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The Trotting Dead

Dapper Charmer

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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/138544-the-trotting-dead-actionsol/page-1


Mist ran through the decaying streets of Ponyville, trying his hardest to escape the sight of the pursuing Trotters. The Trotters weren't very fast but Mist knew that they were dangerous in numbers. Luckily for him there were only two. Mist kept running as he looked behind himself, (thank goodness,) he thought to himself, (I lost them.) Mist turned back just in time to avoid colliding into a Trotter. The Trotter didn't appear to have noticed him. Mist tried to sneak away but stood on a twig. The Trotter looked at Mist and began walking towards him. Mist backed away but tripped and landed on the ground. As the Trotter closed in Mist noticed a crowbar to his left. With great urgency he picked it up and swung it at the Trotter. The crow bar made contact and crushed the Trotter's skull. When he was sure he was safe Mist got up and began walking away from the scene. "This might come in handy," he said as he looked down at the crowbar. Mist grinned. With a weapon secured it would e that much easier to find food.

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In that same day, in the dawn,

Lemon's eyes opened, as well as his smile. His oldest sister was going to come by train to meet the rest of the family in his father's mansion, where he was spending the week in. His saudade was intense. It was about time she would come, so he woke up earlier, six o' clock. "Wait", he thought. "What kind of sound is this?"


Groans could be heard. Some steps, as well. But that early? It was... "Fishy". Walking to the main corridor to get clues, he could hear groans at the other side of the wall. "It might be... In her room!", he was comforted with his conclusion. The door was wide opened. When he got inside, a terrible view came at his eyes...


His sister had come at the middle of the night. That was true. But it wasn't good news to him.

A Trotter and what was supposed to be the bloody corpse of his sister were on her bed. "Brielle...", Lemon said, hopeless. He heard about that terrifying beings, but never expected to have them invading his house. "I am so lucky I locked my room for no reason", he thought...

But something broke his thoughts. The Trotter looked behind and noticed his presence.


But our green survivor does not know how to beat things with things. But he knew something more useful to him: Lock doors.

Lemon pushed the door from outside, closing it. As they were unconscious beasts now, he had a quick thought: "They wouldn't turn the knob", and ran away, to the atrium of the big house. And in the atrium of this building, there was two beasts.


He learnt that they weren't ponies anymore to him, but the feeling of letting his favorite sister behind gave him a second of sadness. He was hoping for his adoptive parents to be alive. He managed to get past the two Trotters and get away, but didn't lock the house down. Just got no time, because the door can only be locked from inside.


He ran through the woods.


After thirty minutes of fear, he managed to get into a huge, large city. However, that town wasn't fine, but severely decayed. The situation couldn't even give a clue to him about the place. "Am I... Safe?", thought again. He stopped walking. Looking around him, several ponies were walking towards him, but at a distance of about 50 meters. Thinking in a way of escaping, Lemon ran towards the east-south corner of the town, hoping for chances to get near an open area. And there was some activity. A half part of a sign could info him: 'Manehattan-'


The sound of beating flesh, blood spilling and interrupted groans gave some hope to him.

"These creatures are slow. However, they don't appear to get tired... Wait. There might be someone fighting for his/her life! A survivor!"

He ran towards the place where the sounds were coming from. In fact, there was somepony fighting for his life. However, as he could call attention for the Trotter, he just hid inside a bush. After the kill, he ran towards that pony, asking questions, but breathing loudly:

"Well... Hello. I think... I guess I can help you... Ahn... Slices. My name Lemon Slices."

Edited by Lemon Slices

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The streets of Manehattan were rundown and barren of life. Nati was lying on a warehouse roof with her sight on a nearby corner of a building, Waiting for first best target of value to appear. She only had three bullets left since she had to leave her backpack behind when she got cornered by bandits on her way to the warehouse she was now finding herself on top of. 


I barely have any food left, I'll have to manage it well... She was getting nervous. "Come on, Please". Just moments after a shadow appeared just by the edge of the building. She put the top of her hoof on the trigger and readied herself for the extreme recoil of her high power rifle. She saw a hoof step forward from the shadows and instantly took a shot when she saw the head. She took the shot and the sheer power of the rifle shook the roof of the building. "Spot on, Instant death." She said to herself with a smile before realizing what she had actually shot, Nothing more then a trotter. She was about too loose it before hearing the loud moans from down below, The shot must have attracted every trotter in the few nearest blocks. She calmed herself and picked up her rifle and hung it over her back. Before jumping down on the contraption she built for getting up there in the first place she took a deep breath. 


"Sigh, Ponyville next." She said with a depressed tone and expression alike.

Edited by Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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Alabaster ran. He ran with all the might that his legs could wield. He ran with a passion. A passion for survival. The Trotters... They were slow, but they were everywhere. That was the tricky part. Manehattan was a maze. A maze of skyscrapers. Alabaster didn't know how to fight, he knew how to deal cards. And as he ran from the beasts behind him, above him, beside him, and even in front of him... He realized that he should've joined his high school track team. 


That was the fun thing about being Alabaster- his mind was entertaining. His brain didn't work like anyone else's would in this situation.


Alabaster had a small backpack with an empty water canteen and a pocket knife that was just dull enough to cut nothing, and just short enough to kill nothing.


His lungs began to burn. His vision began to blur. His back hooves were aching. "Thank Celestia for these hoof braces..." Alabaster was nearing the city limits. An old, decrepit town was his target. It was *almost* Trotter-free, and he had stashed a combat knife there as a kid.


Alabaster took a deep breath. He was holding the blade in his hoof, contemplating whether or not he should even take it. "I've never killed one before... I REALLY don't want to have to..." As if on cue, he heard a moan from behind him. On instinct, Alabaster slashed out, hitting the trotter in the chest. He held his ground, waiting for the trotter to come forward before stabbing the blade through it's skull. As the trotter fell, he barely had any time to stare in shock before the pegasus heard more groans around him. 


"Buck this..."


As Alabaster fought the trotters, dispatching of each of them one by one, he felt tears running down his face. This was too much for him. This wasn't like him. He wasn't a killer... was he? As the last trotter fell to the ground, Alabaster collapsed with it. He sobbed, knowing that he had killed living beings- well, semi-living. The pegasus' head darted up as he heard a bush to his left rustle. Alabaster's eyes widened as he saw a pony walk out. A LIVING pony.


"Well... Hello. I think... I guess I can help you... Ahn... Slices. My name Lemon Slices."


Alabaster wiped the tears away quickly, not wanting anypony to see him cry, "I'm... I'm Alabaster... Are you... alive?" He got up with a small sniffle and held out his hoof for the new pony to shake.

Alabaster (Main OC)


It's not about how many pizzas you have, it's about the quality of each slice.

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"Well... Hello. I think... I guess I can help you... Ahn... Slices. My name Lemon Slices."


Mist turned towards the voice and almost couldn't believe his eyes. Another survivor. Mist rushed over to him. "you're real right? Please say you're real. Please say you not just a figment of my hunger driven imagination." Mist reached out and touched the ponies face, "you are real. Oh thank Celestia." Mist realised that the pony had shared his name but Mist had nt shared his, "where are my manners, I'm Mist Twister."


Alabaster wiped the tears away quickly, not wanting anypony to see him cry, "I'm... I'm Alabaster... Are you... alive?" He got up with a small sniffle and held out his hoof for the new pony to shake.


Mist turned to the sound of the second voice, it was another survivor. (this must be my lucky day,) he thought to himself. "Hello Alabaster, yeah we're alive. I'm Mist and this," he said gesturing to Lemon Slices, "is Lemon."

Edited by Dapper Charmer
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     He didn't notice that Mist was a bat-pony, so he jumped backwards, scared. "Oh, sorry, I... I didn't realize that. Well, I... I am pretty real. I didn't want this day to be real, though. I'm glad I found somepony, but I need information about everything that is happening. I actually live in a closed village, and it can't look like this town were attacked in less than a week ago. Actually, are you from here?"

     Lemon looked around him. Hundreds of building, broken, decaying, shattered windows, and busted walls, that made up a terrible background where even ponies could have in nightmares. Well, now the nightmare was around him. Everywhere. But not a nightmare that end at a open of eyes. Now it was only him, the dark-grey scary bat-pony... Wait. Somepony came in.

     First reactions first, Lemon really loved the fact that there were two survivors other than him. He would know with more details about the Trotters. In fact, he didn't even know they were called like this. The time he passed with his parents in his village in fact made him not getting news. He would know his sister would be escaping from the Trotters' attack, if the letter arrived earlier. The mix between the feelings for the losing of his sister, that was starting to kick in his brain, and the hope for surviving made him smile and cry.

     "I guess I can call you guys my friends now, as we need to be together," Lemon said as he looked up to the sky, "and we are alone in this terrifying-WATCH OUT!" A zombie Pegasi was flying towards the new team, flapping his wings hastily, but not getting so fast. Well, now he realized he needed his team to help him, as... If he were alone... His skills wouldn't get him a life.

Edited by Lemon Slices

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Nati had already been on her way to Ponyville after staying in Manehattan for the last week. She made her way through the maze of a city that was Manhattan cutting down every trotter that stood in her way, Even though they weren't many.


The groans of the undead could be heard louder and louder, Better get out of here... Quick. She thought as she looked around for the next best path to fallow. She squeezed through a rather slim opening between two buildings to get to the main road out of Manehattan.


As she finally made her way through she stepped in something wet, "Blood." She fallowed the bloody track to find a mangled pegsus, She remained unaffected. The first thing Nati thought of was his backpack, Wich she carelessly removed from the body and began searching through. Water... Knife... A single match.... No food She thought with a depressed sigh fallowing.


​She hung the backpack over her back and continued was about to continue fallowing the road when she suddenly heard a groan behind her. The pegasus had started to slowly drag itself towards her with only his front legs since its whole backside was almost completely devoured. It moved very slow, Pathetic. She with immense precision threw the second knife she had found and hit the undead pegasus right in its forehead. She smiled in a bit of a cocky fashion before turning around and continuing on her journey.

Edited by Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

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@@Lemon Slices,


Mist saw what Lemon was looking at. He looked at the crowbar in his hands and then back at the zombie Pegasus. "Wait here," Mist said to Lemon. He flew up and hit the zombie pegasi in the face. It took a few swings but soon the zombies head flew off. Mist flew back to the ground and looked at Lemon, "come on. We better get out of here before more turn up." 

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  • 3 weeks later...

cresent looked at his now almost empty food cabinet "nuts, even when trotters come there's not enough pasta" he said to himself. When the trotter invasion started most ponys left any where near ponyville and most left the everfree woods alone. Yet the bat pony still had a supply issue. the markets closed down and food was become scarce, he debated on trying to help other ponys out but when the conversation led to "its ok we should be safe in my trees house in everfree" those few survivors would either try to kill him or did a complete 360 and left then and there


he herd one of his traps get set off by a trotter hearing a familiar graveled and surprised troter scream of being catapulted to the other side of the forrest. "time to reset it, again" he grumbled. The bat pony went towards the door of his house wings spared and gauntlet ready

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lucid's eyes opened up. A surge of emotions hit his mind like hammers but came off like raindrops. "I'm alive. I made it through the night. She isn't laying next to me. This isn't a dream. It still isn't a dream. They're alive. No they're dead. No they're alive. Zombies are real. I probably will die. Stop thinking about it. I'm Lucid Dream... This isn't fake." Every morning started off the same, come to grips with reality for a brief second then slink off to arrogance.

Lucid got up off the bed which once belonged to the original owner of the house, who had thankfully left it vacant and the windows boarded up. He had no intention of staying holed up in there. Lucid once read in a zombie slasher novel, that he now wished he had, it was practically his makeshift survival guide and one of the things he remembered was not to stay in one place, especially when the area happened to be densely populated, or else if a hoard found him they might wait indefinitely. True, he had no idea how these things actually thought and if they would wait forever, but the author of the book didn't write it with the real deal in mind and Lucid couldn't take chances.

Lucid walked outside, the little neighborhood was safe, for now, every noise made him jump as he was ready to levitate his shovel out at any moment. He slowly trotted towards the direction of what used to be ponyville, it wouldn't be too long if he avoided the forest. "This is suicide... but starving to death doesn't suit me either."

Edited by Lucid Dream
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Having found little to no food on her journey to Ponyville she had barely been able to survive on the small scraps of she had actually been able to gather. But she had reached her destination and was standing on a small hill resting on the outskirts of the once busy and beautiful town. Even though the hunger gave her a feeling of being torn apart, She wasn't just going to rush in to the town like some manic moron, Instead she mounted her large heavy rifle on a nearby rock, Resting her head soundly at the back of the scope readying herself to get rid of any apparent danger. As she angled the mighty weapon scouting after any signs of life, She could see a zombie pagasus flying over the town, It had spotted something she hadn't though. Not wanting to waste one of her two valuable bullets she inspected the pegasus rather the shooting it. Suddenly a figure flew up form the town fiercely beating the undead pegasus to death. That's troubble... She adjusted her scope and put her sights on the figures head, Slowly squeezing the trigger she was ready to dispose of the interference when she was abruptly interrupted by a deep moan. She in a fit of panic turned around shooting blankly at the apparent threat, Blowing away a large portion of a undead earth ponies head. The shot echoed between the nearby mountain and forrest, The sudden booming sound must have been heard all over the area. With a depressed sigh she let down her guard dropping everything for a few seconds, Laying in the grass listening to the damp echoes of her major buck up slowly fade away.


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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Lucid was continuing to ponyville. "It's really there. I can see it in the distance" he muttered happily with a bit of an exited sneer. He picked up the pace, thankful that his walk would be over very soon. He trotted at a good pace before seeing a trotter in front of him. "OH Great. Ohhh no. Nonono." he thought to himself as he grabbed the shovel, the trotter started to walk towards him as he was ready to swing his shovel.


The zombie was flung away, Lucid was one step away from a trap that had just sprung, but not out of it's reach, the catapult hit him hard in the face. He was flung back a bit, his face would be broken if he was just an inch away , but thankfully it hit him in the chest first, flinging him away before it could do serious damage. Despite his immense luck, Lucid was badly hurt. The color of the world left, his nose and chest bleed badly and he could smell its metallic stinging oder. He stumbled around, his body coming to grips with the pain as he screamed. "OHHH STUPIDSTUPIDSTUPID!" he groaned. A few other trotters heard him and shuffled for him. He was in no state to fight though, he saw three of each of the trotters and couldn't even stand up straight.

Edited by Lucid Dream
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@@Lucid Dream, As cresent flew towards the trap he saw the two ponys, well trotter and pony on the ground. as he flew closer at what he first thought as a two for one hit it was really...a troter and a live pony...."oh buck" he flew down seeing 3 other trotter approaching.
Gauntlet blade out he strafed the 3 approaching troters swinging the magical blade in an side arch beheading the trotters. He felw in another pass this time landing next to the wounded pony half groaning half something else. Blade still out he listen to the ponys blood. It was live and very confused not like the usual fain blood beats of trotters. He made a mental note to put a sign by some traps to warn other ponys. Cresent looked around not seeing other trotters around.


"sorry bout this" cresent said knowing the wonded pony was ether going to hate him next or not, Cresent bit into the chest reworking the pony's blood with his own. He listen closely as the two beats met.
Cresents seemed to be the pumping adrenalin filled with this ponys half awake, he needed to wake up the others blood enough for him to be carried to the treehouse. The thestral bit deeper wakening up the faint blood at this point now annoyed but enough to get the legs moving. Cresent stopped biting looking over the pony know knocked out but still alive. The bat pony carefully picked up the knocked out pony. Flapping his wings steadying he began to climb in the air again.


-Later at the tree house  
   Cresent stood back after working his magic on the pony. The pony lay bandaged up on his couch the bleeding had stopped and was now held up with patch's and bandages. He looked back at his food cabinet and found enough fixings for a hay sandwich. making one and setting a plate in front of the knocked out pony he waited for him to wake up. And prayed to Luna he wouldn't turn on him

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Lucid was on the ground, his eyes were slowly closing and he saw a bat figure over him. "Oh goodness.... A-are you death? Is this how we go...." he muttered and slumped into a level of semiconcious where he could not understand something. He felt himself in the air but didn't react, eventually, he slept.

He awoke, still on in Equestria.

"Huh?" Lucid shot up. He looked around and at his hoofs. "Hmm? Hmm? Ogh... Is this a dream?... No it isn't a dream, most likely." He looked over at the bat pony sitting next to a hay sandwich. "Well... Maybe it is a dream," he muttered as his faculties and feelings returned to his body. He felt an odd sensation from the blood transfusion that the batpony he was looking at gave him earlier. He felt more energized, more alive than before. The new blood worked wonders on him considering how he had lost some earlier. "Who...?" he pointed at the batpony.

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Lucid was on the ground, his eyes were slowly closing and he saw a bat figure over him. "Oh goodness.... A-are you death? Is this how we go...." he muttered and slumped into a level of semiconcious where he could not understand something. He felt himself in the air but didn't react, eventually, he slept.

He awoke, still on in Equestria.

"Huh?" Lucid shot up. He looked around and at his hoofs. "Hmm? Hmm? Ogh... Is this a dream?... No it isn't a dream, most likely." He looked over at the bat pony sitting next to a hay sandwich. "Well... Maybe it is a dream," he muttered as his faculties and feelings returned to his body. He felt an odd sensation from the blood transfusion that the batpony he was looking at gave him earlier. He felt more energized, more alive than before. The new blood worked wonders on him considering how he had lost some earlier. "Who...?" he pointed at the batpony.

"crescent and you not dreaming. U activated one of my catapults that or a trotter chased you into it." Crescent gave the blue pony an eye check waveing his wings in front of the pony seeing the piny track them he relaxed "I'm not sure if you got a concuction but keep things slow for now"
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Lucid shook his head. "I don't feel too bad, thank you." He tried to get up but he was a bit too slow so he just sat, looking over at the sandwich, he wouldn't mind having something to eat. "So, who are you? And for that matter, where are we right now?" Lucid said as he looked around the place. This was a strange residence for Lucid, he had always lived in Las Pegas, houses there were often basic, dry and boring, he had never seen somepony actually live in a treehouse.

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Lucid shook his head. "I don't feel too bad, thank you." He tried to get up but he was a bit too slow so he just sat, looking over at the sandwich, he wouldn't mind having something to eat. "So, who are you? And for that matter, where are we right now?" Lucid said as he looked around the place. This was a strange residence for Lucid, he had always lived in Las Pegas, houses there were often basic, dry and boring, he had never seen somepony actually live in a treehouse.

names crescent we are in everfreewoods beluve it or not. And no the place ain't crawling with troters" said crescent standing up now walking back yo the fridge pulling out a cider and his blood drink bring the two drinks yo the table opening his blood drink he asked "my turn" he sat down again "the hey were u doing this far in the woods? Most pints wouldn't be here"
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Lucid stared at the blood drink. "I'm going into town, that's all really, I guess it wasn't really a smart idea but It's the only hope I had of getting some real food, and I don't know the everfree forest. I know it's safe if your worried about trotters but there are more dangers than them I'm assuming." He got up and trotted slowly to the table. "Nice to meet you by the way, my names Lucid Dream. Now, I was wondering, how bad is it in ponyville?" He looked out a window.

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The loud echoes of what may as well be her demise had already started to attract a large amount of trotters, And she would have to scavange the town, Safe Or not. She once again put her rifle over har back and hurried in to the town, With only one bullet left she would have to use her knife to the best of her abileties for now.


At first sight the town looked barren, dead. It was like walking through a ghost town, the doors weren't properly closed, the walls were blood stained, And corpses of walkers and ponies adorned the streets. Not long after starting to look through a multitude of drawers and closets, Nati could start hearing the loud moans of the undead she so foolishly had attracted by fireing her rifle. Taking cover against a wall on the inside of the house she now found herself in, She couldn't du much except for kerping quite and listen to the moans of the dead passing by.


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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@@Lucid Dream, Cresent took another swing of the blood drink using his wings licking his mouth to get the blood off them he answered Lucid "well before the outbreak I didn't go there much myself. Not sure how long this has been going on but I have a hunch what supply's are in ponyville are either limited, gone, or being fought over"


he sighed looking at the fridge and cabnits "why dose all the hey hit the fan when I run out of pasta mixings?" looking out the window he knew he couldn't see all of ponyville but a good section of well forest. "odd part is you could find more food in the woods hear if you know your plants, mind the other animals, and know where your traps are." he remembered that Lucid stared at the blood drink before he moved...he was sure he didn't turn the pony but better safe then sorry.


"by the way if you hear blood around you let me know, might be a side effect" he said

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"Well great, Emerald" said out loud. Of course the world ends when I hit a tree, "damn my wing!" She lifted her hoof to feel her left wing wincing in pain. "yep still bust, I have to get off this train, out of food." She proceeded to remove the pieces of furniture from the door so she could exit, she drops a chair, and on que grrrr... from the other side of the door. Great! she continued not like there wasn't gonna be those things out there.


She removes all the stuff blocking the door and pulls out Cloudslicer in here I can't really use this and my wings out so. What to do? She  thought window? yep she launches at the window straight through, landing roughly outside the train she looks around all she can see are corpses and blood. "Danm, this is worse than the changeling invasion a few years ago." In the corner of here eye all she sees is a head and teeth. Snap! as the trotter bites her armour. "Ha" In one motion she raises and lowers her halberd, the head slides off the body and both fall to the ground, time to move, she thought back to Ponyville to see if her sister and the Elements of Harmony had survived this mess, I hope Sapphire got Twilight out of this mess she thought as she made her was west along the tracks, a few slow trotters stumbling behind, "try harder kids!" she continued though the night


What will dawn and Ponyville bring? "Hey dawn, Celestia is ok at least..."

Edited by EmeraldBolt/Sapphire

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"Side effect? I don't really feel that strange and I don't hear blood. I've just never seen a pony... drink it. Wh-where do you get it exactly?" he asked, hoping not to be rude but also a bit worried as anyone might have been. On a side note, another thought crossed his mind "So the town is full or raiding parties or trotters I assume. Is it really worth checking it out? I cant just stay in the forest for the rest of my life, especially when they're out there." 

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"Side effect? I don't really feel that strange and I don't hear blood. I've just never seen a pony... drink it. Wh-where do you get it exactly?" he asked, hoping not to be rude but also a bit worried as anyone might have been. On a side note, another thought crossed his mind "So the town is full or raiding parties or trotters I assume. Is it really worth checking it out? I cant just stay in the forest for the rest of my life, especially when they're out there." 

"good" cresent ears perked up at the bullet they doged last thing they needed was him turning this pony into a vamp on top of trotters.


"its a mixture that  zacora made me when I moved to the forrest a while ago before the break out started. I only need it after a transfusion I do or anything similar. mostly once a month" cresent answered causally .  

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As she neared Ponyville and dawn approached. Emerald made her way to the top of a hill to see what was the situation in Ponyville, she removed her binoculars from here satchel and surveyed the town. She saw some things, that made her look away. Nevertheless she continued with her recon work until dawn had passed to reveal a disturbing site. Blood as in the streets, corpses too a lot of them in all sorts of conditions none of them good. She formulated a plan to get to Twilight's Castle on the other side of town. "hopefully some answers there, and some food wouldn't hurt"...


...down the hill. She snuck passed most of the trotters without much trouble until she got to the castle, she counted seven outside the main doors. she stood out from the shadows into the sun and view of the trotters, she unraveled Windslicer and took her time waiting for each to get to her and attack and with some good heavy strikes the group was dispatched with. She moved to the door as tried them, they were barricaded from the other side. "Fuck! waste of time that was, should've used the back passage". She went around the castle until she found the hidden entrance and unlocked the door...


...from out behind a painting she came tough into one of the hallways, food was her only thought at that moment (dice roll) 

While Emerald was searching for supplies she found a box in a wardrobe. The Box contained a can of beans, a bottle of water and a small box containing 5 bullets. Though she looked there were no other supplies to be found around the castle.

  The can of beans did not stand a chance, so she eat half of the can resealed it and put the can and the other supplies in her bags



After she checked the armoury and found a half torn note, before she read she looked around all the weapons and armour had been removed the room was barren apart for the note, which read "Emerald, sister we got the Elements out, all of them do not not worry about them or me my next note is at..." the page is missing from there "damn". She put the note in her pack and went to the main doors to see what may of happened there was furniture piled to the ceiling and three bodies on the side of the door covered in sheets, she was taking no chances and again unraveled her halberd and put the spear point though the heads of each, just in case. Then proceed to check the bodies two of them had visible injuries, but the third had no marks at all, apart from the hole she made, odd she thought. best see if anyone else alive is here. Emerald retrieved a flare potion from Twilight's spell room and went to the top of the castle tower and let off the flare "hope someone is out there" as she shot the flair...

Edited by EmeraldBolt/Sapphire

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While Emerald was searching for supplies she found a box in a wardrobe. The Box contained a can of beans, a bottle of water and a small box containing 5 bullets. Though she looked there were no other supplies to be found around the castle.


(I don't know what else to write)

Edited by Dapper Charmer
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