GreyScholar 1,584 September 24, 2015 Share September 24, 2015 @@Pripyat Pony, “Actually Professor,” Mythos said, looking from the pegasus to her with a thoughtful smile, “Maybe Professor Dawn could go with you? He is our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, understanding how the wards and defenses of our school work I feel would be quite important.” Chuckling, he would then consider Star Dream and having another consideration, “Perhaps I could get the sorting hat for you, if that is okay, and Professor Dream would come with me?” This idea would surprise Golden, and raise his suspicions a bit though there wasn't anything exactly wrong with his idea. Though he would not admit it, nor give the unicorn satisfaction of doing so, he had been curious on what sort of defenses the school had to protect against any with may have ill intent. Whether it be dark wizard, human intrusion, or an attack by monsters the wards and protective spells had to be quite impressive. With such he would say looking to Clover, “Hmm, that is an idea.” Yet Stardream was more worried and uncertain, though she suspected why the unicorn had suggested she come with him. Part of her hoped Clover would say no to the idea, though another voice offered this was a chance to clear the water between the two since they would be working with each other. With some nervousness showing through, she would say, “I... I would be willing to do that.” Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 September 24, 2015 Author Share September 24, 2015 Mist gave the mare the money he owed and thanked her for the sweets. He then sat back in his chair and opened one of his chocolate frogs. After eating the chocolate he looked at the card he had got. (another Dumbledore,) Mist thought to himself, (that makes a total of five). Mist opened his beans and ate one. He gaged and had to stop himself from spitting it out, "Who in there right mind makes earwax flavoured jelly beans?" he said to no pony in particular.Derby shook her head as Steven swooped in and stole the frog from her "Steven!" She yelled at him "uh Mist who's Nicolas Flammel? " She said examining the card that Steven had left her with " who'd you get Mist?"The train started to slow down as it approached hogsmeade station! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cwhip9 1,078 September 24, 2015 Share September 24, 2015 Though Night Shine tried not to, she couldn't help but blush a little at his praise, "I did this often at home. Sharfe did not like my little brother." The cat was staring at Cresent, but didn't move from his place, idly digging claws into a tiny stuffed rat toy. When she watched him scratch his head, her mind wandered to how exactly the bones and muscles must be put together in the bat-wings. It took a long moment of silence before she remembered that he had asked her a question. "Blood magic?..." she shook her head slowly, translating it in her head, trying to remember if she had read it somewhere. The cat got out of the way as she went to look through her luggage again. Somehow, Sharfe managed to keep his eyes locked on Cresent as he moved. Night Shine pulled a book out and set it beside her as she flipped the pages. Sharfe took the opportunity to move, and take a new spot on the floor between the two ponies. "I do not have access to many magic texts, but I have this... index." Night began to mumble to herself as she read. "Ah, 'Eine seltene'-" she stopped reading abruptly, ducking her head reflexively, "er... sorry..." when she began reading again, it was more slowly, " 'A rare... style... of magic, made by only few.' " she read the next few lines silently, mumbling a bit to herself, then shook her head, "Not much information. I think the book is not always accurate. It mentions vampire and .... Blutkreislauf ...ehm... blood..." she gestured from her heart, along her foreleg, to her hoof and back, looking a the ceiling as she thought of how to get the meaning out in words, embarassed that her english had gotten so bad, "From heart, through body." cresent smiled at the mare hopping his sharp teeth were not showing "its alright the books I got kind of, maybe, got misplaced my way to this yours is better then nothing" he noticed the cat move between them, probably still annoyed at before hoof. the cat got his attention again moving between the two, something told cresent this might be a regular thing with them unless he can get the cat a treat or something close to it. As Night Shine was describing what she read in the book a thought came to cresent. "so its all heart based perhaps?" he did his best to ignore the vampire line. He was told he was an vampony but not to tell that to everypony he met only close and true friends. He didn't know how it would happen if ponys found out but he had a feeling it wouldn't be moonlight and luna's stars. The young colt shrugged the worrying off focusing more on relaxing and his new friend "ah well I gusse we'll find out more on it when we get there if there's more too it, maybe its a key to help patch up ponys like you did earlier." he then looked at the cat again "something tells me he just doesn't like colts or he hates tains" Oc's and open 1x1 serch My bat brony blog: art: by the awesome Flearia Dragondanser Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pripyat Pony 2,608 September 24, 2015 Share September 24, 2015 @@EquestrianScholar, Clover smiled. "Yes, that would be very helpful, thank you very much. Especially given the size of the castle, and the quantity and quality of spells needed. Another magic user would be a tremendous help; after all, as my mother used to say, 'Two horns are better than one'." Clover noticed that Star Dream seemed nervous about being alone with Mythos, but figured that anything between them would be all the better for being talked out between them now, before the students arrived for the new term. Signature and avatar by Pucksterv. Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dapper Charmer 591 September 25, 2015 Share September 25, 2015 Derby shook her head as Steven swooped in and stole the frog from her "Steven!" She yelled at him "uh Mist who's Nicolas Flammel? " She said examining the card that Steven had left her with " who'd you get Mist?" The train started to slow down as it approached hogsmeade station "If I'm not mistaken Nicolas Flammel was some sort of Alchemist, I think. I got Dumbledore and." Mist paused as he opened and ate another chocolate frog, "I also got Salazar Slytherin." Mist stopped as the train started to slow down. He turned to Derby, "Is this where we get off?" Avatar by Parfait My OC Dapper Charmer: My Other OC Mist Twister: My Villainous OC Hooligan: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 September 25, 2015 Author Share September 25, 2015 "If I'm not mistaken Nicolas Flammel was some sort of Alchemist, I think. I got Dumbledore and." Mist paused as he opened and ate another chocolate frog, "I also got Salazar Slytherin." Mist stopped as the train started to slow down. He turned to Derby, "Is this where we get off?" " good question Mist.... Is it? I'm assuming so" Derby looked out the window "does Hogwarts have an I don't know massive lake infront of It for seemingly no reason? Because there's a massive lake out here for seemingly no reason and I might have a sneaking suspicion that we should probably be you know getting off the train around about now"! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rolle 320 September 25, 2015 Share September 25, 2015 Erad heard the train screech as it was slowing down. It was normal for an old train, he fixed his stuff and took his owl. Waited for a signal to go out... Well, he wasn't rushing out or anything as that would be insanity as people would probably try to get out as fast as they can. (sorry that its so short and rather late... I didn't have time this morning.) Current OCs Heathlife (alt1) Heltheain Magmosor Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dapper Charmer 591 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 " good question Mist.... Is it? I'm assuming so" Derby looked out the window "does Hogwarts have an I don't know massive lake infront of It for seemingly no reason? Because there's a massive lake out here for seemingly no reason and I might have a sneaking suspicion that we should probably be you know getting off the train around about now" "You're right," said Mist as he gathered his luggage, "after all we don't want to be late for our first day at Hogwarts do we?" Mist opened the door, picked up his luggage and exited the train. Near the train was a wagon filled with luggage. Mist assumed it was for the students and added his to the pile. When he was finished he quietly waited for Derby to join him. Avatar by Parfait My OC Dapper Charmer: My Other OC Mist Twister: My Villainous OC Hooligan: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 September 27, 2015 Author Share September 27, 2015 "You're right," said Mist as he gathered his luggage, "after all we don't want to be late for our first day at Hogwarts do we?" Mist opened the door, picked up his luggage and exited the train. Near the train was a wagon filled with luggage. Mist assumed it was for the students and added his to the pile. When he was finished he quietly waited for Derby to join him. Derby had a hard time catching Steven but she eventually did and held him under her wing with her trunk slowly bouncing around behind her. As soon as they got off the train Steven flew away and off over the lake " thanks Steve! " Derby shouted out across the lake! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cwhip9 1,078 September 28, 2015 Share September 28, 2015 Cresent felt the train slowing down. He looked out the window to see the castle approaching "cool!" he said marveling at the giant castell and his new home for the next upcoming mounths ahead. He looked at all the neat shops and general sceanery outside the train as it slowly got to a crawl. "wow so that's going to be our home...its Big!" the bat pony didn't know his wings were flapping rasing him a little out of the chair then he felt the top of the trolly and glided down. Emberesed he tried to relax "sorry just havnt been in a castel before" noticing Nights reaction to him Oc's and open 1x1 serch My bat brony blog: art: by the awesome Flearia Dragondanser Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DaisyDream 16 September 30, 2015 Share September 30, 2015 Cresent felt the train slowing down. He looked out the window to see the castle approaching "cool!" he said marveling at the giant castell and his new home for the next upcoming mounths ahead. He looked at all the neat shops and general sceanery outside the train as it slowly got to a crawl. "wow so that's going to be our home...its Big!" the bat pony didn't know his wings were flapping rasing him a little out of the chair then he felt the top of the trolly and glided down. Emberesed he tried to relax "sorry just havnt been in a castel before" noticing Nights reaction to him Night Shine had always been a little jealous of those ponies who could fly. Being able to get just about anywhere one would want to be by simply stretching your limbs seemed like the most fantastic feat imaginable. She giggled a bit as Cresent floated downwards. "Do not get carried away, my friend." she gathered her luggage and convinced Sharfezahn to enter his cat-carrier as she continued, "You remind me of the tourist. After a few weeks, I think your eyes will not be so big. At least, not from the stone castle." She tried to look calm and unimpressed by the large structure. Her homeland held so many castles, she would feel silly to be as excited as the foreigners. Night practically skipped out of the train, though, anticipating magical antics and excitement to fill the comming days. "Oh, I wonder how we will be assigned houses. Do you know how it works, Cresent?" She hoped they could be in the same house, as it suddenly dawned on her that she'd soon be expected to co-habitate with many ponies she didn't know. Hiding her anxiety, she secretly wondered if she'd even be able to sleep that night. **Night Shine** ~~DaisyDream~~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreyScholar 1,584 October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 (edited) @@EquestrianScholar, Clover smiled. "Yes, that would be very helpful, thank you very much. Especially given the size of the castle, and the quantity and quality of spells needed. Another magic user would be a tremendous help; after all, as my mother used to say, 'Two horns are better than one'." Clover noticed that Star Dream seemed nervous about being alone with Mythos, but figured that anything between them would be all the better for being talked out between them now, before the students arrived for the new term. “I don't have a horn though,” Professor Dawn pointed out as he followed after Clover, considering the mare and his purpose for joining her. The pegasus personally thought that Mythos had said what he did more to get him out of the way, using the excuse he did to justify it, yet in truth there was merit to the consideration and to want had been said afterwards. He would admit, “Learning of the school's protective charms and defenses is something I have been curious of, since Hogwarts is considered one of the safest places for a witch or wizard to stay.” Professor Gray would look from the two before turning his attention to Star, smiling encouragingly before saying, “We should head out, the students may well already be here. While it may take the first years some additional time to get across the lake, there may well be those who may come in at any moment.” The mare would respond, “Yes, perhaps it would be for the best.” She was still uncertain, but trusted the stars when they assured no harm would come from following Mythos. Edited October 1, 2015 by EquestrianScholar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pripyat Pony 2,608 October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 @@EquestrianScholar, "I'm not a fanatic about purebloods," Clover replied with a smile. "I think that pegasi and earth ponies are just as capable of performing magic as unicorns. Of course, as an alicorn, there are some spells which only I and the Headmaster can do, which is exactly why he asks me to help before the students get here." Signature and avatar by Pucksterv. Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rolle 320 October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 Erad stretched before finally leaving the train without having trouble with the number of students that would be leaving the train. He put his luggage on the appropriate wagon before looking up at hogwarts imagining how many wonderful magics he will learn and be taught up there. To others however it can look like he looked up at the castle in awe, ofcourse it they knew him that wouldn't be the case but thats the thing with confusing faces you often mistake them. Current OCs Heathlife (alt1) Heltheain Magmosor Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreyScholar 1,584 October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 @@Pripyat Pony, "I did not believe you were such," Professor Dawn would say, offering a small smile before explaining, "Merely point out that the expression doesn't apply in this situation Professor." The stallion was glad to hear such words, though he already pretty much knew such. He had much respect for Professor Clover and would have been surprised otherwise. He would follow, not sure what else they could talk about. Professor Gray would head towards the Headmaster's office, with Star following behind. After a moment of awkward quite he would say, "It is good to see it, I have missed everyday we were apart. I was very happy to learn we would be able to work together at Hogwarts." They would make their way up the many staircases, keeping pace with each other. The mare would look up, considering his words as before saying, "You know why I couldn't stay. You actually got in trouble, how could I stay around knowing what you were doing?" Professor Dream would look back down, with the unicorn turning to look behind him before replying, "I know, I had been in error and have been punished for such... perhaps we could start again?" "Maybe," was her reply. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pripyat Pony 2,608 October 1, 2015 Share October 1, 2015 @@EquestrianScholar, Clover was silent for a few moments as she thought, for the umpteenth time, that she ought to talk about her fear to Professor Dawn. Maybe he could help her. Eventually, she gave herself a mental shake. What was the use in always keeping this a secret? Ever since she had become an alicorn, she had never used her wings once. Maybe it was now time to put that fear to rest? "Professor Dawn," Clover began. "I would like to ask you something. But only if you promise to keep this between us?" Signature and avatar by Pucksterv. Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cwhip9 1,078 October 2, 2015 Share October 2, 2015 Night Shine had always been a little jealous of those ponies who could fly. Being able to get just about anywhere one would want to be by simply stretching your limbs seemed like the most fantastic feat imaginable. She giggled a bit as Cresent floated downwards. "Do not get carried away, my friend." she gathered her luggage and convinced Sharfezahn to enter his cat-carrier as she continued, "You remind me of the tourist. After a few weeks, I think your eyes will not be so big. At least, not from the stone castle." She tried to look calm and unimpressed by the large structure. Her homeland held so many castles, she would feel silly to be as excited as the foreigners. Night practically skipped out of the train, though, anticipating magical antics and excitement to fill the comming days. "Oh, I wonder how we will be assigned houses. Do you know how it works, Cresent?" She hoped they could be in the same house, as it suddenly dawned on her that she'd soon be expected to co-habitate with many ponies she didn't know. Hiding her anxiety, she secretly wondered if she'd even be able to sleep that night. Cresent laughed it off, or tried too at least. "oh come on you know I cant be the only one like this, besides you never wondered what's in a magical castle, I wonder if a castle could fly" he said still wide eyed at the castle outside like a dog seeing its owner come in with a new leash for a good walk. Hearing the question on the hat brought him back to earth "Don't know really probably something big with pomp and circum-circim-cir-" he struggled with the word finaly decideing on "talking and looking fancy" he finished as he helped Night Shine with the luggage. He was then reminded of something, something every pony should be walking out of the train with. As cresent was bumped by an nearby pony on his way of the train he remembered "bite me my luggage!" he cried out zooming back into the train scaring yet another filly at the site of a flying batpony. Oc's and open 1x1 serch My bat brony blog: art: by the awesome Flearia Dragondanser Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreyScholar 1,584 October 3, 2015 Share October 3, 2015 (edited) @@Pripyat Pony, Though the request was surprising, and he did not yet know what would be asked of him, Golden would say to the mare next to him, “Yes, you may ask me anything. I promise to keep it between us.” He got the feeling that this was something serious for Clover, which suggested she was hesitant in telling him. Despite is often serious demeanor and attitude the pegasus would say with a smile, “That is, as long as it doesn't involve using dark magic or otherwise breaks the law.” He felt certain that what would be requested of him had nothing to do with such, yet felt the humor would break any tension Clover was feeling. ----------------------------------- In another place, nearing where the headmaster was, would be that of Mythos and also Star. Considering her reply, the unicorn would say, “I do still care about you, I did then and I do now. I never intended you to get hurt, nor had I wanted to drive you away. I know I made a mistake, and losing you was worse then any punishment the Ministry had given me.” The pegasus would look away, her nervousness building as to the aching in her heart, yet looking to Mythos she would say, “Yes... I know. You may be telling the truth Mythos but I don't think I am ready for anything more then teaching, not even friendship.” He would sigh as they got to the headmaster's door, before signing and saying as he knocked, “I understand, perhaps time will mend things.” Edited October 3, 2015 by EquestrianScholar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DaisyDream 16 October 4, 2015 Share October 4, 2015 Cresent laughed it off, or tried too at least. "oh come on you know I cant be the only one like this, besides you never wondered what's in a magical castle, I wonder if a castle could fly" he said still wide eyed at the castle outside like a dog seeing its owner come in with a new leash for a good walk. Hearing the question on the hat brought him back to earth "Don't know really probably something big with pomp and circum-circim-cir-" he struggled with the word finaly decideing on "talking and looking fancy" he finished as he helped Night Shine with the luggage. He was then reminded of something, something every pony should be walking out of the train with. As cresent was bumped by an nearby pony on his way of the train he remembered "bite me my luggage!" he cried out zooming back into the train scaring yet another filly at the site of a flying batpony. Gratefully accepting the help, Night Shine finally took a moment to really have a look at their surroundings. She shifted her weight nervously as she saw all the other ponies. She hadn't noticed how many students were there when she got on the train, but now it felt like all the fillies and colts on the continent were here. Being noticeably smaller than most everyone else, it was hard for her to see very far, but she heard very distinctly when Cresent shouted about his luggage. She tried to shout after him, but, not wanting her own things to be left unattended, didn't go after him. Instead, Night decided her mission should be to find a teacher or faculty member or some other adult in charge to ask about her friend's predicament. Being on a specific mission made it easier for her to look out at all the different ponies without freezing up. She even stood on her suitcase to get a slightly better view. Surely there was someone around who could help with whatever luggage issues he had. She remembered having read about a spell that returned one's belongings, but she wasn't sure if she could cast it properly. Besides, she was pretty certain there were rules in place against using magic outside the protected area of the school. 1 **Night Shine** ~~DaisyDream~~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cwhip9 1,078 October 4, 2015 Share October 4, 2015 Gratefully accepting the help, Night Shine finally took a moment to really have a look at their surroundings. She shifted her weight nervously as she saw all the other ponies. She hadn't noticed how many students were there when she got on the train, but now it felt like all the fillies and colts on the continent were here. Being noticeably smaller than most everyone else, it was hard for her to see very far, but she heard very distinctly when Cresent shouted about his luggage. She tried to shout after him, but, not wanting her own things to be left unattended, didn't go after him. Instead, Night decided her mission should be to find a teacher or faculty member or some other adult in charge to ask about her friend's predicament. Being on a specific mission made it easier for her to look out at all the different ponies without freezing up. She even stood on her suitcase to get a slightly better view. Surely there was someone around who could help with whatever luggage issues he had. She remembered having read about a spell that returned one's belongings, but she wasn't sure if she could cast it properly. Besides, she was pretty certain there were rules in place against using magic outside the protected area of the school. As cresent glided, dive, dashed and at times bounced around the other students getting off the train his thoughts were on any clue he could get a hoof of on where the cargo area of the train was, or the conductor, if the train even had such a thing going to a magic school and all the colt was half expecting the train itself was magic and didn't need any pony to drive it. "where are they? where would they have them?" the colt wined out loud to himself he wasn't paying too much notice as to where he was on the train till he flew into one door containing a large box. "aha!" cried the colt in excitement. with out reading the label he began to argue with the straps on the box. little did he know, the box wasn't luggage, far from it. It was in fact an sleeping manticore Oc's and open 1x1 serch My bat brony blog: art: by the awesome Flearia Dragondanser Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 October 10, 2015 Author Share October 10, 2015 As cresent glided, dive, dashed and at times bounced around the other students getting off the train his thoughts were on any clue he could get a hoof of on where the cargo area of the train was, or the conductor, if the train even had such a thing going to a magic school and all the colt was half expecting the train itself was magic and didn't need any pony to drive it. "where are they? where would they have them?" the colt wined out loud to himself he wasn't paying too much notice as to where he was on the train till he flew into one door containing a large box. "aha!" cried the colt in excitement. with out reading the label he began to argue with the straps on the box. little did he know, the box wasn't luggage, far from it. It was in fact an sleeping manticore The manticore flicked its tail and woke up growling at Crescent for waking it up. Fortunately it was to tired to do anything to Crescent so it hit him with his tail and went back to sleep keeping it's eye on the young colt. Just sitting there watching him waiting for something to happen! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cwhip9 1,078 October 11, 2015 Share October 11, 2015 The manticore flicked its tail and woke up growling at Crescent for waking it up. Fortunately it was to tired to do anything to Crescent so it hit him with his tail and went back to sleep keeping it's eye on the young colt. Just sitting there watching him waiting for something to happen Cresent got back up trying to put together what just happened. He saw a box, a tail whipped out and sent him across the room, now the stubby wings ached and he was trying to remember how he ended up there to begin with. Then the young colt made eye contact with the manticor....."easy kitty, just" he began to side step nervously "wrong"he looked at the beast not sure if it'll attack or not...."I'll just leave...right now...." he laughed nervously and zoomed right out of the room Oc's and open 1x1 serch My bat brony blog: art: by the awesome Flearia Dragondanser Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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