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The Trotting Dead

Dapper Charmer

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@@cwhip9,@, Midnight watched the ponies with her analytical eyes and sees a moment of hesitation and realises that she has been recognised but keeps waving after seeing them to make sure they don't track of her. Midnight makes sure to put her sword on the floor as a sign of peace to make sure that the ponies didn't think that she had any violent intentions, even though she usually didn't think they would challenge someone they recognised as a murderer... 

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@@cwhip9,@, Midnight watched the ponies with her analytical eyes and sees a moment of hesitation and realises that she has been recognised but keeps waving after seeing them to make sure they don't track of her. Midnight makes sure to put her sword on the floor as a sign of peace to make sure that the ponies didn't think that she had any violent intentions, even though she usually didn't think they would challenge someone they recognised as a murderer... 

"there she dosent mean harm" Cresent flew down towards the pony that was waving at them it was an odd greeting but he'd seen worse ways noticing the sword on the ground cresnt laid his gauntlet on the ground showing peace as well seeing the other pony not sound aggressive by its blood beat he started "names cresent, this is my friend Emerald behind me. Any idea what happened to this place?"

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Harm my hoof! Emerald sized up the black pony "got my eye on you mate" under her breath, she made a smile, a convincing fake. One hoof out of line is all the excuse i'll need to justify removing this scum's head, she stayed behind Crescent let him do the talking my prejudices are a bit strong here best for him to talk.

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Midnight looks the two ponies up and down and says "Hello I'm Midnight, from the look on the face of the pony behind you I can assume that you already know what I did before this broke down. To answer your question. I remember before Canterlot fell hearing that something went wrong with the friendship castle and caused the zombie growth to boom. I understand that you hate me but while I may wanted by the crown for my crimes I never wanted any of them to fall. I have another ally down stairs and I am trying to create a safe environment and hopefully find the elements and sort this situation out." Midnight watched the two ponies faces to see how they would react to this.

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@@MidnightMadness1, Cresent raised an eye brow "I honestly don't remember hearing about you before the out break sense I lived by myself before hoof. My friend here is a Night guard, so being paranoid is 2nd nature for her"


Listening to midnights blood he couldn't here a spike in flow singing about aggression, then again most crimanals know how to lure in other ponys. The idea of following the mare downstairs was interesting, but he also didn't want to get caught in anything. He placed his gauntlet back on his leg. Hoping she didn't take that as aggression "we're kind of in a similar boat as to what to do also we are looking for a friend of ours. Blue unicorn with glass's don't suppose you've seen him?"


Cresent didn't really need to ask for he could home in on Lucid with no problem this was really just a test to gage the pony.   

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After briefly following the two flying figures she spotted a third black mare on a rooftop. She was able to catch on to most of their conversation but was unable to make out any defining features about any of them, besides their base colors. Although she was only four houses away, her vision failed her leaving her to only be able to use her hearing to distinguish them. While the first two voices sounded friendly enough, the third voice she heard sent chills down her flank. Unlike the previous two, this third voice was deadly calm, and assertive. Who ever this third pony is, she sounds... extremely dedicated, or committed and confident. This pony means business, and the way the others were talking about her....... Snowstream had made her decision, she would prefer to not interrupt or follow this group, she had a feeling that before long she would be sensed. 


Quickly and quietly she snuck away, silently  dodging trotters and keeping in the shadows of buildings What a shame, she thought, I would have liked to meet them, something about that third pony threw me off . I wonder if she lived her life alone, like I didIt was almost noon, and she decided to have a quick look around of a house a good distance from where she had seen those ponies, she rested in the second floor of a house while searching briefly searching the area.



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Lucid walked, sticking to the walls of buildings like glue. In the center of the street he was standing in was a large fountain. Beyond that was some sort of shop that must have sold cakes. Lucid began to peer into the houses, but each one seemed to have a trotter. Soon a few trotters started to follow him. Lucid began to run across the street to the cake store. Every trotter started to follow him. He run up to the store and went inside, slamming the door behind him. The trotters began to try and open it up and soon four or five began to press up against it. "Wait a minute." Lucid searched under the mat. He saw a key under there and he used it to lock the doors. The windows were still unguarded but it seemed like the trotters weren't able to figure that out yet. "Great.... this is the situation I DIDN'T want to end up in." He had a small amount of time to search the house. He kept his shovel out and this time stayed away from corners or hiding spots where a trotter might stay in.

(IF applicable, dice roll)

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(DM: Dice rolls people are here now,



you received a 9 not so great 1 item of food and drink (non perishable) 


@@Lucid Dream,

you received a 9 as well so 2 items of drink only (non perishable) 

also remember you got that flare for when we want some action.
anyway keep up the posts people your all doing well)

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As she finished her search, Snowstream heard a commotion outside. Trotting to the window she saw a small group of trotters stumbling after a blue unicorn hurrying inside a cake store. After a moment of hesitation, the unicorn slammed the door shut with a thud and the small group of trotters began to beat against the door and windows.


I should help, she thought, gripping her kitchen knife, perhaps if I do this pony could let me know whats going on around here. Hurriedly, she walked downstairs to be confronted with a trotter in the doorway of the house.Without hesitation she hurled the knife at the head of the trotter, unfortunately it only just barley penetrated the trotters skull, causing it to writhe around on the floor as it crawled toward her. She gritted her teeth, I dont have time for this she backed up slightly wincing as back leg still ached. She then charged forward, jumping up and landed both her front hooves on the knife in the trotters head. With a sickening schulup the knife fully penetrated the earth pony's skull. Retrieving her knife, she hurried on to the small crowd of trotters, catching their attention and leading them away from the cake store. After leading them away a suitable distance, she shot upward landing gently on nearby rooftop.


After jumping from roof to roof she finally made it back to the cake store, leaning from the store's roof she peeked in one of the second story windows. Seeing nothing, she carefully opened the window and flew in, unfortunately she upon entry, she tripped on the bottom of the windowsill colliding to the floor with a dull thud. What an entry, She scolded herself as she got up from the ground. 

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Lucid took hold of he newly found flare and drinking items. The place must have been raided considering the lack of cake or flour. Suddenly a noise came from outside that wasnt beating. It was a combination of a slice and a thud. But he ignored it, barely thinking about this at the moment. As lucid checked the enterances, his mind was slowly getting panicked. "If i run out the window I'll die, they're beating down the door.... O-oh my word. Im gonna get eaten, arent I? Theyre gonna beat it down. I'm surrounded. I'm as good as dea-"

Lucid heard a thump from upstairs. He slowly trotted upstairs and he saw a pegasus getting up. "O-oh my... Pegasus zombies... Im dead. Imdeadimdeadimdead. Wait..." He looked closer and shouted. "Say something your not a zombie!!"

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Snowstream, highly irritated with the fact that she had made so much noise, slowly and carefully got to her hooves. Hearing slow trotting up the stairs, she looked up, a panicked blue stallion shouted at her with some visible measure of relief. Still dazed from her fall she held her head "Please don't shout," she mumbled, "Loud noises give me headaches" After a brief second of getting to her hooves she cleared her throat "Don't worry, I got rid of most of the trotters that were following you, but that's beside the point," she grinned slightly and held out a hoof. "The names Snowstream, you can call me me Snowy for short though, and, don't worry, I mean you no harm."

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