merged Marines. Ash starts to freak out thinking he'd never get out of this place and every so often try to make contact with his radio.


Ash talks to his Squad Radio: "Hello!? Is anyone able to hear me? I am in-need of a evac crew, I am lost."

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"Enzo, you got two banshees, 12 o'clock. " Spec would say through comlink while tracing Enzos position on his helmet.




As if on cue, Enzo heard the whirring of the 2 flying covenant ships.


Headed directly towards him.


"Oh dear"


Enzo made a mad dash for an abandoned building as the banshees opened fire, dodging some of the shots with a jetpack-boost and letting the rest hit his shield.


"Alright, i understand that taking down 2 elites makes me a threat, but seriously, 2 banshees?"


Enzo ducked down as the banshees harmlessly passed over the building, their guns incapable of shooting directly downwards.

Poking his head out of cover,he noticed the trail of smoke originating from Deathmark's sniper rifle. Remembering the banshees, he put 2 and 2 together.


"Oh no you don't"


Spying a sheet of thin metal lying on the ground, the ODST made a mad dash for it, while taking several pot-shots at the banshees with his magnum and waving his energy sword in the air like a baton, attempting to get their attention.


One of his shots hit.






Hoping that his taunt worked ( or was even understood/heard ), Enzo sheathed his weaponsand picked up the sheet of metal with his right hand, using it as a make-shift shield and prepared to dash to cover. Using his left hand, he made the universal symbol for ' fuck you' . Through the comlink, he did an /all chat and in a very pleasant and calm voice, spoke:


"Greetings fellow squad mates, i am here to ask if anyone remembered to bring a BLOODY ROCKET LAUNCHER INTO COVENANT TERRITORY. I mean, blow up the banshees please."


( What happens next depends on whether Spectre allows the banshees to notice enzo or not )


Noticing the banshees turning, he turned tail and ran, zipping between buildings to avoid the rain of plasma. One of the banshees fired a ( green explosive shot thing ). Fortunately for Enzo, it missed. Unfortunately, the explosion had the side effect of attracting the attention plenty of covenant grunts.


His pink armor didn't help.


The grunts wildly fired their pistols with the undeniable accuracy of stormtroopers and ran after  Enzo, yelling incoherently.


Over the comlink again, Enzo selected a piece of music from his ipod and broadcasted it.


"Hey guys, this music represents my situation right now, want to help?"










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"Son..." The Zealot attempted to kick him again, but he'd hold his ground and manage to block it, getting free with his magnum hand, "Of a..." Hitting him once more in the face with a pistol in his hand."...BITCH" Somehow breaking through the Zealots grip I'd unload a round into his mouth, firing shot after shot until the elite dropped. Holding his lightly hurting chest he'd lean against a car to rest. 


"You ever heard of stealth Enzo?! And if you think your two banshees are bad then think again because we got Zealots possibly crawling all around the place! Just try and lose them before you draw attention to the bloody rest of us. 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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With still no reply on his radio he leaned against a wall about to give up. Food steps could suddenly be heard and it seemed to be close-by. With his little hope he investigated the foot steps. Ash came across a unusual footprint shape in the mold of the ground. Ash decided to take some pictures for research purposes. Suddenly he was spotted by he could not see the aggressor so just ran figuring he was outnumbered.


Ash safely got away from his chasers and tried again to make contact with the outside. He then set-up a make shift position to rest as for some strange reason this place was draining him of energy and rapidly. Ash then started writing in his novel as he believed this may be the final days of his life. 

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"You ever heard of stealth Enzo?! And if you think your two banshees are bad then think again because we got Zealots possibly crawling all around the place! Just try and lose them before you draw attention to the bloody rest of us. 


Not wanting to offend the higher up, Enzo thought"Well, if you wanted stealth, maybe one or all of us shoul've taken cloaking. oh wait, you didn't tell us to. Or maybe we shouldn't have used drop pods, that everyone knows drop with the noise of a feather."


Grumbling slightly, Enzo changed his course to move away from the rest of the squad, in an effort to direct the slowly growing mob's attention away from his squad. Looking over his shoulder, the ODST noticed the mob. Inspiration struck him. Hastily turning on the comlink, he yelled.


"I seem to be corralling quite the number of murlocs troops. And you know what is good at beating groups of stuff? Explosions. So, a rocket launcher would be really nice right now."


As Enzo turned another corner, he came into collision path of a startled elite. Using this opportunity, he jet boosted closely past the elite, reaching out an arm to snag the elite's plasma grenades. 


"Well, that was convenientl"


As Enzo turned another corner, he tossed the sticky plasma bombs into the ground in front of him, hoping that the delay would give enough time for the mob run over the grenades as they stayed on his tail.

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Ash came across more and more darkness as he delved further into this fresh hell. He discovered some ruin artifacts that seemed pretty old but very ahead of its time. Ash decided to take a few of the relics for research purposes on these unidentified entities. He tampered with one of the relics he found which in-turn ended up teleporting Ash on top of an decaying Skyscraper. The Skyscraper was falling apart and about to collapse any minute. Ash acted quickly and jumped off the building onto another building close-by as the Skyscraper he teleported too plummeted to the ground.


Ash talks

"That was a damn close call." Ash lets out a sigh of relief.


Ash collected himself and radio'd his squad for back-up but still got no reply. Ash then looked at his map and found that it was freaking out and could not pin-point his position. There was nothing but abandoned building for as far as the eye could see. Ash made a note of everything and then started to look around. Ash was not trusting of the silence, Ash very alert. He could almost feel as if he was being watched round every corner.      


Ashes thoughts

"God damn place looks like my resting place. I wonder if I'll ever find a way out of this horrible place. What if I am just forgotten and no one will ever find me or even my lifeless body. What if I am destined to walk these streets till I die. I can't think like this, but I must consider every possibility. Right Ash, pull your head in the game, lets at least try to look if we can find anyone."

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