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The Elements of Disharmony

Dapper Charmer

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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/137115-the-elements-of-disharmony/


The dark Alicorn Prince, known only as Fuchowa, stood on the borderline of Equestria. It was finally time to put his plan into action. He had waited patiently and bided his time, waiting for the two Princess who banished him so long ago to step down as Equestria rulers. But now it was time to strike. However in order to strike Fuchowa needed one thing. The Elements of Disharmony. Fuchowa grinned wickedly as he spread his wings and flew towards the place where he would begin his search. The place where he was defeated so many years ago. The place now known as Ponyville.




Twilight woke with a fright. "The same dream again," she said to herself as she got out of bed, "what in the world does it mean?" Twilight walked over to the balcony of her castle in Ponyville, passing the books that had been scattered during her previous nights of studying. She had had the same dream every night for the past week. She had also spent everyone of those nights researching The Elements of Disharmony she had heard of in her dream. Sadly she had found nothing. As Twilight looked out the across Ponyville she knew she had only one choice. It was time to find six new ponies capable of wielding the Elements of Harmony.

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Missklang stood on a hill. Ponyville was laying right before his eyes. As the sun rised, he admired it's beauty.


"After many months, I finaly arrived! I wonder were to go first"


As he confidently placed his first step on the stone path, his hoof slipped off.


"Ouch! Aie! Ow" he shouted, as he was rolling down. His fall stopped in a spiky buch.




Screamed Missklang as he jumped far away from the mean bush. He gazed around and ventured toward toward the market place. The day was just starting.

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Dark Façade watched as the unicorn roll down the hill, and grunted in mild amusement. "Funny, how Chaos always works, it never ends well for the creator." He remarked as the unicorn hit a rather spiked bush. He snorted again. Façade then decided to check out this unicorn, and pulled a notepad out of his bag: 'Note to Self- Unicorn might be worth looking into'. And then strolled into the nightmare only known as the Everfree.

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Crescendo Star was practicing kicks on a tree. *Thump thump* Could be heard as he kicked the tree. Finally with a roar, he kicked the tree so hard that it broke into a million pieces. "Heh, finally, that's the 5th tree for today" Said Crescendo. He walked over to the next tree and repeated the routine. When he was finally done, he walked back to ponyville. "I could really use a snack right now... Sugar cube corner it is!" Said Crescendo with an excited smile and headed for the said bakery

Edited by blazedtime
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As Missklang wandered across Poniville, he tried to remember why he was here. He hit his head too hard upon the fall and it appears that it made him forget the reason why he was here. It wasn't the first time he forgot important stuff like that.


"I guess the fate wanted me to ignore the reason I comed here."


As he was talking to himself, he forgot to look in front of him and bumped into a pink pony. Who strangely had no mane.


"I'm sorry." he said. Suddenly he realised that she was crying.


"What's the matter? Tell me. I will help. Just don't cry!"


The crying pony silently pointed her hoof on her missing mane.


"Aw, don't worry. There is nothing magic can't solve."


He pointed his horn on the earth pony as it began to glow in strange manner. It wasn't a regular unicorn glow, but a multy colored one. It seems as if a pulsing fire ignited on his horn. Suddenly, the glow disapear and a bubble detached from the tip of his horn. The bubble flew towards the mare and bursted into confetty above her head, covering her entire body. A minute passed. Still nothing happened.


"Hmm, I'm pretty sure I used the right spell. Maybe I should try again?"


He casted the spell again, and again, untill the pink fur of the pony was entirely hid by confetty. Strangely, he felt that he forgot something important. He tried to concentrate in order to recall what he forgot...


"Ow, I remebered! The spell isn't instant! you have to wait several..." 


POOF! The sound blasted through his ears. He looked on the pony and saw that she was covered in long pink hair, making her look like a big pink cloud. He stared at her for a moment, and then started laughing.


"Oh my! You look like a giant fur-ball! This is so hilarious!" 


The pony looked happy though. She started jumping in exitment and rushed towards Missklang to hug him.After that, she stood up, waved her hoof at Missklang and run away.


"Well, here is a good deed for today. At least she didn't mind that I "sligtly" messed up the spell"

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Façade quietly walked into Ponyville and put up a warming smile. He deftly got through a tight knot of ponies and ended up with a fatter wallet. "Easy pickings. Sheesh." He walked into a pink colored building and slid into a booth by a window. Façade stared around town with his cobalt eyes. Scrutinizing the scene for every detail, when a sudden hoof upon his shoulder started him.

"Welcome to Sugar Cube Corner, what can I get ya?" Façade looked at the lanky earth pony to him, and Façade smiled warmly. "Just waiting for a friend, but you wouldn't happen to have Apple Cupcakes would ya?" Façade added a country accent to his voice, subtle enough for the earthpony not to notice, but enough to make it clear he "wasn't" from Canterlot. He smiled when the waited nodded yes. Then thank ya for your time." As the waiter walked away, he called "And add a cider, would ya!" to the orange colored pony. As the pony went to the back, Façade pulled out his patented bag of trick and went to work disguising his cutie mark. In a matter of three minutes and Façade had a shiny apple for a cutie mark. He put up his bag back as the waiter returned. As Façade enjoyed an apple cupcake, he decided he would need to find out more about the town. Then he noticed a happy pink pony bounce into the back room, singing some ridiculous tune. He grinned and sat in a more relaxing posture. Sipping the cider while he finished his first cupcake.

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After all, he didn't memorise the map as well as he thought. Giving up upon the market, Missklang followed his intuition to the nearest place of potential troubble and disaster. He stood up by the Sugar Cube Corner. His trouble sense indicates that this place could be a lot of fun. As he approached the door, his pupils shrinked down, and a crazy smile formed on his face. Suddenly, a filly bumped into him.
"I'm sorry sir, I didnt meant to..." The filly looked upon Missklangs face and gasped. Missklang grinned and slowly turned his face away from him. 
"Don't you worry little one. You should stay by. The fun is about to begin!" He said, as the filly ran away. He then opened his bag and grabbed a bunch of multicolored cherry-sized bombs.
"Now, which one should I use?"
Each of the bombs were made by himself. After log research and study he done upon the Poison Joke, he was able to extract it's venom and make bombs with a precise effect. They all was a small blast radius, but big enough to affect everypony in a big room. As they was magickly infused, they didn't require firing the fuse and instead, explode upon contact once thrown. The blue one would freeze all drinks and other liquid, as the red one would melt ice and wax. The purple would make ponies speak in reverse for some time. The yellow will produce an intense light flash and the black one, in opposite, would cover the place in darkness. And so on, for each different colour. He didn't quite remembered the effects of all the colours, but it was way more fun when the effect was impredictable.
"He he he! Which one will do the trick?" he giggled to himself. He finaly took the rainbow colored one. This one was one of his favorite. It swapped colours of every object in it's range for a random one. The colours were however easily removed by contact with water which would instantly decolor the object. As water was the "cure", it was the only thing that keep it's colour. 
"Well, this one would be fun. It's not destructive but should confuse everypony. Oh my, they will have so much fun!"
As he said that, he silently throwed the bomb into the upper door half which was currently opened.


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In her impressive house in the better part of Canterlot, Jinx pored over her books. The unicorn mare was a very talented mage, however, her talents lay in the direction of dark magic rather than light. She burned with a desire to be able to fully use her skills; however, it would not be safe while Twilight Sparkle ruled. Jinx scowled at the thought; she longed more than anything to be an alicorn herself, but tho she had found a spell to give her temporary wings, there were none so far that she had found to give her permanent wings. If only somepony could depose that irritating Princess, then Jinx could gain access to the most secret library in all of Equestria... there might be the spell that she craved, there.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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"What in tarnation is going on?" Roared Façade as the apparent bomb exploded. Then everything got woozy for a moment and then every color that was there a moment before was inverted. "Buck it" he muttered, still in character. He looked at his flank, examining whether or not somepony could see it wasn't real, it looked exactly like the rest of him, and he sighed with relief. He think promptly stomped outside, pulling a ragged looking Stetson out of his bag and placed it atop his head. He then spotted the chaos pony and yelled at him, "Hey! You rascal! Wha did ya do to my eyes!" His appleloosan accent slurring his words the right amount. He yelled again "Hey you! What did ya do to my eyes!"

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"Get out of my way!" bellowed Spikus to the massive group of ponies in the middle of the street blocking all others from passing through it. He pushed and shoved them out of his path as he forced his way through the crowd ignoring any complaints and protests made towards him. He could have easily flown over the obstruction but to him it was more about the principle of being blocked for no apparent reason. {Geez ponies in this town are so stupid. Why did I even come here to begin with? There doesn't appear to be anything to do here.} he thought to himself still plowing through the crowd. In reality he knew the reason he came was to see if the stories about the Everfree Forest being dangerous were actually true or they were just stories told to keep the colts and fillies from wandering into the forest unsupervised. Once through the crowd he saw something he could only assume was a bakery of some sort and decided to grab a bite of something before heading off towards the forest.

Crappy OC that needs fixed... https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/spikus-fyre-r8722

NEW Youtube channel of things: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkStMfLEJvyubL4mR2X3nNw

Ask me stuff! https://mlpforums.com/topic/135500-ask-spikus-fyre-stuff-and-things-and-stuff/

My procrastination filled request shop where I sometimes remember to draw stuff: https://mlpforums.com/topic/136594-im-bored-so-ill-draw-stuff/

Shape-shifting is easy once you do it for a thousand or so years.

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Façade then noticed the orange maned Pegasus marching through the crowd, and Façade knew antisocial and this pony was the definition. Façade sauntered up to him, checking to make sure his knife was in its proper place. "Hey there pardner, mind helping me out? My eyes are a little jacked up..." He then "tripped" and fell at the Pegasus's hooves. Façade notice the jagged feathers and stored that information away. "Ya wouldn't mind helping me would ya?" And then Façade faked being able to get up, shuddering and repeatedly "unable" to get up.

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As the bomb exploded, the colors inside the bakery swapped. The fun was about to begin. As ponies runned past him screaming, Missklang giggled.




"Hey! You rascal! Wha did ya do to my eyes! Hey you! What did ya do to my eyes!



A pegasus was approaching him, yelling angrily. He surely spotted him through a window.




"Hey you! What did ya do to my eyes!"


Suddenly, the pegasus stopped aproaching him and instead, fell upon an orange pegasus, who weared a bowtie (bowties are cool), asking him for help.


"What in the world! Does he think that orange one is the one causing the chaos! I simly can not let my reputation get stolen by some bypasser!"


As he spoke, Missklang grabbed a bucket of water standing by the wall and poured the water at the two pegasus.


"Here you go sir! Your eye problem is fixed. No need to thank me"

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Façade instantaneously noticed his eyesight was fixed, and then realized that is was the Chaos Pony after all. Adjusting his Stetson, he sauntered lazily to the pony. "I have very fine words for you, pardner. You've caused a mess to be made of this nice bakery. And I rather liked their cupcakes. Do ya have anything to say to me?" And stared at the unicorn with a menacing stare he had mastered in Roam. All those dumb griffons, he thought to himself.

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The pegasus appeard to finaly realise who was the mastermind behind the mess. He was angrily staring at him with what Missklang assumed was his menacing look.


" Dont you worry my dear wet friend! The changes are not permanent and, as you just discovered by yourself will go away with some simple water. Didn't you have fun? Look at this ponies! They are shouting like if the sky fell on their heads. They are so easily scared, just for the sake of seeing their faces I can assure that it was all worth it. Don't mind the water, I shall dry you in notime"


As he was talking, Missklang grabbed from nowere a towel and stared to rub pegasus's head.


"Do not worry! Though the colours changed, the cupcakes keep their taste. You can finish yours if you left it there"

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"Agh! Stop rubbing me with that towel! It not perfectly find to go scare ponies and mess with them! Arg! Stupid Pegasus!" Yelled Façade. He batted away the towel and threw it into the unicorn's face. He then turned around and moved down a side ally rather deftly, and snuck out of town. He was going to Canterlot, to check on one of his more sane targets." He smiled as he trotted out of town, he had librated that ridiculous unicorn's wallet as well, and he hadn't even noticed.

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"...Well that just happened." Spikus said as he passed by the clearly insane unicorn into the panic emanating from the Sugar Cube Corner. "Heh heh! It's funny because they're panicking for what seems like no reason." He walked past the ensuing madness to the counter where they also seemed to be panicking. "I want to place an order." No response as they kept panicking. "Hey!" Still nothing. "HEY! I'M TALKING TO YOU! TAKE MY FREAKING ORDER!" The ponies behind the counter were jarred from their panicked states long enough for them to take his order and for him to pay. "I'm not going to tip you since you were running around like a bunch of drunken fools." with these final words he walked out and began to eat what he ordered.

Crappy OC that needs fixed... https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/spikus-fyre-r8722

NEW Youtube channel of things: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkStMfLEJvyubL4mR2X3nNw

Ask me stuff! https://mlpforums.com/topic/135500-ask-spikus-fyre-stuff-and-things-and-stuff/

My procrastination filled request shop where I sometimes remember to draw stuff: https://mlpforums.com/topic/136594-im-bored-so-ill-draw-stuff/

Shape-shifting is easy once you do it for a thousand or so years.

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Missklang tried to catch up with the pegasus as soon as he find his wallet missing.


"What an ingrat! After all I did to him!"


He didn't actualy keept his all of his money there, just some change for a snack, but he was consearned about him finding the secret pocket. In matter of fact, as most of his things, the wallet were enchanted to be bigger inside, and as always, filled by Missklang with spare bombs and random stuff. If the pegasus was to touch such bomb, it will explode on contact as they were made to explode upon touch of anything but his own fur. The explosion would cause a chain reaction and eventualy, a bomb will detonate inside the wallet, causing it dimensional compression to collapse, restoring the laws of physics and bringing it to it's actual size and weight. He didn't recall of the objects he stuffed in it, neither it's actual size, but it could cause injuries an was potentialy dangerous.


Eventualy he realised that he was nowere to be found and he resigned at his capture. In all cases, he would sense the wallet's dimensional collapse and would be able to trace it. 

He eventualy wondered back to the bakery in order to clean his mess. As he walked towards the bakery, a gray pegasus walked out, He apeared not to be botherd by the psychodelic backroung what so ever. So Missklang decided to join him, leaving the bakery to it's fate. As he walked by the pegasus, Missklang stared in the eyes of the stranger. A dark sparke was lurking deep in his eyes.


"Better not to hang around when this guy get angry" thought Missklang to himself as he continued staring at the pegasus.

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Façade decided that opening a wallet of that nutcase was not a good idea. He knew from some of his old studies that it must have some sort of magic enchantment. "Ugh, maybe..." He opened the wallet and viewed a selection of what appeared to be bombs, and he saw the cash, laying on top of the bombs, he swiped the cash, and threw the wallet into the Ponyville Train Station's trash can. And board the train to Canterlot. He then watched with amazement as the trash can blew up and a cacophony of colors and stranger things covered the now burnt up trash can. 15 minutes to until the train left. He pulled out his disguise kit and adjusted his appear to a bookish Pegasus. He pulled off the Stetson and combed his mane straight out. He pulled on some top rimmed glasses, after applying some colored contacts that made his eyes brown. He then dyed his mane in the train's sink, making his mane brown as well. Then he state down with a book on dark magics he had found laying about in the streets, and proceeded to read it.

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As he was silently annoying the pegasus, Missklang felt a sudden eruption of chaos energy coming from somewere at the opposite side of the town.




he shouted, leaving the pegasus behind. He had only mere minutes before the collapsing, and he HAD to make it in time. That fool started the chain reaction, and the damage will be massive. Such burst of Chaotic magic will certanly alarm the princess if she wasn't already, and Missklang had better plans than explaining himself to the her.

As soon as he saw the burning trashcan, Missklang realised what happend. Pulling off the wallet, he quickly drained the chaos magic around the trash to purify the place. He couldn't think of anything better from putting the instable wallet inside a stable one. The wallet was screwed, as well as the spare arsenal, but it was big enough to contain the explosion within, enabeling him to drain the magic later and preventing the magick from being detected. 


"Well, I hope there was nothing important in the both wallets." he said to himself hoping that nobody detected the energy from the bombs which detonated the trashbin. He looked around to see the damage it made. Nothing serious, the area was full with sticky rainbow-colored wipped cream. 


"I better clean up this time. Too much chaos for one day" he said as he summoned a bucket and a broom.

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Spikus was doing his best to ignore the unicorn staring at his eyes from beside him as he continued his walk towards the forest. When the unicorn left abruptly he let out a sigh of relief. {Good thing too or else I would have actually had to speak to him and that wouldn't have been pleasant for either of us.} He shook his and and walked into the forest. "Time to see what the big deal about this place is" He walked past trees listening to the sounds of the animals and other creatures in the forest. "Well this place is boring..."

Crappy OC that needs fixed... https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/spikus-fyre-r8722

NEW Youtube channel of things: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkStMfLEJvyubL4mR2X3nNw

Ask me stuff! https://mlpforums.com/topic/135500-ask-spikus-fyre-stuff-and-things-and-stuff/

My procrastination filled request shop where I sometimes remember to draw stuff: https://mlpforums.com/topic/136594-im-bored-so-ill-draw-stuff/

Shape-shifting is easy once you do it for a thousand or so years.

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Façade noticed the unicorn sweeping up the exploded trash can, and then the train's whistle blew, creating this loud terrible screech. He looked at the unicorn and smiled. And held up a bit and threw it out of the trains window towards him. The train then lurched out of the station, and started to pick up speed towards Canterlot. He resumed his book. It was quite interesting actually, wondering who would leave something so valuable in the open.

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As soon as the cleaning done, Missklang walked out of Poniville towards the Everfree forest. As his arsenal endured catastrofic damage, he wanted to find some poison jokes in order to replenish his bomb amount. The right amount collected, he stumbled upon the ruins of what it appeared to be an abandoned castle.


"Whoo! Spooky!" 


He entered the ruins, and started wandering the dark hallways in order to find a nice spot to settle down and tinker some explosives. He wandered if the library still have books in it because extra knowlege on this place would certanly be usefull.

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Dark Façade was reading the dark magic book when something peculiar happened, he noticed all the other passengers staring at him. They all had a slightly empty look to their eyes, when I hit him. "Buuuuuck. I'm on a train full of buckin changlings." He then jumped out of his window, managing to swipe his gear before falling launching into flight over the Everfree. He knew of the stories told about this place, but those were just stories. The only things that lived here where hermits, Timberwolves, and that stupid plant known as poison joke. He then saw a large castle up ahead, and cursing along the way flew into the main hall. He saw the thronesof the Monarchs and scowled. "Those Princesses have ruined everything! All those years planning, ARG!! BUCK IT ALL! YOU MURDERERS! YOU THEIVES! YOU HORRIBLE MONSTERS!" Façade yelled as he bucked old tables and stone work to dashes.

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Spikus hears the sounds of yelling coming from what appears to be a ruin deeper in the forest and decides to go investigate hoping it will be more interesting than what's happening in the forest part where he is. He spreads his wings and takes flight as it will be faster than walking to the ruins. Landing outside of the gate he hears the commotion coming from inside and all at once, ignoring every sign that this is a terrible idea, walks inside.

Crappy OC that needs fixed... https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/spikus-fyre-r8722

NEW Youtube channel of things: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkStMfLEJvyubL4mR2X3nNw

Ask me stuff! https://mlpforums.com/topic/135500-ask-spikus-fyre-stuff-and-things-and-stuff/

My procrastination filled request shop where I sometimes remember to draw stuff: https://mlpforums.com/topic/136594-im-bored-so-ill-draw-stuff/

Shape-shifting is easy once you do it for a thousand or so years.

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Missklang turned the valve of his brewing station as the final drop of the poison joke extract plopped into the bottle. After arranging th station, he started to carefully levitate the bottles of the fresh extract into his bag. While he was holding the last bottle, sudden loud noises comed from the throneroom below. Caught by surprise, he lost focus and let the bottle fall on the floor. As the extract spilled across the floor, it desintegrated with a loud bang.


"Woa!" yelled Missklang as the floor crumbled beneath his feet. He tried to reach the wall, but instead, fell into the hole.


When the dust settled, he saw that he wasn't alone. A brown eyed pegasus was there too, damaging the local property. He was somehow familiar to Missklang. As he tried to recall if he saw him before, he gazed into the raging pegasus's eyes. It was the same angry stare that a gray pegasus gave him earlier today. He smiled widely while still sitting on the stone pile.

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