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open 1960s Manehatten Investigator Drama

Lunar Echo

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@@Dapper Charmer @@The Pixelated Pony @@FullMetalParagon


"That's quite alright Mist, your little fantasy is safe with me." Eric winks at Mist further discomforting him. "Now we got to get back to business, I believe this Umbrum character has something to do with these recent evens in the city." As Eric was about to sit down and discuss the investigation with Mist in fine detail the entrance to the hideout was knocked. Eric didn't say a word and drawed his Snob-Nosed Magnum from under his Fedora. Eric signals Mist to answer the door while Eric took cover, gun pointed in case things went wrong. Eric was ready for anything Umbrums had for him, but wasn't expecting what he saw.

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@Lunar Echo @The Pixelated Pony


Deadbolt hid just around the corner from the doorway, keeping his wits about him as he heard the name Eric spoken.


"Eric, as in Officer Eric?" Turning the corner, he walked up behind the mare and her colt, clearing his throat as he approached.


"Ma'am? You said something about an Officer-" He stopped as he noticed a slight crack in the door. Two ponies stood there, a mare and a stallion, the stallion holding a standard issue Police Snub Nose Magnum and aiming it directly at him.


"Uh," he stammered, trying to find the words as he looked at the barrel of the gun, "I know this looks really bad from your point of view, but I'm nopony, I swear! Just don't shoot me!"

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signature by John Washington

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@@Dapper Charmer @@The Pixelated Pony @@FullMetalParagon


"That's quite alright Mist, your little fantasy is safe with me." Eric winks at Mist further discomforting him. "Now we got to get back to business, I believe this Umbrum character has something to do with these recent evens in the city." As Eric was about to sit down and discuss the investigation with Mist in fine detail the entrance to the hideout was knocked. Eric didn't say a word and drawed his Snob-Nosed Magnum from under his Fedora. Eric signals Mist to answer the door while Eric took cover, gun pointed in case things went wrong. Eric was ready for anything Umbrums had for him, but wasn't expecting what he saw.

"You two are amazing at the entire friendlyness thing aren't you? Plus would you really shoot somepony in front of this guy?" Sparkle picked up Sentinel "he's my son. Approximately eight years old and has almost died twice now. Impressive for somepony so young" Sentinel got out of his mom's hooves and ran inside still scared

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He was growing annoyed at the racket the things he left alive were causing; it was distracting him from his project. He needed a portal to summon the Jabberwock, and he couldn't make it with magic alone... Hence, the liquid eridium. Now, after he destroyed the lizard with the overblown ego, he had the flying things to deal with. They were causing about as much noise on their own, and buildings nearby were collapsing. Probably from the lizard falling, but he hadn't stayed above ground long enough to find out. He had half-a-mind to go up there, and scare the things off with a group "Fear"... He couldn't do it on sentient creatures, because their brains were too large, but these things? They looked like their brains might be small enough... He grins with malice in mind, concocting an illusion to scare them off with... Perhaps, give them all the impression that something deadly was watching them for an hour, then have a giant tentacle monster appear? That would scare just about anything off...

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@@Lunar Echo, @@FullMetalParagon, @@The Pixelated Pony,


Mist saw the little foal run through the door. He looked at the door to confirm his suspicions and saw Sparkle standing at the door, "Sparkle!" he said as he put the photo down and walked over to the door, "I'm so glad to see that you made it." He looked at Eric, "put your gun down for Celestia's sake." He turned back to Sparkle, "please come inside."

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Deadbolt growled under his breath as he pointed his hoof back towards the city.


"I got the day off due to a giant lizard destroyin' things, watched the Police Station get rendered into rubble, and now I have a gun pointed at me! I'm a security guard from the Manehattan 1st Bank! Today was NOT supposed to happen to me!" He jerked his foreleg in emphasis, his face a darkened sneer as he looked at the police ponies.


"All I need right now is an answer! One Celestia-damned answer, and it better be good, because I am NOT having this! I am not!" He tossed the security uniform he had into his saddlebags, frowning as he watched the group.


"Of course, if you're feeling charitable, you might as well just SHOOT me now, officers! Not like I got anything GOOD to go back to at home!" Deadbolt spat on the ground, staring the pony with the magnum straight in the eyes.


"Go on, make my day."


signature by John Washington

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(lol Dapper you're going to kill me xD)

@@Dapper Charmer @@The Pixelated Pony @@FullMetalParagon


Eric was surprised at the amount of people that showed up to the secret hideout. "Right right, everyone in before we attract anymore attention. It isn't safe for the little one out there. And Deadbolt we'll need to deal with your problems later, we have bigger problems to deal with right now. More hands on board will only help our cause, this seems to be bigger than any of us. Now, does anyone have a clue what the heck in going on in this city!?" Eric paces back and forth as the situation gets more and more out of his control.

Edited by Lunar Echo
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(lol Dapper you're going to kill me xD)

@@Dapper Charmer @@The Pixelated Pony @@FullMetalParagon


Eric was surprised at the amount of people that showed up to the secret hideout. "Right right, everyone in before we attract anymore attention. It isn't safe for the little one out there. And Deadbolt we'll need to deal with your problems later, we have bigger problems to deal with right now. More hands on board will only help our cause, this seems to be bigger than any of us. Now, does anyone have a clue what the heck in going on in this city!?" Eric paces back and forth as the situation gets more and more out of his control.

"Yes... Several crazy things. And Ember are currently attempting to destroy manehatten. Now if you'd be so kind to point me in the direction of the nearest first aid kit. I have a colt to look after. After that lizard thing destroyed my home I... Well we now have nothing... " Sparkle kicked the wall "everything I had was in that three-bed semi! " she kicked the wall again in frustration

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@@The Pixelated Pony @@Dapper Charmer @@FullMetalParagon


Eric grabs Sparkles hoof. "Stop that, anger isn't going to get us anywhere doll." Eric calls for Mist. "Tie misses Sparkle up in the backroom before she hurts herself from all this wall kicking. And the rest of you just sit down and let me and Detective Mist discuss a plan, is that clear to everyone." Eric walks over to a table and finds a old lantern, he grabs his lighter and lights a flame he then waits for Mist.

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@Lunar Echo


Deadbolt growled as he entered, making clear the point that he was not having a good day.


"I could lose my job over this whole fiasco, officers. And let me tell you, it is HARD to find a job with any security company that's both worthwhile, and not underhanded in dealing with the lower elements of society."

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signature by John Washington

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@@The Pixelated Pony


Eric grabs Sparkles hoof. "Stop that, anger isn't going to get us anywhere doll." Eric calls for Mist. "Tie misses Sparkle up in the backroom before she hurts herself from all this wall kicking. And the rest of you just sit down and let me and Detective Mist discuss a plan, is that clear to everyone." Eric walks over to a table and finds a old lantern, he grabs his lighter and lights a flame he then waits for Mist.

Sentinel growled at Eric. "Don't touch my mom Mr!" He was going red all over a deeper red then Sparkle had ever been.


"For Luna's sake run!" Sparkle said running off and hiding from her son who began to throw things towards Eric with the speed of bullets. "ERIC HIDE!" Sparkle called from her hiding place. "AND DON'T SHOOT HIM! HE'S STILL MY SON!!!!"

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@@Lunar Echo, @@FullMetalParagon,@@The Pixelated Pony,


Mist rolled his eyes, he was starting to think that there was more chaos inside then there was outside. Mist quietly knelt down next to Sentinel, who was still throwing things at Eric, "Hey son, do you think you could stop throwing things for a minute," said Mist in a calming voice, "No one's gonna touch your mother. Me and my partner just need a bit of quiet so we can figure out what's going on." Mist stood up, "I have an idea how about you and your mother go and ask that pony over there," he said pointing to Deadbolt, "if he has any info that can help. I'll even make you Jr Assistant Investigator. How does that sound?" asked Mist hoping that this would be enough to calm Sentinel down.

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@@Lunar Echo, @@FullMetalParagon,@@The Pixelated Pony,


Mist rolled his eyes, he was starting to think that there was more chaos inside then there was outside. Mist quietly knelt down next to Sentinel, who was still throwing things at Eric, "Hey son, do you think you could stop throwing things for a minute," said Mist in a calming voice, "No one's gonna touch your mother. Me and my partner just need a bit of quiet so we can figure out what's going on." Mist stood up, "I have an idea how about you and your mother go and ask that pony over there," he said pointing to Deadbolt, "if he has any info that can help. I'll even make you Jr Assistant Investigator. How does that sound?" asked Mist hoping that this would be enough to calm Sentinel down.

"Has he calmed down yet?" Sparkle poked her head around the corner. Sentinel looked up he had calmed down a little bit. "So? Are you okay then?" Sparkle looked at him. He turned to mist and spoke "an investigator? Like mom? " Sparkle face hoofed. "I'm a detective not an investigator..." She walked up to Mist. "What the buck did you tell him? An investigator? Seriously!? I have to answer to an eight year old now!? This is so degrading..." She whispered angrily

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"Has he calmed down yet?" Sparkle poked her head around the corner. Sentinel looked up he had calmed down a little bit. "So? Are you okay then?" Sparkle looked at him. He turned to mist and spoke "an investigator? Like mom? " Sparkle face hoofed. "I'm a detective not an investigator..." She walked up to Mist. "What the buck did you tell him? An investigator? Seriously!? I have to answer to an eight year old now!? This is so degrading..." She whispered angrily




"It was either this or tie both of you up in the back room," he said to Sparkle quietly enough so that Sentinel wouldn't here him, "besides he's not throwing things anymore so that's a plus." He looked over at Deadbolt, "hey you," he shouted at Deadbolt, "Detective Sparkle and Jr Assistant Investigator Sentinel are coming over to ask you some questions." Mist turned back to Sparkle, "don't worry it'll be fine."

Edited by Dapper Charmer
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Deadbolt stared at the two who approached him.


"Seriously? Is it enough that I came here for answers, and you expect me to have ANY information at all? I go to work, work, go home, read the newspaper, eat, and sleep. I use the bathroom sometimes too. I live alone, and don't talk to a lot of ponies. This is the most I've ever socialized!"

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signature by John Washington

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Deadbolt stared at the two who approached him.


"Seriously? Is it enough that I came here for answers, and you expect me to have ANY information at all? I go to work, work, go home, read the newspaper, eat, and sleep. I use the bathroom sometimes too. I live alone, and don't talk to a lot of ponies. This is the most I've ever socialized!"

" interesting... now I'll ask you one question. Where were you at noon today!? " Sparkle said slamming one of her hooves down into the table. "We don't have all day now Mr Deadbolt if that is your real name!... Wait there's something not quite right with your testimony... If you read the news paper... THEN, YOU MUST LEAVE THE HOUSE TO GO GET IT!!" (They don't call me detective for nothin') she thought

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Deadbolt sighed, rubbing his forehead with his hoof.


"I live in an apartment. The manager comes by and gives the newspaper to everypony who has a subscription. And as for where I was at noon today, I WAS WORKING AT THE BANK. First Manehattan Bank, if you're going to interrogate me for information. Your move, detective. I don't know anything about what happened today. All I know is I almost died. I was on my way home when I saw the lizard."


signature by John Washington

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He was finally tired of the shenanigans of the flying creatures, as they had just started trying to destroy something very important to the experiment... He went outside, standing angrily in the middle of the street, not far from the building of the hiding detectives. His curved horn glows with powerful dark magic, attempting to assert his will over the simple creatures, in order to start eating away at their morale. His eyes glow with the power this takes, as do theirs. In fact, they're now only hovering...

"Leave this place..." He calls out, a sense of unease filling the city, as he has to expand his influence to affect all of them. "Leave this place, and NEVER RETURN, YOU FLYING CLODS!"

His enraged voice is like that of the long gone King Sombra, the most infamous Umbrum, and those who remember him, recognize it in his voice... This is a creature of powerful dark magic...

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Deadbolt sighed, rubbing his forehead with his hoof.


"I live in an apartment. The manager comes by and gives the newspaper to everypony who has a subscription. And as for where I was at noon today, I WAS WORKING AT THE BANK. First Manehattan Bank, if you're going to interrogate me for information. Your move, detective. I don't know anything about what happened today. All I know is I almost died. I was on my way home when I saw the lizard."

"Sentinel take notes.Sparkle said turning to him. Sentinel clicked his pen and began to write about thirty seconds in he looked up " mom?" He said "what am I supposed to be writing?" Sparkle thought for a moment before saying "uhh actually I don't know... Anyway. Back to questioning. So you say at noon today you were working at the bank correct? When may I ask is your lunch break? After all it is a legal requirement so?"

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Deadbolt tapped his chin, thinking back on the day.


"Work day usually starts about 6 am, so my lunch is around 10 am. 30 minutes, as per the regulation." He stared the detective down, shaking his head.


"I'm not sure what this is supposed to accomplish. I know less than you do about what's going on."


signature by John Washington

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Deadbolt tapped his chin, thinking back on the day.


"Work day usually starts about 6 am, so my lunch is around 10 am. 30 minutes, as per the regulation." He stared the detective down, shaking his head.


"I'm not sure what this is supposed to accomplish. I know less than you do about what's going on."

" Eric? Why are we doing this again?" Sparkle said not really understanding "he's just a security guard. What would he know that we don't?" She looked at him confused "heck Sentinel probably knows more than him and he's eight! " She pointed one of her hooves at Sentinel who was now scribbling away happily on the notepad

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@@The Pixelated Pony @@FullMetalParagon @@MarionEtte136

@@Dapper Charmer


"Aright everyone, quiet please, I think someone is snooping in on us." Eric pulls his gun and starts shooting at the door. A loud thump is then heard followed by a trail of blood leaking through the door. "Mist, go and open that door. Everyone else, get to the back of the room and hide." Eric then covers Mist awaiting him to open the door.

Edited by Lunar Echo
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@@Lunar Echo,@@The Pixelated Pony, @@FullMetalParagon, @@Dapper Charmer,

Now then, it's time I got these things out of my future kingdom... He turns his glowing horn to the sky, taking on Shadow Form, and starring at the creatures, whose eyes remain fixed on him.

"You all have a lot of nerve coming to attack the future Capital of My Empire, worms..." He calls out, in a voice loud enough to echo throughout the city of Manehatten, his voice enhanced by Dark Magic. "I believe you have all worn out your welcome... Leave this place, immediately, and I might be persuaded to let you all live..."

There's a wickedly cruel tone to his voice, as though it's a razor wire, ready to slice into a victim, begging for it, in fact...

"Do any of you have survival instinct left to avoid a confrontation with the one who slew that giant lumox of a reptile?" His voice echoed in bravado, boasting of his latest conquest. "And the one who will take over this Kingdom to rule as his own? Make no mistake, I shall rule over this place, regardless of what you all try to do today!"

His mass fear spell is charged, and at full power to send them all on their way to retreat...

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@@Lunar Echo,@@The Pixelated Pony, @@FullMetalParagon, @@Dapper Charmer,

Now then, it's time I got these things out of my future kingdom... He turns his glowing horn to the sky, taking on Shadow Form, and starring at the creatures, whose eyes remain fixed on him.

"You all have a lot of nerve coming to attack the future Capital of My Empire, worms..." He calls out, in a voice loud enough to echo throughout the city of Manehatten, his voice enhanced by Dark Magic. "I believe you have all worn out your welcome... Leave this place, immediately, and I might be persuaded to let you all live..."

There's a wickedly cruel tone to his voice, as though it's a razor wire, ready to slice into a victim, begging for it, in fact...

"Do any of you have survival instinct left to avoid a confrontation with the one who slew that giant lumox of a reptile?" His voice echoed in bravado, boasting of his latest conquest. "And the one who will take over this Kingdom to rule as his own? Make no mistake, I shall rule over this place, regardless of what you all try to do today!"

His mass fear spell is charged, and at full power to send them all on their way to retreat...

Sparkle and Sentinel began to flicker between their regular colours and red the dark magic was interfering with their sense of anger. Sparkle's voice began to echo like nightmare moon's every time she spoke "please you have nothing to fear I do not whish to harm you" She seemed scared of the ponies she was sharing the room with

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Deadbolt stepped back, staring at Sparkle and Sentinel as realization dawned on him.


"While I didn't know what those lizards were on about, what's going on right now? I've seen this before. We had a pony in custody who had the exact same thing happen. Officers, if you really want to know, we have to get to the First Manehattan Bank so I can view the security files for that day."

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signature by John Washington

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