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After he was done with his wing, he got up and walked through a wall. He came out near a pony hiding in the shadow. He gave the pony a bag  and grabbed his payment. Then he went back through the portal. After he checked if it's all there, he placed the bag near his stuff, then walked up the a portal on the wall and pulled out a bed. He breathed fog, thick enough to make  the room dark, and took a nap

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After a rather enjoyable nap, Ryoki woke up, and checked the time. It was 16:33. "Ah yes, the train assault shall begin soon. Hope this one goes well." Ryoki muttered to himself as he jaunted to the kitchen. Coffee, he decided, was a rare thing these days, Ryoki grinned as he made himself some caffeinated coffee and then mixed his favorite caffeinated tea into it. Ryoki picked up a newspaper on the table and strolled over to the map room. He examined the route and the intel Black Heart had gotten, until he formulated a plan. He grinned. He was going to have a little fun with the 'ruffians', as they were now referred to, on this raid. Ryoki continued to study the maps and writing te down on a pad of paper notes regarding his plan. It was almost meeting time. Ryoki drank another sip of the super caffeinated drink.

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Shadow woke up, walked to his payment, that was still on the table, and check to see if it was all there. As soon as he confirmed it was there, he sighed, then reached into a portal, and pulling, with both claws, a big bag. He poured the latest payment in and sealed up the bag, then he opened a portal under the bed and let it fall in, then he sighed and with one hoof on the bag, closed his eyes and took a nap

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Seeing the time, after feeding off the foolish foals at the bar, I jaunt into the map room. Full after gorging myself, my magic is fully restored.

"I take it you have a plan, sir?" I inquire, a knowing grin on my snout.

Perhaps, they'll make a meal worthy of the power they seem to possess... One of them is fairly skilled in dark magic... The other is powerful in his own right... He might even be able to take ME on!

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Shadow woke up from his nap and sank into the ground. After a while of gliding across the ground, he found the map room and said, as he rose from the ground


"So, how many guards, and what's the cargo?"


He reached through a portal, pulled out a notebook and mail. As he looked through his mail, he wrote stuff down in the notebook

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Ryoki looked at the ponies in the Map room, and pointed a main track running through the heart of New Canterlot. He smiled and said "this is where we shall strike. I have organized a dropship to land up near where we shall board the train. The cargo is a set of blueprints for some sort of reactor or such thing. The only other things I know is that the Crystal Empire has supplies a contingent of guards and mages on the train. We are to get in, grab the blueprints, and get out. Any questions?"

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"One, sir; what's our method of entry to be? Guile or direct force?" I look him in the eyes, my own war torn filled with the veteran's darkness, threatening to surface.

I'm not sure how much to restrain myself... Or what powers I shouldn''t use... Perhaps, I should keep my shadow form a secret... Wouldn't want the recruits to know I'm the King's son...

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Shadow said, as he placed his jobs notebook down, 


Will  we be needing weapons and what will happen if we get caught?


he walked to the wall and said, right before stepping through a portal, 


"I need to get some stuff together, before we go"


What they don't need to know is that I'm on all sides of jobs, but I don't do information

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"We are going to be boarding the train from the side. I have several sets of magnetic hoof boards for all of you to use. We only have one shot at this, so we're going to have to be quick." Ryoki noticed Shadow leaving and finally said "silenced weaponry only. We are not alerting the enemy to our presence. We must remain overt in this entire process or risk having a squadron of shadow priests, the warrior kind, on our tails. We shall have to jaunt or teleport off the train to safe houses. There we shall lay low for 72 hours, then return to monastery here. Erri'pony understand?"

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Shadow came out of his portal, and said,


"Well I can take the guards easily, just have to fill the cars with enough fog, where they can't see, then change their shadow into portals, where they fall in and die a slow death, but screaming will be a problem, if somepony mutes all the sounds, then I can drop them with ease. Oh, you might need goggles to see through the fog."

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Ryoki smiled at every pony in the room. "Alrigh Erri'pony! Gear up. We leave in twenty minutes." Ryoki left the map room to grab his gear and headed to the hanger where the dropship was located. He smiled. It sure paid off to live in a volcano. He signaled to the pilots who where playing cards to let him join their last game. He then proceeded to wait and play cards until the others showed up.

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Shadow sank into a portal, grabbed his cloak, googles, sack of payments, list, and the stuff he needed for his job, then fell into the dropship. Then he grabbed cloth, books, explosives, and ids, then dropped them into a different shadow. He did this until all the jobs he was doing was finished. As he was relaxing, a note fell into his lap. he muttered to himself, as he read the note


"been a while, since one of sombra's guards needed something, plus payment's good. I'll do this after the mission."


He pulled the hood of the cloak and the mask, that hidden his mouth, and fell asleep

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Ryoki found Shadow napping in the dropship. He then signaled for the pilots to get the ship running. Ryoki then had the intercom call Marion and Dark Heart. He smiled as he pulled on his black clothe armor and pulled his black cowl over his face obscuring almost all his features save his eyes. Ryoki made sure his grappling hooks were working, then he activated his hook blades to make sure they worked, and finally activated the laser induced metal of the blades themselves. After deactivating the blades and checking the rest of his gear. Ryoki decided to join Shadow in napping. For it was about to be show time.

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"Sir I'm here" dark heart said seeing that ryoki was in armor "it's time isn't it?" She asked horn glowing and light, black Diamond armor and black sword materializing finishing up with my shadow flying up to cover my face and neck and me thrusting the sword into the ground "alright sir I'm ready."


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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"Yes it is, Dark Heart, get yourself strapped in Marion should be here any moment. We have two contacts on the train, hopefully we can get them out alright with the blueprints." Ryoki strapped himself to his seat. "Dark Heart, ever gone skydiving? Really fun, but more difficult to land if you don't have a parachute. Luckily for us, we can Shadow Jaunt or teleport, so we shall not need parachutes." Ryoki heard the jet engines turn on. "Damn it, where's Marion?"

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Shadow said, as he took off his goggles, 


"Does anyone need goggles, My fog will get pretty thick, so it'll be hard to see. Shoot forgot to put my payments and my note away."


He grabbed the bag and the note, and threw them into a shadow behind him.


"Well my job doesn't let me sleep at all. Well it does, but not enough."


Then he put his goggles back on, grabbed his obsidian blade and started sharpening his claws

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Ryoki glanced at Shadow's bags and shrugged at him. "I've got my visor, those act like goggles, so no worries here. Dark Heart, you got your's, right? Agh! Where's Marion?" Ryoki looked at his compatriots and muttered to himself, "May us have speed and skill, to take upon whatever challenges we face."

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"No I don't" dark heart said removing her sword from the ground "why will I be needing them?" Moving her back to make sure that the plates of her armor are silent and flexible "is this mission going to get us close to sombra's castle and what are the details of the mission?"


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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Ryoki face hoofed. "Alright, We are dropping into New Canterlot, we shall be boarding the Crystal Express that is going straight to Sombra's Castle from the side using the magnetic hoof boots I brought for you guys. The goggles are for when Shadow breathes his fog. If you get it in your eyes, you go blind. It's also safe to has a a portable air filter, I have several spares that you can use. The target is a set of blueprints, and we are also meeting up with several contacts and then all of us shall get off the train. Marion should be here soon so we can go."

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"Alright so I will be needing those goggles. Shadow do you mind? As for the air filter, the shadow I am using to cover my face will be fine." black heart said horn glowing making some changes to her armor to fit with the magnetic boots and making sure that her weapon was able to be hidden on her back. "there we go. Now I'm ready."


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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Shadow reached into another portal, and pull out another pair of goggles, 


Here. I don't think I will need magnetic boots, I can use my shadow to hold me to one spot."


For show, he changed his shadow's appearance. then the shadow worked it's way into a pedestal, where he put the goggles on. 

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(Sorry about the long absence; my computer derped, and it took a while to find this one again...)

A thing of darkness, with a smooth, curved horn, like Marion Ette's, a mouth full of sharp fangs, and eyes that seem to radiate dark magic, enters view.

"SORRY FOR THE DELAY; GOT CAUGHT UP IN SOMETHING. NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT-" It says, it's form becoming that of the grey unicorn, dressed in purple.

"I lost the drunken fools. What's my job in this?" I look to Ryoki, an apologetic expression blanketing my face.

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Ryoki looked at Marion. "You're going to take care of the guards on the end of the train, and work your way up." Ryoki signaled to the polio and the dropship flew upwards. Ryoki smiled at his crew. And then he adjusted his goggles. "If you need them, get some goggles and gas mask. I can't stand Shadow's breath fog. It can incapacitate you." And then Ryoki settle down in his seat, reading a book on government.

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I grinned, confidently, and nodded, accepting my role.

"What's the rendevous point, if it all goes pear shaped?" I asked, wondering where to meet them all if all goes very wrong. "Is it here?"

Perhaps I can test these green horns, see if they are REALLY up to the task... I think to myself.

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"Marion, If all doesn't go well— then blow up the train and get out of there" Ryoki whispered. Ryoki pulled on his goggles and gas mask. Then he pulled his hood over his head. He checked his hoof-mounted hook blades, and activated the lasers within the metal. They were about to arrive at the target location.

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