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The Trotting Dead

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Lucid helped search and looked for some water, he was getting thirsty. He tried not to look at the corpse, he didn't want to think about what happened but then something hit him. "Hey, Crescent.... I have a question," he motioned the bat pony over. "I dont know, but we really should get out of here as soon as possible. I'm sorry its just that i realized something: if your friend turned, what turned her? If she had turned while she was out she wouldn't be here she'd be shambling in the forest. That can only mean one thing, a trotter is very close around or perhaps even," his eyes darted around as he took out his shovel, "maybe it's still here," he whispered.

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@@Lucid Dream, @,  Cresent looked around, he couldn't hear another blood beat but the three of theirs so far, but the unicorn had a point. The bat pony nodded in agreement


"agreed, I would head back to the tree house...but if we are being watched I cant hear it what ever it is and it could do worse on the tree if its a climber"


Cresent looked around scaning for something they could throw off anypony who would enter/follow them. He then laid his eyes on the Caldron Zacora had in the center of the hut...an idea was forming. The bat pony examined the caldron seeing a gap between it and the logs used to ablaze it for brews and the like.


"I don't suppose you know any fire magic with that horn of yours do you" said the bat pony nodding at the caldron   

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Natis eyes blew wide open, She laid on the floor looking around a bit before starting to remember what was going on. She hastily sat up intensely looking around the room. Am I dreaming?.. Doesn't feel like it... She thought to herself, She wasn't hungry anymore, Wich was a huge relief. 


It wasn't long before she noticed the black mare and backed up against the wall searching for her rifle.


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

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Midnight watched the pony scuffle backwards an a flurry obviously looking for her weapon and said 'There is no point in looking, I hid your weapons earlier to make sure that I am not injured. Anyway, If I had had intended bodily harm towards you you would have noticed major injuries by now. Now thats been said, to help refresh your memory I am the pony you had tried to murder for food and for your efforts I have been feeding you and making sure that you didn't die. But what does that matter it's time for introductions, I am Midnight Madness what is your name?' 

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SnowStream woke with the taste of blood, fresh in her mouth, on the outskirts of Manehattan on the roof of a two story house


"Again?" she thought,"I need to just stop having dreams altogether, I feel like one of these days ill bite right though my cheek"


With that she stood up and listened; groans were audible  along with the shuffling of decayed hooves on the darkened pavement below. She looked around, all around where were similar houses around equal distance from one and other, in the distance she could just make out what were the great skyscrapers of Manehattan. At least, according to what her map had said, that she had dutifully pulled from a dilapidated mailbox.

"All right lets see here..." she mumbled while rummaging through her backpack " All right, I've got an empty canteen, my knife, my map, and oh hey, a candy bar!" she smiled thoughtfully " "Alright, another day to live through,   better get started" 


But before she headed out to manehattan, she decided to have a quick look around the surrounding real estate (Dice roll)

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"I don't suppose you know any fire magic with that horn of yours do you"

 Lucid stared at the cauldron. "Umm, I'm afraid I've never learned a spell like that. I'd be careful though, exactly what do you want to do with this?" he looked around a bit more. "Wouldn't a brew take a few hours?" he said, wishing they could leave quickly but not wanting to rush it.

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"what is taking so long? Guys?" Emerald got up and got her halberd out again and proceded into the hut "guys?" She saw the two ponies standing around the cauldron "what are you two doing"? she stood in the doorway with a puzzled look on her face. Emerald moved into the hut and taped Lucid on the shoulder "what's up?


@@Lucid Dream,@@cwhip9,




But before she headed out to manehattan, she decided to have a quick look around the surrounding real estate (Dice roll)


(DM: Roll is a 10 not bad, so you get a let's say 3 items of non perishable food (you choice of what they are box of cornflakes or can of beens etc...) and 2 non perishable liquid items (again from now on player choice e.g water, spirits etc..))

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After nimbly dodging and weaving through groups of these dead ponies, or "Trotters" as SnowStream recalled a survivor telling her, she had briefly reflected on how she had got where she was.


Funny, after about three years of  fighting for my life in the Everfree Forest, trying to find my way back home or at least back to some sort of civilization, this is what I come back to, a desolate equestria. Twelve years ago, I could never have possibly imagined life would be like this, she thought as she dodged a slow moving mare trotter loosely covered in decaying flesh, After all that time in that unforgiving forest, with danger at every turn and the constant threat of starvation looming over my head. I had believed that one day, I would see the glorious light of dawn stretch gently over an old equestria- the equestria I had fought for in my darkest hours, that gave me hope, even when there was none to be had.


After quickly skimming through a few houses, she had managed to scrounge up one bottle of water, a container of.... Gin? What the hay is gin? she asked herself never having encountered alcohol before. As well as can of chicken soup which she saved for tomorrow.


These ponies, they had families, they had futures, cut short by this 'virus' that apparently went around less than a month ago. How quickly things can fall apart, she mused to herself. Now on the neglected sidewalks of what used to be a neighborhood, she pondered her next move, should she really head to manehattan? From what she could hear, there had to be at least 40 or so trotters on this block alone, and she was barley even half way there. Is it really worth the risk? Upon flying up on top of one of the many houses surrounding her she consulted her map. 


According to this map, the nearest reasonably sized town that isnt a city is...Ponyville? She had never heard of that town before, where she used to live, before Everfree forest, news never really circulated well, as far as she was concerned back then the only town around was the one she lived in. Perhaps I should go there, according to this map Ponyville was a pretty popular destination, maybe I will find answers there, perhaps I will find survivors.


Without the slightest bit of hesitation, she slung her backpack across her shoulders and was off

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@@Lucid Dream, @, Cresent saw Emerald entering the hut "burning the place would be the colsest thing to a proper burial for,...Za-Zacora here.....and it'll warn other survivors to stay away. You knew her, always had this caldron lit up, don't suppose you have a fire starter in that armor of yours do you?" Cresent asked. Looking around again 


"And it'll revlile what/who ever is following us away"

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"Really a fire, my sister would be laughing, but yes I can do that." Emerald takes a packet of matches "we best set up a trail for the fire and set it outside. " Emerald went ouside, to be confronted by a dive bomb from a pegasus trotter. This took Emerald by surprise, she struggled in vane to kick of the trotter she was exposed her armour did not cover her belly. "HELP"...

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@, Hearing the scream Cresent rushed out gauntlet blade out seeing the...flying trotter...he never thought it possible but swallowing his doubting he flew up aiming his blade at the flying trotter cutting into it (ooc dm dice roll?)


 The trotter was caught off guard it seemed and as surprised as cresent was in terms of a new enimey dropping Emerald as cresent swung around aiming his next blade stroke to the trotters neck using his momentum of the speed do the cutting force of the enchanted blade. The force was abel to slice through the trotters neck having it fall off making the body topple over, yet he herd another moan. He landed in front of the prone Guard to see 3 more trotting figers aproch "forget the fire did you drink the wing potion I gave you we need to leave"

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(ooc dm dice roll?)


(DM: there will be no dice rolls other than for supplies, otherwise i'd be rolling all day and a bad roll would adversely affect the story. which is what we are here for. Now i have to fill the minimum number of words required so don't you or any others worry about rolls apart from loot rolls)

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Lucid saw the 3 trotters run up and gasped. "Ah!" He ran up next to Crescent and his horn lit up, a blue barrier was placed around them. "Quickly! Get up! I cant keep this shield up for very long!" He grabbed the shovel from his side and took it out. "I'll use the shield to knock them down then we can run!"

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Nat looked at the mare with tired yet intimidating eyes, "Give me my rifle and I'll leave" She said with a dim and raspy voice since it was her first time speaking in a while. The only thing actually going through her head at that moment was how she was going to paint the walls with the pegasus brains, That and her trying to figure out why this pony would feed her, It's kill or be killed by now.

Edited by Gentleman Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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@, Midnight sighed, why does everybody have to be so hostile? Midnight then says ' Seriously you wouldn't even intimidate me if you were untied but I can understand the hostility. Ok, before I give you your rifle I have two things to say. The first is that, even though you could be Equestria's best sniper, I cannot be beaten at close range fighting especially against the weapons that you are carrying. The second is that I require a ally as I am planning to restart civilisation per say and I really need backup and a sniper would be a perfect role for this. If we can kickstart civilisation then we could probably search for the princesses and the elements and if we find them then bam we just get them to do their thing and we can go back to our realties. So I ask you again do you desire to be given and go your way, after I fed you to keep you alive, or do you desire to join up with me?'

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The statements the mare had made had Nati chuckle a bit, "Civilization? It's too late for that, But apparently you haven't realized that yet... But hey, Whatever you say, Just as long as I get my gear back." She said in a condescending tone with a smug expression on her face. Even though her tone and expression said otherwise, A place to live didn't sound to bad, Since civilization would be easier to leech of in these dark times.

Edited by Gentleman Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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@, Midnight proceeds to grab the ponies weapons and then cut the bonds wrapping around the pony's hooves and then says 'Trust me, I may sound delirious and I have had my doubts about this idea but think of the main 6 and the princesses they completely vanished meaning that they may be alive and also some bloody trotters will bring down Equestria? Ha don't make me laugh we have survived the most dangerous threats known to ponykind. Still I am not really the pony to start a civilisation but it needs to be done to secure something will allow for people to work together and then prosper.'

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Emerald got up from her ordeal, "that was fun, OH the potion no, crap" she ferrets in her satchel and finds it, then "tails up" as she drinks it "SWEET CELESTIA THAT HURTS" the bones in her wing make audible breaking sounds. Her left wing fully extends and fixes before her eyes "WOW, that hurt". She picks up Cloudslicer. "I got this". She finally after more than a week grounded takes off, hovering a few feet from the ground. Emerald sizes up her opponents. 3 ponies, a smirk covers her face as she charges the group, the torrent of strikes and swings make a bloody mess, she continues to keep hacking even after the 3 ponies had stopped moving. "who can fly now hey?!" She realises that she isn't alone and stops. Emerald looks back at the others and makes a embarrassed smile. "sorry about that, guys, got carried away?"

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By the time she had reached the outskirts of ponyville it was well after sunset.

Need to find a place to stay for the night, she thought, looking anxiously at the sky, even though I would not have too much trouble avoiding trotters, I still need to rest 


Not too far away she could barely make out what looked to be a small house next to a large barn in front of a few fruit trees.


That place might no be too bad, she hesitated, there were three trotters outside the barn and house Normally I would just avoid these, but I dont want them that close to me while I sleep With that thought she pulled out her knife - if it could even be called that. The blade of this knife was just over a foot long and razor sharp, carved neatly from some form of hardened bone from a creature that only SnowSteam had ever laid eyes on and the handle well worn from many encounters.


Lets do this quickly she thought, positioning herself against the wind

Using small rocks and twigs as a distraction, she quietly and efficiently dispatched two of the dead ponies the point of her blade easily sliding in and out of each of their skulls. With the horrendous smell of blood and decaying flesh hitting her nostrils, thoroughly disgusted, she looked around, Where was the third pony? she asked herself in a panic. 


Suddenly an audible gust of wind came from above her- "CRAP!" she exclaims. It was above me!  She haphazardly dove aside, the once alive pegasus colliding with the ground with a dull thud just inches away. SnowSteam scrambled for her knife, grabbing it and then swinging the blade firmly into the trotter's chest as it attempted to stand back up. It shuddered slightly slumping to the ground. SnowStream then pulled her blade from the pegasus and swung her blade in a wide arch, beheading the pony. The front of her now covered in blood and now with tears in her eyes, she shuddered, wiping the blood from her face. Her hooves were shaking badly as she fully realized what she had done. 

Better get inside, this is giving me bad memoriesShe muttered as she climbed to the hayloft of the red barn. 

Curled up behind some bales of hay to hide her from site, she listened to the breezy melody that could be heard outside.

 There has to be someone alive in this ghost of a town, somewhere.

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@, @@Lucid Dream,
Cresent couldn't help but smile at the mare


"All good just remember to save your energy, we still go to leave and find our next destinacton" he looked at the mess in front of them then back at Lucid


"lets head back to the tree house its a safe place to plan pluse the traps will keep the trotters busy/away"  he looked up at Emerald "were going back to my place it has enough traps to keep us safe from the trotters to plan whats next you game?"

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Lucid kept the shield up until the zombies started to beat on it, he pushed the shield into him as he let go of the spell, knocking them back. He then reared up and slammed one of the trotters in the face with his shovel, trying to stun it on top of the knock-back. "Cmon cmon! They'll get back up quickly! It'll only be a matter of time before more come here from all the noise we're making." he kept his shovel pointed out as he backed closer to the other two, ready to run for his life,

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Emerald flew back over to the others "well done with the shield Lucid, I'm never setting a hoof down again, apart from sleep" She knew to try and keep confidence as high as possible especially in the situation they were in. "So let's see this house of yours Cresent? "

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@, @@Lucid Dream,

Cresent looked around. Lucid was right, they should start moving and now would be the time. "stick close and follow me" the bat pony began to gallop ahead of the two he then realized something. While him and Emerald could fly, lucid couldn't, then again it wasn't the first time he did this type of answer. He spread his bat wings flew over lucid, flying under him making him trip on crests back.  


The bat pony gained altitude adjusting his back to carry the unicorn. The weight did slow him down a little but it wasn't a major handicap. Ridding the air currents above the trees made the ride bumpy but fast for the uicorn with the night guard flying closely behind them. Seeing his tree he took the landing pad approach, the one side of the house he didn't booby trap.


Landing on the deck he had Lucid slide off him ushering him and Emerald in the house. Once in the batpony locked the door. puled a few levers and the tree house was now a fortress with booby traps all around the out side of it. Cresent looked back at his comrades

"iv pretty much riged the entire front yard and surrounding space of this place with enough traps for a siege. we'll be safe in here, just don't go outside do to the traps" he led the two down stairs into the kitchen/living room area where Lucid woke up previously. Cresent went towards his fridge and emptied his drinks back into the fridge for the night.


"so, now I have some brew stuff and drinks for a while longer, anypony have idea's what we should do next?" he ask the two ponys


(ooc i'll be drawing the tree house soon work just keeps stopping me so use your imagination as to what it looks like inside)  

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Lucid yelped as he was lifted into the sky. "Gah!!!" he looked around as he was flown back to Crescent's house. Better than getting eaten, at least. He got off quickly when they touched down, panting a bit. "Th-Thanks."



anypony have idea's what we should do next?"


"Well, I dont know..." he said. "What do I do. I cant stay here forever when my family's out there. But I'd be risking their life if I took them with me"

"I think I need to tell you. I... I need to find some ponies. I don't demand if you come with me, but if you cant, I'm afraid I'll have to leave, at least for awhile. They said that ponyville would be a good place to travel to before... this all happened."

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"I agree with you Lucid, and we can get more supplies and maybe more information in Ponyville, what do you think Cresent?" Emerald went over to the couch and sat down and took off her gear and armour. She then put her food supply on the table, a bottle of water and two cans of beans. Then five bullets, she went back to the couch and laid down, "some sleep for 5 mins".

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