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Mist took rains distraction as an opportunity to escape the Muffin Mare. He spread his wings and caught up to the others, "what the hell kind of book was that?!" he screamed at Chicken, "seriously, are you sure the person who gave you that book is a friend. because I don't think friends give other friends books that summon monsters!"

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Dawn glanced at Rain and tried to think for a moment. "I don't think he expected that to even happen." She said, before looking back in the direction of the camp. "We need to find a safe place for the night. Hopefully those things will be gone in the morning." The alicorn then noticed that her jacket had fallen off. "Great, and that was a gift." She thought to herself.

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"Take that you creep!" I followed Chicken then as he ran away picking him up the process. While we were aloft in the air, I asked him, "What do we do now? Did she steal you a counter spell too? We`'ll be food before the Royal Guard even catch up to us!"


"AAAAAAGHHH!!!!!!" The muffin mare scream in agony as her face was burned , She knelt on the ground beginning to weep as the fillies escaped. "I....I just don't know what went wrong"


 "What do we do now? Did she steal you a counter spell too? We`'ll be food before the Royal Guard even catch up to us!


"I don't know!, I don't know what's going on! , I threw the book behind me and then it just happened!" Chicken exclaimed as he noticed he still held the muffin mare's sheet in his hoof. "You think it has something to do with this?!" Chicken paniced waving the sheet before hearing another voice from behind him.




"what the hell kind of book was that?!" he screamed at Chicken, "seriously, are you sure the person who gave you that book is a friend. because I don't think friends give other friends books that summon monsters!"


"I have no idea!" He panicked wondering what had just happened, a minute ago he had just been having fun. Now, They're being attacked by a one-eyed nutcase. 


"I ask myself that question a lot!" Chicken replied, remembering the times Maple forced him into horrific and dangerous situations.




"We need to find a safe place for the night. Hopefully those things will be gone in the morning." The alicorn then noticed that her jacket had fallen off. "Great, and that was a gift." She thought to herself.


"That's a good pla-" Chicken's reply was cut short as he glared at his friend. "A-..Alicorn?!!" Chicken exclaimed .

"What th- how the-...ehhh ....not the time to ask" Chicken said as he continued flying.

"I don't know even know if we can even "find" a safe place to say" Chicken continued as he looked around from the skies noting the forest change as horrors materialize from the book's pages.


"Well, I see an old graveyard, a maze , a log cabin, and an abandoned hospital"  Chicken said as he gestured the direction of each location."They're all pretty far though"


Somewhere in the forest , a tall slender stallion with a featureless face, a black suit and long black tentacles extruding from his back begins to stare into the direction of the campers.


a lone page is flung above the clouds as a large old factory materializes above it causing a loud clap of thunder heard around the skies.


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Dawn shrugged slightly and she looked at the old factory in the clouds. "Personally, I would go for the log cabin." She said. The alicorn then sighed and noticed that Chicken had noticed she was an alicorn. "Yeah, it's a long story." She said.


From the shadows, the mysterious figure watched the children and gave a low chuckle. It had found its prey, and now they could not escape him. "Now, which one should I go for first: The strange unicorn looks promising, or maybe one of the ones that won't fly away." It thought.

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Something had to be done now before the Muffin Mare recovered and anymore monsters decided to show up. "We can figure this out when we have breathing space. The hospital looks more promising from my perspective. Either way, we need to move now! So Cabin or Hospital?" I said decisively. Something told me the Muffin Mare wasn't the only thing out here. I hated when my gut feeling made me sick but I didn't want to unnerve us anymore than we were. I wanted to be safe before I told them my suspicions.


Pages fluttered about all throughout the Everfree Forest as the landscape itself altered to the very demented creatures it now hosted. I opened my eyes as I thought, "Free...free after a millennium of imprisonment by that drasted Starswirl. Once I escape this forest, I shall personally hunt down his descendants in due time." I moved about the small clearing in the center of the maze before another smell demanded my attention: Fillies. Taking a deep breath imagining the taste after a thousand year hibernation. Most fulfilling indeed. I morphed into a hideous version of a fruit bat that made the very vegetation wilt in my presence. I proceeded  toward the center of the area itself as I followed the delicious smell that would soon grace my lips...

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@,@@Drago Ryder, @@Dapper Charmer,


"I dunno I guess we could- YIPES" Chicken stopped his reply before he screamed in panic as long black tentacles grabbed his wings from behind before grabbing his friends as well, forcefully crashing the pegasi and bat pony to the ground while dragging the alicorn with them. 

(I'm not really sure If I'm allowed to do this, but am willing to edit it if I'm not)


While the fillies were dazed , the tentacles began to slither to their source, a tall slender  stallion with a black suit, a featureless face and a small sheet of paper tucked in his coat pocket. His head looked into the direction of the fillies as he eerily stared at them from the woods a few feet away.

While The others were still proccesing what had just happened a strange recording echoed through the woods around them.


"Hello? Hello? Uh, I wanted to record a message for you to help you get settled in on your  night. Um,  I'm here to tell you there's nothing to worry about. Uh, you'll do fine. So, let's just focus on getting you through Okay?"

"Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. A magical place for kids and grown-ups alike, where fantasy and fun come to life."



The recording suddenly ends as a strange purple stallion appears on the opposite side of the Forrest.

"They're mine.....Slendy

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@Dapper Charmer

(You're fine. Just don't control characters that aren't yours. Also, I'm going to assume that slendy and the purple guy are basically in front of and behind the group.)


A dark laugh echoed through the forest. "Oh, just leave one of them for me. After all, I'm sure we could share." It said, as the yellow creature that had been summoned from the book appeared to the right of the group.


Dawn groaned as she sat up and looked around. She could see two strange ponies and a monster flanking them, and the only safe route was to go left. There was no way she could lift all of them at once with her magic, though. As far as she knew, they were trapped.

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Mist almost couldn't believe what had happened. After all it had all happened so fast. One minute they're up in the air the next they're on the ground trapped by these killers. Mist couldn't help but feel fear. But he couldn't let that fear control him. That's what they want. Reacting quickly, Mist looked at the three ponies surrounding them and deemed the purple pony the most venerable. Without warning Mist slammed into the purple pony and tackled him to the ground. (can change if that's godmodding). He got up and turned to the others, "Run!"

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(It's fine so long as it would have been logically possible, If you did the same to slendy, it'd be a problem since he's a lot tougher.)


As Mist Screamed for his friends to Run, the Slender Pony appeared to have Shifted just behind Dawn and Rain and  coiled his tentacles around them .


Chicken got up and without hesitation bolted towards mist grabbing him by the collar and running as fast as he could through the woods. "I don't know know what's going on, but I don't want to find out!" 


Back in the clearing The Slender pony grabbed the 2 fillies from behind and in an instant warping them both along with him out of the area.



The Slender pony let go of the two as they warped into what appeared to be the 4th floor of an old hospital, medical equipment were scattered throughout the floors , horrific screams and the sounds of laughter were echoing through the corridors.

The Slender pony looked towards them from behind, eerily quiet and unmoving,

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(And Hypno isn't a pony.)


Dawn didn't move as she felt the slender pony's tendrils wrapped around her. She was scared, and the fact that she and Rain had been dropped in the middle of s nightmare hospital wasn't helping. The alicorn stood up, looking around. "What happened to the forest? Where are the others?" She thought.


Hypno sighed as he watched the slender pony leave with two of the ponies. "Oh well, at least I can still get the other two." He thought, before slowly heading in the direction the two colts went.

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I found myself at a fork as the scents suddenly separated to opposite corners. I figured the forest would keep me more hidden, more natural anyway. I came upon them then teleporting right in front of them as they were running momentarily trapping them in a magical cage.


"So this is what come across eh?", as I smiled viciously showing my sparkling white daggers that I had as teeth. I resumed my draconequus form which even the animal parts themselves that made me who I was seemed to reach for them in hunger. "No worries fillies, I am not going to eat you, not yet anyway. You see I like to hunt my prey, like true predators do. So run, yes run oh and I'll even make this fair which I honestly shouldn't but that's Fluttershy's influence then I suppose. I'll give you this page if you can avoid me for, oh let's say 24 hours without me touching you. I am a very hungry soul and I need replenishment to get back to Equestria. Your blood will do. Now run along, we have a game to play!", I released with a wicked laugh then and disappeared out of sight. I'm sure others would be hunting them as well, I would have to use that as leverage to get them where want them to go. After all, I am late to the party but it doesn't mean I can't play along with the festivities.



The mess of all that was not cool. Really not cool. I took a deep breath and tried to focus despite the screams and sense of utter horror that that seems to radiate from everywhere at once. "Dawn you okay? We need to find a way out of this place now before that thing comes back. Come on, lets go!" I said focused now as I scanned the area. The darkness seemed to expand everywhere as i could see where the door was but anything that wasn't right in front of me remained an obscure entity. I began to make my way over rubble and what appeared to be rusted scapels, and various other medical items that seemed to have been there for ages. "I am not sure what happened but we are not going to last long by staying here. That I know for sure."

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Dawn looked at Rain and nodded, before following the other filly. As far as she was concerned, this was definitely better than waiting. "This place really gives me the creep." She said, looking around to make sure nothing would jump out of nowhere and kill them.

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@@Drago Ryder,


Dawn looked around,

the hospital looked bleak and dilapidated, medical equipment and metal furniture were strewn across the floors , broken and dusty yet strangely feeling as If it had just been constructed out of thin air. The scent of ink and rotting meat waved throughout the corridoors and a feint chuckle of a filly's laugh can be heard echoing through the walls.


(Current status: Fourth floor, Surgical room, Elevator broken,  windows to outside are sealed shut,stairs in the other corridor lead to third floor , Slender man is still visible within the same room strangely unmoving.)



(I'll wait for mist to react before I post for Chicken)

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Mist frowned as Discord left there sight. This was bad they were no longer running away from regular killers, now they were running away from a killer who had power equal to Celestia. Mist turned to Chicken "alright first we need a place to hide and more importantly we need a plan."

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Chicken looked at mist with fear in his eyes.

"Good plan! Let's Find a place to hide , I wanna lock myself in till daylight" Chicken said with a nervous smile. "Maybe we can find a nice house or cave or..."


Chicken's blabbering was cut short as as they stopped at a fork in the road an old wooden sign in the middle. With text reading "Carnival of Horrors" on the left and "SCP Foundation" on the right.


"Of course -_-" Chicken moped as he looked at Mist , "honestly , at this point, I'm not even surprised" Chicken continued gesturing towards both roads, "Take your pick"

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@, @@Dapper Charmer

I appeared at the fork now on the path to the SCP Foundation. I simply smiled at first, "Which path should you take?", I said menacingly. "I have an idea!" I said suddenly appearing right behind them inches away from skin contact. I teleported them both to a spot further on down the left path at an entrance to a carnival. A sign in blinking, desecrated neon lights spelt out: Carnival of Horrors. The tents and ticket booth were both covered by a pattern of white and red columns with rips and dirt present every once in an while. Balloons still hung as if the carnival was flash frozen at a time of operation and simply converted into a horrific nightmarish version. A cold wind blew blowing the gates open as if welcoming them inside. A body of a rotting filly carcass hung limply in the booth long dead from torture and elemental abuse. I appeared just then. "There are additional pages hidden within as a incentive. My rules still stand fillies. Welcome and please enjoy!" I vanished once more keeping watch from the shadows. I erected a barrier from the rest of the camp site to make sure they couldn't escape either. My maniacal laughter filled the air when they suddenly realized they were trapped.



@@Drago Ryder, @

I eventually made my way to door and thankfully, it opened. the smell was bad, and sounds made the eerie hallways worse. I shuddered as I looked back at Dawn. "We'll at least we're free of the...", I stopped short of completing my sentence when I noticed Slendermane staring at us from a position in the room I hadn't noticed before. "That crazy fucking thing could've killed us whenever it truly wanted. Is it truly mindless or..." I thought not taking my eyes off of it...


(Sorry about the confusion. It's fixed.)

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(Dawn is with Rain, not Mist.)


Dawn didn't need to look behind her to tell what Rain was looking at. "Come on, we need to get out of here." She said, before galloping down the hallway. The alicorn was also looking for the stair well to the third floor


The Hypno smirked as Discord teleported the colts to a carnival and made sure they wouldn't be able to get out. "Unfortunately for them, that won't be the case for me." It thought, before hiding behind one oft he booths

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Mist frowned as Discord disappeard. He turned to Chicken, "I guess we'd better start looking for those pages then. Also do you have any idea why Discord keeps calling us fillies? He does realise that both of us boys," said Mist as he began to walk deeper into the carnival.

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@@Dapper Charmer,


"Maybe he thought you looked like a mare" Chicken joked before noticing where they were, His arms shivered in fear as his knees began to weaken. Chicken had a lot of fears but one the things that scared him the most were Clowns, The horrific smiling faces and their creepy attire was scary enough on a clown that wasn't trying to be terrifying. He could only guess what horrors lie past the entrance.


All of a sudden the gears behind the carousel began to creak to life as the carnival began to light with an eerie glow from the various colored bulbs that hung above. and then a tune began to play around the carnival as if from out of nowhere.

(I'm not entirely if It's allowed but I'm willing to change it if I'm not)



@@Drago Ryder,@,


Slender mane maintained his motionless state as the fillies ran through the decrepid hallway before suddenly vanishing.


The childish laughter that once echoed through the halls now felt as if it were slowing coming closer from all directions. 


The pink alicorn could now see the stair well , A young mare could be seen sitting on the top of the stairs. 


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Dawn stopped as soon as she saw the stair well and noticed that some pony was already there. Given her situation, the alicorn then his around the corner from the stair well and didn't really know if it would be a good idea to move towards the mare. The sound of the laughing child didn't really help either. "What do we do?" She thought to herself.

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@@Drago Ryder@

The young mare began to Humm a tune as she suddenly stood from the stair case. She stood motionless in place for a few moments before walking down the stairs.

The child's laughter suddenly stops...

(if you decide to walk down the stairs you will not see the mare anywhere nearby instead you will see a pool of dried blood on the bottom stair case)

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Dawn sighed as she slowly made her way to the stair well. What she wasn't expecting was to find a pool of dried blood. The mere sight of it made her sick and she tried to not puke.


The Hypno glanced at the two colts and an idea began to form. It then focused solely on Chicken and used telepathy to speak with him. "Come here, little colt." He said. "I want to play a game with you."

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@, @@Dapper Charmer 


(I am building off your posts Vulcan so do keep it up. I like it! I am listening to the song for well...encouragement while typing actually and it creeps me out...)


Discord wasn't fooled as he noticed Hypno using his show to get them. He appeared behind via a portal from the Chaos subspace. "I realize I am not alone here, however, save one of them for me or else you'll find yourself wandering the endless aisles of the chaos subspace for good! You understand?", He warned Hypno.  He simply couldn't let another steal his prize when all he worked for could potentially be ruined. With a snap of his finger, he donned a clown suit and a fashioned a bloody machete out of chaos magic finally adding the make-up to complete his look. "I am so setting up a carnival once I get to Equestria, maybe I'll even find way to get rid of the alicorns themselves..." he thought out loud. Before moving on to the final stage of his plan, he let out a cackle that filled the air of the carnival that all would hear. He let out a nice smile breaking the mirror as a result. Satisfied with his cosmetic changes. He disappeared but not before giving Hypno the same attire with the snap of a goat hoof. After all, it wouldn't do if only one of them played a part right? He had to lead them somewhere so he released a page on the winds that blew throughout the carnival toward the ferris wheel gradually lying to a state of rest on top. All one had to do was get it right?



@, @@Drago Ryder 


I ran out in almost a panic as soon as he disappeared trying to just get away from the almost losing sight of where Dawn went. I finally managed to just avoid throwing up as I stopped briefly to consider the blood spot. We need to get out of here now, I am losing my sanity here. I opened the door to the third floor and tried to keep my cool. Whatever was here, they clearly knew how to just destroy someone mentally. I would have to remain on my guard. 


(You can decide the state/layout of the 3rd floor.)

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Hypno rolled his eyes and returned his attention to the foal he was trying to lure away from his friend. "Of course I would only go for one. That's how I work." It thought.


Dawn glanced at Rain and warily followed her down the stairs. They only had three floors to get to the bottom and they would most likely be free. "What do you think is happening to the others?" She asked.

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Mist took a large gulp as he walked further into the fair ground. Usually he loved carnivals but this one was just unnerving. He looked over at Chicken, who seemed to be more frightened than usual. He looked up at the sky and saw a page float over to the Ferris wheel. He nuged Chicken and pointed to it, "i think that's ate first stop."

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