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Valiant noticied that little twins he saw before were with someone...

"What the?!" he accidently yelled out loud as he saw the ponies from the meteor.

As he was getting up from the bench he tripped and fell.

Then a rock met him with a Whump!

He saw stars and was hurt but still awake on the floor groaning.


(just gonna make this a bit interesting XD)

(@ Pinkieluna - This is how we meet)

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''AAAHHH!CUPCAKE MONSTERS!'' Screamed Shadow as waking up from the floor.He dusted himself off and walked next to valiant.''Err...Hi...'' Said Shadow.

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''Okay...Bye?'' Said Shadow as walking away from Valiant ''Okay...Number #1...Travel with th- OOHH!THOSE LOOK DELICIOUS!'' Thought Shadow as noticing cupcakes on a table.He then Took one cupcake and Shoved it into his mouth...''Yummy...'' Said Shadow as eating the cupcake.''HEY! THAT WAS MY DAUGHTERS CUPCAKE!'' Screamed a Angry Colt.''UH OH!'' Said Shadow as running around canterlot with the angry Colt hot at his heels.

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Jasmin was so exhausted she forgot all about her day till she heard "what the" then she remembered about her friends. Jasmin said "Hi sir." seeing a wight pegasus with a blue mane. She realized he was on the floor. She said "Can I help you up?" to the man on the floor thinking of how he could have got there.

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Shadow was still running from the colt and Bashed into Princess Celestia's castle.''NOT GOOD!'' Screamed Shadow as the princess noticed him.He then jumped out a window and returned to the front of Canterlot.

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Meanwhile, Starry was just going around the marketplace, stocking up on food, she eats fruits a lot, so she would normally be seen at a fruit stand. She was delighted to see that they were selling her favorite fruit: the star fruit "Oh my! A star fruit! I never knew they'd be selling them here! I'm taking one, um how much?" "That'll be three bits," "Oh, that's quite the price, but okay!" after handing the bits, she made off with her favorite fruit, now she has to look for the inn.


(OOC: I hope this post is okay)

Edited by Narutardedscum


OCs: Flow / Love Bloom

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''I AM RUNNING FOR DEAR LIFE!'' Screamed Shadow as the he made a sharp turn and the Angry Colt from earlier that day ran into Starry's Star Fruit''Oh Buck...that poor pony.I'm going to go but her another one'' Thought Shadow as going to the marketplace.''Can I get a Star Fruit?'' Asked Shadow and offered the bits. ''Sure...Here ya go.''Said the man as handing shadow a Star Fruit.He walked over to Starry and gave her the Fruit. ''I overlooked what was happening and I got you this.'' Said Shadow as handing Starry the Fruit.He then Ran Behind a Store and hid his face of shyness.

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Jasmin was so exhausted she forgot all about her day till she heard "what the" then she remembered about her friends. Jasmin said "Hi sir." seeing a wight pegasus with a blue mane. She realized he was on the floor. She said "Can I help you up?" to the man on the floor thinking of how he could have got there.


"Ya help would be appreciated" he moaned.

As he tried to rise.....

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"Well I guess I heard things in my head when I was born." Then Jasmin has a random flashback of the people who where there when she was born. Then she remembered hearing a pony that sounded like him coming from the outdoors. Focusing on where it was coming from, she saw him training at something which she doesn't understand. "I now know that you where near my birth, training at something. You probably know my father and mother and I do not."

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''I AM RUNNING FOR DEAR LIFE!'' Screamed Shadow as the he made a sharp turn and the Angry Colt from earlier that day ran into Starry's Star Fruit''Oh Buck...that poor pony.I'm going to go but her another one'' Thought Shadow as going to the marketplace.''Can I get a Star Fruit?'' Asked Shadow and offered the bits. ''Sure...Here ya go.''Said the man as handing shadow a Star Fruit.He walked over to Starry and gave her the Fruit. ''I overlooked what was happening and I got you this.'' Said Shadow as handing Starry the Fruit.He then Ran Behind a Store and hid his face of shyness.


While Starry was going to the inn, a strange black pegasus who seemed to be running away from someone bumped into her and crushed her star fruit, "Ow! Please wat-," then she saw the crushed fruit on the ground "Gasp! M-my star fruit...." She was about to break into tears, but the black pegasus gave her another one and said "I overlooked what was happening and I got you this." "Um... thank you?" she reluctantly replied, then she saw the black pegasus hid behind a store "Who is he?" She thought.


OCs: Flow / Love Bloom

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midnight was resting peacefully in the courtyard of the Inn, when he noticed something in his saddlebag, frowning he leaned closer,it was giving off a green glow, "huh?" rooting around he blinked, it was a piece of crystal from the meteor, "i...didnt put this here, did i?"


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Dang it im lost thought song as he wonderd around canterlot were did every pony go?


As song wonderd around clueless he relized crund i never meet any of the other ponys becuase i over slept how will i know which ponys made the journy

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