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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/142901-planning-basic-role-play/


The Annual Art Festival was held every year in Ponyville for all ponys or other beings alike to attend.


Today was the first day; the festival was scheduled to officially begin momentarily. Ponys had come from all over Equestria to attend and set up their booths. Booths ranged from ponys selling hoof-made crafts, including instruments, jewelry, and other items, to pieces of original artwork, all the way up to talent scouts, scouting for their next big lead. Various events were scheduled throughout the day. There were live performances, painting classes, make-your-own birdhouse classes, a talent show, a fashion show, almost anything creative you could think of could be found at this massive event.





Sapphire had just arrived in Ponyville via train. She hadn't carried much with her, she had always been a light traveler. She merely had a saddlebag on her back filled with a few personal belongings. She had come to Ponyville for various reasons, the main one being to continue her studies. She had come all the way from the Crystal Mountains to continue her studies in Alchemy with Zecora, who lived in the Everfree Forest. She had thought it better to take up residency in Ponyville rather than the forest itself, so here she was. 

Today just also happened to mark the first day of the Annual Art Festival. She had only ever attended the festival once as a filly, and ever since she had been itching to go back. Sapphire a smile on her lips as she stepped away from the train station and into the town. She was glancing left and right, taking in her surroundings as she came across the Inn she would be staying at until she found more permanent accommodations. The Inn was uncommonly full, due to the many ponys here for the festival. She got the key to her room, went to freshen up and put her things down, then made her way back out the Inn door to find a place to have some lunch. 

Edited by SapphireSnow


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Full of excitement, Serendipity made her way from the train station towards the inn she would be staying in for the duration of the Art Festival. Her demeanor, as well as her outlandish looks from her cross breed heritage, drew curious glances from the other ponies. Serendipity took no notice; she was used to this every time she travelled away from her home in the Crystal Kingdom. Her mother was a purebred Crystal pony, but her father was a unicorn who came from Ponyville. Serendipity liked to visit the town occasionally, timing her visits whenever there was something exciting going on, such as the festival. She puffed a little as she walked towards the inn; her saddlebags were so heavy! But she just hated the idea that she might leave something behind that she'd really need, so she always packed too much.


It was with a sigh of relief that Serendipity reached her room in the inn. She dumped her saddlebags on the bed, taking out a smaller set for going to get lunch before carefully packing everything she might need. These saddlebags were soon comfortably full but nowhere near as heavy as her main luggage. Locking the door carefully behind her, the Crystal unicorn mare made her way downstairs. Just as she left the inn, she accidentally bumped into another pony. @,


"I'm so sorry!" Serendipity exclaimed.

  • Brohoof 1



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Sunpearl Rise and her sister, Sol, were just finishing the last touches of their stand.  It wasn't particularly big, but there was a colorful, woven rug on the floor of the booth.  Surrounding it were three tables, all three covered in white table cloths.  One table was weighed down by figures displaying necklaces of store-bought paste-pearls and other kinds of cheap beads and reused materials.  The second table had bracelets stringed with wooden beads.  The third, the one in the back, was dedicated to bracelets, brooches, and hair pins decorated with authentic, saltwater pearls and crystals from a good friend in the Crystal City.

"I think that's the last of it, Sol," Sun said, taking a spot by the wooden beads table.  The small pink earth pony filly nodded and sat next to the store-bead table.  "Now, just remember that there's no need to shout to advertise.  Just let them come, greet them, and whack them with your frying pan if they try to steal them, 'k?"  The sisters laughed a bit at that last one, sharing a bit of sisterly banter while they waited.
  • Brohoof 1
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Sapphire stumbled slightly and blinked a few times, surprised by the sudden halt. She saw a pony standing in front of her, with the most curious of air about her, she couldn't really put a hoof on it. Sapphire quickly composed herself and offered the pony a soft smile.


"No, no, the faults all mine. I should have paid more attention to where I was walking." 


She glanced over the pony once again, noticing her saddle bags. She couldn't be from around here either, seeing as she was staying at the Inn.


"You must be here for the Art Festival.. yes?" She said, voicing her thoughts aloud. 


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Flamestreak leisurely Flew down from clousdale planning on attending the Annual Art Festival in ponyville , He was carrying only a

saddle bag with him. The stallion wasn't exactly ecstatic about going to the festival in fact Flame hadn't even known about the festival in detail until his sister mentioned it only three days prior. Still the Pegasus wasn't expecting to go that is until his sister fell ill and asked him to go for her. He initially declined but was finally convinced to go,  While he didn't expect much Flame was intrigued by the live performance that was advertised on the flier for the event he didn't who was gonna come out and perform. Perhaps Ra-Ra or Sapphire Shores but that was wishful thinking.


As Flame touched down on the grassy surface he spotted two mares next a stand, having nothing else to do he approached the two mares and began to talk


@@Akari of Duskshire,


"Hello lovely ladies, what do we have here?"  He said pointing at the stand

Edited by Flamestreak1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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@, Serendipity smiled at the other mare. "Yes, that's right," she replied. "I always come here for the festival. I caught it by accident the first time I came here, and now I try and come here every year. You see, my father used to live in Ponyville, and that's why I came here the first time. My name's Serendipity, what's yours?"



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Sol instantly blushed and covered her face while Sunpearl said,"Ah hello!  These are some pieces of jewelry I made."  Pointing to each of the tables in turn,"This table isn't really much.  Just necklaces made from store-bought beads and things I picked up off the street.  This table holds bracelets with wooden beads, and that table has authentic pearl and crystal jewelry."  She took a deep breath after her excitement-fueled explanation.  Realizing she might've been long-winded, she laughed a bit and scratched the back of her head.


"Ah, sorry if I went on too long.  Looking for anything in particular?"

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@@Akari of Duskshire,


"Well I'm glad your enthusiastic about your work." The Pegasus stated giggling at the mares energetic welcome. He took a glace at the stand and was instantly impressed "Wow these look pretty good I can definitely see my sister wearing one of these especially the crystal one.He gave a encouraging smile continuing to look at the selection of jewelry. "Although none of them are as pretty as the mares standing beside them. Don't worry about that though, I don't think its possible to make anything more beautiful then you two." He teased, he couldn't lie though these mares indeed looked really good. "So what are your names."

Edited by Flamestreak1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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@@Pripyat Pony


"I'm Sapphire." she said, introducing herself. She hardly ever stated her last name, it was more of a personal thing in her opinion and she chose not to share it often. 


"It's nice to meet you." She smiled at her. "Where are you off to at the moment? The festival? I was just heading out to get some lunch myself, if you'd like to join me?" She offered. "I'll be heading to the festival afterwards."


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@,@, @@Pripyat Pony,


(OOC: For the car that Nitro is driving, take the link to his character bio and the picture of the car is there.)


A loud roar of an engine was heard. A Saleen S7 came speeding and slowed down to a halt. The engine grumbled as it idled. The Saleen S7 was covered in a very elegant flame vinyl design. The engine shut off and out stepped a somewhat tall and buffy pegasus. He stretched his metal-plated wings out. "Ah, nothing like bright sunlight after a long drive from my original hometown...Detrot." He said as he looked around. 

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"T-t-thanks...?" Sol stuttered.  She gave Sunpearl a look and the latter said cheerfully,"Well thanks, you flatter us."  She kept an eye on other ponies who came and went as she spoke.  "I'm Sunpearl Rise, but every pony calls me 'Sun'."  She looked over at her little sister encouragingly and she said,"A-And..."  *deep breath*  "I'm Sol..."

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@@Akari of Duskshire


"Those are wonderful names, Mines Flamestreak but you can call me Flame for short." He gave a little bow as he finished his sentence. "And yes I do try my hoof at charming mares...." He said "....With VERY little success usually." He added glumly "Anyway thats enough about my dating life, um sol are you alright there? You seem...dazed." He asked waving his hoof frantically in front of Sol's face.

Edited by Flamestreak1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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Sunpearl Rise went to stand next to her sister.  "She's alright, it's just that social situations are somewhat foreign territory for her.  I figured she could use some practice by joining me here," she explained, wrapping a hoof around her awkward sister.

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@@Akari of Duskshire,@,


Nitro Spark noticed a couple of ponies interacting with each other. He took of his racing helmet and walked over to them. "Uhm...hello there." He said, awaiting a response. He wasn't shy or anything. He just didn't want to come across as interrupting the conversation at hand.  

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@@C. Thunder Dash,@,


Feeling Sol tense next to her, Sunpearl just gave her sympathetic look and tilted her head in the direction of a chair in the back.  She turned to face the newcomer with a welcoming smile, crossing her hooves slightly like her grandmother always drilled into her.  "Ah, welcome to my booth.  Who might you be?" 

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@@Akari of Duskshire,


"I'm Nitro Spark. I'm a street racer from Canterlot. That orange beauty you see parked over there is my car, my beloved Saleen S7 packed with a twin turbo V8 that delivers 1200 horsepower. Anywho, sorry for rambling...this is a nice little stall. What do you got here?" Nitro asked. 

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@@C. Thunder Dash


"A street racer as in flying? And don't see many ponies with cars around these parts usually there in canterlot living rich amoug the nobles." He remarked with a little bit of resentment in his voice, most nobles were snobbish and normally act like there better then everypony or are irritatingly demanding, needless to say he didn't usually like them that much. .

Edited by Flamestreak1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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@,@@C. Thunder Dash,


Sunpearl Rise noticed the resentment and glanced over at Flame worryingly.  Not wishing for things to escalate, she quickly said,"Well, I have some necklaces made from cheap things.  Plastics, paper, and the like.  I have bracelets stringed with wooden beads and some accessories made from genuine pearls and crystals."  She was still visibly excited, but she learned her lesson for the time being and slowed her speech.

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"Not necessarily, I drive. See, the thing is with Canterlot ponies, many of them act snobbish. I'm one of the super nice ones. They really don't like me there because of me driving down the roads with high performance cars with loud engines." Nitro explained.  

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


"I'm not surprised you probably ruined there beauty sleep or something." Flame quipped rolling his eyes, Voice growing more annoyed. "Well its good to know your not like that, I wish there more ponies like you in canterlot." He continued voice returning to normal. "Also don't mean to be rude but I think Sunpearl is trying to gain your attention."

Edited by Flamestreak1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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@@Akari of Duskshire,@,


"Yeah..." Nitro then turned to Sunpearl. "Well that's pretty interesting. The thing is...I'm a bit concerned at the necklaces made of plastic...seems like they wouldn't last long. Better to use a light alloy...which can actually come pretty cheap...depending on where ya get it..." Nitro explained.  

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@@C. Thunder Dash,@,


Sunpearl Rise's smile faltered a bit and she looked at Flame with concern, but she said,"Well, heh, I just try not to waste things.  And experimenting is pretty nice, you know?  Although, I will definitely see about using light alloys."  She looked in the back to check up on her sister, and she gave the signal that she was ready to try again.


"Ah, that's also my sister in the back.  Care to say hello?"

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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@, "Sure, I'd love to," Serendipity replied with a smile. She was slightly nonplussed when a stallion drove up, spoke then rushed over to some other ponies but she tried not to show it. "There's some really nice places to eat lunch in Ponyville, it depends what kind of food you like."



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Sapphire cast a glance at the pony who arrived so flamboyantly, but payed no more attention as soon as the pony in front of her spoke again.


"I was thinking a fresh garden salad?" she said. She had been craving something fresh since yesterday, but the train only served pre-made foods. 


"Actually, now that I think of it, do you think the festival would have any food carts? They must, I'm sure of it.." she said, musing about the possibilities . 


@@Pripyat Pony,


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Ah, Ponyville's Art Festival.


A humongous event, with hundreds of ponies milling about the various stalls and stands, their bright eyes eager to lock onto objects of interest. It was so big, in fact, that many officials took notice, and exclaimed:


"Wait, is nopony on duty there? Not even one?"


The answer? None. Nada. Zero.


And that's how the night-blue streak diving down from Cloudsdale came to be, for it was Arcus! Unexpectedly called to duty while he was presumably relaxing on a lake somewhere, the stallion wasn't really that bothered. After all, it was an art festival, and he really should've expected this, being a member of the "Guardians" unit.


After a few moments of his dive from Cloudsdale, nearing the ground, Arcus spread his wings, catching the wind to slow his fall, and aiming to land right in the middle of the festival, close to the varied and clustered booths, and an Inn, apparently!


Finishing a short glide downwards, the stallion landed successfully, the loud clink of metal from his landing echoing throughout the immediate area.


"Whew, I can't believe I landed that... in armor!" He chuckled to himself, raising his hooves to pull off his helmet, and letting his chocolate brown mane fall free with a sigh of relief.

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