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<and here I thought she was actually nice> thought Clockwork. "And a hearty hello to you too ladies" he said sarcastically. "And the reason I'm here is because I can and nopony can tell me otherwise, oh and the fact I'm her mentor. Anything else you would like to ask?"

Edited by Strong Hooves


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"Woah calm your hormones nerd." The two clones laughed. Lovely looked a little nervous. "Anywhorse, we don't have time to waste with you loser. Bye Lovely love you." "Love you too." Lovely replied as her friend's left. Lovely turned back to Clockwork, "wow this sandwich sure is delicious!" She said smiling.

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"Listen, that mare very well-" but before Shorn could finish, he was talking to a door. Shorn quickly healed himself and removed the blood. "God that dick. This is just insulting." He opened the door but could not find anypony anywhere. And there I was trying to be nice to the guy. Huh, he's way beyond redemption. If he's on the ER table maybe I'll let him di-. No Shorn you are under an oath to always save the guy. Celestia to hell. "Well, I better go start studying studying." And Shorn went to his desk. He had already read the books twice through but a third couldn't hurt? "I wonder what I should I start with. There's always my favorite Primary Spells that Any Medicinal Pony should Know but he was secretly getting addicted to the Most Amazing ER stories Ever told. It wasn't a book that was required but I certainly was a fascinating read. Mostly because it was all about Hermes. With that he opened his book and lost himself in it.


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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"Hmm yes quite. But now I have a sudden bad taste that has made me lose my appetite" he replied back sarcastically. "Some interesting clones- I mean 'friends' that you have. Reminds me of a few mares that graduated a couple years back... never liked them"


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Electra blinked rather confusedly as Shorn and Eris began arguing. Finally, Eris helped her off of his bed...the one he had pushed her into in the first place, and have her his phone number, before sending her off out the door with a sweet smile. Electra frowned in complete confusion as the door closed, and she winced as she heard a sickening punch from behind the door-she could infer what happened. Sure enough, Eris emerged a few seconds later, whistling nonchalantly as he walked back down the hallway. He didn't help me find my dorm, he helped me find his, thought Electra glumly. I'm still stuck.


She pondered for a second-if this was the colts' dormitory, the mares' shouldn't be too far away. Even still, she'd rather not take the risk and blunder the wrong way again. Maybe his roommate could help me out. Awkwardly she pushed open the door, and her stomach turned as she saw splatters of blood on the floor. She glanced at the pony who was now reading a book. He still had a coating of blood on his face.

"Oh...are you alright?" she asked uncertainly, not sure whether to just leave or not.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Lovely shrugged, "they aren't that bad when you get to know them." Lovely finished her food and dabbed her napkin around her lips. When the bill came Lovely reached for her wallet to pay.

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"I'm fine. Eris isn't the nicest pony in the world is he?" Shorn said laughing.

"Did he punch you or?"

"No,no he just he me in the face with the door"

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine,really"

"Oh, that's nice"


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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Clockwork was unconvinced about getting to know them. When Lovely reached for her own money to pay, he quickly said "No no, that is what the colt is here for" he smiled as he took out his own wallet and paid the bill for both of them, as well as the tip for the waiter. He got up, using his telekineses to look at his pocketwatch, it was an antique pocketwatch that he repaired when he was younger, it had been running perfectly since then.


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"Oh, okay," said Electra. "Well, if you're sure." She backtracked out the door, closing it quietly behind her. Well. That was awkward. Sighing, she turned and left, before remembering she hadn't asked for directions yet. Oh, hayfeathers. Come on, you're not stupid-find it yourself. She wandered through the hallway, and amazingly enough managed to find her room, a short walking distance away from where she had begun. "Jeez," she muttered, leaning on the door as memories of the past few minutes surfaced in her mind. "Talk about a perv..." And here she was, thinking he was a perfect, handsome stallion.

She rolled her eyes as she turned the knob, giving a quick glance over the name plates affixed to the door. Her name, Electra Soulheart, affixed on top. And...somepony named Roxy, right next to it. The name stirred something in her mind, but she was too tired to care at the moment. Exhausted, she dropped her belongings on the first bed she saw and dove onto the bed,choosing to snuggle with the pillow rather than use it as a headrest.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Lovely blushed a little when Clock offered to pay, she wasn't use to going out with colt's that were actually gentlecolts. "Yeah!" Lovely laughed, "of course, it's just it's not like this was a date or anything." Lovely got up, "I wonder what Eris is doing, or rather who."

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Clockwork smiled and shrugged, "of course... no date..." <though I wish it was... Bah who am I kidding?! Like I stand a fraction of a chance!> he thought. Upon further mention of Eris, he sighed, "Don't know and don't really care" he said.


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Lovely shot Clockwork a nasty look, "well I care. He is my brother after all." Lovely turned to Clockwork, "can we go back to my dorm for a second? I think I left my phone there!"

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Clockwork shrugged, he nodded and the two walked back to her dorm. Once more he was at this mares room, why was he so easily moved by this mare? It wasn't like she liked him or anything, he was just the class nerd after all.


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Roxy waited for Eris, but he never came to get her, so she walked around until she found her room.

She opened the door and found that her roommate was already in bed, somepony named Electra.

Quietly, Roxy put her belongings in her closet and sat on her bed, sighing.


She opened her laptop and decided to check her PonyPage.

No new notifications, of course.

No one wanted anything to do with her.


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Shorn stopped studying. He really liked his subjects and his schoolwork but The Academy, while a place of learning and knowledge, was also a place of excitement and fun. I really have to socialize more, I need a few friends and I think Roxy had joined The Academy. I'll ask administration as to what room she's at.

Shorn made his way to the administration section.

"Look hun, I told you. You can't switch rooms."

"I know, I know. I just wanted to ask you where my friends dorm is. Her name is Roxy."

"Let me check. Ummm, Roxy ehhh... the new Alicorn, is that right?"

"Umm, yeah that's her"

"F-795, do you need directions?"

"No that's fine. I got a map see?" Shorn raised his map.

"Next please."


Shorn eventually made his way to F-795. He looked at the nameplates to see if he indeed at Roxy's room. Electra and Roxy. That's the right one. Shorn knocked at the door. He waited a few seconds and he heard a door unlocking. Ahh, good ol' magic. No Earth or Pegasus pony can rob us.The door opened and to Shorn's surprise, hit him on the nose. Of course, had Shorn not been surprised, Shorn wouldn't have been hit, but her was surprised so he was hit.

"Oh shoot, sorry Shorn."

"Your fine Roxy, no need to panic. I'm a medicinal pony after all." Shorn quickly healed the bruise on his nose.

"Well come on in I guess"

"Thanks" Shorn made his way in. He was surprised at how decorated the room was. Photos, posters you name it and he;s got it. OK, not always but most of the time she's got it. He saw that she had PonyPage open.

"Hey PonyPage. I always hear about it. I never had any use for it because I never had any friends but now...I guess I could use it." Shorn smiled a smile asking if they were friends.

Roxy smiled back. A smile that said yes.




(Awww come on Roxy. Don't be so depressing :))


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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"Ugh, Eris. Worst. Roommate.Ever. I wish he would disappear."

Shorn and Roxy smiled.

"Thanks for the cupcake as well"

"So what's one to do with this PonyPage?"


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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Lovely began searching her dorm for her cell phone, "have a seat on the bed if you want, this might take awhile. I can be awfully forgetful." Lovely dug through pictures of her brother on her desk as Clockwork sat down. Suddenly the door swung open it was her brother Eris. Lovely turned and beamed, "Eris!" She exclaimed. Eris went over to Lovely and grabbed her in his arms, and not the way brothers grabbed sisters. Eris stood their looking like a prince, and Lovely was his damsel in distress. Eris glared at Clockwork, "you trying to buck my sister or something!? Stupid bucking nerd."

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Clockwork raised an eyebrow and gave a sarcastic smile, "So nice to see you too Eris, so is that how you greet your sisters mentor?" he snickered. He was still wondering as to why Eris held Lovely the way he did. <Strange> he thought.


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Eris snarled at Clockwork and then dropped his sister. Despite the rather loud sound created as Lovely fell on her flank, she insisted she was okay. "A mentor? In the dorm of her AND on her bed. I've been in a lot of mare's beds. I know what happens there." Suddenly Eris' phone went off, he checked it. He had a new friend request on PonyPage, it was from Roxy. I guess my guitar playing really impressed her. Eris accepted the friend request and sent Roxy a message, "where's your room cutie? We need to meet up asap!"

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Clock smirked, unfazed by Eris. "Oh wow, aren't you mr somepony. This leads nowhere Eris, so don't get your mane in a twist. You may want to check on your sister however, dropping her the way you did and didn't even apologize. Who taught you manners?"


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"She's fine. Right Lovely?" "Of course!" "See, we were raised to survive. Unlike the baby ponies in your family." Eris sneered. Eris walked up to close to Clockwork, "if you ever even so much lay a hoof on my sister, I'll make sure that hoof is gone." And with that Eris left Lovely's room, slamming the door. Lovely sat next to Clockwork on her bed, "don't mind him, he's in a bad mood."

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Clockwork gave a sarcastic laugh "Really? Mister Sunshine there? Could've fooled me" he said. "His threats don't hurt me, I've dealt with his crap since we were freshponies, nothing has changed. He makes a threat, tried to look all hotshit when no adults are around, yet at the end of the day, he's just talk"


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Ampyrion woke up with an intense headache of sorts. "Ow. Shoot, how long was I asleep?" he muttered in irritation, looking around him. He was disorientated, but a few moments was all he needed to clear his head. "My instinct tells me I'm missing something important..." his voiced trailed off as he glanced around his bed, finding a few textbooks strewn messily over it, And, to his horror, his class schedule. "Crap!" he yelped, springing off the bed. "I'm late for class!" Panicked, he began grabbing textbooks left and right, snatching a notebook, and hurriedly running out of his dormitory.


He ran through the hallways, tripping a few people on the way, but managing to avoid any embarrassing collisions. He gave a quick glance to his class schedule as he ran. 239 was the first door on the right. He sidled into the room, taking the first seat near the door, and dropped his bag of belongings, pretending to be there the entire time, and avoiding all the stares by the rest of the class.


(Happened to me once in real life T_T)


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Lovely frowned and gave the floor and icy stare. Things in the small dorm became both awkward and uncomfortable. Suddenly the bell for first class rang, Lovely glanced at her paper. Room 239 was her first class. Lovely turned to face Clockwork, "I can find it myself, thanks." Lovely walked out of the dorm, it was like she was a completely different pony.

When Lovely arrived to her class she saw somepony (Ampyrion) frantically trying to gather his dropped things. Lovely's first instinct was to help, but- "Move it loser!" Emerald and the other clones were there, "you're like blocking the door way cluts!" Lovely morphed into her crowd.

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