123 111 November 5, 2015 #26 Share November 5, 2015 (edited) @@cwhip9, "Mm," Lucid nodded. "Well, I was wondering, exactly what is your plan for survival? Do you stay holed up here in this treehouse? I heard somewhere that staying in one spot can be bad idea if the zombies all come and find you, they could wait for you as long as they want, at least I'd assume so. Then again you can fly and its pretty high up...." His voice trailed off a bit. "But anyway, I don't want to force you to keep me around in your house especially after what you've done for me. I just... really have no idea were to go." Edited November 5, 2015 by Lucid Dream Deviantart: http://dreamer404.deviantart.com/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cwhip9 1,078 November 5, 2015 #27 Share November 5, 2015 @@Lucid Dream, Cresent looked around his kitchen and overall house. Up till now he was basically surviving in one spot hopping to get thru till this trotting would stop...then again he hasn't had much luck on hearing about a 'cure' or 'emergency order coming from her majesty Luna/Celstia/Twilight'....as a matter of fact what in the hey are the princess's doing for their ponies? Sad to say as he looked at his emptying cupboard's no spell filled them up with food. "well, up till now I really didn't have a plan just survive till the princess's work out what to do next and help pony's out. I don't think the princess's could get word out to us for some reason since this...trotting started. I do need supply's if I'm going to keep living here....." he gave a look around. eventually 1 of 2 things would happen if he stayed. He would have to fight off ether rouge bandits and trotters once other ponys found him...or he would eventually starve and run out of his blood drink. Which he prayed that wouldn't happen "to hey with it lets visit Zacora I'm running low on the blood drinks anyways. She might have a cure or something close to it mixed up for the mess everywhere" Cresent got up from his seat moved to his room and came back from it with two saddle bags and a saddle strapped around him approaching the fridge "eat something if you havnt yet you lost a bit of blood so your streghth will probably down for a bit also whats your wepon and is it sharp, better yet tell me if you don't have one" said the bat throwing the 2nd saddle on the table for Lucid then turned began to empty his fridge Oc's and open 1x1 serch https://mlpforums.com/topic/161020-1x1-oc-rp-open-serch/ My bat brony blog: https://mlpforums.com/blogs/?module=manage art: by the awesome Flearia Dragondanser https://mlpforums.com/user/35793-flearia-dragondanser/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
123 111 November 6, 2015 #28 Share November 6, 2015 On 2015-11-05 at 7:33 AM, cwhip9 said: "eat something if you havnt yet you lost a bit of blood so your streghth will probably down for a bit also whats your wepon and is it sharp, better yet tell me if you don't have one" said the bat throwing the 2nd saddle on the table for Lucid then turned began to empty his fridge @@Dapper Charmer, (just thought I'd mention you if we need you for DMing) "I wouldn't mind meeting this friend of yours. This..." he pulled out a sharpened shovel, "is my 'weapon', I also found a few throwing knives and I've been trying to get good at them. Other than that, I really don't have anything else for defending myself, but I'll try not to slow you down." He put on a saddle, "Your a good pony, Cresent, helping a stranger like me out." He got ready to take his leave and left for the woods with him. Deviantart: http://dreamer404.deviantart.com/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mentis Soliloquy 3,026 November 6, 2015 #29 Share November 6, 2015 ...hours passed and no pony alive anyway responded. Emerald looked in her pack, it was a bad site. Despite the defensive strength of her position, the food would not be coming to her so she left a note for any following her her hoofsteps. She left the castle and headed toward to her own home for some supplies (DICE ROLL) @@Dapper Charmer, ... ...after she left her home, a tear left her eye, "I Will come back". and walked away, where to go? She wondered, a thought passed her mind "yes! If there is an answer it will be in Celestia and Luna's old castle". She set off to her destination... She made her way into the everfree forest and stumbled into a trap almost setting it off. "that was close, must be another pony around here?" she made it her new mission to find the owner and talk to somepony else who may be alive. PonyvilleLive! Check out our awesome range of music, podcasts, video and more!My various Roleplay Characters Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cwhip9 1,078 November 6, 2015 #30 Share November 6, 2015 @@Lucid Dream, Cresent smiled at the remark from lucid "you nearly died on one of my traps I made. my original desgins were made for trotters. thought some would be obvious then others. Id hate myself if I found a innocent pony dead on one of them" Cresent paused hearing the shovel being moved out, he turned to see the pony pull the shovel out like it was Excalibur. He looked at the edge looking for signs of use, it still looked new. that or this pony hasn't used it on many trotters. He made a mental not to spar with Lucid, he could use a sparing pony again. Turning back again to the fridge looking at the apples wondering how much he could stow without squishing them "not sure how to use throwing knifes myself but that shovel will come in handy more ways then one" @, In the distance he thought he herd one of his traps set off...he shrugged hopping it was his paranoia popping up again. After dividing the basics the two ponys went towards his front door cresent remembered one last trap. "Lucid meet me out side I need to check one more thing" he moved to his upstairs room that with the window would overlook the front entrance to his tree house. a little bit laterCresent came back out thru his front door seeing Lucid waiting for him "alright time to roll" and as the two pony's set of Cresent locked his front door and stepped carefully away from the door not to activate the string trap he made for such things. Oc's and open 1x1 serch https://mlpforums.com/topic/161020-1x1-oc-rp-open-serch/ My bat brony blog: https://mlpforums.com/blogs/?module=manage art: by the awesome Flearia Dragondanser https://mlpforums.com/user/35793-flearia-dragondanser/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mentis Soliloquy 3,026 November 6, 2015 #31 Share November 6, 2015 "well bugger me that was close, why is somepony setting up traps and hiding them? Like the creatures will avoid them.". She continued through the forest and traps they were getting closer together although most seemed to be easier to spot now she new what she was looking for, she continued and had just turned from yet another trap and bang... ...Emerald banged almost nose to nose into Lucid @@Lucid Dream, and she fell down, in one motion before thinking stood and unfurled Cloudslicer, but before she could strike, Crescent tackled Emerald to the ground. "Off me you Creature!" @@cwhip9, "wait you're not eating me?" Crescent got off Emerald. "I do apologize, My name is Emerald Bolt, Commander of Twilight's Guard. Whoever laid those traps nearly killed me you know those things don't avoid anything, and you two are?"... ...She sat down and took of her helm. "man i'm hot, is it me or is it humid in this forest?'... PonyvilleLive! Check out our awesome range of music, podcasts, video and more!My various Roleplay Characters Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cwhip9 1,078 November 6, 2015 #32 Share November 6, 2015 @, @@Lucid Dream, Cresent after backing off realized his mistake on tackeling the commander. "why would i eat you? id possibly mangle you if I think your a real threat but never eat another pony. Names Cresent, behind me is Lucid Dream, as for the traps I thought I made them easy to avoid but I think I over did a few. " seeing the mare take the helmet off he had to admit he wasn't expecting the mare to look so good. Cresent told himself to calm down and focus on the bigger question "wait, why is a commander of the guard out here anyways, wouldn't you be at the barracks with all the trotters running around?" he asked the mare. 1 Oc's and open 1x1 serch https://mlpforums.com/topic/161020-1x1-oc-rp-open-serch/ My bat brony blog: https://mlpforums.com/blogs/?module=manage art: by the awesome Flearia Dragondanser https://mlpforums.com/user/35793-flearia-dragondanser/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mentis Soliloquy 3,026 November 6, 2015 #33 Share November 6, 2015 "well, firstly I thought you were one of those things the dead things at first, and I was on the way to the castle of the two sisters to possible find some answers. Hopefully, as well as I basically came from the barracks VIP's (OCC: that works very important ponies) have been moved to a safe location at least as I know." Emerald gets out her sister's note and passes it to Lucid. "have a read, bat pony hey you one of them that can perform special stuff, before you ask I know a few bat ponies from Luna's night guard they can do things, like healing spells and such, just." Emerald attempts to extend her left wing, it is clear that some of the bones are broken and she cries out in pain after she attempts to straighten it. "I could find answers in Canterlot about this but not in my condition I need to be able to fly." She notices the packs. "are you two going somewhere?" @@cwhip9,@@Lucid Dream, PonyvilleLive! Check out our awesome range of music, podcasts, video and more!My various Roleplay Characters Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
123 111 November 7, 2015 #34 Share November 7, 2015 @@cwhip9,@, Lucid got up after running into the mare. "It's alright. Whoo," he sighed happily. "For a second I thought I was a goner for sure," he listened to the mare and Crescent. "Well... I guess I understand why VIPs get the special treatment but..." he didn't want to start a fight or sound angry in any way but he couldn't hold back some feelings of betrayal, why did this happen with equestria's best. For a second the ugly thought of a dead mare a colt flashed in his head, his imagination trying to imagine the worst of the uncertain. "What has the guard done to help ponies out? When are we going to come up with a cure? What's the plan, I mean? I-if there is one." he said. Hoping an answer that it was all just a delayed inconvenience, but he already knew what she most likely was going to say. Deviantart: http://dreamer404.deviantart.com/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mentis Soliloquy 3,026 November 7, 2015 #35 Share November 7, 2015 "well I don't know Lucid" looking straight at him "I was stuck on a train when this all happened, I don't have the answers you seek as I don't know them myself and the VIP plan is a state secret but now there is no state so meh?" She took the rest of her armour off and rubbed her wing and back. "wareing this is a pain a keep me alive pain but still." She looks at her armour "put you on in a few". She layed down next to a tree. "don't mind me need a rest is all be ready when you ponies are." @@Lucid Dream,@@cwhip9, PonyvilleLive! Check out our awesome range of music, podcasts, video and more!My various Roleplay Characters Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cwhip9 1,078 November 7, 2015 #36 Share November 7, 2015 @, @@Lucid Dream, Cresent's ears fell back seeing the mars broken wing. He didn't know much on mending bones. The thestreal knew more on blood workings then anything else and the only thing that came to mind that could help is ether a sling and have the wing heal slow and naturally in place, or sucking the blood out of that wing. And being winged himself he knew both options would kill the mare.. ..then he herd about the VIP's bit....an old familer feeling perked its ears up. he stomped it back down, a fight with the general of the night guard. even a wonded one was still a bad idea. Hearing Lucid react made him relax he wasn't the only one thinking, he put his wing on Lucid to calm him. Cresent looked at the mare and said "well for the wings I feel for you sister, but I'm afraid my magic mostly deals with blood loss. And I already had my fill to answer you question in fact that's how I met Lucid" said the bat pony. He gave a sni and an look at the tight armor, that old feeling of came back wanting to spit on it, the first mare he'd seen in how long and his gut said don't help, yet he realized she could help him and Lucid out more and more. Looking back up at he said to Emerald "I hope it wasn't any of my traps that did the damage, and we are on our way to see an old friend. She helps me with the blood bit and might have a potion or two for the wings I you want to join. After that I'm not sure what else we'll do." cresent said he sat down by the mare opened his saddle bag and pulled out a bottle of sider with his wing handing it to the mare smiling. "names cresent by the way" he said Oc's and open 1x1 serch https://mlpforums.com/topic/161020-1x1-oc-rp-open-serch/ My bat brony blog: https://mlpforums.com/blogs/?module=manage art: by the awesome Flearia Dragondanser https://mlpforums.com/user/35793-flearia-dragondanser/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mentis Soliloquy 3,026 November 7, 2015 #37 Share November 7, 2015 Emerald replaced her armour, "Cheers, I would be honored to accompany you two ponies." She stood up and looked at the two ponies. The downed the Cider "It would be nice to see another who made it through this mess. My armour was a snack for one of those things it missed, I did not, where we headed? If they can fix my wing the better, I'm a much better fighter when I can fly. when you two are ready, let me know." Emerald pulls out her halberd and picks up a stone and proceeds to sharpen it. PonyvilleLive! Check out our awesome range of music, podcasts, video and more!My various Roleplay Characters Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cwhip9 1,078 November 7, 2015 #38 Share November 7, 2015 @, @@Lucid Dream, Cresent's eyes went wide in surprise at the Halberd, not many pony use them as actual wepons. If she used one he realized she was more skill full then he originally thought, he smiled at her acceptance of the drink and was glad she didn't ask about the blood comment. "In a way deeper in the woods, and away from my traps for the sake of everypony's health. also glad to have you aboard" said cresent relaxing and looking forward to seeing his old zebra friend Oc's and open 1x1 serch https://mlpforums.com/topic/161020-1x1-oc-rp-open-serch/ My bat brony blog: https://mlpforums.com/blogs/?module=manage art: by the awesome Flearia Dragondanser https://mlpforums.com/user/35793-flearia-dragondanser/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
123 111 November 7, 2015 #39 Share November 7, 2015 @@cwhip9, @, Lucid kept to himself as they talked, politely brushing crescent's wing off. "I dont want to look too worried. Even though I am. How am I going to count on this mess returning to normal when the government isn't going to give us any help? What am I supposed to do, I cant leave other survivors, and it looks like even the princess and her forces cant help much But then again, I cant just convince other ponies to go looking for ponies that very well might be dead," he brushed off the thought. He saw the halberd. "Where did she get that?" "Okay, I'm ready to go," he said. He wanted to get out of here anyway, he felt unsafe, like something was watching him. Deviantart: http://dreamer404.deviantart.com/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mentis Soliloquy 3,026 November 8, 2015 #40 Share November 8, 2015 "this?" noticing both Lucid and Crescent gave it a look she gestures to her halberd, Emerald then folds it up and puts it in her tail completely hiding it from view. "I made it years ago a way of using a powerful weapon and keeping it hidden I named it Cloudslicer. That I know of it's the only one of it's kind of my own creation, I was in the process of giving the blueprints to Canterlot but well this happened. Ready when you two are" Emerald gets up and looks around feeling a strange presence. "odd." PonyvilleLive! Check out our awesome range of music, podcasts, video and more!My various Roleplay Characters Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cwhip9 1,078 November 8, 2015 #41 Share November 8, 2015 @, @@Lucid Dream@@Dapper Charmer, , Cresent raised his eye brow feeling watched. "nice, from what iv seen those compact wepon's could be very hard to use." he looked around "Zacorra's should be near c'mon" said the batpony getting up and following a path he'd used on many occasion as the three of them moved along he was hearing more blood beats around them...and a familer tune as well further ahead he only hoped Zaccora hadn't become a trotter herself yet. Soon the three pony's found themselves outside Zaccora's hut...or more like what used to be a decent standing hut now has fallen into disrepair. Cresent heart sank a bit holding to hope though "what in the..." he quickly approached the hut trying to open the door gently. Tapping it once with his hoof the door itself fell to the ground it was then a groan was herd from inside the hut "bite me sideways" Cresent backed up activating his gantlet's dark blade Oc's and open 1x1 serch https://mlpforums.com/topic/161020-1x1-oc-rp-open-serch/ My bat brony blog: https://mlpforums.com/blogs/?module=manage art: by the awesome Flearia Dragondanser https://mlpforums.com/user/35793-flearia-dragondanser/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mentis Soliloquy 3,026 November 8, 2015 #42 Share November 8, 2015 Emerald extended Cloudslicer, "not Zecora, damn". She felt a tear fall from her cheek. "i'll do it" Emerald went inside the hut. all that could be herd is "I'm sorry" and silence shortly after, She reemerged. "that was not easy thing to do, I need to sit down" The mare walks over to a stump and sits, almost as immediately bursts into tears. PonyvilleLive! Check out our awesome range of music, podcasts, video and more!My various Roleplay Characters Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MidnightMadness1 105 November 8, 2015 #43 Share November 8, 2015 Midnight creeps onto the streets of Ponyville, making sure to check every corner, and thinks to herself 'Why is this place deserted? Ponyville was famously hit by the infection... There are signs of the Trotters everywhere... I wonder if something happened recently.' Midnight then felt her stomach grumble and remembered that she had come to get some supplies so Midnight pulled out her longsword and proceeded to wander down the street. After a while Midnight spots what seems to be a grocery store but with two Trotters in front of it. Midnight grins and runs towards them and when close enough leaps into the air to slice the first zombies head in half then slices her sword in a 180 degree slice to behead the other. Midnight looks at her work for a few moments and then wonders into the store to scavenge supplies. This is my Oc Midnight Madness https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/midnight-madness-r8768 My other OC Silver Tongue https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/silver-tongue-r9261 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mentis Soliloquy 3,026 November 8, 2015 #44 Share November 8, 2015 On 2015-11-06 at 7:16 AM, EmeraldBolt/Sapphire said: . (DICE ROLL) @@Dapper Charmer, ... (DM: My own roll is a 8 so good and bad let's see. (some cans of food stuffs 2), and more water (one bottle) and that is all now I have to fill this entry till i get to 200 so lets keep typing DM things, Fun fact this is my first time ever DMing so lets see how i go and 200 yay) On 2015-11-08 at 10:49 AM, MidnightMadness1 said: Midnight looks at her work for a few moments and then wonders into the store to scavenge supplies. (DM: roll is a 11, nice so let's see a half crate of cans [pick what you want in them] (you know the box the cans come in eg 12 units, but half so 6) and 3 bottles of water PonyvilleLive! Check out our awesome range of music, podcasts, video and more!My various Roleplay Characters Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wicked Funky 2,955 November 8, 2015 #45 Share November 8, 2015 @@MidnightMadness1, As most of the trotters had passed her hiding spot in the dusty and run down house, She advanced out of house and sneaked through the shadows and tight alley ways. The hunger was tearing her apart, She had not found much more but scraps when scavenging her way towards Ponyville. If she weren't to find any food soon, She was going to pass out, Her back felt sore from the heavy rifle weighing her down. As she peeked out from the protecting shadows she could see a grocery store with two trotters in rather bad condition in front of it, As she drew her knife ready to cut them both down, A black pegasus slaughtered them both relentlessly. When the figure entered the store Nati once again checked the amount of bullets she had left, But her hope betrayed her and she as expected only had one single bullet left. Her sight was getting a bit fuzzy, But it was nothing that was going to stop her, She then emerged from the shadows, Trotting hastily towards the building. She looked in through the front door scouting for the pegasus, As expected she was having a look around for supplies. Nati carefully planned out her attack, And readied herself to storm the mare. The front door blew open and she with all her confidence gathered tried ;as planned, To storm the black pegasus. Quickly slowing down before reaching the mare she was getting dizzy and fell to the floor, As her consciousness faded away. 1 Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main. Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MidnightMadness1 105 November 8, 2015 #46 Share November 8, 2015 (edited) @Gentleman Cruki Midnight picked up 6 six cans of baked beans and 3 bottles of water and put it in her saddlebag to see a beige coloured earth pony rush her with a knife. Midnight tries to pull out her sword but before she does the pony collapses in front of her. 'What am I going to do with you? I am you could have asked me for some food but no you decide to attack me with the last of your strength.'Midnight then drags the pony into the back of the store and also locks all the doors and windows, Midnight takes the ponies knife and cuts open the tin and then eats a couple of spoonfuls before giving the rest to the unconscious pony along with some of the water. Midnight thinks to herself 'Life was a lot easier as a mercenary.' Edited November 8, 2015 by MidnightMadness1 This is my Oc Midnight Madness https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/midnight-madness-r8768 My other OC Silver Tongue https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/silver-tongue-r9261 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
123 111 November 8, 2015 #47 Share November 8, 2015 @, @@cwhip9@@Dapper Charmer, Lucid gets down slowly as he gets to the house, something in this forest was unnerving him, the feeling of being watched dwelled as he looked around. "Wow, this place is rather.... Odd" he said. He heard the zombie inside and stayed out. "Oh no, be careful, ill watch your back, he looked inside "no..... She turned." As he heard the slicer and the small apology he gasped a bit "dang, she's fast." He thought about his family, what if he found them like this. He stared sadly at Emerald. He didnt know what to do so he just sat next to her. "Zecora, was it?" He placed a hoof on her soldier biting his lip, dealing with another's sadness was something he usually wasnt comfortable with, but he understood. It was the letdown the shock. "She didnt deserve this, she should have lived a happy life.... Nopony deserves this" he said as he thought about every zombie. Deviantart: http://dreamer404.deviantart.com/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MidnightMadness1 105 November 8, 2015 #48 Share November 8, 2015 (edited) @Gentleman Cruki Midnight looks in the unconscious ponies's bag to find an assortment of throwing knives and bullet cartridges for the high powered rifle that she was carrying and Midnight thinks to herself 'Army gear... I thought they got wiped after the first wave. She must got lucky or deserted... Oh well I'm not complaining if she did desert before the zombies I did some things that it's probably best not to mention to any other survivors. Right now though she requires help let's get the rifle of her and that armour... Helping the army I thought I would ever see the day, the zombies changed everything.' Midnight takes the armour off the pony and the rifle and stores it in the corner and decides to tie up the hooves to make sure that she isn't randomly attacked by her in the night. Afterward Midnight cuts open another can of beans and force feeds it to the pony. Edited November 8, 2015 by MidnightMadness1 This is my Oc Midnight Madness https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/midnight-madness-r8768 My other OC Silver Tongue https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/silver-tongue-r9261 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cwhip9 1,078 November 8, 2015 #49 Share November 8, 2015 @@Lucid Dream, @, Before cresent could hold Emerald she did what needed to be done. Seeing her move out and burst into tears sure made things feel worse. Still they needed something inside the hut, make that 2 things. He gulped walking in again inside the hut he did his best to avoid looking at his one of few friends he made in ponyville. Seeing her shelves in disarray mad him almost a bit depressed "what happened friend, why you" he said out loud doing his best not too look. He searched the cupboards and cabinets or any brew of some kind that could help Emerald. Also any blood brews was what he was mostly looking for, thankfully he found a bone mending bottle his heart leaped knowing this will help the party in more ways then one. He looked in his saddle bag, 2 bottle's of blood left. he would prefer 3-4 but it'll be stretching things in terms of healing himself and the others if they came across anything. He sighed looking back at the entrance, and seeing what he told himself not to look at but now forever burned in his minds eye. Zaccora lay there head decapitated and split in half the rest o the body was impaled by a wooden beam that must have fallen down before she turned. Seeing his old friend and biting back his own tears, he knew he had to look, he had to see this to confirm this was reality. This was the best way to honor a pony by knowing they died, ignoring it would be a dishonor. He tried to remember how Zebra bury their kin, coming up with nothing the only idea he had was to give a bats furnul and burn the place down. Exiting the hut Cresent saw Lucid comforting Emerald, wordlessly he approached the two putting a wing on Emeralds sholder the other wing holding the Bone mending brew towards the crying mare. Oc's and open 1x1 serch https://mlpforums.com/topic/161020-1x1-oc-rp-open-serch/ My bat brony blog: https://mlpforums.com/blogs/?module=manage art: by the awesome Flearia Dragondanser https://mlpforums.com/user/35793-flearia-dragondanser/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mentis Soliloquy 3,026 November 8, 2015 #50 Share November 8, 2015 Emerald felt both of the others comforting her, it was nice to see that others can be supportive to even near complete strangers. "thanks guys... I... just all this... Zecora..." She kept crying for a few more minuets. After she had finally stopped, she wiped the tears away with her hoof, then proceed back into the hut. She covers Zecora's remains with a sheet, then says last rights. "you did not come to equestria to die like this, I'm sorry Zecora." She leaves the hut and sits down again and proceeds to eat the rest of the can of beans she had and some water. (DM: since our OC's are getting specials things from zecora's hut there will be no supply roll) PonyvilleLive! Check out our awesome range of music, podcasts, video and more!My various Roleplay Characters Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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