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"Bad luck don't we have, but our luck is nothing compard to the mares. By the way who is she?" Zarely leaned toward the door and screamed "WHO ARE YOU WHO LOCKED YOU UP WHY DID THEY LOCK YOU UP?!?!?!?!?!" she waited for an answer.

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A small sobbing sound came from the other side of the door.

"I'm...I'm..." it tried to say before sobbing again.

"It's okay," said Draft, "just hang in there, we'll find a way to get you out soon."

He took a few steps back. "I agree with Zarely, let's all ram the door and try to knock it down!"


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Electrobolt was slightly reluctant to just ram the door down, but there was really no other option they could try. Sighing a little, he responded, "Well, if that's the only thing we can do right now, then I guess we'll just have to brace ourselves..."

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Draft licks his lips nervously.

"All right," he said, "STAND BACK FROM THE DOOR! ONE, TWO, THREE!"


Getting a little bit of extra speed from his wings he charged for the door with the others and smashed into it. The lock cracked and splintered as the door swung violently on its rusty hinges, revealing a dark room with a pale blue mare, her deep purple mane in tatters standing against the far wall. Draft and the others tumbled in head over hooves onto the floor and she watched them with wide, tired eyes.


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As soon as he began to stop, Electrobolt suddenly felt himself tripping as he landed flat on his face. Fortunately, all of Midnight's belongings remained fastened on his back. Getting back on his hooves, he looked over to the mare and thought they had spooked her. "Um... Heheh, hello..." he spoke up.

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Draft stumbled to his hooves and shook the stars out of his eyes.

"are...are you okay?" he asked the mare, "are you hurt?" He walked a little closer to the pony, who stood against the wall, looking remarkably calm.

"I'm...okay," she said, unblinking.

Draft moved a little closer. "Oh, good," he sighed, "now lets get out of here!"


"Actually..."said the mare, beginning to smile, "you're not going anywhere."


With a flash of green the mare melted away to reveal a hideous black creature, fanged and with large, unfeeling eyes standing before them. A buzzing sound came from above and Draft looked up to see the entire ceiling covered in these creatures, their tattered wings fluttering as they watched the ponies below. Draft, his face as pale as the moon, took a step back and all the beasts fell to the floor and surrounded the group, hissing and laughing. They forced them into the center of the room and locked the door.


"Oh crud," muttered Draft.

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midnight was a little disorented, then looking at his new companion, "ughh, library, first things first, i got to make sure my friends are okay."

storm surge shrugged, "by your lead captian."

midnight blinked,

she rolled her eyes "its a mtaphor, seriously, ....im not even from equestria and i know that?....ugg, just...lets just continue." she said waving her hoof at the library.

"oh...um right." he said pushing his way past the heavy doors, "alright....where was it...."

he frowned in thought then remembered, "daring doo bookcase.."

he turned left and right, but was unable to locate the bookcase, then began looking all over the library..."what is this i dont even......" he blinked, "i could have sworn it was near the front door?"


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Electrobolt looked around himself nervously, seeing that he was surrounded by all of these creatures. *Wh... What's going on...?* he thought, nervous. He then recalled the creature that disguised itself as Midnight, as he remembered these were the changelings. However, they surrounded the group so suddenly that he forgot about Midnight's belongings that were still on his back.

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Storm surge frowned, "hmm, i remember it being here as well...." she looked over at midnight who tilted his head,

"what, ive been through that secret door many times.....dont give me that look........yes, that one."

midnight looked around "did they switch the books or something?"


Storm shook her head, "this isnt right, something about all of this......my brothers and sisters were planning something, but as to what i dont know, and seeing how its in both of our intrests that we get your friends out, i might as well be helpful."

she closed her eyes as her horn glowed green.


Midnight raised an eyebrow, "might want to try and change that color, espiclaly after this."

storm grimaced, "shush you."

book cases became transparent, as they walked along the seemingly solid walls "okay, just look for the door, that should be the correct book case..."

midnight became worried, about all his friends, if what his new companion had said was true, his friends were in danger, and one in particular he was extremely worried about.


"here..." he smiled and began pushing on the book case, storm getting in above him and pushing with all their might, but it didnt budge.."what the?"

storm frowned, noticing something, "hey, smart one..." she grinned and pulled one of the oldest looking book on the shelf, and the bookcase swung open.


"huh...." midnight blinked, "why didnt we do that before?"

she giggled, "beacuse none of your friends are me."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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One of the creatures - a Changeling, Draft finally realized, based on their descriptions in the books he'd read - stepped forward, its fangs bared and its horn sheathed beneath a deep purple helmet.

"A fine trap we've sprung," it hissed, its voice unfeeling and spiteful, "no doubt your families will feed us many days."

Draft swallowed. He'd read about this this sort of thing many times, he'd even written about it, but never in a thousand years did he ever hope to be surrounded by these beasts of shadow.

"But," the changeling said, pacing a little, "there is a matter more urgent for us to address."


It leaned in close and Draft stopped breathing.


"Where is the meteorite?" snarled the changeling.


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When he heard the one changeling ask about the meteorite, his mind recalled when he a piece of it in his saddlebag. *What do they want with the meteorite...?* he thought, still showing the same nervous expression as before. He remained silent, however, not quite ready to speak yet.

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Midnight frowned, storm surge right behind him, "i think this is the right tunnel....." he blinked then heard voices,

"uggh, i forgot how dan.." midnight put a hoof over storms mouth "shh, come on, door at the end of the hall, lets get closer and find out whos there."


storm muttered "your hoof was on that danky floor and now it was on m..."

midnight frowned and put his hoof on her mouth again, "okay listen, i know im stuck with you, but i dont want you revealing our position just yet....so shut up and follow me."


storm rolled her eyes and after throughly wiping her mouth, she stayed quiet and followed midnigth to the end of the hall, where they peeked into the dimly lit room, everypony midnight knew was surrounded by changlings, some of the creatures were changing into his friends.


Then he noticed the one with the helmet, "the commander of this little group, after we were, shall we say, abandoned." storm whispered,

"where is the meteorite?" he asked,


"what in the hay does he want with it?" midnight frowned, thuroughly confused, and deciding to wait, hear the commander out, before attempting a rescue.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Rough Draft swallowed. "Uh...Met-meteorite?? What...uh, what meteorite?"


The changeling struck him.

"Do not play the fool's part with me! We sense its power emanating from you all! Where did it fall? Has it been moved?" The changeling captain squinted. "Do you ponies...have a piece of it with you?"

The entire room filled with the excited buzzing of tattered wings and hisses of hungry fangs.


"Uh," Stammered Draft, "n-n..."


"I highly suggest you cooperate," said the changeling, "else we shall make your lives more miserable than you can imagine!" he nodded to one of the other creatures, and with a flash of green it transformed into Draft's image, a wicked grin plastered on the copy's face. "We wouldn't want you to be convicted of crimes you didn't commit, now would we? Oh, the ways we can bring the world of ponies to their knees!" sang the beast, hovering in the air, "so, TELL ME! Do you have a piece of the meteorite!?"


Nopony answered.


"Very well," hissed the captain, "search them. And pray to your princess that we do not find a piece of the meteorite on your puny bodies."


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Electrobolt gulped nervously when she asked if any of them had a meteorite piece. He knew that he himself had one, but he didn't know whether giving them the chunk or not would at least help them out. However, as he thought about whether to give the piece to her or not, it was too late. The guards began their search on the ponies as he could only stand there, scared stiff. *Celestia help us all...* he thought, hoping the meteorite chunk would not be noticed by the changelings.

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Midnights eyes widened, when he realized he had a piece of the crystal in his saddlebag, which sat on electros back.

"oh bucking horsefeathers."

midnight looked back at storm surge, then at the group,

"what are you...?"

midnight smirked, "im think im about to do something very...VERY stupid that they could ptentially see through, but if it does work, it will be essential in saving my best friends lives."


storm shrugged, "you've got my magic...ill be happy to help in any way i can."

midnight smiled, "thats what i was counting on."

he wispered into storms ear, he would need her full cooperation if this was going to work.

"got it?"

She smiled and nodded, "you know, for someone who dosent like me, youve ...well taken a liking to me."

midnight shrugged "well, i figure if this goes wrong, im back to where i started, and you may be with us this time, so.....pray this dosent go wrong."


he swallowed and tried to calm his beating heart, and began to walk into the middle of all the changelings....they blinked, as he held his head, as if a figure of authority.


"nightmares mane i hope this works."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Draft watched in frightened frustration as the changelings rooted through his satchels, tossing aside his manuscripts and notes with callousness. They searched him first since he was at the front of the pack, and luckily he didn't have any pieces of the meteorite with him, but when they moved on to search Electrobolt he closed his eyes, knowing full well that he had at least one piece of the celestial rock on his body.


Suddenly the room fell silent, and Draft opened one eye to see Midnight walk boldly into the center of the room. Draft barely caught himself from shouting Midnight's name.


The captain of the changelings stepped forward. "What do we have here?" he smirked, "a volunteer?"


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midnight smirked, "no, actually, im one of you, have been for awhile." he made eye contact with the captain no matter how it made him shudder internally.

"come on storm...."


He shut his eyes as her changling magic successfully made it look like he was changing himself, back into a form he hasnt been in for awhile, it felt odd at first, but it seemed it was working.


all of their eyes widened, as he looked like one of the prince changelings "ive been watching this group captain...they did not take any pieces of the meteor,"

he slowly made his way to electrobolt, and made eye contact, winking and slightly smiling, "but i did, these are my saddle bags you see."

he walked forward and tugged open the saddlebag "though i wonder captian.....what is the purpose you have for this..."

he pulled out the glowing green crystal..."what is so special about it?"


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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The Changeling captain was taken aback.


"But...your Highness, I...forgive me, I didn't..."


Then his eyes narrowed.

"If you'll permit me, sire," he said with a snarl, "but I have been reporting directly to Queen Chrysalis herself. Has she not informed you of her plans for the hive?"


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Midnight hid his wince "buck buck buck"


he turned, "ive been in ponyville, on a mission against the elements, making friends with this lot," he waved a hoof at all the ponies "as ive been, how do ponies say it, undercover, i have not caught up on the workings of the hive for many years CAPTAIN...so i suggest you back down now."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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The captain bowed his head, reluctantly.

"My apologies, my prince...unfortunately," he said, standing tall again, "I am under strict orders to discuss the plans for the meteorite with no one other than the queen...unless of course, they bear the royal insignia, a design known by none save Hive Royalty and the captains of the guard."


He took a menacing step forward.


"surely you would not object to showing me the insignia? Forgive me," he chuckled as the other changelings closed in a little, "but, as I'm sure you're aware, extra precautions must be taken to ensure authenticity in a society of shape-shifters."


(Ooh, this is getting intense! Sadly, I have to leave! D: I'm off to see the Avengers :D Feel free to finish this for me, Midnight, or anypony else! I'm interested in seeing where you take it!

See you guys later!)

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(NOOOOOOO i have to work too, mabey nopony could post until we get back X3)


midnight sighed, "dangit storm....."

he would need to come up with something fast,


(hehe, well, i hope this dosent continue very far, cus i like where its going, but i have work now, so ill be back in 5-6 hours)


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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