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Clock was unfazed by her rant, but he did soften his expression. "I understand your love for your brother, siblings are always the first friend you ever make. I meant no disrespect, but I am just being honest. Your brother is not my top choice of ponies that I like, the way he gives ponies hell just because he can." he looked to the ground, his glasses sliding slightly, he knew personally just how cruel Eris can be. "I see that he is popular, but he doesn't have to be a bully as well. Now, would you like a tour?"


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"You wouldn't know what it's like to be him.." Lovely sighed and looked up at the sky. "Come with me to my dorm first, I need to grab something, then we can go on the tour." Lovely and Clockwork walked to her dorm without saying a word to eachother. Lovely kept looking anxious. As soon as they got to the door, Lovely unlocked it and invited Clockwork in. The dorm looked like a shrine for Eris, with pictures of him covering the walls and ceiling. There were even report cards and new paper articles, if somepony wanted to know of Eris' achievements look no further. Lovely walked over to her desk, moving her Eris sculpture away from the edge as she looked through some papers, as if it wasn't weird.

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<what it's like to be him? What, an overprivelidged pretty boy who thinks he can do whatever he wants just by flashing a smile? That's no excuse to do the things he does> he thought as they were walking. When he saw the inside of Lovelys dorm, he raised an eyebrow, "You Uhh... Look up to him quite a bit don't you?" he asked


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"Oh this?" Lovely asked nonchalantly, "These are just little knick-knacks I've collected over the years." Lovely smiled at her pictures of her brother, "I'll make you proud," she whispered. Lovely shoved a sheet of paper into her purse and walked back over to Clockwork, "you look a little nervous, this the first time you've been in a girl's room before?" Lovely leaned in close, her perfume smelt amazing. Edited by Shankveld

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"Ahh" said Clockwork, when she approached him, he couldn't help but blush a little, he pushed his glasses back up his nose again, admiring the scent of the perfume. "Ir-irrelevant" he stammered, "Are y-you ready to go?"


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Lovely backed off a little and shrugged, "you're the boss. Boss. Where to first? Show me the ropes! Impart your knowledge upon me."

Edited by Shankveld

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Clockworks blush receded and he chuckled, "Very well" he said. As he showed her around the campus, he actually began to feel more comfortable around her. "Over here is where the first level magic users will be, but after reading up what I was told about you, you will be in the same wing as I, over in advanced course magic. Tell me, what specific magic subjects are you taking?"


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Lovely looked around in amazement, "how does one pony even know so much? You're just like Eris!" Lovely paused and tried to remember what course she has signed up for, "I'm pretty sure I signed-up for general and introduction to magic, and some healing courses." Suddenly Lovely's stomach growled. How embarrassing. "Where's the cafeteria located?"

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Clockwork would have smiled proudly at being called smart, but that ended when he was compared to Eris. He kept his smile however, at least he was enjoying his time with her. "Nice choice of classes. I take Time Bending 101, AP Advanced magic, and History of Time". When her stomach growled, he smiled, "Just this way, care to join me for a bite of lunch?"


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"Wow! I'll never be smart enough to take courses like that, I'm a little envious to be honest. I wish I was smart like Eris, so my parents would lo-," Lovely scowled, "whatever, those classes are for nerds anyway." Lovely accepted Clockwork's invitation to lunch, "what's good to eat at this school anyway?"

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Clockwork gave a concerned look at Lovelys sudden change of attitude after mentioning her parents, but he decided to respect her privacy and not press the matter. "Well I honestly hate school food, but there is a small cafe in there that makes decent dandelion sandwiches and others of the sorts" he said as they walked. As they did, many ponies they passed by would glance at the two, wondering why such a gorgeous mare would be walking with the school nerd. It wasn't that Clockwork was unnatractive, it was just an odd site to see.


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"I love cafes! Eris use to take me all the time when I was just a little foal, he would let me get dress up in a more french, springy attires and we'd walk together, just as all the trees were in bloom!" Lovely sighed into her own nostalgia. Some of Eris' ponyball team-mates past by Cloud and Lovely walking together, "what kind of spell did you have to put on her to get her to even come close to you?" The ponies laughed and walked away. Lovely rolled her eyes, "guess they've never heard of the mentor program."

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Hermes squealed in delight. "Amazing. Those moments when I was dead, was just so different. I was everywhere and anything, yet nowhere and nothing. I felt as the world revolved around me but the world was not touched by me. Truly fantastical. You, my dear Shorn, is one of the most talented ponies I have ever met."

Everypony was in shock. Nopony had been raised from the dead, not even Celestia has been seen to do that.

"You really had me worried there Shorn, I had thought you weren't able to revive me and I was forever going to have gone out with an arrow to the head. That really wasn't what I was going for. I was always more of Died saving the life of another pony in the ER." Hermes laughed a laugh that seemed to make light of his recent departure.

Shorn, now free from the officer, who were simultaneously scratching their manes.

"Me too, and phew was I relieved when I felt that tingling in my horn"

Shorn smiled nervously.

"So I was thinking, maybe you unleash your true power only when your friends are in danger."

"Actually...this is a little embarrassing but I only really felt a tingle when I was scared that my life was ruined."

"Really?" Said Hermes stroking his beard "It's not as heroic as I'd like it to be but you can't argue with evidence."

Hermes laughed. Shorn laughed as well, in retrospect, it was pretty funny. Him having a career in a selfless profession but his most impressive skill was based on a selfish act."

"Well, I was nice meeting you again Shorn, but I'd better get going. You know, probably stop everypony from from going crazy over me"

"Huh yeah." Shorn said. So this must be how Lovely feels around someone great and respected and to be so close to him, it's just amazing.

Shorn walked to his bedroom occasionally being stopped by the security who hadn't been informed of Hermes recent resurrection. Shorn eventually reached his dorm room.

Damn, I'm puckered after that whole fiasco. Shorn eyed his bed. It looked better than ever. Shorn faceplanted into the bed, it goes without saying, face first. I'll just take a nice long nap. Shorn thought as he dozed off.


(OOC: Not asleep just wanted to bring Eris in)

Edited by Scopes


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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Eris and Roxy finally arrived to the academy. A group of mares stopped and starred, all excited to see Eris back. "Why don't you drop your things off in your dorm and say we meet back her in an hour?" Roxy shook her head and was off. Eris began to walk towards his dorm when he saw his sister walking with a nerd, "I'll have to see what that's about later." Eris made his way to his dorm room and slammed to door open, "The king is home!" He announced himself. Love letters and notes had been slid under the door, but Eris ignored them and walked into his room. "What the buck!?" Eris scoffed seeing the Spaz pony sleeping where his roommate should be. "Spaz pony? Get the buck out of my room!"

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Shorn was annoyed. A stupid male pony was interrupting his sleep.

"Listen you, I just saved a man's life so " Shorn had just opened his eyes and saw Eris. Did they really have to room me with Eris. This is bucking impossible. It's ok Shorn. Take in deep breaths, one-two-one-two-one-two.

Suddenly it all made sense. The dozens of photos of Eris, the trophies it just connected. He wasn't sharing a room with a mare, he was sharing a room with the blasted pony himself. Shorn couldn't believe it. I have to bunk with this douche and did he really can himself the King? Wow, that is fantastic, I gotta tell Roxy... Oh shit! I forgot to call Roxy, Shorn immediately picked up his phone and dialed...no number. He hadn't picked her number up when he had met her. Stupid. You are the dumbest pony ever. That is the first thing you do when you meet a mare is get her number. That's what my dad says at least. Shorn remembered Eris. This has to be a mistake. This has to be an administration error. Shorn stood up and began running for the door, but he accidentally barged into Eris. Considering that Shorn was actually taller than Eris, Shorn knocked over Eris. "Jeez, Spaz pony, get off me" Shorn quickly jumped to the side and tried to run off again. But Eris wasn't letting him get away so easily. "Slow down there, Spaz Pony, I gotta talk with you."



This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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Eris pulled the frightened pony back in the room by his tail. "Listen, I'm not so stoked about bunking with the laughing-stock of the Academy either, but if we're going to dorm together, I'm going to have to lay down some ground rules. First don't ever talk to me, second don't talk to any of my friends. Third don't look at me, fourth don't look at any of my friend. And fifth, if there's a sock on the door, find somewhere else to sleep." Eris let Shorn go and then quickly grabbed him again, "I almost forgot, touch any of my stuff and end up as dead as that professor you killed."

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"I love cafes! Eris use to take me all the time when I was just a little foal, he would let me get dress up in a more french, springy attires and we'd walk together, just as all the trees were in bloom!" Lovely sighed into her own nostalgia. Some of Eris' ponyball team-mates past by Cloud and Lovely walking together, "what kind of spell did you have to put on her to get her to even come close to you?" The ponies laughed and walked away. Lovely rolled her eyes, "guess they've never heard of the mentor program."


Clockwork shrugged, unfazed by the insult. "Well they are too busy using what brainpower they have to cone up with bad insults rather than study for tests. Their loss really" he said with a chuckle. They reached the cafe and found an empty table for two near its entrance.


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"Well, then let me set a few rules for you" Shorn said strangely out of character.There is something in this pony that brings out the worst in me.

"One: I would never talk to you. You probably don't even understand what the Dispersion forces are. My words will be simply lost upon your simplistic mind. It's quite funny actually. The fact that they let a child into The Academy. Two: Your friends are probably babbling idiots who don't know what's the different between Chaos and Order. The fact that they fawn over you is a testament to that fact." Eris gave of his arrogant smile. Nevertheless Shorn continued. "Three: Don't stand in my way, it hurts to just look at your posture, your shape, your mane. Clearly somepony hasn't seen Rarity in sometime. Four: Your friends are even more insignificant that you. I would need to crane my neck down, just to look at their ugly mugs. Finally, if there's a sock on my door, well let's say you ponies would be bucking in front of the building." Now if you would get the buck out of the way, I have to complain about my current status of my accommodations. It seems like a cancer seems to be currently occupying the room.

Shorn, pleased with his little lecture, walked to the administration office and asked if there was anyway to change rooms.

"I'm sorry hun', but we can't. Every room in the campus is being occupied as of this moment."

"Well surely, I could just switch with somepony, right?"

"Sorry hun', but the administrative nightmares that might cause is not worth the risk. Everypony will be switching rooms and we cannot satisfy one student if it's not worth the trouble and effort."

"But you don't understan-"

"We get the same complaints everyday, what makes you think your special?" The pony said slightly irked by Shorn's persistence in the matter.

"Fine. I'll bunk with Eris."

"I don't see why you're complaining. The boy's a lovely young man. An upstanding citizen."

Shorn couldn't care less, grumbling to himself as he walked off.

He entered his room and climbed into his bed. I really need to get some rest. I've been acting really weird lately. It'll probably get better once I have a nap.


(OOC:Once again,not sleeping,just away from the comp for a bit)


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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Well, a day or so had passed. Ampyrion wasn't quite sure what the others had been up to, but he for one was going to get a tour of his school. "Just to make sure...everyone's nice and all." Well, that had been his intention, but upon arriving he got....amost....a bit lost in the huge building complex. "Shoot! Aww, horsefeathers..." he dug out a slightly battered campus map, unrolling it and squinting, attempting to determine his location. After a few minutes of silence, he smiled. "Oh! Here it is." He dashed down the hallway eagerly. "And, this should be my room," he announced, skidding to a halt beside a large metal door. He read the two name tags affixed to the doorway. "Ampyrion, yep...and Clockwork." He frowned. "Who? Never met him." He shrugged. Oh well. Maybe I'll make a friend or something. He pushed open the door, and dropped his belongings on the bed he assumed was his.


Electra had decided to come that same day, as well. She stopped by the entrance of the school, glancing up to see a towering, um, tower. A flicker of a determined smile crossed her face. "You can do this, Electra! Just keep your head high." Repeating it silently to herself, she garged eagerly through the double doors, cringing a little as they snapped shut with an ominous thunk behind her. "Never mind that, let's keep going~" she sang, mostly to herself, as she eyed a fork in the hallway.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Lovely sat down as Clockwork held her seat out for her, "geeze you're making this seem like a date." Lovely smiled at Clockwork. A waiter brought them menus and Lovely ordered a water to start. Clockwork offered to order for them both, Lovely smiled at the idea, nopony treated her like such a lady except for her brother. Clockwork ordered the two ponies dandelion sandwiches. The waitor smiled, "we'll have those out for you and your beautiful marefriend pronto." Lovely laughed, "why does everypony assume we are a couple?"


Eris had left the room laughed at Shorn's rant. Who does this pony think he is? Eris walked through the hallway and noticed a lost mare, "hello gorgeous." He said to her, Electra looked up at him and blushed, "you look lost. Mind if I help you out?" Eris took Electra to his room where he saw Shorn resting on his bed. Eris gave Shorn and evil smile and laid Electra on his bed and kissed her.

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Electra looked up to see a handsome stallion looking at her. Omigosh, it's Eris! she thought to herself, trying not to blush and failing. "Um, yeah. I'm a little lost..." she gave a nervous laugh.

"Come with me," said Eris, leading her down the left pathway. She followed him, too amazed to say anything. He hed her to his room, and she trotted in, unsure of where she was.

"So where exactly am I?" she asked naively, looking around her.

She turned around. "Huh?" was all she could get out before Eris had lefted her off of the floor, plonking her down on his bed. "Hey, what're you doing?" she asked, indignant. "I'm not that kind of mare!" Eris simply gave a wicked grin to his roommate, and bent down to kiss Electra, who, although attempting to struggle free, was too weak compared to the muscular jock.


(Inb4 my OC gets raped >.<)


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Shorn was awoken by the noise Eris and some mare were making. "Oh come on, now you're just doing this to annoy me," said Shorn trying to go back to sleep. Shorn suddenly got up. "Eris, what are you doing to that mare! I can't believe this."

"Oh shut up Shorn, she knows she'll like it"

"Is this what you do to every filly you meet? Rape them. Think about what you're doing Eris. You might regret it."

The bed stopped bouncing. Eris pushed the mare of his bed but Shorn caught her before any real damage was done.

"Don't worry" Shorn whispered into her ear "It'll be okay, using some basic healing magic to heal the blows near her hooves. "We'll just walk out of here quietly and we won't need to speak of this again, I'm sure Eris is just...tired today"

"I don't know why he was doing that, I thought he was joking me when he put me on his bunk...but then he-. Listen thanks for saving me and all. It's unfortunate that you got bunked with him."

"You don't the half of it" Shorn said laughing.

Electra laughed as well and walked off, a slight tremble in her hooves but otherwise fine. She was almost raped I guess. Wow, today has been just wow.Then he remembered Eris. "Oh shit, what the hell Eris. Why on Earth would you do such a thing to a mare, a new mare by the looks of it. If you want to get back at me next time, make sure it's something that won't get you 25 in jail."

"Shut up"


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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Eris hushed Electra, "I know sweetie, everything's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." Eris quietly nuzzled against Electra's ear. He silently kissed her again, and then got interrupted by his annoying roommate. "Rape?" Eris exclaimed, "I'd never! I'm just making friends with a beautiful mare." Eris gently helped the mare out of his bed and Shorn creepily ran over and latched onto her. Eris gave Shorn a confused look as he was mimicking Electra's and Eris' voices, having a conversation with himself. Eris apologized to Electra and gave her his number, "I'd like to take you out on a date sometime." Eris smiled cutely and said goodbye, "excuse my roommate by the way, he's a crazy virgin." Eris closed the door and punched Shorn in the face knocking him out and leaving him bleeding on the dorm floor. Eris then left to meet Roxy outside, "hey! I'm back! Sorry I took so long, had to help a newbie find their dorm!"


Lovely laughed to herself, "someponies are so stupid." Suddenly Lovely's friend's Emerald and Pearl ran over upon noticing. "Oh my Celestia! Hey Love! We missed you so much!" The two said in unison. The two friends notice Clockwork, "ew what the buck are you doing with this bucking loser!? So gross." Lovely looked at her friend's nervously, "oh yeah I know! I got stuck with him for my mentor." "You poor thing."

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