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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Bronies of Equestria

Dapper Charmer

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"oh right" she places the bag on the coffee table separating them "the password for the house is PIE26142...Chain made that, I had no consent" she turned the T.V. on and flicked throw the channels till an episode she didn't see 'The Camelot Wedding' was on the MLH channel. She hesitated but clicked the channel button till she got to a channel that showed another show she liked, The Amazing Gallop. "love these reality shows, mostly the places they go on this one"

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I quickly tap them in, horn glowing. I keep one earbud out, so I can hear her. I start up the episode I was going to watch, and noticed that she was hesitant on leaving a certain channel.

"I'll go leave you be for a bit; enjoy your show in peace." I say, a knowing smile on my face. "I think I'll go bother your roommate. Maybe, I can help them with making show accurate figures for her sales."

I trot off, placing the laptop down. I conceal the smile after leaving, and approach Chain.

"Heard you were gonna profit off the bronies coming to town. Want help?" I ask, wanting to let my new roommate enjoy her guilty pleasure.

"Our... Mutual friend is busy with her show." I say, by way of explanation.

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Why hide it? I mean he knows already...Celestia if he tells anypony else I will slay him, I will be a laughing stock to both guards and villains. She turned the channel back to the episode which just started. I hope Chain can handle him.


"if I can please them then it would make better profit...how should I make that dresses girl? I mean should I just make all the designs I found online or stick with the original? I'm asking because my work to produce ratio could change from that simple answer" he paused "the money value is also something I need help with"


(P.S. since Chain is a side character, his mind will not be read like Banners)

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My face furrows with careful thought. I consider the various possibilities. I look back, and ask an obvious question.

"Depends on the outfit. Also, if you're going to add labels, her proper name should be applied. Do you mind showing me what you have?" I barely disguise my enthusiasm for assisting. It's a good thing I didn't mention what her show is; wouldn't want to contradict whatever her story is... Frickin' closet... I think to myself.

(Alright, I figured. Also, what's the Rarity equivalent going to be called? I want to know, so I can correct spelling, if that becomes a thing.)

Edited by MarionEtte136
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"yeah I got all these" he got out all the characters, including some background ones he heard of, that were made into an assortment of things. He had some bracelets, necklaces, small models, small models with more detail, some small plushies, and a statue that looked like it had all the villains on it with the characters in a pose in front of them "the statue one is the thing I thought for selling for the most...so how do you like it? Would you buy them" he remembered what he said about names "also do you know the dresses girl's name? I need to practice saying the human name's as I'm sure that I will be a bit shunned for not knowing it at the con"

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I almost clop my hooves together in excitement.

"Of course, Chain!" I exclaim, determined to assist. I point out each character, and tell him their names. I also bring up a bit about the characters, as well as a bit of trivia I picked up on. I also attempt to help explain the fanon of some characters. I tried discussing the IDW comics, and how they attributed to the backstories of a few of the villains, but I could see that he wasn't really into it, and gave up. Instead, I just explained a few things he'd need to know. Including some vernacular he'd have to use,when talking with particularly avid customers. In addition, I attempted to inform him of some popular opinions, in certain controversial episodes.

"That should be enough to get you by, no matter the conceivable question!" I finish, grateful for his patience in listening to me ramble.

"Do you have any questions? Anything you'd like me to clarify?" I ask, eyes aglow, so alike Twilight in lecture mode, it's kinda eerie.

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"I'm fine...thanks" he was a little turned off from the rambling but still appreciated it "thanks for everything, I'll make something just for you because I like you...I won't spoil it though" he chuckled a bit.


As they stopped talking Banner finished the episode as she put the part she already knew together with the episode shown making it have a lot more sense. She got the rest of her bags and armor and headed to Chain's room "hey, send a message that I'm off work" Inside Chain looked a little displeased "fine" he made a letter out to the address of the station then burned it with magic fire sending the smoke out his window "she asks me to do that sometimes"

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I nod, understanding. Suddenly, I yawn, exhausted. It had been a filled day, and I needed a bit of rest. Of course, Banner could use the excuse that I might've tried escaping, under the cover of rest, while she was at work. I wonder why I'm helping her.

"Where do I-" I'm cut off by another yawn.

"Sleep? I'll only need a few hours. Is the couch fine?" I ask, tired. 

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"there's a bed in the attic but its dusty and I think being with all of Banner's trophies would freak somepony out" he says then opens the door to see Banner "I sent it ok?" "fine I just wanted you to do that" she walked away to her room where she would go online "so you should go sleep, I'll make some models before I go to bed" Chain pushed him out the room

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I trot off, getting ready to sleep. Already, I begin working on bringing my mental activity to a lower level. I make my way up the stairs, into the attic. I quickly hover my laptop and other belongings up to me, and have them levitate by my side. I finally make my into the attic, and quickly dust off my new quarters, getting to work on cleaning the place immediately. I move all the trophies and such into a different half of the room, and replace them. I put up a few shifts in dimensional layout, making the room a bit larger on the inside, allowing me to place my stuff about, and make a note to get a window installed. Never know when I's need to sneak out. I lay on the bed, and turn to shadow, making it easier to rest comfortably. I make the decision to watch the new episode tomorrow morning, when I wake up; it's been a long day.

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@,@@Artimis Whooves, ,@@Yoshikupo,


"Hmm, that reminds me." Proxy said, looking at the numerous EQM items in his magic. "Tomorrow night is the broadcast premiere of Equestria Mares 3. Directors cut, with limited commercial interruption. And it's a week before the blu ray hits. Hmmm." he pondered to himself stroking his beard? 

"If I hosted a viewing party for said film, would you two be interested in attending?"

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I was not disappointed. I tagged along after my guardian, and found her spying. This is delicious. Soon enough, I begin pondering my choices. Eventually, I think of my old friend, from another dimension.

"What would Discord do?" I mutter to myself, trying to figure out what I should do. I settle on an answer.

"What are you up to, my dear?" I ask a bit louder than needed, my expression giving away my cocky arrogance and humor. I plainly know what I'm doing, and I'm enjoying it. You've seen this face a few times, and it puts you in mind of the Discord Incident. It wasn't a very good time to be a guard.

Edited by MarionEtte136
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"of course you have to tag along when you aren't supposed to...I thought it was supposed to be the other way around" Banner said as she was on a big branch from a tree that you could see anything on the out side of the castle Proxy lives in "don't you dare give me that look again. It brings back memories that I don't want to touch" she had her binoculars in hoof "its not like I'm doing anything interesting either, its just a normal spying on Proxy" she brushed off that statement as if it was nothing

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I chuckle, madly. Eventually, I calm down a bit, my expression easing up slightly on the resemblance to Discord.

"And I'm the one that needs to be under surveillance?!" I cry out the rhetorical question, breaking out in laughter. "Priceless!"

I roll around in the air, becoming a smokey shadow before I fall.

Edited by MarionEtte136
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"your making so much noise the whole forest can hear you" Banner said to the smoke that was Marion "I was called here by the same guy how ordered me to watch you...he doesn't even give me any overtime or days off for this stuff, all he says is that 'your a soldier and soldiers don't talk out of line'" she rants a bit forgetting that she even needed to be quite "yet when a trouble arises, he always picks me, no matter what sort of circumstance" she looks at him "its not easy being a 'soldier' is it" she was slightly sleep deprived

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The face of Marion Ette becomes serious, as his eyes are suddenly full of knowing. Of cold, knowing hatred, sharp as steel. Sharp as the head of your spear.

"Of course, Banner." He states, the change in mood eerie. However, the anger doesn't seem directed at you.

"I'll go back home; I got an episode to catch up on..." The pony returns to smoke, and drifts back home, leaving the branch.

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@,@@Artimis Whooves, ,@@Yoshikupo,


"Hmm, that reminds me." Proxy said, looking at the numerous EQM items in his magic. "Tomorrow night is the broadcast premiere of Equestria Mares 3. Directors cut, with limited commercial interruption. And it's a week before the blu ray hits. Hmmm." he pondered to himself stroking his beard? 


"If I hosted a viewing party for said film, would you two be interested in attending?"


"Dude," said Dapper as his gave himself a face hoof, "I completely forgot about that. Man it's gonna be awesome." Dapper thought about the previous Equestria Mares movies. That weren't as good as the show but they were still great and the third one was set to be the best of them all. "Yeah if you're throwing a party for the viewing I'd love to come. I can even bring some snacks if you want. I have Para-Sprite and Dorit-Oats at home."

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  • 3 weeks later...


"Wait" Banner says looking at him "I can tell your upset about something and that episode can wait if you come back" she didn't exactly know why but it felt right to call him back "If you don't want to talk about it you can just leave" she returns to look at the castle waiting for him to make a decision.

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He stops midflight. Urgh... Celestia, damn it... She's lucky I'm so willing to listen to her... He floats in place for a moment, then hovers back, settling in the tree beside her, making certain not to give away his position to any, but her. He makes his presence known, with a slight throat clearing, shifting back to pony form.

"Alright... Banner." His voice seems a bit soft, and uncertain. He avoids eye contact, but he can be caught glancing at you briefly, but quickly looks away. The first time, you can see his cheeks redden, slightly.

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This is...weird. I didn't expect him to come back, I mean I thought he would leave and watch his show. Banner thought then looked at him "so whats up? You seem like there's a lot on your mind...your not planning to kill me are you? I mean whatever idiotic plan that would be, I could give you some pointers and a test at the end" she said obviously sarcastic "seriously whats on your mind?"


(if the RP dies we can make a new one)

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He blushes a bit harder, a frustrated look in his eyes, marred by confusion. He tries to control his tongue, but ends up failing.

"Urgh! I haven't had the urge to kill you yet!" He's obviously irritated. "What did you do?! What magic did you cast?! I've never encountered this befo-"

He suddenly stops, a look of surprise across his face. He looks down, obviously distraught. 

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"relax, I was just teasing...its what I do with friends" Banner says then remembers something "you know, like how you teased me about liking the show? By the way if you tell any of my friends, family, or guards that I like it then your ass is grass" she said smiling but shook her head and wanted to get back on track "I mean real serious right now, whats on your mind?"

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His face gets marred by further confusion. He grabs you by your shoulders, shaking you, a desperate look in his eyes.

"WHY?! WHY DON'T I WANT TO KILL YOU?!" His voice becomes loud, his jerking becoming more violent. "WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?!"

He looks pained, angry, and confused. Above all, he looks scared.

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Banner pushes Marion back "I don't know why you don't want to kill me so why would you ask?! If I was you, Chain and me would be dead when we got to my house" Banner says then realizes she has to do the thing she was the worst at, comforting "call down, I have no idea why your acting this way and I bet its irrational...tell me, I can help somehow but first you need to talk without using me like a shake-weight" Banner looks a him in the eye "why are you scared?"

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It takes him a moment of studying your features for signs of dishonesty, but a spark of realization dawns in his eyes. The effects are almost immediate, as he ceases his once tight grip, and tries to avoid direct eye contact. He seems to shrink in on himself, before recovering, and trying to straighten out. He clears his throat before speaking.

"It's... Kinda complicated... Normally, whenever I look at somepony, I have the urge to violently throttle them, amongst other choice activities. However, I don't feel the urge to tear you in twine, nor use you like a meat tambogine. I don't feel the urge to delve into the darkest reaches of your mind, and pull out what I can to damage you, until you become a mindless husk to do with as I please. It's only happened a few times, and the last occasion didn't go very well for me..." His eyes were more or less apathetic as he described what he usually feels like doing, but it turns to the familiar type of pain of lives with for awhile. His eyes hope for understanding at the question he asks. "I believe we briefly discussed why I arrived here? What happened before I encountered you in this town?"

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