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private Grand Galloping Galla RP 2015

Your Nightly Spectre

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[To OOC]



Dark Star walked along a castle corridor, fixing his neatly shined armor to make it a bit more comfortable. Taking in the silence of the white stone walls he sighed getting to a door, opening it and walking only a bit further a fancy party begun surrounding him, decorations, crowds, calm music playing as fancy folks from all over Equestria wearing all sorts of fancy clothes talked and walked around everywhere, clearly having a good time.


Sadly, today was not a purely calm party day, and seeing his supervisor captain looking around with suspicion easily reminded him of his duties this night, then old pony turning to face him.

"Look sharp, Dark-y. " He ordered, making Star immediately change his stance into the casual noble one he was used to, no longer slacking a bit.

"Now, enjoy your party, lieutenant. Try and find yourself some mare or at least a friend, the guards are growing tired of seeing you all alone and depressed. " The captain would chuckle, turning back to the party.


They'd exchange a salute, Star turning his way and going back to the party ground, not really saying a word.


Sure he could make use of the party, but non-the-less his job today was security and officially serving as a Canterlot guard. Some nostalgic memories of the last Grand Galloping Galas filled him, how much this event really meant to him, turning him into practically a new pony some time ago, and meeting so many fine people... and some less good memories too, but he did a good job ignoring them. After all moving along with his life was his goal for now.


Moving over through crowds, sticking to the wall he calmly took in the atmosphere, once in a while fixing his neck collar with his magic, but generally trying to avoid crowds. Wondering what awaits him this Gala...

Edited by TheLonelySpectre
  • Brohoof 1


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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A black stallion with a golden mane, sat at a table. He was wearing a white tuxedo, with a white top hat to follow along. He was a civilian guard that was going to make sure nothing happened at the party, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to have some fun! He got up from the table and began walking around the big room where the most of the activity was. Golden strike walked through the many nobles, none of them seemed friendly enough to strike up a conversation with, so he kelt walking. Hoping to find someone

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The grey stallion slowly arose the steps to the large building. A little taken aback by the grand size of it all, he then realized this is what the Gala probably was each year, and he was gawking at something that other ponies would just ignore. He checked his mane in the reflection of the door, and quickly used his changeling magic to correct it slightly. He then stepped into the room, and was greeted with many nobles and other fancy ponies already socializing at the gala. Despite this, he strode straight to the bar, and ordered a glass of scotch.
"I'll need this if I'm going to make it through this." he muttered as he began to down the expensive drink. Not that it mattered, everything at the gala was paid for by the little golden ticket in his inside pocket.

"Well, might as well find someone interesting to talk to."



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Blue Hearth walked up the stairs to the castle, taking in the sight of the castle he had seen so many times before.  His content smile and his calm, controlled stride helped him blend into the richly colored crowd.  As much as he desired to take in the sights of so much glamour, he kept his gaze forward.  No gentle colt would staring, after all.


Yet, this was his very first gala.


What he should've been used to looked very foreign, as if a set designer made changes that were so subtle, yet changed the entire tone of it all.  As if an autumnal scene was just a few shades off.  As if a shadow was cast over a beautiful, sylvan landscape, turning it into the darkest parts of the Everfree Forest.  As if all the guests in this beautiful time were suddenly going to turn into the villains of a horror story.


But no pony would know.  He would make sure of it.  So putting on a charming mask, he proceeded to the interior.




Fantasy Moon stood in the shadow of a warrior statue, gazing out the large window that took the place of a solid wall.  She took in the sight of the tranquil garden below, occasionally seeing a peacock or two pecking at the ground.  After making plans to go down there after what she was commissioned to do was done, she looked up a bit at the stars and the moon, trying to remember what all she was to do.


It should be nothing.  It's not like there HAD to be much socializing.  Just present the story with her partners, check out the garden, then go.  No need to hang around.  But in the back of her mind, she had a feeling it wasn't going to be as simple as that.  She learned a while ago not to expect things to be simple.  But now wasn't the time to be dwelling on the desire for simplicity.

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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Blue Hearth walked up the stairs to the castle, taking in the sight of the castle he had seen so many times before.  His content smile and his calm, controlled stride helped him blend into the richly colored crowd.  As much as he desired to take in the sights of so much glamour, he kept his gaze forward.  No gentle colt would staring, after all.


Yet, this was his very first gala.


What he should've been used to looked very foreign, as if a set designer made changes that were so subtle, yet changed the entire tone of it all.  As if an autumnal scene was just a few shades off.  As if a shadow was cast over a beautiful, sylvan landscape, turning it into the darkest parts of the Everfree Forest.  As if all the guests in this beautiful time were suddenly going to turn into the villains of a horror story.


But no pony would know.  He would make sure of it.  So putting on a charming mask, he proceeded to the grand ball room.




Fantasy Moon stood in the shadow of a warrior statue, gazing out the large window that took the place of a solid wall.  She took in the sight of the tranquil garden below, occasionally seeing a peacock or two pecking at the ground.  After making plans to go down there after what she was commissioned to do was done, she looked up a bit at the stars and the moon, trying to remember what all she was to do.


It should be nothing.  It's not like there HAD to be much socializing.  Just present the story with her partners, check out the garden, then go.  No need to hang around.  But in the back of her mind, she had a feeling it wasn't going to be as simple as that.  She learned a while ago not to expect things to be simple.  But now wasn't the time to be dwelling on the desire for simplicity.

Golden strike was having no luck finding anyone to converse with. There where many ponies he could have talked to, but they where only looking for a way to make their social status higher. He sighed as he made his way to a place devoid of ponies. Or that's what he thought, until he saw a pony who's beauty was unrivalved. For the first time in forever Golden strike felt nervous. He approached the mare that was by the statue "H-h-hello there" stuttered Golden out. Freaking pathetic. Thought his brain

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Flame was flying in from Cloudsdale, He had map in his hoof he also had some headphones but no music was playing. Flame had a black suit with hints of white on with a matching fedora and black pants. The outfit was inspired by one his favorite artists, It was a smooth looking attire to say the least.

"Where is this place again" Flame said checking the map repeatedly.


Flame wasn't very familiar with canterlot, This was his first time in canterlot he never had a chance to go despite wanting to visit a few times. In fact never had the chance the to go anywhere really. His schedule was to busy with training taking up most of his time not to mention the occasional race. The only reason he was there now was because of a race he won awhile back where the reward for was a ticket to the gala.


After long awhile of following his map to dead ends Flamestreak finally found the gala doors he trotted and took a moment to admire to the castle "Wow..." He thought, Flame then opened the doors. Upon entering He saw a few ponies that had got there before him he walked up to them and started speaking.

The grey stallion slowly arose the steps to the large building. A little taken aback by the grand size of it all, he then realized this is what the Gala probably was each year, and he was gawking at something that other ponies would just ignore. He checked his mane in the reflection of the door, and quickly used his changeling magic to correct it slightly. He then stepped into the room, and was greeted with many nobles and other fancy ponies already socializing at the gala. Despite this, he strode straight to the bar, and ordered a glass of scotch.

"I'll need this if I'm going to make it through this." he muttered as he began to down the expensive drink. Not that it mattered, everything at the gala was paid for by the little golden ticket in his inside pocket.

"Well, might as well find someone interesting to talk to."

"Hello how are you doing my names Flamestreak but you can just call me Flame. What's your name?" He asked Edited by KingFl@me1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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A unicorn mare approached the entrance, wearing a long white and black dress. She had large grey earrings and a huge amount of white powder on her face. Her blue mane and light green coat were brushed neatly. She made it over the bridge and looked around at the ponies. She didn't look comfortable in front of all of these ponies looking so strange.


The unicorn began searching for snacks outside in the garden. "My first gala, and I can't find buck..." she sighed, "I hate dressing up like this..."

Edited by - Aethergem -
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Lightning Bliss took a step back from the gate, nearly tripping over the tarp she wore around her neck that was carefully wrapped to hide her wings somewhat. It was yet another Galla...the year had flown by so fast...yet this event, was the one she dreaded worst of all. Every year it was the same for her...Dress up nicely...put on a smile and greet the royal subjects while impressing the high and mighty Princess Celestia...


A heavy sigh slipped from her muzzle as she levitated her tiera back straight on her head, before lifting up her face to stare back at the open gate. The royal guard closes to her stared at her patiently, a gentle smile on his face as he waited for his highness to enter the castle grounds. He seemed sympathetic in the Princess of Peace, knowing her reputation for being shy in these events was all too well known amongst the royal guards. Still Lightning knew she was invited personally by the Princesses...and it would be insultive and a shame to dismiss it. Besides... she reasoned, maybe this year will be different...


Taking another deep breath, she took one hoof forward, then another, and another...before she knew it she was steadily making her way up the path towards the open central part of the castle. She kept her wings close to her side, her eyes locked on the ground watching her hooves move herself forward.


"Just another galla...No surprise rivals...no corpships...Just get in...say hi to a few ponies, get a snack... get in...get out... OOPMH," she tripped over the door seal as she walked into the main chamber of the castle. Freezing in place, she wasn't sure if her clumsiness was noticed, as she looked up the stairs towards where Princess Celestia and Luna were standing...


"Be bad enough if they saw that..."

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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@@- Aethergem -,


Blue Hearth half-wandered, half-followed a group of guests through a few corridors and into the garden.  Stepping to the side of the entrance to allow others entry into the garden, he looked around for somepony to talk to.  Lo and behold, he found one!  She looked as uncomfortable as he was, so he decided they would connect.


"Miss, are you lost?"




Yup, things weren't going to be so simple.  Fantasy Moon's head quickly turned, but her face relaxed as she fully turned around.  For the most part anyway.  It was easy to talk to ponies who were calm and chatty, but somepony who clearly looked nervous?  She levitated the book to her left foreleg and held it close to herself.



Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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@@- Aethergem -,


Blue Hearth half-wandered, half-followed a group of guests through a few corridors and into the garden.  Stepping to the side of the entrance to allow others entry into the garden, he looked around for somepony to talk to.  Lo and behold, he found one!  She looked as uncomfortable as he was, so he decided they would connect.


"Miss, are you lost?"




Yup, things weren't going to be so simple.  Fantasy Moon's head quickly turned, but her face relaxed as she fully turned around.  For the most part anyway.  It was easy to talk to ponies who were calm and chatty, but somepony who clearly looked nervous?  She levitated the book to her left foreleg and held it close to herself.




Seeing that things just took a turn towards awkwardville Golden decided to start acting like a stallion "My name is Golden Strike. What's your's miss?" Asked Golden, regaining his gentleman deamanour. He really wanted to talk to this mysterious mare

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@@Akari of Duskshire


She turned around, looking shocked. "Um, yes, you see, this is my first gala," she paused, staring into Blue Heart's eyes. "And I'm looking for the snacks, and possibly a music group?" She paced around and looked at the flowers.


Flash 'n' Dazzle couldn't stand fanciness. She was full-on heavy metal, and yet she attended a party with the most uptight ponies around, neatest decorations, and the softest music ever. She sighed. Why would she do this?

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@@Lightning Bliss,


Star would smile warmly as getting over to the door he spotted Blisses amazing entry. Chuckling he trotted over rather gleefully, seeing a familiar face.


"Princess of Peace, what an honor to make your acquaintance this year. Fabulous entry, as always flawless. "


Walking over he would give a bow to Blissy, but more in a teasing manner, honestly finding her more on the friend level, but still respectful of her rank.


"How has thy year been, M'lady. "


Star would ask warmly. 

Edited by TheLonelySpectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@@- Aethergem -,


Blue Hearth couldn't help but chuckle.  "Ah, you could say the same for me.  The only reason I was even invited was because my uncle was too sick to attend.  Some strange tale involving 'poison joke'."  He quoted that last one with his hooves, rolling his eyes ever so slightly.


"Oh where are my manners?  I am Blue Hearth, an actor of the Knight's Respite.  And you are, my lady?"




Fantasy Moon glanced around a bit, looking nervous yet feeling awkward, shifting on her hooves.  She should've been used to this, but it never softened.


"Fantasy Moon, sir."  She managed to keep her voice steady during this.

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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"Hello how are you doing my names Flamestreak but you can just call me Flame. What's your name?" He asked

Tap looked the Pegasus stood before him up and down. He looked as if he had just finished a race against the Wonderbolts, but his suit remained intact.


"I'll have to ask him how he achieved that. Last time I flew from anywhere I looked scruffy, to say the least... Mom did not approve of that..." He pondered to himself before realising he had to make conversation.


"Oh, Hi. I'm Tapfire. Feel free to call me Tap. So Flame, what brings you to the Gala?"



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@@Akari of Duskshire


She bowed down. "Flash 'n' Dazzle, Blue Heart." She got back up as she heard some buzzing. Dazzle looked up to hear a few cicadas, annoyingly making noises. "How big even is this garden?" She stared back up at the castle, and she could see a line forming at the castle's entrance. Probably big Celestia fans. She poked her face with a hoof and noticed a severe amount of white powder on, which she wiped of in the grass.

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Tap looked the Pegasus stood before him up and down. He looked as if he had just finished a race against the Wonderbolts, but his suit remained intact.

"I'll have to ask him how he achieved that. Last time I flew from anywhere I looked scruffy, to say the least... Mom did not approve of that..." He pondered to himself before realising he had to make conversation.

"Oh, Hi. I'm Tapfire. Feel free to call me Tap. So Flame, what brings you to the Gala?"

"I not sure if you heard but I actually won a race a little while back in Cloudsdale. Yeah it was a easy win I was the only pony there who was taking it seriously not something I'd gloat about." He explained. "The prize happened to be a free gala ticket and here I am. What about yourself?" Flame asked

Edited by KingFl@me1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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@@- Aethergem -,


Blue Hearth looked around, honestly not sure himself.  "Ah...  How about we find out for ourselves?  If we find what you seek, all will be well.  If we get lost, well..."  He turned away to hide his flustered, clueless face.  "We will be lost together, at least.  Shall we go?" 

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@@Akari of Duskshire


Dazzle reared up excitedly. "Would I?" She went back down on the ground when she saw ponies awkwardly staring back at her, and why she had a hoof-sized amount of powder missing from her face. "Well, uh, why not, Hearth? We have all night, and that's, like, forever." She began to walk out between bushes into the garden. "C'mon!" She didn't really mind somepony adoring her, since a lot of fans did that all the time...


...Which was how she got the ticket.

Edited by - Aethergem -
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@@- Aethergem -,


Blue Hearth was rather startled by the sudden energy that was expressed when she reared up.  He immediately corrected himself, casting away what shallow thoughts he had about the hoofful of make-up that was missing.  "I uh, I don't think that is the way to go, but alright..."  He followed Dazzle through the bushes, but not after taking a glance around to make sure no pony was looking.


It appears this is going to be quite... interesting. 

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@Akari of Duskshire

"Oh, come on, of course this is the right way!" She kept walking, but saw mice scramble away. "Oh." Dazzle turned around and headed the right direction this time. She noticed some adorable birds, but really, nothing else.


"You know what, after this, I most definitely will go meet the orchestra here; I'm a bit too excited!" She bummed into a tree, but she shook it off like it was nothing. "What will you do here?" She turned right, her dress somewhat torn and her mane getting frizzy.

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Bliss perked up like a deer in the headlights as she heard a voice clearly speak her name. Turning though, she recongized the familiar stallion immideatly dressed in his armor best. This lowered her guard a bit...She smiled, and light used her tarp to dab a bit of sweat off her forehead.


"Oh... it's you Star," she recongized him for awhile back during the last Galla. "It's been so long... Heh I honestly didn't expect to meet a familiar face first. How goes the Galla thus far? Hopefully nothing...too crazy..." she cringed a bit nervously.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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Impossible height and hues of light gave the illusion of an immaculate cathedral. Shadows silently danced upon resplendent decor, though their owners bore themselves with rigid dignity. Lofty pleasantries drifted through the room, detached from the pious ponies from whence they came. The structured waltz of conversation was but florid rhetoric, a means for the affluent to exude their pomp.


I'm being cynical again, aren't I?


Aria Rosewood gave a small sigh from her corner of the room, a smirk playing upon her lips as her gaze slid over customary exchanges with bemused interest. It was not that she was averse to the idea of climbing the social hierarchy, as she herself was all too familiar with the game as a Manehattanite. Rather, mingling with the upper echelons of society proved to be an exhausting task, for the predictable conversations lead to naught but gossip and superciliousness. She, a mare of few but cutting words, found fluid repartee to be a far more stimulating exercise in mental gymnastics, as 'twere.


It was, admittedly, still more than she had imagined, for naught but a week ago had she known she would be attending tonight's affair. It was after a masterclass that a fellow musician had approached her with the offer of performing tonight. The mare, talented though she was, met the invitation dubiously, for her talents were surely not suitable enough for such a regal occasion. Her berating instructor had managed to convince her otherwise, however, bestowing upon her a confidence for which she had been searching these many years. Her time to reflect upon the proceedings had been limited since that day, her mind not wont to wander from her intended contribution. With the night now finally upon her, however, her nerves seemed to fray with each passing second. This was no standard music hall, after all.


Deciding that she would rather not be considered furniture, lest the weary should mistake her for a well-upholstered davenport, she floated through the crowd with unassuming poise. Mindful, she allowed the sounds of reserved revelry to wash over her, losing herself in its discordant rhythm. It allowed a certain isolation that could not be found in isolation itself, for though she drifted in this sea of life that refused to live, she felt as separate from it all as the sun was from the moon. Through the crowd she continued, stepping in time to its ebb and flow, subject to its perpetual will.


One two three, one two three, one two three...

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Bushes rustled. Large, stag-like horns poked through the underbrush.  They moved like a shark's fin through water. A owner of the horns, a silver furred head, poked out of the bush.


"This is an absolutely terrible idea."


"My plan is flawless."


" 'Going in, swiping that watch and getting out' Does not count as a plan"


"Does too"


"Does not"


"Does too"


"Does not"


"Does not"


"Does too"


The stag grinned. "There ya go!"


"I hate you."


The rest of Enzo was revealed when he popped out of the underbrush, a silver furred stag with a sword by his sidem it's tassel wrapping around the Stag's neck like a scarf.


"C'mon, it's either in the royal treasury or whatever place they use to keep evidence or stolen goods"


Brushing off a couple of leaves, Enzo made his way around the palace Gardens, trying to find a way to get into the castle.


"The castle is unusually... busy today, Is that right?"


Indeed it was. As Enzo poked his head through window, he saw that ponies of all shapes and sizes in a spectrum of dresses dominated the Castle, talking merrily away and eating ridiculously small portions of food.


His eyes widened and his mouth formed a small 'o'


"The grand Galloping Gala....Is today?"


"Heck if i know. All that matters is that the crowd of Nobles ought to give you some cover....."


Imaginary eyes drifted to the stag's horns


"Just...Try to blend in"


Sighing, moved over to another one of the palace's windows and hopped into the corner of the Palace's grand room, or wherever the Gala was held, hoping not to be seen. 

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@@- Aethergem -,


Blue Hearth followed, stopping only when he saw ahead of time that they were going the wrong direction.  He began to follow her in the right direction, though he wasn't quite sure if this is the right one.


"I haven't been to the ball room yet, but I'm sure the orchestra will be spectacular!"  He bumped into the same tree, but he stood there for a moment, wiping at a bruise he got from it.  He didn't bump into it very hard, so he shrugged it off relatively easily.  "I'm not quite sure myself, truth be told.  I'm just here in my uncle's stead."  Blue couldn't help but observe the tears in her dress.  He didn't want to be rude and hurt her by creating distance or pointing it out, but he was also sure the other nobles weren't going to look so favorably upon them both.


Still though, he was enjoying himself and he continued to follow, taking in all the sights along the way.

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@Akari of Duskshire


She looked over her shoulder. "You wanna go?" She seemed not to focus on one thing at a time. The pettiness was not her thing. She then stopped thinking about the orchestra and looked at the bland colors around her. Ponies in suits, and the decor... she zoned out. "I'll do what you want to do!" Dazzle came back to her original thoughts.


Ponies stared at her strangely.

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