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open Fast Food Ponies, Working! [RP Thread]


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"Don't worry I won't forget," Mist said giving a small salute, "I'll make sure to be there at 11 on the dot. I'll even bring some flowers, although it'll be a challange finding any as beautiful as you." Mist got out his spatula and began to look through the book again, "while spending time with you is great. You should probably get ready for service."

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"Well I don't really live here. I'm sleeping in the park near here. So I'll just come by to see if I got the job. And if I don't get it I'll just play outside the place. At least I'll get to see a cute mare with glasses." She chuckled. "I always had a thing for glasses." She went over to the table and grabbed her things while Hacktune asked her about what job she was aiming for.  "If I'm lucky I'll be part of your kitchen staff."

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Mercedes rests her chin on the sweeping broom but quickly resumes her work as soon as the manager enters from the office room. She continues to dust off the floor. She still can't believe that Dusk mare is an assistant. "Hmm, something's fishy with that mare." As she wonders around her horse brain, more and more ponies started to hustle and bustle outside.


Mr.Manager POV

The manager opens the office door, as soon as he saw miss dusk,he quickly calls out to her,



"Good Morning,Miss Silhoutte. I'm sorry to interrupt you but can we meet at your office room? I'll lead the way."

Edited by CP3_P0n3


$~Cross my greens, hope to fly, stick a knuckle in your face~$


My OC >>> Heartless , Crystal Marine

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"She, thinks I'm cute? Git-fidder thinks I'm cute? And she has a thing for glasses? I knew these were a wise investment! They make me look more educated and sexy! Maybe I won't put her through the ringer as hard. Oh who am i kidding? I'll go just as hard on her as evrypony else just to make sure nothing is a miss. Workplace relationships are borderline illegal anyways. So unfortunately, I must resist temptation to indulge. Or at least try to anyways." 


"Good Morning,Miss Silhoutte. I'm sorry to interrupt you but can we meet at your office room? I'll lead the way."

"Oh you weren't interruption anything Mr.Manager. Please do." Silhouette said as she pushed back her glasses and swept her bangs to the side. "I'll just pass this along then, Miss Tritone." Referencing the application still in her magic. "Good day." She said as she followed.

"She's a pretty good looker as well. Shame. You'd think ponies that look good and have talent would get a little better lot in life." She passed Mercedes on the way to the office, glancing at her through her unswept bangs. "Now that I get another glance (when she's not forcing herself upon me), the really touchy feely pony, what was her name again? Didn't it start with an M? M-Mazda, I think it was?  She admittedly looks very nice as well. But again, work place relationships, any relationships, are gonna be a hindrance. None of this friendship nonsense Miss Purple Smart has been spouting off, trying to sell it to us like snake oil. But I know better. Reliance on others, prevents you from leaning how to rely on yourself."

"Still, don't let that stop them from having a jello wrestling match over-- No! No no no! Focus Nightmare dammit! Focus! It's time to take control. You can fantasize after work. Or at least during one of your breaks... But right now it's time to get in the zone!"

"I was wondering if I did indeed have an office of my own, judging by the difficulty of trying to locate either it or yours for that matter. Apologies that I do not have much to stock it with so that mine can look more formal. On an unrelated note, we have not even had our first day of official business, yet we already have our first application." She held up Devil Chord's newly filled out app. "I presumed that areas of hiring and firing were within your jurisdiction and not mine, so I am referring her application to you." 

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"Don't worry I won't forget," Mist said giving a small salute, "I'll make sure to be there at 11 on the dot. I'll even bring some flowers, although it'll be a challange finding any as beautiful as you." Mist got out his spatula and began to look through the book again, "while spending time with you is great. You should probably get ready for service."

Sparkle smiled at the complement and gave Mist a small kiss on the cheek." I should be going now. Orders to take stuff to do, you know the job I applied for. Anyway I have to go now. See ya!" She said heading out the door and putting her rollerskates back on and skating outside

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When the mare in glasses left to give the manager her application she decided to head outside to wait for his answer. While she waited she started setting up her things to play a little for some extra bits. After hooking her guitar up and placed the empty case in front of her. When she was done tuning she started playing.




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[/color]"I presumed that areas of hiring and firing were within your jurisdiction and not mine, so I am referring her application to you."


Mr.Manager POV

"Ah yes, but tell the mare who applied for this to help deliver the stocks to the storeroom in the kitchen. Have her help out the cook as well, we're short of them." As he and Dusk stops in front of her office, he opens the door and give a brief explaination to her.


"I need you to sort out the data on the number of stocks both imported and exported. I trust you to get it done by today. I also need you to monitor the other employees from time to time since I'll be at the back sorting out the stocks piling."


After that,he left the room to sort things out in the big storeroom.




Mercedes approaches the mare with the guitar and gave her a Bit.


"I don't know what song you played but kudos to you for playing it here. What's your name?"

Edited by CP3_P0n3


$~Cross my greens, hope to fly, stick a knuckle in your face~$


My OC >>> Heartless , Crystal Marine

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@@CP3_P0n3, "Wow. Just like that she's set with the company? No background check? No interview or anything? We really must be short staffed for the day."


"Alight. I guess I will get her a contract to sign then." She said to no pony in particular. She spun around in place to get a look at her new office. Her first office. "Y'know, I really could get used to this." She then proceeded to walk out back to the front of the store. Next to the applications were the contracts. Why they were kept behind the register and not with the manager was not something for her to question at the moment. With contract & pen in tow, she proceeded to the outside. 


She stood by the doorway, listening in on the performance. "Hey what do you know. More music that doesn't suck. Sounds like the type of thing that would've been played during the new wave of Grittish heavy metal, alongside the likes of Biff Byfoal, Bruce Dickinsteed & Lemmy Phillymister. Oh Lemmy how I miss you already, you arrogant bastard."



She waited until the performance as done, and decided to say the one thing that would get her attention, and annoy most musicians to no end.  "Freebird." @@Gloomfury,


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 When she was playing a very cute mare dropped a bit in her case. When she was done she gave a smile in thanks. "Thank you, and  the song I was playing is called Racing with the Devil by Girlschool. I hope you liked it. I'm Devil Chord. But you can call me DC." While she was playing she also noticed the other cute mare with the glasses watching her play. 


When she called out "freebeard" she gave a flat look. But sighed with a half smile. "I'd rather play Tuesday's gone. But I don't get a lot of requests. So I'll play it. Just for you." She said in a sweet way before she started playing. 

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"Don't bother. I hate that song." She looked back down at the paper in her magic grip. "Mr. Manager has apparently fastlaned your application." She looekd back up to Devil Chord. "Congrats, you get to start today." She floated over the contract and a pen.  "Read through that, then sign your soul away, if it hasn't been sold for rock n' roll already." 

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Devil Chord smiled. "Awesome!" She said as she read though the papaer. "I have thought about doing that, but a friend of mine almost did the same thing. But for mastering the blues. We went to the crossroads and everything. But he decided not to do it." When she was done reading, she signed. "And I didn't really want to do it either. I like doing things myself." She sai, hading back the papaer to the mare. "By the way, what's your name?"

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"You may address me as Miss Dusk. Name tags most likely will not be here until next week." She looked back towards the establishment. "We might have some spare uniforms, though I am unaware of what size they are. We can go fetch one and find out." She turned back to the musical mare. "You will be given enough time to change, since you are essentially walking onto the job without a set schedule. If you need to go home and store that instrument, you might wish to do so after we get you a shirt, or a cap or some form of identification. Fairly certain employee lockers will not be big enough to contain that." 

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As Sparkle left Mist felt the cheek she had kissed and smiled. He then thought about his date with her tommorow. Mist shook his head and returned to reality. He looked around and saw that the kitchen was empty. He would probably need some help cooking if this was going to be a successful resteraunt. Mist walked to the assistant managers office and knocked on the door.



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@@Dapper Charmer,


Mist would find the door cracked open, and only a sparse office inside, nothing seeming to have been touched. The only objects out of place were a pair of saddlebags on the swivel chair and a black hoodie with what appeared to be a band logo on it, hanging on the wall mounted coat rack. It would appear as though the assistant manager had only just left. 

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@@Denim&Venom, @@Gloomfury,


"Damn," Mist said as he stood back from the office door, "I just missed her." Mist stood there and thought about where she could be. Mist decided to go to the front counter to ask if anypony had seen Miss Dusk, but when he got there he noticed that Miss Dusk was standing outside with a pony who appeared to be busking. Mist walked outside and stood in front if the assistant manager, "sorry to interupt Miss Dusk but I was wondering if I could speak to you for a moment."

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"Yes mam," said Mist happily as he followed along side Miss Dusk, "well as you know the resturaunt will be opening soon and we'll be serving a lot of customers, however I don't have anyone to assist me in the kitchen and I think serving all those customers by my self could be challenging. So I was wonderering if you had any ponies who might be able to help out?"

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@Dapper Charmer@Gloomfury,@CP3_P0n3

"Well you need not look further. Miss Tritone here has just been signed. She will be moving stock from storage over to the kitchen store room. After that she will be assisting you in the kitchen. We will be heading to the back in order to see if we have any spare uniforms her size. After she takes her instrument home, she will be getting started with us."

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@@Denim&Venom@@Dapper Charmer,



DC started placing her guitar  in its case. "Actually, I don't really have anywhere to live right now. Reason for the lack of an address and why I need the job. So could I please keep my guitar in the dressing room? I can just put it in a corner with my bag. Also I guess I'll be working with cutlery and if anyone touches it without asking I will cut a filly." She said with a serious look. "Ponies have tried to take it while I was sleeping in an alley, but they ended up losing an ear." She then gave a smile.


"Well, see ya'll inside." She said before going inside to look for the dressing room.

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@Dapper Charmer@Gloomfury,@CP3_P0n3

"Well, alright then." She said, adjusting her suit jacket w/ her magic. "No need to worry about the customers, since they will all be using plastic cutlery." She magicked open the door. "Now if either of you need anything else of me, I will be in my office sorting data from recent stock imports and exports. Good day."

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@@Denim&Venom@@Dapper Charmer,@@CP3_P0n3, ((I'm not getting any notifications.))


"Thanks miss Dusky." She said with a smile, playing with her name a little. She quickly went into the dressing room before she could say anything. She was lucky enough to find a box of uniforms. She took off her normal clothes and placed them in her bag. She then put on the kitchen staff outfit. She also tied her mane up in a loos bun while leaving her earring in.  Before she left she pulled out her headphones and placed them around her neck.


Once she got the hang of everything she didn't see anything wrong with listing to her music while she worked. She was in ska mood right now.


After placing her guitar on top of the lockers along with her bag she left the dressing room, straightening out her uniform.

Edited by Gloomfury
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Mist smiled and went back into the resturaunt. As he neared the kitchen he saw his new helper exiting the dressing room. "Hey," Mist said as he walked over to her, "it looks like we'll be working in the kitchen together. I'm Mist by the way," he said as he extended his hoof to her.

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@Dapper Charmer,@CP3_P0n3,


"Thanks miss Dusky."


"Miss... Dusky..." Silhouette let those words echo in her mind a little bit. "No. Not here. I have to deal with that enough at 'home', I do. Not. NEED. IT. HERE! EVER!!" 


"Heeeeeeyyyy Dusky!! So, when are you going to-"




"Miss Dusk, will be more than sufficient enough, Miss Tritone." Dusk replied curtly as she walked past Devil Chord on the her way to her office. 

Edited by Denim&Venom

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@@Dapper Charmer,@@Denim&Venom



"Sweet, awesome to meet you." She said taking his hoof and giving it a hardy shake with a strong guitarist grip. "Looking forward to working with ya." She said with a smile. On her way back to her office Dusk corrected her on what she would like to be called. Devil Chord made a face. "DC will be more then sufficient enough Miss Dusk." She said raising her eyebrow a little to conduct a slight compromise with the strict mare.

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1:37 A.M


@@Denim&Venom@@Gloomfury, @@Dapper Charmer, @@HackTune,@, @@,  @@Pop-Tart,


It's already noon and ponies are starting to hoist their way to the brand new tables and fresh menus of PeZZo. The day was when the PeZZos realize there weren't going to have a great fun start as the ponies of Canterlot and some from Manehattan packed the premise, the ONLY fast food restaurant in Canterlot


Mr. Manager POV

The manager has been in a rough day when the stock piling didn't go as smooth as he hoped for. "No! No! Put it next to that box."


His restaurant was getting famous on day one, he knew Canterlot is his place to start. The crowd inside his premise was going in his plan. He is hoping to make sure their signature "Cheesy Haybird" will catch their attention.


He went to the kitchen, looking around "Now, where is that new applicant?" 


"All that's left is your Pizza Haymac, it'll be ready in 15 minutes." Mercedes puts a receipt on the table and continue trotting around endlessly, her hooves were getting numb.


"Oh Celestia, now I regret applying for this."


She passed by a dark mare, "Hey Stormlight, there's a customer there waiting for his orders, go help him out, I'm already full on my hooves"

Edited by CP3_P0n3


$~Cross my greens, hope to fly, stick a knuckle in your face~$


My OC >>> Heartless , Crystal Marine

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