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open Sci-Fantasy RP Ep. 1 "The Hunt"


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"Careful with that one."


Missklang picked up a photo that fell out of the book. On it were Celestia and Luna receiving the elements of harmony.


"It's the original you know. The first ever being published. It's ten thousand years old. Every book here is older than you. So what did you want to show me? My ship exists beyond the time of the universe. We have all the eternity to chat after all..."

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Alpha quickly found the Princess, laying in the ruins of the ship, there were no signs of the other ponies, or of this strange pony who claims to know him named Missklang, and she was holding some device slowly, tears started to pool around Alpha's eyes and he quietly picked her up, trying not to put her in anymore pain, and brought her to the zenithian dimension.

He held her tight as he started a mass transport spell, the space around them distorted and then they were in his room in the zenithian dimension, he nudged his half finished TV and placed Twiligth down on the floor and let her rest, while he found some medicine and examined any wounds...

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Alpha quickly found the Princess, laying in the ruins of the ship, there were no signs of the other ponies, or of this strange pony who claims to know him named Missklang, and she was holding some device slowly, tears started to pool around Alpha's eyes and he quietly picked her up, trying not to put her in anymore pain, and brought her to the zenithian dimension. He held her tight as he started a mass transport spell, the space around them distorted and then they were in his room in the zenithian dimension, he nudged his half finished TV and placed Twiligth down on the floor and let her rest, while he found some medicine and examined any wounds...


A letter fell from Twilight hoof


"Dear Alpha. Don't worry, Twilight is safe. This is the real one, but she won't wake up. You see, I made an auton clone from plastic that look like her, and her continuous is in it. So I have a copy of Twilight which is controlled by Twilight. She won't notice it and neither will others. If she dies, she will wake up in this body that is the original. Don't try to wake her. It can be dangerous... Your friend Missklang"

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"I know how to handle a book, Missklang.... is it? Apologies about Darkhaert over there, he's been jumping a lot of hoops lately. The Nightwalker always has a job for him." Dusk sat looking thoughtful, and then continued on educating Missklang. "The Dreadnoughts used to be pretty much regular ponies, like you and me, but they then started enhancing themselves, faster flight, more powerful magics, improved strength and such. Well these traits passed on genetically, and eventually the Dreadnoughts were superior to the other two clans: The Shaderaki, and the Lighesai, I think that's right.... Well with their enhanced powers they discovered the secret weapon to conquer the universe, they made seven stones, based around basic emotions and forces in nature. The Elements of Harmony is what you call them. The other six you already know about the first six. But the seventh stone could control, alter, or erase time. This ushered in the Golden Age of the Dreadnoughts, their massive war fleets were created in a single days, battles fought in hours, or never happening, because the enemy fleet just "disappeared". After a period of seven years, the stones went haywire, and starting destroying the fabrics or reality. The Dreadnoughts then had to destroy the Element of Time by using the other six Elements. The Element was destroyed, and the other Elements were greatly reduced in power. The Dreadnoughts ended the first war, and took up the mantle of protecting the Harmonic Stones, as they were called in those days. The other clans, however, learned of the stones. And wanted them so they could dominate the galaxies. So another war broke out. The harmonic stones then fell into the hooves of the Shadaraki and the Lighesai. Three to each. Using their technologies they created Alicorns for battle. Much blood was shed in attempt to control all of the stones. Then the Dreadnoughts, in a single day. Reclaimed all the Harmonic stones, and took the, to their grand warship, The Relator. Then the Relator disappeared, secreted away, never to be seen again. There was speculation that the Dreadnoughts created being to live off the power of the stones, but it was never confirmed." Dusk paused to make sure Missklang was listening and she drank some water to moisten her throat.

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A letter fell from Twilight hoof


"Dear Alpha. Don't worry, Twilight is safe. This is the real one, but she won't wake up. You see, I made an auton clone from plastic that look like her, and her continuous is in it. So I have a copy of Twilight which is controlled by Twilight. She won't notice it and neither will others. If she dies, she will wake up in this body that is the original. Don't try to wake her. It can be dangerous... Your friend Missklang"

hmmm, that's interesting, I didn't know one could do such a spell, I guess I'll just keep Twilight here, just in case...


Alpha goes to another room and opens a drawer


This special timepiece... It's very powerful, yet dangerous...


As he took the timepiece off him horn, he put it in the drawer, and gently closed it shut.


Then he took the time to pick some flowers in the crystal empire, and came back with a dozen of Griffin Scones.


He put the crystal flowers into a vase near the mahogany bedside table along with the Griffin Scones, and slowly picked up Twilight and layed her in his bed and covered her body with a bed sheet.


He walked into the Library and opened a book, The Harmonic Stone Wars, a gift from Twilight, one she gave him for his birthday...

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Dusk then continued on, "The Shadaraki and Lighesai still wanted the stones, so they sent out their Alicorns in search of them, after that, the two clans were destroyed by the Dreadnoughts. But a new faction had arised. The Machine nations. These were sentient machines and cyborgs that sought to control the Galaxy, they were ruled by nine cyborg "Archons" and they represented different powers. The machines only have one goal. Assimilation and Dominantion, or decimation of enemies. They then fought the Dreadnoughts over the stones, but it became a standoff. So the two factions agreed to have a peace. And the stones were lost, so there was no point for war anymore. So now the Galaxy has a forced "peace". Dusk stood up, and looked at Missklang. She pulled out another book and started to read it, and let Missklang contemplate what that meant.

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He finished a chapter and closed the book, and he walked back to his bedroom to check on Twilight heartbeat.


Alpha rested his head on Twilights chest and concentrated, he heard a faint but stead heartbeat, and had a breath of relief. He was lucky he was in the zenithian dimension and not in actual Equestria, or else he would be embarrassed.


He tucked her back in and went back to the library and pulled a book, and a few shelves moved themselves, uncovering the fact that visible library before was at least 3 times as small than when the shelves reoriented themselves and uncover a room behind it.


There were weapons on the wall and various glass panes protecting dozens of gems.


Alpha quickly rushed to a glass box which was opened and checking if anything disappeared, but remembered that he left it open, a book was opened to a page titled "Ancient Stones, and their uses"


The plaque that said what was in the display case said "The Element of Time,UNFINISHED~HIGHLY REACTIVE"...

  • Brohoof 1

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"MISSKLANG! IS THIS THE REAL TWILIGHT!!!!????" Façade shouted. Façade ran into the library to see Missklang, and Dusk. "Is she? If she's not, she's in danger!" Façade started pacing, muttering "She's a flipping Dreadnought, if they find her, it's all over..." Façade stopped and tried to think of something calming to do, ah! Check his gear! Façade made sure that his grappling hook, cutlasses, shotgun, his knives, and his three pistols where all in working condition. He then saw that his hooded cloak was shredded and his leather armor useless. He took a trip into that closet of Missklang's. He found a mixture of a peasant's clothing and changling armor. Façade grabbed the clothes and armor and decided to make a few changes to it. He added a brown hood and hoof wraps under the gauntlets and greaves. He also cut the shirt's sleeves off. He got back into the familiar clothes, and put his gear on.

Edited by Darkhaert 2099
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"Don't worry Facade. She is all pale and cold because my TARDIS is scanning and repairing her. You see, the explosion did much more damage to her than you. Don't worry. Nothing can get through the TARDIS's defences. Even all of Dreadnoughts reunited... And would you mind telling TARDIS which exact clothes you took. You see, some of them unique, and if she doesn't have a spare one, she don't let it go from her. She takes her collection very seriously. But I think in the case of changelling armor, it shouldn't be a problem. Only if it is one of an important general or something. Better ask her as well."


Missklang taped few lines in a wall terminal and a micro appeared.


"TARDIS, sweetheart, would you mind checking the armor our guest choose as his costume?"


A blue glow surrounded Facade. Then, strange circles appeared at the terminal.


"Aha, a common changeling scout and spy armor of the third generation. Reinforced with diamond dust and have the properties of protecting the wearer from fire and poison. It is extremely hard, but surprisingly thin, making you able to hide it under normal clothes. However, extreme density makes it very unfit for swimming. It's shape is very aerodynamic, granting the wearer the ability to fly faster than normal, but sacrificing a part of maneuverability at high speed. It is still very fit for close range combat and very suited for you. And also, it has a rudimentary chameleon effect, making it able to change along with the wearer's physical appearance. Not interesting for you because you can't transform as you aren't a changeling or a zygon. We have a bunch. She says it's ok if you take it. And she asks me to warn you about customising clothes before asking her permission. Those peasant robes are worthless and can be replaced, but that could be the robes of Ponny d'Arc that look the same, and you would damage a unique piece of collection that have infinite value."

Edited by Missklang
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Hmm, well the piston can't go there, or else then the ship wouldn't work, but that means it's mass...


Alpha talked to himself as he looked at the blueprint that he drew up based on a Dreadnoght Warship, the Revelation, which he gotten from a old trader from the corners of Equestria, as now he was trying to redraw the blueprint of The Relator, the massive Warship in which the Dreadnoghts took the elements of harmony, as he read in his studies




Twilight shifted a little in Alphas bed and Alpha noticed, and he realized he just shouted, and went back to drawing, and he hoped he didn't disturb Twilights sleep too much.

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"Funny you should say that, Missklang, Because these were all together. It's the outfit I wore in the first dimension I traveled to" Façade said nonchalantly. "So... If I may ask, where are we as of right now TARDIS?" Façade said. He then grabbed his sword and entered the library. He picked out a older scroll on arcane rituals, and started to read it.

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"I know that it is. Because it IS the outfit you wore in the first dimension. I had it stored in here obviously. For the matter of our position, I'm not quite sure. My ship usually sails through the time vortex until she finally lands in a place the next collection piece she wants is located. I go out and bring it to her. That's how we roll. It's been years and our collection is huge. We even have the Tom boulder here. Everything here is unique in some way. She probably knew you would recognise the armor and so she arranged herself in the way you see it. However, I don't now how long it would take for her to find the next piece. It can be minutes, hours, even days. One time she couldn't decide for a whole year. But I think in a day or less we will land somewhere..."

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Façade let Missklang comtemplate their position. He glanced at Dusk, and went to check on Twilight. He went into the closet, and looked for a doctor's kit. He just wanted to check on her, he didn't let any of his crew get hurt and not looked at. Façade found one rather quickly and thanked the TARDIS. He smiled, took out the stethoscope, and couldn't find Twilight's heartbeat. "Missklang I need your help!" He shouted, "I can't find Twilight's heartbeat." Façade was worried. He check for pulse, nothing... "TARDIS is Twilight okay! Can you help!?"

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The screen near Facade blinked and a ghostly figure appeared near Facade. It was a hologram of a mare. Her colors couldn't be identified due to the blue monochromes of the hologram. The pony smiled and replied.


"Do not worry, Facade. She is all right. Her heart is still beating but the tool you have in your hooves is not what you think. It simply calculates the amount of positronic energy of a person. You don't need to worry about. Her pulse is low because she in deep sleep. She went through much and being a princess is quite fatiguing. I put her into an artificial sleep for few hours. She would certainly overreact upon the library that you visited just minutes ago and would be unable to rest. Do not worry. I take care of her."

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As Alpha took a break from the mind boggling blueprints, he went to his cider machine, and poured himself a glass of warm cider, and walked back into his bedroom, to see if Twilight woke up yet.


Sadly, she did not.


Alpha checks her heartbeat again, and noticed it was a bit more stable and she wasn't moving much, and he concluded she was having a nice nap, and realized he was quite tired himself.


Alpha thought of getting in the bed, but decided against it, and settled on the ground, and slipped into a light nap...




Alpha slowly walked down a hallway, went right, and kept going straight. Alpha saw staircase at the end. Alpha went up three floors. And went into blue corridor. The seventeenth door to the left. It would be the kitchen. In the far left corner, there is a machine wich look like an oven. Alpha asks himself How do I know this? Every dream, I get sent somewhere, and I know exactly where to go, but every theme, it's random, like the 2nd row, 67th tree of sweet Apple acres, or the time when I navigated through Griffinstone, even though I've never been there... Oh well, I guess I can finally see how they make these...


Alpha made a beam come out and envelope the machine and put it on paper, and that was the blueprint of the food machine...

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"TARDIS," Façade said, after finally calming down, "We need to get Alpha, he'll be in from the Machine Nations and Dreadnoughts as well. We need to get him." Façade grabbed his gear, and looked at the her? Was that it? Ah, Façade didn't really know as of the moment and wasn't going to bother them anymore. He saw Dusk sleeping and found some tattered blankets. He put them on the sleeping pegasus and then checked on Missklang. "You up for a game of Sabacc?"

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Alpha wakes up, with a scroll in hand.


Yawnnnnnn! Ahhh, I've never slept like that ever since I was a filly! I wonder if Twilight woke up yet?


And Alpha stood up and walked to his bed, sadly, Twilight was still asleep.


Oh well, I quess I should start building this now, and I need some lumber, metal, and a bunch of other stuff....


...No! It can't be, where am I?....


Alpha quickly whipped his head back, to see Twilight muttering in her sleep, pieces of conversation, that made no sense to him what so ever

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~~~~~~Inside The TARDIS~~~~~


@, @@Missklang,


Façade saw Twilight wake up, and she had a look of confusion upon her face. Façade broken the ice the best way he knew "I clonked you in the head. You weren't gonna come willing so... And now we're trapping in a super-intelligence box thing. So how do you feel?" Façade then lead her to the library, probably not his wisest move. Façade just sat her down besides Dusk and went to find Missklang.

Edited by Darkhaert 2099
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Missklang was in the console room. In the middle of an argue with his ship...


"...but can't you find something in the same timelapse? It's really important! We can go and take the baby Celestia's teddy bear next time! Please...."


He saw Facade coming into the console room.


"Hey, Facade! How's Twilight? I heard she woke up. Is everything alright?"

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Façade gulped. He looked at Missklang. "Twilight's having a book overdose. She's fine I think..." Façade tapped his hoof, it's been at least three days in this thing, and it was feeling rather cramped. "Do you have a padded room? I'm gonna lock myself in it for an hour or till be get off of this thing." Façade walked to the padded room, and locked himself in it. And then he started to play Sabacc with TARDIS.

  • Brohoof 1
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~~~~~~Inside The TARDIS~~~~~@, @@Missklang,

Façade saw Twilight wake up, and she had a look of confusion upon her face. Façade broken the ice the best way he knew "I clonked you in the head. You weren't gonna come willing so... And now we're trapping in a super-intelligence box thing. So how do you feel?" Façade then lead her to the library, probably not his wisest move. Façade just sat her down besides Dusk and went to find Missklang.

You did what?! Where am I!? Oh no! Why? What? When?

Twilight sputtered out, having a foggy memory of what happened, but she calmed herself down as much as possible and opened the first book she saw....

"The Harmonic Stones"....


Twi....Are you.., why?... Awake?... Please!....

Twilight heard a string of words, sounding like static and wondered what that was and who said it...

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The TARDIS landed. 


"Alright, everypony! Are you ready for what awaits us behind the door? Because I have not a slightest clue! Remember, my ship wants something particular and if we don't bring it, we would stay in, whatever the place we are, until we found it, she won't take off until she gets what she wants. And before you ask, no I do not know what we are searching for. My ship will point us in the right direction and inform us when the object is in sight. Please, before you leave, take those roundlets on the console. The light will glow more or less intensely regarding how close we are to the object." 


The door opened and let the group out. They were on some sort of gigantic abandoned spaceship. It looked as if it was here for thousands of years and looked as if the crew just vanished or left the ship in a hurry. 


"Interesting! I actually know where we are... Behold, the ruins of the Relator!"

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Alpha sensed the magic aura of a few ponies within range of the zenithian dimensional plane and quickly run out of his room and opened a portal to see who found the fixed rift...


~Through the portal~


Ahh, this hunk of metal, I remember! Although what are other ponies doing here? They shouldn't know this existed! Even I still don't know what this is, so it-

Alpha quickly heard hoofsteps going towards him and quickly hid behind a big piece of scrap metal.


Ok we're really close now, it is in this fincinty, it must be something here...


Alpha saw a red pony say that to another pony and Alpha quickly ducked to avoid a flashlight beam, and opened a small portal....


And a nice sharp blade came out...


Ok, now if they try to mess with me or the rift, or Twilight I have the green destiny to protect us

Edited by Shadow Strike

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Missklang's medallion glowed...


"Ok we're really close now, it is in this fincinty, it must be something here"


He took a strange device in his hoof and wave it around.


"Interesting... It appears there is some sort of rift, a crack in the dimension.... A portal of some sort. My detector detects an anomalously high levels of zetha radiations... Follow me, we are near... It's strange, it also detect a living creature nearby. It detects brainwaves that could only be produced by a living mind with a pony level intelligence. Be on your guard!"

Edited by Missklang
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"Interesting... It appears there is some sort of rift, a crack in the dimension.... A portal of some sort. My detector detects an anomalously high levels of zetha radiations... Follow me, we are near... It's strange, it also detect a living creature nearby. It detects brainwaves that could only be produced by a living mind with a pony level intelligence. Be on your guard!"

Alpha raised his sword in parry stance, ready to attach anything. Alpha caught glimpses of their conversation and gasped, to the fact that they found out about the rift...


Alpha hoped they didn't hear him gasp, and hid a small portal behind him, so if he can't hold them off, at least he could escape back in the zenithian dimension without directly going into the rift.


He then used his magic to animate (OOC, in other words, bring to life) a few pieces of rusted scrap, into a pony form, and gave it a sharp jagged pole.


Sentinel! Position!


Yezs sir!


Came out of automation.


The rusted bot slowly walked towards the ponies and shouted in a metallic voice


Who are you? What.... Are you doing... Here?

Edited by Shadow Strike

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