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"First contact and we are arrested by Xenophobes on grounds of our existence scares them." Marcus looked at the guard and said, "You sir have balls to be brave and/or stupid enough to try to arrest people bigger and much tougher then you. So I'll just go with you right now despite the stupid grounds for arrest. Sound good?"

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Akatsuki used Sneak and Silent Move when going into the village again, to view the reactions of the ponies seeing the three large figures without being seen. As the ponies starting running a screaming, Akatsuki chuckled "You'd figure a tiny guy with a staff and no arms wouldn't be scary looking...". She said jokingly as they were stopped by a guard. She figured it was time to have some fun, so she used Sneak and Silent Move again and appeared behind the guard and tapped him on the back of the head "There's a fourth one to this group. And it was not our intention of terrorizing... What did you call this town? Ponyville? Anyway we did not intend for that. Our intentions are peaceful. So if you try to arrest us, we'll take that as an invitation to war. And you WILL lose." She says this with a hand on her katana at all times.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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@@Shadow Dancer,@,


The guard laughed "Ha, you are all pathetic. You won't stand a chance against Celestia and Luna" Said the guard and lunged for Michael. Since michael was so tiny, he easily out manuevered the guard, and blasted him in the face. The guard fell down unconcious. Michael shrugged "What? It's self defense" 

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"wait how are Luna and Celestia?" that got him a little scared as he had no idea how they were or how powerful "I'm sure all of us combined would be able to face them but one by one would make are death...shouldn't there be more guards other than this one?" he looked up to see pegasuses coming to them, he looked at the road and saw unicorns and earth ponies running to them. He looked at the body "we can explain in a discussion that doesn't involve killing of any sort...that is if you want to listen to us"

Edited by Yoshikupo
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Akatsuki chuckled "Celestia and Luna? Who the hell is that? Sound more like children's book characters to me." she said as Michael shot the guard in the face. "You didn't have to knock him out though. I wanted to ask him a few questions. Well anyway, he'll be up again in a bit, so no harm done." She looks around and there are lots of guards coming toward them. "If they start shooting first, we shoot back. BUT NO KILLING. Non-lethal shots only. Knock them unconcious, and then move to your next target. But if they feel like talking first, we'll tell them that we wish to speak to these 'Celestia' and 'Luna' characters..."

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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"Damn I'll not guarantee that bones will not be broken." Marcus dodges a spear thrust and punches the attacking guard in the chest pulling the blow but breaking some ribs, another guard attacked receiving a broken foreleg for his trouble. Marcus noticed how slow the ponies seemed to be moving, he was always out of the way and counter attacking long before a hit would have landed. Still no matter how much he pulled a punch Marcus still could hear bones breaking and he believed some would be in critical condition if they did not die. 

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Michael was standing behind every, he shot the few guards he saw with his blast. The fight carried on for 6 minutes, until they where blinded by a white light, or everyone except Marcus. From the light emerged a giant pony with wings and horn. The pony observed it's surrounding and spoke to us in an angry voice. "What have you four done!? I am princess Celestia, and i demand an answer?!" Shouted the princess and stomped her hoof

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Marcus watched the pony that called itself Princess Celestia look around and when the pony shouted he answered. "Simple, the armored ponies your guards I presume, attacked us for little more than being different and we defended ourselves. Their alive if you want to know, some with various broken bones but they are alive." Marcus took many steps towards Princess Celestia as he spoke and when he was close by he noticed he was about a head taller then her. "So any more questions?"

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Akatsuki chuckled "So they've resorted to the big guns. Must be emerassing when your biggest weapon is your Princess. Anyway..." She heard Marcus explain what they were doing "What he said is more or less what happened. And the broken bones are here can be fixed easily, I'm sure. Oh, and one more thing Princess..." she said as she disappeared and reappeared behind the princess "...You're lucky we kept you alive.". Akatsuki was a little emberassed for showing off so much, but she kept a straight face. She disappeared and reappeared next to the group again.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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The taunting and comments of the group got him mad "this is royalty, the ones how make all the rules and basically controls large land...so why are you acting this way? We could be hunted and never fine a way back home if we make her mad!" He yelled then looked at the princess "it is true we had to protect are self's because apparently sending everyone into a panic around town makes for a crime, even if you did nothing"

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Michael looked at the pony with a mixture of rage, and disapiontment. He calmy walked up to the princess. The completely calm, yet angry eyes penetrated her soul. He spoke with his scary voice. "You listen here Celestia. WE got dropped into this world, and went over to this village in hope of finding some civilized people to talk to, and we get this racist guard that decides to try and kill us. So we act and self defense and knock them out. Then you appear and asks what WE are doin!?" Michaels hands shook. He unleashed a giant powerball into Celestia sending her flying back. He walked up to the lying pony, a mix of fear and regret was visible on her face "You are pathetic" Said Michael, he would have walked back to the others, but got hit by a rainbow laser, petrifying him in a position, where he had a mean scowl, and a threatning pose

Edited by Gentleman Blaze
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"Well Princess we are at a crossroad, you can let us an unknown go acknowledging our side of the story or you could try to catch us and put us in jail for disturbing the peace just by existing and we will escape and harbor resentment towards you in which could end badly because you now have an unknown that dislikes you. All in all it's your die to cast, your gamble to make." Marcus said plainly.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Akatsuki sighs "Well now you've gone and done it Michael. Now you're stuck in that position. You feel all high and mighty now that you can't do anything?" She says as she disappears for a short while, then reappearing, holding a white feather in her hand "This is from one of your wings Princess, yet you didn't even notice, did you? You think you can just declare war on anyone who walks into town? Think again. Not me, at any rate. Michael here lets his emotions take over too much. The other two aren't as bad, but still they have things that hinder their abilities. But just know this: You try to attack me, and your wings will disappear." She says as she drops the feather and disappears. This time, she doesn't reappear.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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"oh god she's going to turn us into stone!" He screams in terror seeing Machael frozen "I don't want to die as a robot in another dimension for which I care little as they attacked us on the spot!" he got out the lazer "I have my own lazer...I hope its powerful enough to beat yours because if its not then I'll die as a statue and never see my family again and never have a real job and never have a real girlfriend" he starts charging as he forgets grammar "I don't want that to happen!" he turns his sadness into aggression and is about to press the trigger at full power

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@@Shadow Dancer,@, @@Yoshikupo,


Luna fired a beam down at the supposed "Legends" turning them in to stone. Celestia watched with a tearfull expression at each statue presented before her. She decided to take out quotes from their stories, and attach them to their stone prison



Master chief. The ironclad soldier

A tall bipedal creature clad in armor. He crash landed in equestria, and saved it from certain death. This soldier goes by the name Master Chief, his real name is how ever unknown. He is really strong, fast and deadly, so he was quite the ally to have. No one knows how the soldier arrived in equestria, or how he managed to take on an army, he died how ever in the process. But legend says, that when equestria is in danger, Master Chief will crash land, and save equestria again


Veigar. The dimension mage.

A bipedal yordle dressed in ropes and a hat, he has a staff and a gauntlet. No one has ever seen his face, only the green intimidating eyes. This litte travelled to equestria with the help of his gauntlet. He quickly became friends with the princess of the night. This powerful mage taught equestria how magic can be used to dimension travel through a multitude of theories. While this was quite the achievement, Veigar didn't stay goodhearted, Veigar got corrupted by dark magic. He overpowered Celestia and Luna, but lost when the elements of harmony got blasted in his face. Legend says that Veigar is the most powerful mage in history, when the world needs him, he'll fall from the sky as a meteor to aid equestria


Reconbot. The mechanical wonder

With the power to make upgrades to himself, and a deadly arsenal that consists of lazers and jetpacks. Reconbot is one of the most hardest to fight against. His diverse arsenal will keep you guessing, along with his rather innocent clothing that will keep you from knowing what he can actually do. Legend says that the boy is still out there, but no one knows where.


Akatskuki. The agile ninja.

A small bipedal creature dressed in clothing made of an unknown substance, and wielding a small assortment of bladed weapons. This creature was always on her own, not trusting even most distant of ponies with her whereabouts. She has incredible abilities that allows her to move silently, and be invisible at the same time, not able to be detected by any magic. Though some ponies say that she was actually bad, Celestia still claims that she was good, and that she was a powerful asset. Legend says that she's still out there, waiting in the shadows


1500 years later.

Michael woke up. He couldn't open his eyes however, so he tried to move his fingers. He could feel some ressistance around them, so he decided to move them more forcefully, and that resulted in pieces of debril falling from his hand. He shook his hand violently, removing all the rock on it. With his gauntlet now free, he easily blasted the rest off. He hopped down from his stone block, nearly falling because his msucles where weak. He looked at the castle, a feeling of anger was about to take over him, but he quickly relaxed. So long time in that prison allowed him to keep his emotions under control. He looked as the rest off his friends came out of their respective prison. Each and everyone had a more mature mindset.


Meanwhile on a train

Twilight sat with the rest of her friends in their private room. Celestia requested their presence at the castle. She was reading a fascinating book about legends from old equestria. She has read the book a lot of times, but it still fascinated that some of these legends where actually true.


 Twilight spoke up with a dreamy expression "I would give up my library to meet Veigar. His dimension travelling abilities sound so amazing!" Squeeled Twilight. "Yes! And Akutsuki sound like quite the gracefull warrior. She has that mysterious, dangerous and strong image. Her choice of clothing is simply to die for! She has inspired many fashion lines for me" Said Rarity with a dreamy expression. Wishing with all her heart to meet the warrior. Applejack rolled her eyes at their antics "Yes yes, they might be all high and fancy. But i would like to meet that Master chief fella. He sure sounds like he could buck a pony to tartarus" Said Applejack throwing her opinion in to the mix. "I would like to meet Reconboy! He sounds like he could kick all of our flanks. Plus, i share some similarities with him, we both are underestimated heroes!" Said Spike smiling. The friends looked at him and laughed. Spike got a grumpy expressions. "I hate you guys..." Said the dragon and walked off.

Edited by Gentleman Blaze
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Akatsuki woke up in some kind of stone encasing. She tried moving her fingers, but they wouldn't budge. She thought carefully, braced herself as much as she could, and jumped. The top of the stone crumbled, and she flew out of the small stone prison. She landed on her feet next to Michael, and she checked all her weapons. She mumbled to herself "Still as sharp as before. Just as they should be.". Akatsuki looked around, and noticed something had changed. She looked at Michael "Well it's definitely been a while. Everything seems different, but I can't really tell how long it's been exactly. You got anything to find out?"

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Michael looked at Akatsuki "I... Have no idea. I THINK that we have been gone for a thousand yeats, but i'm not sure." Said Michael with a frown. He looked at the two remaining statues, and wondered when they would crack. He had some buisness to discuss with her.

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Marcus felt the stone loosen and crumble with a few movements the rest fells off to his sides and with a step he got off the statue base and looked at his friends. Marcus stretched out his arms and legs and then checked his weapons and upon inspection he saw that his weapons remained undamaged and for the sake of it he activated then deactivated the energy sword "How are you two doing?"

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Aiden turned on, litteraly turned on and coldn't see anything "I'm sorry that I over reacted...feels like I had years to dwell on that thought" he says then moves his hand breaking the stone seeing light where he freed himself "oh, I'm not in a dungeon for me to rot in for all eternity" he broke the rest of the stone. He saw all the rest "I hate magic used against me...so what do we do now? We got freed somehow and I don't want to see that Celestia ever again" he got his machine gun from the holster "you know I don't exactly have all the weapons that he used, there was a fire ball, rocket launcher, a snake shot, bubble gun and a pistol that I don't care to have" he looked at the gun remembering the game

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Michael looked at all his friends. A smile growing on his face "I'm glad to see you all again. I have no idea how i'm still sane after over a thousand years of isolation. But boy am i glad to see you all again." Said Michael. He pulled everyone in for a hug. He let go, and started to create a portal with his gauntlet. The portal opened wide "Let's go everyone. This will lead us to the throne room. I do believe that we have some unfinished buisness with a certain pony. Also don't worry, this time around i won't lose my cool" Said Michael and stepped through.


A portal opened in the throne room, causing Celestia's eyes to widen in shock. "No... They are back" Muttered Celestia with evident fear in her voice

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Aiden stepped throw the portal as well seeing Celestia "first things first, you will not blast us into stone like you did last time? Right?" He pulls out Nemesis "I'm sure that my strategies I thought up in the stone will work...how long has it been? I've been on a slightly conscious power saver mode that does not tell time" he thought it couldn't have been long from how she was still here and how they got out of it easily after only a little bit of time.

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Marcus followed Michael through the portal seeing Celestia and smiling under his helmet, "It's fun having two different sets of memories one that you know are your own the other not so much. Explains plenty though." Marcus said plainly tired of the replays inside his head, tired of feeling things for actions and people he remembered but never saw and very tired of being trapped in stone.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Akatsuki used her abilities Sneak and Silent Move, then went through the portal, and positioned herself behind Celestia, but still using Sneak and waiting for the right time to strike. She heard her comrades whine a little at the fact that they don't know how long it's been or that Celestia seems more scared of them than last time. She thought of a few possibilities in her head, but couldn't find a strong enough reason for that. She decided to risk it and show herself. She came out of her hiding spot, appearing almost 2 feet behind Celestia "Just to let you know, you're not the one I'm after. So where are they? The one who turned me to stone? I have a few... questions... for them..."

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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@@Yoshikupo,@@Shadow Dancer, @,


Celestia shook her head "I won't tell you! I will make sure to prote-" She was cut off by a Blue pony similar to Celestia walking in, when she saw the 4 super beings, she looked at Celestia. "Are they the ones i turned in to stone?" Asked Luna, completely oblivious to what was happening inside the room. Michael turned his head and looked at her. His green eyes staring at her. "So you where the one who imprisoned us in stone for more then a thousand years?" Asked Michael angrily. He walked up to her face. "YOU IMPRISONED US!?" Said Michael, almost losing it. Luna fired a spell at him, but he deflected it with his staff "Not today princess." He summoned a field around the two princesses that immobilized them completely. He looked at his friends, and then back at the prinsesses "Now you will answer ALL our questions." Said Michael. The throne room opened, and in walked the mane six.... 

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Aiden was a little frightened by Michael's powers that he used when he looked back to see six ponies and a small dragon walk in "there are dragons here? Cool...wait how are you and would you freak out about whats happening to the royals over there?" he looked at the princesses "I swear I planned for non of this to ever happen...Michael kind of scares me now" he looks back at the six "by the way if you try to kill us or turn us into stone then I have a machine gun just for you, I'm not going to die after a thousand years of being trapped"

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