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@@Summer Breeze



'hey flearia, sorry for leaving so suddenly, but i remembered that i had to say something to midnight and got distracted' summer said with a guilty smile on her face 'also, is that irra?! she is soooo cute!!! i mean... not cute but, you know... she is... really cool? i don't know how to discribe it but she is the most interesting and beautifull thing i have ever seen!!!' summer was really hyperactive about the fact that she finaly met irra 'hey irra, i am summer breeze, how are you?' summer said to irra 'and could you pleas tell me finaly how you eat?!'



Flearia jumpd a bit at Summer's sudden apperance beside her. Tough she clearly wasn't alone about being starled as Irra quickly merged and hid herself inside her horn again. "Ow Summer! You starled me... And it looks like you starled her too." Flearia said as she saw Irra escape into her horn. "She's not to comfortable around pony she don't know and is easily frightent." Flearia said to summer as she proceded to try reach Irra's mind with her toughts and say that it is okay and that she don't need to be afraid. Summer would be a nice pony if yet bit enthusiastic! "She'll come around. Don't worry Summer! Maybe at lunch." 

Edited by Flearia
  • Brohoof 3


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

Starting a request shop! Visist it here


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@, @@MidnightMadness1,  @@Summer Breeze, @@MiniKirby123,  


"Okay class, thank you all for your insight on your knowledge of mystical creatures. As you know, I am technically a mystical creature to all of you. My kind doesn't stray too far from our home and our home isn't easily accessed. Few ponies have made the journey but not many. Headmaster Greyhoof was the first pony that I met as a young one. I was so fascinated by him and his strange magic that I wanted to eventually travel and work among the ponies. Meeting him inspired me to learn about any and all creatures that walk Equestria and even those who haven't been here for a very long time." 


Professor Autumn pranced around a bit, she was excited and it was clear to the students as well, most of them had a smile on their muzzle. That only made Autumn even more excited and happy. She started to rise into the air as she moved about, she didn't want to show the students that part of her for another few days, but now was as good as any other time. 


"Oh dear, I was hoping to show you this a bit later in the class but oh well. Just like you ponies, reindeer also have the power to do things. We can manipulate the elements and use magic. We have been able to do this for centuries, before even ponies knew about magic." 


Autumn landed and continued her lecture. 


Meanwhile ......


@@Script Dangles, @@reader8363


Professor Stardust was walking the halls as she peered into a classroom, she noticed a newer professor getting his things in order. She walked in and started admiring his posters around his classroom. A lot of them were of famous writers throughout history but others were of ponies on ice skates. She didn't recognize the team, must have been a minor league or a school team she thought. 


"Hello, my name is Stardust, I am the professor of Astronomy/Astrology. I couldn't help but notice all of your pictures. I am glad I'm not the only one who likes to decorate their classroom. I saw Professor Mirror's classroom and it was quite dull." 


She turned to the stallion with a smile. 


She then noticed another stallion at the door, "Oh, Professor Feeder, you must of had the same idea as me, meeting the new professors." 

Edited by Stardust*
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"She'll come around. Don't worry Summer! Maybe at lunch."

'i didn't mean to scare irra' summer said quitely 'i was just enthousiastic' and then summer and flearia sat down next to midnight and watched miss autumn walk around in the air 'wow, thats amazing, she fly's by using magic just like professor mirror said' summer whispered to midnight. maybe there was indeed a truth behind professor mirrors lesson but still summer wasn't sure if she beleved it or not, or if she liked it. magic had allways been something scary and untouchable for summer. she allways trusted her wings because you didn't need magic to fly but now she didn't even know if she could trust them anymore.

  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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He'd heard the soft clopping of her hooves along the empty hallway quite a while before she'd stopped at his door.  He had no idea who it was or what they wanted...and yet, he couldn't help but feel excited at the thought that he was about to receive a visitor.  After all, it wsn't just the ponies that felt that strange mix of elation and awkwardness that came along with the first day of school.  Okay, Script, he thought to himself.  Act casual.  Be cool.  You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.  He arranged the last pile of books and journals for the day's class to come and tried to hide the smile spreading across his face before he turned around at the sound of her voice.


"Hello, my name is Stardust, I am the professor of Astronomy/Astrology. I couldn't help but notice all of your pictures. I am glad I'm not the only one who likes to decorate their classroom. I saw Professor Mirror's classroom and it was quite dull."


She was looking around at his posters.  When he was in college, himself, Script had been told they were good for students.  They helped engage the mind and the imagination.  She had a look on her face like she had no idea who any of the players were.  He supposed that was just as well.  Most of them were of his old teammates, back when he'd played at the minor league level.  He'd done a good job of not hanging up anything that had him on it, himself.


"Hi," he turned around.  He was grinning from ear to ear.  So much for being cool.  Script walked up to where the mare was standing in the threshold of his door.  She was a light grey pegasus with a lovely blue mane, shot through with ebon streaks.  It was a little unkempt, but in a way that made her look approachably attractive rather than messy.  He glanced at her cutie mark:  A swirling pattern that joined four shining silver stars.


He offered the mare his hoof.  "I'm Script Dangles," he introduced himself.  "My first year here," he said, hoping that would explain everything.  He half-hoped that maybe she'd read something he'd written.


She turned to the stallion with a smile. 


She then noticed another stallion at the door, "Oh, Professor Feeder, you must of had the same idea as me, meeting the new professors."


Feeder walked up, out of the doorway and said, "Yeah, I guess we did. Hi, my name is Professor Feeder, it is a pleasure to meet you. I'm teaching medical. Hope you have a teaching time here."


Script took the measure of the newcomer.  He was an earth pony with light blue skin, almost the color of the open ocean, when the light hits it just right.  His messy brown hair made him wonder if he was the only pony on campus that owned a comb.  His pale green eyes seemed to hold a deep melancholy within them.  He couldn't make out his cutie mark because of the coat he wore.


Feeder reached in his coat and pulled out of a book, and written something down.


A teaching time, Script considered.  He wasn't exactly sure what that meant, but he took it at face value.  He offered him his hoof and a smile.  "Script Dangles," he introduced himself.  "I'm teaching English and Literature.  I'll also be coaching the school's Horse Hockey team.  It's great to meet you."  He wondered if Feeder was a doctor.


"Please," he waved them into his classroom.  "C'mon in.  I think we have a little while to talk before I have a class."



Shadow opened one eye to see the professor leaving his class. With a stretch, he got up from where he was sitting, reached in his bag and pulled out his hat and shades. As he was putting them on, he placed his bag in the portal, then walked up to the professor, and said, "So, you teach magic class?"


Professor Mirror was just walking out of the building when the voice stopped him.  The figure that approached him was inscrutible with his dark glasses and hat.  Something about him gave the teacher a bit of pause.  There was some kind of...hidden menace about him that was almost a tangible thing.  He hated to think of it in such a clumsy way, but there it was.  It was something that was difficult to describe simply, yet it was unmistakable, just the same.


He did not, for a moment, flinch from it.  Instead, he drew his simple dark cloak over himself.  He offered a thin smile.  "I do," he replied.  After all, he was not unused to that which promised menace.


He could see his own features mirrored in the darkness of his glasses.  "And you, sir, are...?"

Edited by Script Dangles

Avatar created by the incredibly talented Pucksterv!!!  :D


My OC, Script Dangles!

My OC, Smoking Mirror!

Ask Script Dangles!

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Seeing how Summer moved up to the top seats of the class with Midnight, She herself decided to take the front row so she could hear everything that was said in class and note it down. She brought up her materials and some new papers while she quickly noted down some of the known mytical creatures she know... Not being to deep in the subject she noted down the common ones. Dragon. Manticore. Breezies... and some more just to have it down.




Professor Autumn pranced around a bit, she was excited and it was clear to the students as well, most of them had a smile on their muzzle. That only made Autumn even more excited and happy. She started to rise into the air as she moved about, she didn't want to show the students that part of her for another few days, but now was as good as any other time.    "Oh dear, I was hoping to show you this a bit later in the class but oh well. Just like you ponies, reindeer also have the power to do things. We can manipulate the elements and use magic. We have been able to do this for centuries, before even ponies knew about magic." 


Flearia looked closly as Professor Autumn suddenly started to fly slightly in the room. This was another note to her papers about magic class! She started to write it down on the paper she had had for that class and quickly put it back down into her bag.


A while into the class and most of the students where bussy with their own papers and Flearia focusing on her own. Suddenly there where some students who ghasped loudly and started to talk loudly to one another. This broke Flearias concentration and directly after there where some low thuds that could be heard troughtout the room as several bags full of books and other material had fallen down back into their places. Her cheeks got red and a low "Sorry" could be heard from her.

  • Brohoof 3


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

Starting a request shop! Visist it here


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@@Script Dangles,

Shadow smiled and said, while reaching out with one of his metal claws

"Shadow Beast,  the ground keeper, I happened to walk by hearing about everything has magic. That makes much more sense about me."

His shadow reach under his hat and scratched the top of his head

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@@Script Dangles,


Shadow smiled and said, while reaching out with one of his metal claws.


The professor shook one of his claws.  He stared at it a bit longer than he should have, perhaps, but quickly remembered his manners.  He looked up into the obscurity of his dark glasses again.


"Shadow Beast, the ground keeper, I happened to walk by hearing about everything has magic. That makes much more sense about me."  His shadow reach under his hat and scratched the top of his head.


Shadow Beast, he considered.  It reminds me of something one of my brothers or sisters might have been named.  "A pleasure, Shadow Beast," he nodded gently.  "I am Professor Smoking Mirror."


He would probably have left it at that, if all things were equal.  He would have excused himself and moved along.  But the metal claw was proof that Shadow Beast was hardly your typical pony...and that all things were most certainly not equal, in this instance.  "It's quite true," he said, watching his own reflection again.  "Everything about us -- both perceptible and imperceptable -- sings with its own sort of magic.  Every mote of existence is a voice in a grand, silent choir.  It falls to the mage to hear the harmony they offer - and tend its timbre as might a conductor."


He offered a thin smile.  "I'm pleased that you could find insight in my lesson, Keeper Beast."

  • Brohoof 2

Avatar created by the incredibly talented Pucksterv!!!  :D


My OC, Script Dangles!

My OC, Smoking Mirror!

Ask Script Dangles!

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@@Script Dangles,

Shadow laughed and said,

"It's nice to meet you as well. You know, I've known something wasn't right about me."

He reached up pulled off his glass, revealing his red snake-like eyes, and dropped them into a portal that opened up.

"I look weird, scary, or just intimidating, but I can be kind when I want to."

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@@Script Dangles,


Shadow laughed and said, "It's nice to meet you as well. You know, I've known something wasn't right about me."


He reached up pulled off his glass, revealing his red snake-like eyes, and dropped them into a portal that opened up.  "I look weird, scary, or just intimidating, but I can be kind when I want to."


Professor Mirror blinked.  "Fascinating," he replied.  It wasn't clear if he was referring to the condition of the groundskeeper's eyes or the magical portal that he opened.  It might have been both.  In any case, he spoke of it in the same way someone might exclaim at seeing a brilliant dragonfly or a flower in bloom.


"Whomever told you that there was something wrong with you was a prejudiced fool," the Professor stated firmly.  "You are precisely as you were meant to be.  And appearances are merely that.  Only the nonsensical judges a pony with eyes alone.  The eyes fail to reveal the heart and soul, every time."


Professor Mirror nodded in the direction where the portal had once been.  "A conjuration," he mused.  "Quite elegant.  You've never been trained to walk the path arcane, have you, Keeper Beast?  You do this naturally, I suspect."

  • Brohoof 1

Avatar created by the incredibly talented Pucksterv!!!  :D


My OC, Script Dangles!

My OC, Smoking Mirror!

Ask Script Dangles!

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@@Script Dangles,

Shadow looked down to see that really light fog was clinging to his scale. With a sigh, he willed the fog to dissipate, show his scales

"I think it pretty weird to have scales on a pony instead of fur. Yeah, I've been able to make shadow portal ever since I was little, so it come natural."

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@@Script Dangles,


Shadow looked down to see that really light fog was clinging to his scale. With a sigh, he willed the fog to dissipate, show his scales.


"I think it pretty weird to have scales on a pony instead of fur. Yeah, I've been able to make shadow portal ever since I was little, so it come natural."



"You judge yourself through the lens of others who have thought your appearance odd," the Professor glanced down at the recoiling fog.  "I can assure you that nature sees nothing at all wrong with you.  I can also assure you that, had you never been told your appearance was strange by some fool, you would think nothing of it -- just as I do not."


"Your control over both conjurations is impressive," Professor Mirror nodded.  "I would expect as much, however, from one born to the gift, rather than needing to learn to interact with it.  The latter is a longer, circuitous road.  I presume the portal leads to a null-space?  Someplace to store things you desire to keep?"

  • Brohoof 1

Avatar created by the incredibly talented Pucksterv!!!  :D


My OC, Script Dangles!

My OC, Smoking Mirror!

Ask Script Dangles!

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@@Script Dangles

"You could say something like that. I can put whatever I want in it, but I also use it to move place to place, I can make anypony fall into my portal, so they can move place to place, but I control where they go. I would still like my original claws and wings, but I'm used to it

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"You could say something like that. I can put whatever I want in it, but I also use it to move place to place, I can make anypony fall into my portal, so they can move place to place, but I control where they go. I would still like my original claws and wings, but I'm used to it



The Professor nodded as he listened.  He pursed his lips for a moment, as if he were about to say something...but in the end, remained silent.  Perhaps he thought better of what he might have said.


Finally, he met Shadow Beast's eyes once more.  He stared into them, unblinking.  He was intense as the thunderstorm in that moment, as serious as the last breath of life.  "I want you to think very carefully about what you just said, Keeper Beast," he said.  "I want you to think very carefully about what might become of you, if you were to have the claws and wings you were born with returned to you.  I want you to think about how it might change you forever.  And I want you to think about whether it would be for the better or not."


"When you've come to a conclusion," he continued, "I want you to meet me here upon this very spot, tomorrow, after class."  He straightened his unadorned black cloak upon his shoulders.  "I would like to hear from your own lips what end you've come to."


"Until then," he nodded, that incredible intensity slipping from his tone, "it was my pleasure to have made your acquaintance."


He walked past where the groundskeeper stood, in the direction of his room in the teacher's dormitory.

  • Brohoof 1

Avatar created by the incredibly talented Pucksterv!!!  :D


My OC, Script Dangles!

My OC, Smoking Mirror!

Ask Script Dangles!

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Remix’s eyes widened as soon as she processed that their professor was a reindeer. She elbowed Jazz in the side, about to make a hushed exclamation of surprise, only to see Jazz taking down notes while seeming just as intrigued by the reindeer standing before them – so much so that she was sketching down the appearance of their professor.



However, the pink pony couldn’t contain her gasp of awe when the reindeer ascended gracefully into the air. Jazz was noticeably less awe-struck, but still was amazed by the ability to fly without wings. Magic huh. Neat. She scribbled down a couple of notes in the margins of her sheets, and started a fresh one when the lecture truly began.



Remix, on the other hand, took almost no notes – she simply listened attentively and absorbed all the information through her mind rather than scribbling down things.

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Professor Mirror made haste back to his chambers.  He made his way past teachers and faculty without a word or a glance for either.  He shrugged his shoulders to gather his cloak higher upon his body, though he understood at some level that the chill that ran the length of his spine had nothing at all to do with the weather.


He clambered up the steps and, with a gentle shimmer about his horn, opened his locked door.  The wing to which he had been assigned smelled of academia:  Of the dusty turned pages of books and antique wood.  It was pleasant enough, but he paid neither any mind.  He passed through the threshold and closed the door behind him making sure to throw the deadbolt and chain, both.


His cloak seemed to gain a life of its own.  As a great, black bird, it left his shoulders and swooped about his room for a moment before settling on the coat rack next to the door.  The room itself was exquisite:  Wall to wall bookshelves made of a dark, stained wood with an immense desk dominating the midst of it, over by the window.  A doorway led to a bedroom and bath.  It was incredible, easily the most comforting place he’d ever lain his head before.  His horn shimmered again and the blinds barred the view of the window.  Darkness ensconced the room.


He slowly walked in the direction of the room’s corner.  A piece of furniture – the only one that the University hadn’t supplied him – stood like a monolith there, a plain dust cover draped over the top of it.  As he approached it, he was aware of the sound of his breathing, the gentle thrumming of his pulse, in his neck.  Both were quick, anxious.  It was always this way, no matter how many times he approached it.  Even before he revealed its face, it had a way of working its own particular kind of magic upon him.


The Professor’s – Smoking Mirror’s – horn shimmered again.  The dust cover tumbled about the monolith’s framework onto the carpet below.  In doing so, it revealed itself to him in its full.  “Hello again, old friend,” he whispered breathlessly.  His heart, his breathing, were thunder in his ears.


Standing in front of him was a full-length mirror.  It had a lovely sterling silver frame that bound it, twisted and tarnished in some places like a candlestick.  Taller than him by a head and half again as wide, it captured the whole of his body.  The mirror’s surface was not made of glass of polished metal, though.   Instead, it was made of utterly black stone, polished so carefully that it reflected Smoking Mirror flawlessly.


His students would never recognize the image bound in the silver frame.


A gentle wisp of grey smoke rose into the air from the mirror’s surface.  It bore no scent or texture, no weight nor feeling.  Somehow, if failed to gather at the ceiling, fill the room around.  It was as if it was drained from the chamber by some invisible vent or valve.  It was as it always was.


The Professor stood in that way for a moment, gazing at his reflection.  He was waiting, anxiety building within him with each passing moment.  He wondered if she might deign appear to him.  Or had, perhaps, she forgotten him?  Half of him hoped she had.  Another half, slithering in the pit of his belly like a dark serpent, hoped she hadn’t.


“Tomorrow,” he said simply.


And waited to see if she might reply.

  • Brohoof 1

Avatar created by the incredibly talented Pucksterv!!!  :D


My OC, Script Dangles!

My OC, Smoking Mirror!

Ask Script Dangles!

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The bell rang indicating that class was over and the lunch hour had begun. Many students headed off back to their houses and many others headed to the dining hall. The teachers were free to go about their business as usual. The headmaster usually sat with the students that went to the dining hall. He liked to see the first years as they tried to explain all they had already seen. It was like they were just in amazement. 


There was one thing that the headmaster was concerned about, he thought he might try to have a chat with Professor Mirror before the lunch hour was over. 

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A teaching time, Script considered.  He wasn't exactly sure what that meant, but he took it at face value.  He offered him his hoof and a smile.  "Script Dangles," he introduced himself.  "I'm teaching English and Literature.  I'll also be coaching the school's Horse Hockey team.  It's great to meet you."  He wondered if Feeder was a doctor.


"Please," he waved them into his classroom.  "C'mon in.  I think we have a little while to talk before I have a class."


Outside the door, the bell rang, indicating the end of the period and the beginning of lunch hour.  "Or..." Professor Dangles chuckled, "maybe we don't.  Unless the two of you'd like to catch lunch together with me?"  His smile had an easy, relaxed manner to it.


"In either case," he winked, "I'll be expect to see you in the stands at our games this season.  We could use all the support we can get!"

  • Brohoof 1

Avatar created by the incredibly talented Pucksterv!!!  :D


My OC, Script Dangles!

My OC, Smoking Mirror!

Ask Script Dangles!

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when the bell rang, summer walked outside with flearia and midnight 'do we want to go to our houses or to the dining hall thing?' asked summer too them, but she wasn't waiting for them to awnser and she walked to the hall 'when's irra going to show herself? i promise i won't scare her this time.' said summer and she smiled guilty. she grabbed her lunch and started eating 'look what i made *chrunch* i baked cookies for lunch, i prepared them this morning *chrunch* do you want one? or does irra want one?'

Edited by Summer Breeze
  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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Gold Star tuner was wandering a round the campus for a while now. He arrive about at the campus 3 hour ago and still had all his belongings on him, and a spherical fish-tank in balance on his back but he could not get this thoughts out of his head.



(Occ: I just post this to give you some visualization, and because i'm really proud of it)



Back from world tour, he finally decided to settle down as a teacher. He would have loved to teach advanced magical theory to these students eager to learn but the school board would not ear it. 

"Not the right diplomas they said" he mumbled. 


How could they said that. He did take part in so many magical breakthrough that he was called the son of Starswirl. That was also his pen name, actuallyWho would believe that an earth pony created a optimisation arcanic matrix. 

He knew that it was not legally possible to teach without the right degree and that ate him. He had been eaten before, that was the same sensation. 

He would have loved to prove himself that he could teach magic, that their was people on Ecuus that might understand him, that he could pass his drive to understand this powerful energy to other generation of ponies, dragon, changelings, diamond dogs or gryphons. 

At least he could teach about magic artefact, but that was a poor consolation. 

How could they do that to him, 





Now, Gold was wondering why was he shouting on top of a building.  

And how will he get down.....

Edited by Guirdann
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@@Summer Breeze@[member=MidnightMadness1]


when the bell rang, summer walked outside with flearia and midnight 'do we want to go to our houses or to the dining hall thing?' asked summer too them, but she wasn't waiting for them to awnser and she walked to the hall


Flearia tought to herself for a moment... Wasn't Summer from the Crystal house? While she and Midnight was from the Changeling house? But before she could say anything about it as Summer had already turned towards the dinning hall... As they satt down in the dinner hall and started to eat, Summer crunched away on some sweet smelling cookies. 



look what i made *chrunch* i baked cookies for lunch, i prepared them this morning *chrunch* do you want one? or does irra want one?'



"Oooh I'd love one. Thank you Summer!" Flearia said as she took one of the cookies in her magic and inspected it closly and then took a small bite of it. "hmmm... hmmm..." She muttered to herself as soon after Irra appeared from her horn and levitated down onto the table. "Hungry huh? Irra?" She said as she moved an emty plate to her and started to mumble a spell. Soon after the plate was filled up with purple spectral cookies that looked exactly the same as the one she was holding with her magic. "Don't they look good Irra? Summer here made some cookies and she really wonders if you'd like some too." Flearia said and nodded towards Summer so Irra could se who this pony was. Irra quickly transformed into a miniature looking wolf with shimmering purple fur and bright ice blue eyes that looked up to Summer. She walked up to Summer and sniffed a bit on her and then made a motion that would have guestured a happy bark. "And this other pony would be Midnight." Flearia proclaimd as Irra looked towards the other pony and then quickly moved towards the the plate with the spectral cookies and started to chip away at one of them.


"As you can se Summer. Irra eats magic and that is also the reason she is a part of me. She kind is my magic and also her own being. She helps me when my magic is getting a bit out of controll. Like in the class before... She often give me a lill friendly burn to snapp me out of it. Luckily now it was just some levitation magic... I gets worse if I accidently use ice or fire..." Flearia said as she looked to Summer and Midnight as she herself started on her own lunch.

Edited by Flearia
  • Brohoof 3


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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'hello irra, nice to meet you' whispered summer when irra appeared, the little purple wolf sniffed her and summer felt and exited rumble in her stomach, don't get exited summer, stay cool, dont scare irra she thought as she watched irra eat the magical cookies 'she is verry cute, does she transform often?' asked summer to flearia.



"As you can se Summer. Irra eats magic and that is also the reason she is a part of me. She kind is my magic and also her own being. She helps me when my magic is getting a bit out of controll. Like in the class before... She often give me a lill friendly burn to snapp me out of it. Luckily now it was just some levitation magic... I gets worse if I accidently use ice or fire..." Flearia said as she looked to Summer and Midnight as she herself started on her own lunch.

'so irra is a magical little thing witch makes sure your magic stays in controle' said summer 'then i am happy irra is here, i don't like magic and especialy not when it's out of controle' and summer looked closely to flearia's horn to see if it was still okay. 'but what do you exactly mean by out of controle, what happens? and does it happen often?' summer aksed and her voice got a little higher as it useually was.

  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Summer Breeze



and summer looked closely to flearia's horn to see if it was still okay. 'but what do you exactly mean by out of controle, what happens? and does it happen often?' summer aksed and her voice got a little higher as it useually was.

"It happens more often then not when I focus on a task. and it can also happen when I use to much of my own power in a spell I'm not used to. An exaple would be with my Ice magic. When I first learned of it I accidently enveloped myself in a hugh ice crystal... Luckily for me. Irra was there and helped me out by melting it. Or with my Fire magic. I was reading about a spell and tryed it out. not knowing how much power I had myself and made an inferno instead of a small fire... It is one of the biggest reason I applyed to this universite. To try get it under controll" Flearia explained the best she could. 


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

Starting a request shop! Visist it here


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Shadow walked into his portal and sat down, thinking what Professor Mirror said. Yeah he wants his original claws and wings, but what does he got from having this metal ones? The metal ones have a relaxing sound of clanking against the tiles, but it hurt when it gets cold and he can't get it wet. He decided to take a nap inside his portal, it's been a while since he's done it


@@Script Dangles,

Feeder said, as he put the notepad away, 

"Sure, and I'll be there"

  • Brohoof 1
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Professor Dangles started into the hallway, closing the classroom door behind himself.  He offered Feeder a smile and Stardust a glance.  He was hoping she'd join the two of them for their lunch.  "So...this is all new to me, this being my first year and all," he started, idly looking around at the building's corridor.  "How long have the two of you been here at the University?"

  • Brohoof 1

Avatar created by the incredibly talented Pucksterv!!!  :D


My OC, Script Dangles!

My OC, Smoking Mirror!

Ask Script Dangles!

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