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Equestria: Rise and Fall of and Empire


Equestrian Imperial Regime: Resurgence


It was a normal afternoon in Equestria. Everypony everywhere was going about their business as usual. What they were unaware of, however, was that way off beyond Equestria’s borders, there was an ancient, sinister evil more powerful than Nightmare Moon, Discord, Queen Chrysalis, and King Sombra combined together. Beyond those borders, a conclave of ancient rivaling warriors were raising an army. This army came to be known as the Insurrection, an army of griffins and dragons hell-bent on getting revenge on Equestria for taking their lands. In order to stand a chance against this threat, the prince and princesses of Equestria must take up arms, make uneasy alliances, and ally themselves with a mysterious and suspicious group of individuals known as the Guardians of Equestria. Finding these new, powerful allies will be the easy part. However, will the Mane Six be able to cooperate with these ponies of unknown allegiance?


We begin the story here, in Twilight’s castle, where Princess Twilight and her friends were going about their regular business when a sudden and uneasy message arrives for them form the Crystal Empire. 

“Help,” the message read, “Chrysalis and Sombra have been spotted in Equestria. Send help immediately!” Alarmed, Princess Twilight calls for her friends and tells them about the message. 

“Saddle up girls,” she tells them, “Looks like Equestria needs our help once more.” 


They ventured off to the Crystal Empire. When they get to the Crystal Empire, however, there weren’t any changelings or dark crystals to be seen anywhere in the area. Even more confusing, but much to their relief, was that the Crystal Heart of the empire remained untouched. What was going on here? Why would Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor send Princess Twilight a distress message if nothing was wrong in the Crystal Empire? Something felt very wrong, but in a weird and good way.


When they arrived at the castle, they were dumbfounded to see that Cadence and Shining Armor were not hurt at all. In fact, they were having a conversation with Sombra and Chrysalis, not being attacked or being held hostage. No, they were just talking as if they were high school classmates that haven’t seen each other in 20 years. 

“What’s going on here!?” Twilight demanded. 

Startled by his sister, Shining Armor replied, “Twily! What took you guys?” “What took us?” Twilight asked in bewilderment and frustration, “What are they doing here? And just why are you talking to them like you’re friends!?” 

“Relax, child,” Sombra replied calmly, “we mean your brother and sister-in-law no harm.” 

Chrysalis added, “We just want their help on something.” 

Cadence asked, “What exactly do you need form us?” 

Sombra answered Cadence by asking her, “You’ve heard about the recent attacks on Equestrian cities, right?” 

“Yeah, we have,” Shining Armor answered back suspiciously, “You sure those weren’t you guys?” 

Sombra angrily retorted, “I wouldn’t ask if I knew that I was the one attacking those cities! Hell, I wouldn’t even come over to you if I was attacking anything!!” 

“Stop it!” Chrysalis quickly intervened before the argument got out of control, “As of right now, we’re no longer enemies but allies, whether any of you guys like it or not.” 

Cadence asked with curiosity, “Why exactly do you want us to go with you to Manehattan and what does that city have to do with these attacks?” 

Chrysalis answered while holding up five files, “I was getting to that. These are dossiers of five very powerful and very violent generals who used to protect Equestria from the very group that is currently attacking Equestria.” They all stared at the dossiers as Chrysalis went through each of them. “They’re all ex-Imperial officers of the army,” she explained, “and I may have set them in ascending order form  least dangerous to most violent, but that’s no excuse to take any of them on lightly.” 

“Why should we be concerned about that?” Twilight asked. 

Sombra answered, “These guys are former E.E.M.s, or Elite Equestrian Marines. Knowing these guys from a personal perspective, these guys retain their battle skills and can and will use them on anyone if they wanted or needed to. Plus, they hate griffins and dragons with a fiery passion, so if I were you, I would watch over your little pet over there.” He looked over at Spike who cowers behind Twilight.


Chrysalis went over the dossiers as she cycled through them. “Our first operative is the Brigadier General, Shyler. Soldiers used to call him the Sentinel. Master field medic of the Imperial army. He can not only make the best medicine form everyday items, but can also brew the most lethal poisons with common household plants. Not very dangerous unless agitated or threatened. Last known sightings were at local clinics. Some say he’s still experimenting with new herbal remedies.” 

“I’ll try to find him.” Fluttershy volunteered timidly, “As long as he doesn’t get violent with me.” 

“Our second operative is Major General Luminous,” Chrysalis continued, “His friends and fellow allies call him the Shadow. Master of infiltration, disguises and espionage, he can walk right in front of you and you won’t even notice. Don’t look him straight in the eye. He is as dangerous as he is charming. I personally learned that the hard way.” 

Rarity replied, “I volunteer to go after him. If anypony here can resist charm, I’m the best at it. Where is he?” 

Sombra answered, “Last I heard he’s in his own boutique here in Manehattan. Or was it in Fillydelphia? I can’t remember.” 

“Got it,” Rarity confirmed, “There can’t be too many boutiques in those cities. Plus, I know those cities like the bottom of my hoof.” 

Chrysalis went on with the dossiers, “Our third target is Lt. General Patrick ‘Party’ Paul, better known as the Slayer. He’s as unpredictable as he is dangerous and his attacks utilize tremendous amounts of force. Last known whereabouts were in Las Pegasus casinos.” 

“I’ll find him!” Pinkie Pie excitingly exclaimed, “Just cast the spell that lets me walk on clouds and I’ll get him here!” 

“Our Fourth target is General Applebuck, known as the Demolisher. Former explosives expert and leader of the army’s demolition squadron,” Chrysalis went on, “He’s currently living up to his name blowing up banks around Equestria according to our sources. They also report that his purposes for destroying those banks is unknown as well, considering nothing was taken from the banks he blew up.”

Applejack responds, “I’ll get that varmint if it’s the last thing I do!” 

“Finally,” Chrysalis continues with an ominous pause, “The most dangerous yet most important one of them all saved personally for you, Princess Twilight. He’s known by many names--the father and the founder of the army and, most famously, the Destroyer.” 

“Whoa,” Shining Armor exclaimed, “You mean that Equestria’s rumored Destroyer is real?” 

“Yes,” Sombra answered, “And trust me when I say this: He’s a very intimidating colt. Even the princesses and even we, his closest allies and friends, are scared to speak up against him.” 

“Rumor amongst the soldiers say that this colt is actually a part of something much bigger than the Imperial Army of Equestria,” Chrysalis continued, “What is certain is that this individual is a towering giant with tremendous strength, speed, stamina, endurance, and intellect. He alone has wiped out countless legions, regiments, platoons and armies with a simple wave of his hoof. He possesses powers beyond even Celestia’s comprehension and control.” 

“Whoa!” Shining Armor replies in awe, “Where can we find this guy?” 

Sombra answered, “I’ve heard that he now goes under the alias of ‘Soundwave’ these days. Apparently he’s become a musician and has recently become a huge hit playing in public events and private parties.” 

Rainbow Dash eagerly, “I’ll go after him with Twilight!” 

Twilight asked, “Rainbow Dash, are you sure? I don’t want you to get hurt by him.” 

“Hey,” Rainbow Dash retorted, “If I was assigned to go after him you would want to tag along too, right?” 

After some thought Twilight replied, “Yeah, I guess you’re right. We’ll stand a better chance if we confront him together.” 

“A word of caution about him, you two.” Chrysalis warned them. 

“What, what is it?” Twilight asked. 

Sombra answered, “This guy is an ex-Wonderbolt. Used to be the fastest Wonderbolt of the group known as ’Sonicboom’, or, to the other Wonderbolts, ‘the Legend’, until he mysteriously resigned for no clear reason. So if you cause him to start flying away, good luck catching him. He’ll be a thousand miles away from you the moment you look away from him.” 

“Whoa, awesome! I get to race a legend!” Rainbow Dash squealed with great eagerness. 

“One last thing,” Sombra warned, “Have you ever been shot at?”

“No,” Twilight answers, “I don’t even know what that means.”

“Then you’ll have a hard time chasing him down,” Sombra explained, “This guy somehow keeps weapons on him ready to deploy and shoot at anyone he sees. Trust me also when I give you this warning: he will shoot at you if you chase him down. That means that if he runs under any circumstance, don‘t pursue him. He‘s amazingly accurate with any kind of gun from sniper rifles to submachine guns.”

“Bring it on!” Rainbow Dash exclaims confidently.

“Okay,” Chrysalis tells them, “You all know where to find these guys. Now go! The fate of Equestria depends on you guys yet again!”

With that order, the Mane Six took off into their designated areas.


Fluttershy arrives at a clinic in Manehattan.

“Um, excuse me,” she asked timidly, “but do you know where I can find a ‘Dr. Shyler’ in this clinic?”

“He’s busy with a patient at the moment,” the receptionist answers her, “Feel free to take a number and wait here while he works.”

“But, I just can’t wait,” Fluttershy quietly exclaims, “The fate of Equestria hangs in the--”

“Look, kid, I’m sorry, but I’m only a receptionist,” the mare interrupted before Fluttershy could finish, “I can’t simply force the doctor to let you talk to him. Unless it’s a medical emergency, please take a--what, what’s that, sir? Okay. Okay. Yes sir, I will. Okay. Okay. Well, looks like the doctor will be seeing you immediately, Miss--?” 

“Fluttershy.” she responds.

The receptionist guided Fluttershy to the doctor’s office telling her, “He shall see you now.” 

Shyler was a colt of a timid shape; his head stoops low and he turns his head to the side in the same way Fluttershy did when she first met Twilight Sparkle. What made Shyler unique, however, was that he was a alicorn with six wings. A male alicorn? Fluttershy thought, And he has six wings, too. Does that mean he’s a special kind of alicorn?

“What did you need to see me for?” he asked.

“Do you know anyone by the name of Sombra or Chrysalis by any chance?” Fluttershy asked him back.

“The admiral and wing commander summoned me!? This is bad. Bad, bad, bad.” he replied in a panic.

“Calm down,” Fluttershy responds to calm him down, “We’re only meeting up I’m not sure what they need yet.”

“Are they gathering up my brothers?” he asked with a hint of concern.

“Yes, we are.” Fluttershy answered.

“Okay,” he replies with relief, “where will we meet up?” And with that, they leave off to the rendezvous that Chrysalis set for them.


Rarity checks building after building but so far found no luck until she found this one particular boutique. It was made of a shiny, unidentifiable material that glistened in the sunlight. The doorknobs were made purely out of diamond. There were elegant gowns and suits on display which looked like nothing she had ever seen before. When she entered the boutique, she thought to herself, This must be the place. Just look at all of these gorgeous outfits.

“Ahem! May I help you, madam?” a colt asked suddenly in a charming voice.

“Oh!” Rarity exclaimed in surprise, “I didn’t mean to impose, darling. I was just marveling at your dazzling dresses.”

“Indeed,” he replied, “It’s nice to have finally met someone else with an eye for fashion.” He was apparently flattered by her.

The interior of the boutique was a pure white where only the various dresses and suits of varying colors and styles contrasted from the walls.

Rarity exclaims, “I’m absolutely at a loss for words here. Words simply can’t describe the joy I feel right now.”

The colt suddenly felt something suspicious about Rarity. It was as if something about her warned him that she was planning on using him for something.

“Alright, cut the sweet-talk,” the colt tells her, “I know why you’re here.”

Distracted by the beautiful dresses in the boutique, Rarity was in a genuine state of confusion asking, “What? What do you mean?”

The colt replies, “I’ve heard of the strikes hours ago. Among the ponies of today, only my brothers and I know where they are coming from. You’re gathering them together, aren’t you?”

“Why, yes,” Rarity answered with a hint of shame and regret, “Princess Cadence and Twilight request your presence immediately.”

“Very well,” he says, “I’m Luminous, by the way.”

“Rarity.” she responds. After hours of viewing and shopping, they finally close up the boutique and head straight for their designated rendezvous point.


Pinkie Pie was at a casino named “Party Paul’s Party Palace.”

“This place looks like a lot of fun,” she exclaimed, “I wonder what’s inside.”

The exterior of the palace had many lights and balloons and pegasi of all kinds went inside. When Pinkie Pie enters, she was immediately greeted by two friendly pegasi.

“Welcome!” the first one exclaimed.

“Is this your first time here?” the second one asked.

“Yup, it sure is.” Pinkie Pie answered.

“We’ll give you a guided tour of the casino, then!” they replied simultaneously.

Pinkie Pie replies, “I’d love to, but I’m looking for a clot named Party Paul.” The two mares immediately escorted her to a room above the ceiling of the casino. In the front-center of the room, a tall, pink alicorn colt stands with what looked like a Pixi Stix in his mouth.

“So,” he said without turning, “You’re the pink earth pony sent here to summon me to the princesses of Equestria, right?”

“Yup,” Pinkie pie answered, “They said they really need your help.”

Paul thought for a moment, turned around and studied Pinkie Pie thoroughly.

“Okay!” he agreed enthusiastically “Hanz, Franz, get my bags. We’re going to Canterlot, right?”

“You betchya!” the pink pony responds.

“Alright, let’s go!” Paul exclaims.

That was easy, Pinkie Pie thought to herself. And so, they went on to Canterlot.


Applejack wandered around the city. “Now, if I were a deranged, bomb-lovin’ lunatic,” she asked herself, “Where would I be right now?” Coincidently, she heard an explosion right away. Applejack came over to check out the scene. Among the rubble emerged a large, orange, and very muscular orange alicorn colt wielding a rather large and dangerous weapon which Applejack suspected the colt used to break into the bank in the first place.

“What in tarnation?” she asked as she saw the carnage, “Who the hay is that?”

The colt put one of his hooves over his ear. “‘Tain’t here, sir. No dice.” he said as though he were talking to someone. “Uh-huh. Mm-hmm. Okay. On my way!” And with that, the colt darted off to the west side of the city. 

“Oh no you don’t.” Applejack said as she roped his ankle. 

“What the…..?” the colt exclaims as he feels the rope tighten around his leg, “What in Sam’s hell are you doin’ back there, gal?”

“Followin’ you, sort of,” she explained, “What’s it look like to you, huh?”

“Get off me, now!” the colt shouted at her imperatively.

“Make me!” she retorted.

“I got no choice, then.” the colt replied as he pulled out a jagged, military-grade bowie knife that was seven inches long and began to cut the rope.

“What the…?” Applejack cried out, “Are you crazy!?”

“Yeah, I’m crazy,” the colt answered, “But not as crazy as my buddy, Paul, I can tell you that much.”

“I just wanna talk,” Applejack cried out, “Please!” The colt stops.

“Okay, fine,” the colt said as he stopped, “But if you end up settin’ me up I’m gonna gut you, alright?” as he held the blade at Applejack’s throat.

“Eeyup,” she answers.

As they settle down the colt replies, “So, whaddya want from me? Bank to bust? Base to blow up? Anything explosive, I’m your guy.”

“The princesses are lookin’ for ya,” she explains, “It’s very urgent, apparently.”

“All right,” he replies, “Just don’t tell anyone about what I’ve been up to, got it?”

“Actually,” she responds, “Chrysi already knows ‘bout whatchya been doin’.”

“Aw, damn it.” the colt frustratingly replied.

“I’m Applejack, by the way. My friends tend to call me AJ sometimes.” she tells him.

“Applebuck,” he responds, “You can just call me ‘Buck’, all my friends do.”

“Alright, Buck,” she snickered, “Let’s go meet up with them at the whatever they called it.” And so, Buck and AJ headed on over to Canterlot.


Rainbow Dash and Twilight asked citizen after citizen if they’ve seen or heard of anyone around that goes by the name of “Soundwave” or “Sonicboom” or “Arcane”. Every time they asked, they got no positive results. Some of the citizens claim that they haven’t heard about any of them. Some looked like they were too scared to give out information as they gave them a suspicious look and walk away while looking around themselves with a feeling of insecurity. 

“Gee,” Twilight said, “This guy seems to have had a powerful influence on everyone. Just look at the way none of the ponies around here are willing to give out any information about him.”

“Yeah, that could be true,” Rainbow Dash replied, “Or, they’re just hiding his existence from us.”

Suddenly, a random and shady-looking pony comes up to them as asks them, “You two looking for a guy named ‘Soundwave’?”

“Yes, finally somepony with some information.” Twilight replied, “Do you know where he is or where he’ll be?”

The mysterious pony gestured over to the jumbotron that showed advertisements for a show featuring the very colt they were looking for.

“The advertisement says that he’ll be over at the city square this afternoon,” Twilight explained, “Let’s go.”

After the performance, Twilight saw the same shady pony from that morning talking to who they suspected was Soundwave.

“Okay, I’ll talk to them.” he replied. The colt looked at the two mares and gestured his head over to the back of the stage. He was a tall, dark-blue six-winged alicorn with fine, dark-brown hair and a muscular physique.

“All right, cut the crap. What the heck do you want from me and don’t say you just want to talk to me because one doesn’t simply ‘talk to me’.” he warned them, “Plus, I heard about the recent attacks and I’ve already been accused of committing them at least thirty-six times today.”

“To get straight to the point, we need you to--” Twilight explained.

“No offense, your Highness,” Soundwave arrogantly interrupted, “But I wanna talk to this cutie over here.” He leaned towards Rainbow Dash and lays one of his hooves beside her head. Rainbow Dash’s heart was racing like  it never had before.

“Um, uh,” she nervously says, “Uh, hi, um, we, uh, kinda, um, need you for, uh, um,” she was sweating now, “Uh, meet up, uh, at, um, C-C-C-Canterlot.” she swallowed.

“Hmm,” Soundwave replies, “Alright, I’ll go. But when we get there, expect me and my bros to ask you a few quick favors before we do something for you.”

“Wait, how do you-” Twilight was about to ask.

“A little birdie told me. Ahem, Chrysi, ahem.” he coughed. And so, they head off to Canterlot.


With everyone gathered around, Twilight immediately asks Soundwave, “Well, what do you guys want from us in exchange for your cooperation?” Soundwave takes out a mysterious amulet form his saddlebag. The amulet was black with three thick, red spokes stretching from the center making three equal black wedges on it.

Shining armor gasped, “No way! Is that--?”

“The Seal of the Equestrian Imperial Republic?” Soundwave interrupted, “Yes, yes it is. Also the insignia of this ‘bigger army that I work for‘ you guys have probably heard about.” He placed the seal onto his chest and pressed it as if it were a button. A suit of armor began to build itself onto Soundwave’s body.

“No way!” Everyone gasped in awe, “So, you’re--”

“General Arcane!” Chrysalis and Sombra state suddenly while kneeling on one knee.

He turns first to Sombra and Chrysalis and in a resonating and slightly robotic voice tells them, “At ease, Admiral and Wing Commander.”

“Wait, what?” everyone asks in shock and awe.

“That’s right,” Arcane tells them in a stern and deep voice, “These two abominations of society work for me. They’re my top aviator and sailor.”

Shining Armor asks, “What did they used to do for you?”

“Glad you asked,” Arcane answered, “Sombra here is in charge of all mid-air naval fleets and has exclusive control over the artillery fleet, so he’s responsible for artillery strikes. Chrysi here is my top flier. She coordinates all air strikes in the air force. Together, these two are your best allies.”

“We need to--” Sombra said before he was interrupted by artillery fire.

“What the hell!?” Arcane exclaims.

“Take cover!” Chrysalis yells.

“Brothers!” Arcane yells, “Defensive positions! Be ready for anything!!” The four soldiers and Flash Sentry activate their power armors and surround the Mane Six and the royalty.

“Flash?” Twilight asks the orange pegasus.

“I wanted to tell you later,” Flash explained, “But I’m guessing it’s too late for that now.”

“Lieutenant!” Arcane yelled at him, “Stay in formation!” As the Mane Six and the price and princesses brace themselves, they hear gunfire and slicing for a few seconds, then dead silence.

“Good job, brothers.” Arcane says as they holster their weapons and unequipped their power armor. Mutilated bodies covered the floor, walls and ceiling of the castle.

Rarity complains, “I think I’m going to be sick.”

“So, about that favor you asked for before we got here?” Twilight asked.

Arcane answered, “I want a military base and barracks in every city in Equestria.”

“We can do that for you.” Twilight responded.

“I also want political and social amnesty and an official pardon for my officers,” Arcane added, “They need a clean criminal record to remain in the military and like I explained earlier these two are the best at what they do. We also request mandatory and complete control of the entire land and its resources for the duration of the war, which shouldn‘t be too long.”

Shining Armor openly objected, “NO!”

“Brother!” Twilight responded in confusion and anger, “What are you doing? Do you want Equestria to crumble?”

“No,” Shining Armor replied, “But I also can’t tolerate being subjected under the rule of a tyrant and his mistress.”

“Hey, I’m not his mistress!” Chrysalis yelled, “You take that back right now!”

“Enough, both of you!” Arcane interrupted while holding both Chrysalis and Shining Armor away from each other, “Clearly you guys are not ready for our presence. I thought that after all these years you royalties would no longer see us as a threat. Again, I was clearly wrong. I’ll write out these requests on a treaty. I’ll give you some time to think about your decision. Oh, and I’ll leave Lieutenant Flash Sentry here with you in case if you need to find us.”

“We will.” Celestia responds, “And thank you, General.”

“Right then,” Arcane says, “Brothers, move out!” And in a flash, they were gone.


“What’s wrong with you?” Twilight angrily questioned her older brother.

Shining Armor replied, “We can’t trust them. Who’s to say they won’t use their power to terrorize Equestria again?”

“Who’s to say that they will?” Twilight retorts, “And remember, Chrysalis and Sombra follow any order Arcane gives them. He tells them to stay put, they stay still by his side. Why can’t you see that?”

Cadence interrupts, “Both of you, stop fighting! You’re siblings, for crying out loud!”

Twilight tells her brother, “We all need to bury the hatchet with Sombra and Chrysalis if we want to see Equestria the way it is.” Shining Armor began thinking to himself.

Finally, he says, “Fine, I’ll forgive them and accept the terms of the treaty.”

“Thank you,” Twilight says, “Now, where do we find them?” At this point, none of them had a clue about their whereabouts now. So it was back to square one.

Flash suddenly says, “Uh, guys? Arcane left me behind with you guys so that I can guide you over to them. I know where their temporary HQ is at.” And so, they follow Flash Sentry to a desolate part of Manehattan. This particular area of the city was dark and gloomy. Thugs and weirdoes were at every sidewalk and corner. Finally, they stop at a place called The Imperial Tavern.

“This is one of the few Imperial Era buildings that still stands and is tended to.” Flash explained.

“Wow,” Shining Armor said in a sarcastic tone, “we should’ve known.” 

“You still wouldn’t know where to find this place,” Flash told Shining Armor, “Even if you did happen to find this place, you can’t get in without me. Watch.” and he knocked on the door in a rhythmic pattern as if in Morse Code.

“Yeah?” the bouncer asked from behind the door. Flash showed his badge to him and the bouncer growled at Twilight and her friends.

“Relax, Jay,” Flash tells the bouncer, “They’re with me.” The bouncer closed the shutter and begins unlocking a series of locks. 

As the bouncer does this, Flash tells his traveling party, “When we get inside, here’s what you do: Don’t talk to or look at anyone and don’t wander off. Got it?” Everyone nodded in affirmation. “Okay, let’s do this.”


When they entered the tavern, there were black lights, laser lights and randomly dancing ponies. Loud, techno/dub-step music was playing with Neon Lights at the music booth. Flash Sentry went up to him. “Yo, Neon Lights!” he called out. “Flash!” he responds in surprise, “Whaddup, bro? What brings you here? Tight on cash again, ‘cuz the big man here’s got some jobs you can do for him.”

“Flash, what the hay is he talking about?” Twilight asks.

“Nothing,” Flash answers, “Look, I’m just looking for Soundwave. Where is he?”

“Where else do you think?” Neon asked back, “He’s in his usual spot. I think he‘s interrogating another guy that owes him money ‘cuz I saw him dragging another griffin into that room. Looked pretty serious ‘cuz I also saw him punch that griffon in the face a few times before the door closed.” and he gestured over to a doorway in the back. When they saw someone open the door, they saw a glimpse of Soundwave interrogating and beating up a griffin. They went over to the room. It was labeled “Private business in progress. Keep out. Appointments allowed.”

“Oh well,” Flash says with a sigh before entering, “Here goes nothing.”

When they enter, they hear Soundwave say to the griffin with a threatening tone, “You’d better pay up that five trillion bits right now or your brains are painting the room.”

The griffin replies in a scared tone, “Please, dude, give me one more chance. I’ve almost got the money. Just give me more time, please!”

“Sorry dude, but you know my policy,” Soundwave said in a sympathetic voice, “You either pay me upfront now in either cash or your life. I’ve given you too many chances. You’re already three months past your initial due date.”

The griffin gave one last hopeless “Please!” before Soundwave quickly drew out a gun and executed the griffin. “Jeeves,” he shouted, “clean up this mess.”

A thin, slender pony in a tuxedo came in stating, “Yes sir.” as he cleaned up the bloody mess.

“Y’all got some nerve showing your faces in my domain after the crap you guys pulled off back in Canterlot.” Soundwave said with his back turned on them.

Shining Armor replied suddenly, “Dude, I’m sorry, okay. Truly I am.”

“Why are you apologizing to me?” Soundwave asked, “Apologize to Sombra and Chrysalis formally and I may reconsider my offer.”

“Are they here?” Shining Armor asked.

“Sombra! Chrisi!” Soundwave yells.

“What! Whaddya-- Oh, you again.” Sombra replies, “Whadda you want?”

“Hey, dude,” Shining Armor answers, “I just wanna say out of my heart that I’m sorry.”

Sombra quickly replies, “Not buyin’ it.”

“What!” Shining Armor exclaims, “Whaddya mean ‘not buyin’ it’? What do you want from me. And the Crystal Heart is completely off limits, we can’t part with that.”

Sombra gave a suggestive chuckle and replied, “Tell you what, how ‘bout we trade partners for a few weeks. You get Chrysalis and I get Cadence each for a week and I’ll forgive you.”

Cadence retorts in disgust, “Ew, never in your life, creep!”

“Sombra, be more realistic.” Soundwave tells Sombra.

“Fine,” Sombra stated, “How about you give us the amnesty and give us some land to use to start off new kingdoms of our own?”

“But, doesn’t Chrysalis already have a kingdom?” Twilight asked.

“The Changeling Empire is nothing but a glowing green wasteland.” Chrysalis answered, “We have no food whatsoever. My subjects are starving out there.”

“Fine, just tell us where you wish to have your kingdoms placed and we’ll make the arrangements.” Celestia replied.

Sombra and Chrysalis murmured between themselves to work out the agreement.

“What about you?” Twilight asked Soundwave, “Don’t you want anything?”

“My requests are already written down in this treaty.” Soundwave explained, “These must be guaranteed or the army needed to defend Equestria can’t be assembled.”

“Okay,” Sombra said after talking to Chrysalis, “Any available land you’re not really using will be divided evenly between me and Chrysalis. Will that be okay with you guys?”

“Yes,” Shining Armor answered, “Those terms are acceptable, if we can find land for you guys.”

“Relax,” Chrysalis replied, “Sombra and I have already scouted out our preferred land for you guys. You guys just need to approve it.”

Twilight tells Sombra and Chrysalis, “I never thought I’d say this to you guys, but you have no idea what this means to us. Thank you.”


After a few days of land searching and pre-determined claiming, Sombra, Chrysalis, Arcane, and the four brothers--Flash Sentry was excluded because he was considered a “royal liability” as a Royal Guard of the Crystal Empire--signed the treaty that states that they will protect Equestria in exchange for  amnesty, barracks, land, and what was known in the treaty as “summoning rights.”

“What are the summoning rights for?” Twilight asked.

“It ensures that I can warp my outside forces here. You wouldn’t understand.” Arcane answers.

“I knew it!” Chrysalis exclaims, “He does work for a bigger army, nice.”

“Sir,” Sombra asks, “What’s this bigger army that you speak of?”

Arcane answers, “When, or if, the time comes, Admiral, you’ll see it. Trust me.” And so, with the Equestrian Imperial Regime officially resurrected, the citizens of Equestria begin to prepare for war.







Note: This is only the first of the series. If you want to hear the rest of it, please support me by replying with comments or just plain old saying you want to hear more of it. I'm NOT looking for donations of any kind, but it'll be appreciated if it shows support for the series.

Edited by Kronos
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