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searching An old-fashioned roleplay

Golden Storm

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I've got an idea for a roleplay, and it's a bit more like a small group of people who are unique in abilities, and they just travel around and adventure. Kind of like DnD, or The Elder Scrolls.


Here's the RP thread.




1. My word is law. I'm not going to personally exist in the story, so I won't be personally biased.

No explicit language. Use pony swears if you must. Ex: What the buck? (Abbreviations aren't acceptable either)

2. If you have an idea for the story, tell me about it in this OOC thread.

3. In any scene, if you want to affect the story in a smaller way than you think is enough to actually say anything in OOC, if that didn't sound rude, use the word "attempt." Ex: he released a fireball from his horn, 'attempting' to incinerate the bandit.

4. proper grammar is required.

5. Have fun. Or else...I will give you a literary cookie.

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