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open Plasma City.

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Link to OOC:https://mlpforums.com/topic/138685-plasma-city/


                                     Plasma city

"I declare that these three will be killed, for attempting to steal this jewel" Said Thunderwatch. He showed the croud a huge ruby. He pointed at some guards. "Fire away soldiers!" Said Thunderwatch. The crowd watched in anticipation, as the soldier walked up to the stage, plasma rifles in hand.


                              Somewere else in the mean time...

Four members of the killed off clan were in prone at a nearby house. With binoculars in hand they saw what was about to happen to their most trusted weapon dealers. Armored fist pointed at Kirone. "You see that guy on the left? Take care of him." Armored fist then looked at Ryoki. "You go with me, and beat the living sh*t out of everyone present" He finally looked at Darkly steamgear "And you, pick off survivers, and unseen threats along with Kirone, got it team?" Without waiting for an answer Armored fist jumped off.



A guy named quick shot, was casually guarding his post, untill he saw a maniac with a turtle shield sliding down a house. "What in the world..." Muttered the guard Armor used his mechanical turtleshield as a skateboard, when he slided down the mountain. He landed on a random guy, and activated his electrical paralizer, completely vaporizing him. Armor let out a laugh "Haha! You got shellschocked!" Shouted Armor. Suddenly his eyes went wide, behind his helmet. In front of them was a portal, and about 80 men. "Bollocks" muttered Armor

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"You got it​" Kirone said with a cocky smile on her face as she made a front flip now balancing her front hooves on the ledge of the roof before jumping down doing various acrobatic stunts between a few nearby rooftops in the process. As she landed on all four in a rather smooth way she did a spin grabbing one of her shirukens, Activating and throwing it as she preformed her stunt. "Step light, Strike hard" she thought to herself as she finished the very fluid motion, The shiruken smoothly glided through the polluted air and with extreme precision hitting the executioner in the throat.


She had alerted all the other guards surrounding the area where the execution was held, Now having most of them trying to hunt them down as she ran into the shadows of the tight and barren alley ways of Plasma city.


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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Ryoki grinned as he jumped off the building, pulling on his black hood and he landed in the crowd. Ryoki yelled to Armored, "Pull on your gas mask! I'm lightin' up this joint! And as he said that, he threw down a bottle of firecracker devil, a concoction that burned the eyes and gave you a sense of fear like no other. He smiled as he activated his scythe-like "hook" blades mounted on his forehooves and sliced a guard up and down another. "Pathetic idiots" he muttered as he attacked another guard.

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Darkly scanned the area for any threats about the area in the buildings. His scanner managed to pick up a sniper. The sniper was hiding out in a nearby hotel, about to fire on one of the unsuspecting dealers. 




Darkly said, in a maniacal sort of way. He grinned, and transformed his left hoof into a device with glowing multi-colored tubes surrounding the base of it. It also had a harpoon-like tip at the end of it. Then, Right as the sniper was about to fire at one of the weapons dealers, Darkly tackled him. He managed to knock the sniper clear through the hallway and into the next room of the hotel, pinning the sniper to the floor.Then, while the sniper was still pinned to the ground, Darkly said:


"I've never had THIS much fun since my time working for the Cloudsdale Weather Corporation. Its a shame they got shut down. I mean what's so immoral about killing living ponies? I just don't get it. Well, anyways, its time to HAVE SOME FUN!!! AAAHHAHAHAAHAAAHAHA!!!!"


The sniper pony pulled out a knife and tried to stab Darkly while he was rambling, but the knife just managed to cut out a section of Darkly's fake outer skin, unveiling his metallic inner layer.


"HAHA!! well isn't that funny?  you'd think with technology these days you'd have something a bit more "advanced"? It's too bad I have to end this. I mean, we are having JUST SOO MUCH FUN!!! HEHEEHEEHAHAHAAAAAHAA!!!!"



Then, Darkly proceeded to stab the sniper pony straight in his heart with the harpoon end of his spectra extractor. The sniper pony attempted to stop the syringe from penetrating his armor by pushing it away, but the sheer force at which the needle was being injected into him was too much. The sniper pony let out a blood curdling scream, as the needle penetrated his armor and drove into his skin, draining every ounce of color out of his body in the process. 




With the harpoon-like end of his spectra extractor still skewering the colorless, lifeless corpse of the sniper pony, he lifted the corpse up, and threw it. This sent the corpse flying off of his extractor, and into the main hallway. Then, he began talking to it as if it was still alive:


"Hehehahahaa, I'm certain your friends will come looking for you! I mean, it seems like you're a very "popular" kind of guy. With the fancy special ops suit and all. Like the type of pony everypony should know. hehehehe."


It was not long until he heard multiple soldiers making their way up the stairs to see what had happened. Darkly heard them chattering through the doorway to the stairwell.




He hid behind the wall that he smashed the sniper pony into, out of sight of the wave of enemies that were about to inspect what was going on. He transformed his left hoof out of his spectra extractor, and into a laser sword. After he was in position, he grabbed the dead corpse of the sniper pony.Then, he whispered to it:


"Oh, don't worry. I have something VERY "special" planned for your friends. heheheheehe."


He threw the dead corpse further into the center of the hallway that the soldiers were about to enter in from.Soon after, the door to the stairwell bashed open, as soldiers began to flood in.




One of them said. As the soldiers came in, wave after wave, Darkly lie in wait. When all of the soldiers were in the hallway of the building, Darkly moved swiftly and cut out sections of the ceilings, floors, and walls, weakening the overall structure of the floor that they were on. After he had weakened the overall integrity of the floor, he cut a hole out for him to escape through. Then, he bucked at one of the walls, sending it flying at a group of unsuspecting soldiers.




rounds upon rounds of plasma were fired into the the room, as Darkly flew out of the escape hole he made. He watched from afar, as a section of the building imploded inwards, and fell off, devastating the inhabitants of a street below.




Darkly said as he grinned, and watched the carnage ensue.

Edited by Darkly SteamGear
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As Kirone ran through the maze that was Plasma city chased by multiple guards determined to hunt her down, She took every twist and turn she could to confuse the enemy. The guards quickly split up and went different ways in hopes of finding her and alerting the others. Every time she ran into a guard she with one swift motion either punched them in their throat blowing their windpipe apart or simply threw an shiruken aiming for the artery easiest to hit from her angle. 


Just when she thought she was done, She could hear more guards incoming from further down the blood spattered alley ways, As she drew one of her shirukens she quickly realized they were both completely drained of power. No technique is forbidden... She thought to herself as she with a swift jump against the wall beside her jumped onto of roof of the building next to it. She waited for the group of three soldiers pass her before jumping down grabbing the soldier at the back of the line by the throat. The sound of the choking pony alerted the other soldiers, As they turned around shooting at her she simply used the guard as a meat shield. The first best moment she got she threw the corpse at the other guards before dashing forward and with all the power her body could produce kicking one of the guards into the wall blowing him to smithereens. The other guard who had dropped his gun watched in horror as Kirone approached him. "No need to be scared..." She said as she passed him with a comforting smile, "...Or alive." Now with a more sinister smile on her face turning around in one motion balancing only on one hoof punching the guard into the ground with immense force. She looked at her hoof with a disgusted expression before looking around, "Jeez, What a mess...".

Edited by Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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Armored fist quicly activated the air filter on his helmet. When the opponents where dazed he took out his minigun, which was in a portable size. How ever that changes when he pressed a button, the gun grew in size. Fist took a stance, and began to rain hell on them "Now it's corward killing time!" Shouted Fist. Many enemies fell prey to the machine gun

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Ryoki surveyed the carnage that surrounded him, and was dismayed. 'How many of these ponies where innocent? Just having to die because they were on the wrong side? His guts twisted as he walk up to the mayor. He shoved him against a wall, and Ryoki lifted the mayor's squealing form against the wall. Then he got in the mayor's face and asked him, "where are the keys?" Conveniently the idiot had the keys, and Ryoki unlocked the dealers, and started to get them to safety when a hotel exploded. He muttered, "darn cyborgs." And rushed the dealer to a side alley where Kirone was, and yelled at her to cover them.

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Corn gave Ryoki a nod before ;just for shows, keeping up her acrobatics doing all sorts of stunts only to get out of the alley way. Since her shirukens where out of power she had to rely on her suit to give her the extra strength she needed. A guard was waiting at the end of the alley to try to surprise her, But she had already noticed him by the time she was about to exit. As the guard jumped out and stood strong in front of her, She simply tore his gun away from him throwing him into the wall in the process. "Pfft, This is too easy..." She exclaimed as she gave covering fire with the rifle she just had stolen.


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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Ryoki broke a window of a nearby car and had the dealers get in it. "Go to the safe house! Pronto!" And then Ryoki returned to battle, Ryoki pulled out the keys to his dropship. "We're gonna need evac." And Ryoki jumped back into the carnage with both of his double laser pistols blazing, he smashed the face of one guard and then shot another in the throat. Then Ryoki called his dropship. He heard the familiar turbothrusters of his dropship and opened the back door. He shouted to the others "Get on! Reinforcements are coming, and they might have mechs! Evac! Now! Corny! Fists! Steamy! Get on!" And with that Ryoki hopped in the pilots chair, ready to set off wherever he would need to go, once Erri'pony got on board.

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Armor jumped from roof to roof using his jetpack because he wasn't skilled at acrobatics. He jumped into the helicopter. The sudden 2 ton weight nearly crashed the heli but it quickly recovered. Armor panted "Well, that went better then expected" Said the giant robot covered male.

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