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open FOE:Wait....where did everyone go?

Rainbow    Dash

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@ @@The Pixelated Pony @@Rainbow Dash 

@ @@redshell

Berch sees Flamestreak, exit the pod he was in, and then see the blood coming from his head and rushes over to him, "Well I like your style, but I don't think it fits you, and welcome back to the land of the living, it's been two years apparently.", Berch says with a halfway grin, and starts looking around his head for cuts "Alright I'm gonna try to treat your wound, cause we haven't seen the doctors and sorry if it seems like I'm hurting more than helping but you don't want glass in your head, cause I did punch through a window once and that screwed me up big time for months cause I didn't bother with removing the glass shards." , Berch cleans up the shards he can see then looks to the others and says "Any of you got cloth I need something to cover his wound."

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"Umm no I don't have anything on me, but they should have a medical-kit somewhere around here." Redshell turned around and scanned for the med-kit "nothing in this room. Could one of you check the other cryo lab, I'm gonna see if they have one near the front desk" redshell trotted away


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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@@The Pixelated Pony,

Dakota looks back at Riley and shakes his head.
"Dude, candy pizza is amazing! Muffin crust with chocolate and caramel toppings? Plus you can add as many candy toppings you want. I love getting something soft and nugetty on mine. I experimented at home, but it didnt turn out all that great. I mean, I could have added more caramel, and less....cheese. Dont look at my funny now, cheese and chocolate go well together; believe it or not."

Dakota was distracted by his own rambling so much, that he forgot about the terminal with the logs in it.
"Was i doing something?" 

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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@@Rainbow Dash, "A way out would be nice since we have lost two years, it would be nice to go home and catch up on what we have all missed." Alex walks up to the closed door that is barring their exit. "I could just rip this out if needed but if that terminal can open it that would be preferable to me wrecking even more of this lab." Although I am enjoying it! A smirk comes across Alex's face.

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"Thank you for your help but I should be fine, I just need to lay down for a bit. I'm Flamestreak by the way." He said having trouble getting to his hooves. "Two years huh? That's a mighty long time, The pay for this better be worth it, Where are the ponies in charge of this anyway?" Flame asked

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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"Lets not be too hasty. I dont want to lose my bits if they are just monitoring us....hmm...maybe the logs in the terminal will tell us more."

Dakota returns to the terminal and clicks on the second entry.

So far so good. The subjects are staying frozen with no damage to vital organs. We had better hurry our research...word got in about an attack from those morons to the east. Apparently they are offended at our way of life. They tried to destroy a small town just a few clicks from Canterlot. Luckily, we had protection. I dont know what the future has in store, but we better not take any chances. If this continues, we may need to keep these ponies frozen longer. 

Dakota scrolls down and keeps reading out loud.

So Quantum from the neurology department warned us that a few participants might not make it. He said if they do make it, their brains might be damaged. Some might even have personality changes or become hostile. He claims it happened to a pony they were testing an immunity potion on. And here I thought we were the inhumane ones. Nevertheless, he was right. Time to take drastic measures and hope for the best. Pray to Luna the two sister's dont catch us.


Alright, so the attacks are growing more frequent. The two sisters dont seem to be worried about the devastation being caused by those from the east. Some forensic investigator found traces of irradiated chemicals near the attack sites. What the deuce are they planning? We managed to counteract any cell degradation with some amino acids and steroids.  We also lessened the shock the ponies will feel when they wake up. Although, I cant guarantee WE will be safe. Some of these ponies appear to be hot heads. Maybe we can get some cute mares and stallions to wake them up. They wouldnt dream of hitting them...right?

Dakota turns to the others and shakes his head.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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"So... We have a war that has happened whilst we were in cryo sleep... We were asleep for longer than two years... Meaning that if my calculation are correct we're not getting two of our promised objects. Hot guys and cash... Shame really... I was looking forward to that..."

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Alex gives @@Rainbow Dash, Dakota a look something between anger and impatience then walked back over to the chair she had threatened Redshell with and sat down. She then started to move a small object with her magic in order to amuse herself, "care to read entry 3 then and possible 4 so we can I don't know leave?" These ponies have no idea what the probably missed, I put my bits on it being the end of the world Alex sniggered to herself a bit louder than what she had planned to. 

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Dakota looks at Alex and gulps as he goes back to the logs.
"So lets see... entry three....hmmm:
Buck it all to Tartarus! I knew those idiots in the east would try something brazen! One of their attack forces tried to overthrow the two princesses by inciting a coup d'etat! Luckily the royal guards saw through their ill thought out disguises. One got away and sent word to his commander or something cause now we have a blaring siren echoing saying to prepare for attacks. Why now? Why do it when we are so close to completing the experiment?! I just hope this gets settled soon.

Welp, that went bad to worse real fast. One of our guards launched a pre-emptive strike on the enemy and now we are in full blown war mode. They already threatened to launch some sort of magic missile that not even the most powerful of alicorn can stop. In other news, we pushed back the date to let the ponies thaw. No sense letting them into a war, who knows they may even call of the war and have peace.

Ok its utter pandemonium out there. They launched their missile and nothing can stop it. We projected the casualties to be well over the thousands. Some royal scientist is being called in to see if they can shut down the bomb or at least change its course. So far, the frozen ponies are doing well. No loss in major organ tissues.

This is the last time we can make a log. Its over. The royal scientist bucked up. The missle is going to hit the center of Equestria. Meaning both sides are going to be doomed. Why did this happen? Well, we arent letting our time go wasted. If i calculated things correctly in two hundred years, the surface will be habitable. The two princesses are gone...not dead, they just took to the skies and we havent seen them since yesterday. We think they went to the moon. Oh no...the bomb touched down....i.....

Woah, did not expect the castle to take most of the damage. Although, the area is pretty messed up. We lost our roof and others lost houses. Shoot, even some roads are wiped out. 

What is this sick feeling i have? I feel warm, cold nauseous and hungry at the same time. Is it a cold?

So the missle left some radiation behind.  Further testing shows that its slowly killing or changing us. We heard reports of a giant rat wandering around. How is that even possible? Someone mess up a magic spell or something? Either way, it seems we are all doomed. Those ponies in the chambers will be the only ones left. Good thing there are mares in there too.

Good news for us! It seems only half of the entire population was affected by the missle. The rest were in lead and magic based shelters. Hopefully when they come out they can sort through the mess. 

We had to put down a scientist today. He seemed to become insane by all this pressure and stress. He wasnt even speaking clearly....just growls and snarls.

Shoot, my skin is peeling off at an alarming rate. My mane is also falling out. I think its due to the radiation. Darn, i wasted two hundred bits on premium lotions...wonder if I can take them back?

Last....log...I cant go on. Everyone in the lab is dead or abandoned the project. They say they dont want to see the look on the ponies faces when they see what we did to the world. Whoever is reading this....be warned. Equestria isnt what it used to be. There factions...a big divide...monsters...no law except in a few cities. The Royal Guard is the main law of the land, but they are a bit....well..they dont have a leader and no one to report to so its like they made up their own government. If you are one of the frozen ponies....there are no bits. Only bottlecaps. I took the liberty of grabbing some leather and metal armour. Who knew we would devolve into barbarians? I also grabbed some weapons....just the standard pistol and spears...good luck."

Dakota steps back and shakes his head.
"This is a joke right? Are we being pranked? C'mon, wheres the ponies who jump out and say 'Gotcha'?" Dakota looks around, almost going insane with the thought of the end of the world he knew,

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Alex had dropped her object upon hearing, the end of the world bit. "end of the world sweet Celestial why?" to no one in particular, she continued to speak out loud. "My brother,... dad...m...om", her head almost hit the floor, she did not care then proceeded to cry. "How could Luna and Celestia let this happen!?" She became filled with rage, stood up and walked over to her pod, then proceeded to annihilate with magical shots until there was almost nothing apart from a the base of the machine.

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Dakota jumps up with suprise and looks at Alex.
"Woah woah woah, calm down for a few. Maybe it's not so bad?" Dakota said, instantly regretting what he said.
"Erm, let me just check the last log....maybe it'll help us."

Dakota trots to the computer once more and opens up the last log:
these pre war machines are still running. Thats amazing. Looks like the ponies before were conducting an experiment with cryogenics. Unfortunate for them that they have to wake up with the world destroyed. Well, at least there are still ponies alive to start a new with. Though, they are all in factions. Like the Children of the Night. Operates at night and is full of Luna supporters. So far they havent gotten in a fight with the Celestial Sprites. Though, they are gonna need each others help if Discord's Acolytes cause anymore trouble. Then theres the other factions who either want the whole world destroyed or the whole world fixed. Good luck to the latter. War....well, war never changes...

Its me again...the scientist who abandoned the project. Im now referred to as a ghoul. half my skin is gone, as for my mane. My intelligence has suffered to. Found it rather difficult reading the numbers and what not on the charts. I suppose if anyponies alive in these frozen tubes i better give them the option to leave. With the help of a passing medic, I programmed an over-ride switch in this very computer. Just solve the following equation and press enter....just messing with you. Just go over to the door and therr should be a console. You need to hack into it though, or enter the password COOKIE. 
 Oh,  when your out. find a settlement called Cadance's rest. They will help you out a bunch. Now, I need to tend to the ponies in the capital. DONT COME LOOKING FOR ME.

Dakota turns off the computer and sighs. 
"Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, i just want to sleep or eat and forget this ever happened."

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Riley couldn't really be bothered "eh... I didn't like the old world much anyway... To peaceful " she was rummaging through the lockers in the room looking for anything really. "Nice jacket. Might take... Oh not my size... Why was everything made for either the small or large? No pony thought about the mare in the middle."

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Redshell trotted to an old box with his name on the label "come on please let it be in here" he dug through the crap. "Damnit, all that is in here is sparkle-cola caps" his eyes start to glow his voice turned cold and low "I'm getting out of here" he turned to the door firing up his horn. Shooting a spell completely destroying itand what he was faced with was a pile of rubble blocking the doorway "celestia dammit"

Edited by redshell


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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@@The Pixelated Pony,
Dakota was about to unlock the door when he hears the mare digging through a locker.
"We shouldnt steal, it might belong to somepony who is still alive..." Dakota then remembers how much he loved free stuff and cleared his throat, "Awe what the buck, is there anything in there for a medium sized stallion?"
Dakota then hears a loud blast and looks to the door.
"Uh....um...I could have unlocked the door. I guess you have ants in your pants or something?" 

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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"finally I can leave this room, colt I needed to work that out of my system, I hope that locker is still here." Alex walked though the large whole redshell had made, dont want to piss her off, lucky she wasn't in Canterlot 2.. 00 years ago? Where is that locker? Alex looked around the adjacent room looking for where her gear was.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,Dakota was about to unlock the door when he hears the mare digging through a locker."We shouldnt steal, it might belong to somepony who is still alive..." Dakota then remembers how much he loved free stuff and cleared his throat, "Awe what the buck, is there anything in there for a medium sized stallion?"@@redshell,Dakota then hears a loud blast and looks to the door."Uh....um...I could have unlocked the door. I guess you have ants in your pants or something?"


"Nope sorry although I have found this. " Riley pulled out a small revolver and pointed it at Dakota "see this? Yeah? It's mine! Get your own!" She slotted it into her pocket and took some of the correct calibre ammo and loaded the six chambers. "Riley is armed and dangerous." She said firing a shot at the wall

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@@The Pixelated Pony,Dakota was about to unlock the door when he hears the mare digging through a locker."We shouldnt steal, it might belong to somepony who is still alive..." Dakota then remembers how much he loved free stuff and cleared his throat, "Awe what the buck, is there anything in there for a medium sized stallion?"@@redshell,Dakota then hears a loud blast and looks to the door."Uh....um...I could have unlocked the door. I guess you have ants in your pants or something?"


"sorry I was just angry"

"Nope sorry although I have found this. " Riley pulled out a small revolver and pointed it at Dakota "see this? Yeah? It's mine! Get your own!" She slotted it into her pocket and took some of the correct calibre ammo and loaded the six chambers. "Riley is armed and dangerous." She said firing a shot at the wall

"hey!" Redshell said taking the gun "never waste a shot. It could make the difference between life or death" he took a bullet from Riley. Ejecting the spent casing and reloading the gun. Giving it back he said "don't shoot unless you have to, but when you do shoot to kill"


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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"sorry I was just angry" "hey!" Redshell said taking the gun "never waste a shot. It could make the difference between life or death" he took a bullet from Riley. Ejecting the spent casing and reloading the gun. Giving it back he said "don't shoot unless you have to, but when you do shoot to kill"

" sorry... "Riley said looking down " I got excited. And if you want anything from my pocket just take it. I normally don't like having ponies putting their hooves on me but you can do it anytime." She winked at him before walking through the hole in the wall and flicking the gun back into her pocket

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" sorry... "Riley said looking down " I got excited. And if you want anything from my pocket just take it. I normally don't like having ponies putting their hooves on me but you can do it anytime." She winked at him before walking through the hole in the wall and flicking the gun back into her pocket

"umm...alright" he said. 'did I hear that wrong or did she just hit on a changeling?' He thought. Shaking his head he followed but he saw something out of the corner of his eye. In a glass case was a sword. He tried to kick the glass but it held "damn. Somepony say something to piss me off"


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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@@The Pixelated Pony,
Dakota jumped back and raised his eyebrow.
"Ok, ok, you can have that stuff, sheeesh." Dakota trotted away from the mare.
Great, no bits and there are mentally insane ponies with guns. I guess that log was right in saying there would be some mental deterioration.
"Huh? Oh, its understandable...but now there is rubble blocking the door. I guess I'll clear it using my muscles....ladies." Dakota winked and trotted over to the rubble.
Wow, I am a moron....laaaaadies...what am I, a white knight? Dakota thought as he cleared the rocks one by one.
He then looks at Alex and musters up enough courage to talk to her.

"Hey! Do you want to come with me to the camp the log mentioned? I think all our gear is gone or stolen, so we might find more stuff at that camp. Besides, i dont want to see a pretty little thing like you get hurt....milady.....uhh...." Dakota face hooves and turns around, "BUCK IT ALL! MILDAY? What am I, a neckbeard?! I HATE MYSELF! I bet being frozen altered my cognitive thinking or damaged my frontal lobe....OR MAYBE I'VE ALWAYS BEEN AN IDIOT"

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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