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private Search for a New Life


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Draft, who had been almost completely silent and caught up with interesting trees and underbrush in the forest caught up to the group and made a note on his scroll, which he held in his hoof. Trotting on three legs he watched as Midnight put away his blade.

"How many weapons do you have on you, anyway?" he asked, "in fact, just who..."

Trailing off, Draft's mind finally registered what was just said. "A meteorite? Where?"


(yay, it looks like my avatar finally changed to Draft!)

Edited by TotalOverflow
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"Wait, there's supposed to be a meteor???" Electrobolt asked, surprised. "Where's it supposed to land, and how big???" He was sort of excited, but also worried. If they were in the location where the meteor would strike, he would freak out and try to get out of the area immediately. But if it didn't crash anywhere near them, he'd like to see what the meteor looked like, and watch as it lands to the ground. But he really hoped it didn't crash into their current location or Ponyville.

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Midnight was also worried about ponyville, hoping it landed somewhere outside, at a safe distance, he barely knew anypony that lived there, but yet he was still worried about it just the same.

"you know, ive only seen one meteor shower in my life, and i only vaugely remember it, like some odd dream." he smiled nervously, "anyway, it seems were getting into the outer forest now, so not much longer till were out." he smiled looking around as the trees started to get less thick, and sunlight started to break through in places.

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"Yay! So we are soon going to Cnaterlot to pick up the last of the ponies and our REAL adventure begins, not that this was not and adventure." Zarely laughed. " Even though I hope the meteor landes uin a safe distance but I really want to see it guys, I really really do! If we hear a crash we are going over to it, right?" she asked enthusiastically.

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Electrobolt let out a small chuckle as Zarely spoke excitedly about the meteor. "Yeah, I'd like to see it too," he responded. *I just hope it doesn't land on us or Ponyville, though...* he thought, looking back in the direction he thought Ponyville was in.

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"Nor can I!" said Zarely she talked fastly about how she expected the meteor to be and where it would land. " Oh it must be red!" she said " And it must be big and it will land ,um, like, in the outskirts of Ponyville , in a safe distance of course. And we'll be the first to see it!" she kept on and on. " Oh can't wait!" was the last thing she said for that while.

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"Coming,coming the meteor is coming, I think?" Zarely said she was to excited. She didn't hear Draft or Midnight over the sound of her meteor thoughts. It was her first time seeing one she hoped Starry wasn't wrong. She frowned at the thought, but Starry couldn't b wrong she corrected herself and smiled, back to her thoughts.

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Electrobolt couldn't help but chuckle as he watched Zarely get all excited about seeing the meteor. Hearing Midnight, he leaned in and whispered, "I agree... On both counts. Laughter is always a good thing to have, don't you think?"

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"of course," midnight smirked, "laughter, friends, adventure, what more could you want?"

"you forgot to add love." alex smirked,

"shush you." he whispered to himself then looked at zarely "i said thats not a bad thing, you add laughter to this group, and i for one like it."

Edited by Midnight Moon
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Starry answered Midnight's question about the meteor "Well, I'm not sure if it had landed yet, but it seemed that the-oh my gosh! there it is falling!" She pointed to a streak of white light falling in the sky, but it disappeared before it had even touched the ground as expected "Ehhh? I really thought it would hit the ground, but it had disintergrated before impact, hmm, I guess that's the meteor, and I really thought I got my calculations right, yep everyone is all right, um see I told you didn't need to worry, ehehehe"

Edited by Narutardedscum
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"Darn..." Electrobolt muttered from disappointment. "I was hoping to see the meteor up close, too... Oh well..." He turned around as a small frown appeared on his face. He was really hoping to be able to see it. *Oh well... At least it didn't land on us or Ponyville...* he thought. That positive thought wiped the frown off his face and replaced it with a barely visible smile.

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"Hang on," Draft said suddenly, "that couldn't have been the same meteor that Starry saw."

He began pacing in a little circle. "If Starry saw a meteor falling earlier then it would have hit - or fallen apart - a long time ago. That thing we just saw just fell now. Maybe those were just small pieces of a lar...ger..."

His mouth hung open as he stared up at the sky.


Flashing and crackling a fireball careened to the earth, larger than the streak of light from earlier and a faint orange color. It lit up the clouds as it fell and landed in the fields between Ponyville and the foothills of Canterlot. The CRASH of its impact reached the party's ears a second later.

"That was the real meteor!" Draft said, his mouth still agape. Slowly a wicked grin crept across his face and his wings unfurled.

"Let's go!" he shouted, running and taking to the air, not bothering to look back to see if anypony was following,, "It landed on the other side of Ponyville! If we hurry we might be some of the first ones to get there!!"

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Suddenly, at the words of hearing the REAL meteor had crash-landed, the smile grew on Electrobolt's face once again. "Let's go guys!!!" he excitedly shouted as he followed Draft as quickly as he possibly could.

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chuckles and hides his blush "i can handle the weight of another pony." he stopped until electro got on, and he spread his wings and took to the sky, flapping his wings hard, finally catching up with draft.

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"There you guys are!" Draft shouted, his manic grin stretching from ear to ear, "try and keep up! I'll have you know I placed in the Best Young Flyer's Competition!"

With a flash of his wings he darted off, leaving a few orange feathers in his wake.

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