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As the ponies walked, they noticed a brass bed frame. On top of the brass frame, there was a piece of torn and sandy silk stapled to the sides. There was a bump in the middle. Confusion pulled out a few staples, and then removed the silk fabric. There was a mummy, wrapped in fabric. It appeared to be a unicorn mummy.


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"Well it appears that I have to fallow the changeling now." Agracius followed Travleture, but he made sure he kept his distance. He might not like having to fallow a Changeling, but he was the only one that knew the way. Or at least he thought it was a he. It was hard to tell with Changelings.




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@reader8363,@Sporemane@Teh Narwhal Muffin@Meson Bolt@- Aethergem -,


Summer addressed the group in general, "I don't want to hurt anypony I was just flying along here going to a friends place, I like making friends and I am somewhat biased against changelings because of my cousins, but you might not even be. Um I will leave if ponies want me to." Summer sat down waiting for someone to answer her. 

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Foray took quick glances at all the members of the group before stating, "I'm cool with you staying with us, as long as you promise not to kill or eat anypony. I can't speak for the other ponies though, they might be a little bit more distrustful than I."


She chuckled to herself internally. There probably wasn't a pony alive that was more distrustful than she was. If there had been, they probably would've died by now, she told herself.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@,@@Sporemane,@@Phosphorous,@@Meson Bolt,

Travelture said as he walked passed the bed, 

"I don't mind you being here. Yeah, I got scared, but after a bit, I calmed down. Didn't ya hear me, I don't know what I am? I might have changeling genes in me, but that doesn't mean I'm a changeling. I should warn all of ya, when I was little, it took me a while to get here, but it might take less time to get there."

He mumbled to himself,

"Probably months."



Feeder said as he looked at everyone there, 

"I don't mind as well if you're here

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@@reader8363,@@Meson Bolt,@,
Confusion wondered why nobody even noticed the mummy that was in front them. They were all focused on one pony looking like a changeling. "Everybody! Why does it matter whether he has feautures vaguely reminiscent of changeling. Not everyone is a supermodel. We have no time to waste commenting on eachothers physical appearances." She pointed at the mummy. "Why doesn't anyone see that there is a mummy lying her? Who's mummy is that? Oh, maybe we can look at the engravings." Confusion pawed over the engravings, but they seemed to be in a pony language that was now defunct. She turned to the unicorns. "Is this supposed to be Unicornese?"


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Foray scowled. "I'll choose not to be offended by that, thank you very much," she retorted sharply, dusting off the engravings with her magic and taking another look at the script. "Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't know much about ancient language, but I'd wager my flank that unicorns had the same language as pegasi or earth ponies." She shrugged and turned away. "Regardless, I can't read it, and I doubt anypony here can..."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Phosphorous,@@Meson Bolt,

"I can't read it as well. but it wasn't here 17 years ago. There is three possibilities, one, it's fake, two, it's stolen, or three, it's real, but it's not the bed that is we're looking for. This bed looks younger. I think I forgot to mention that a filly actual survived so there wouldn't be a mummy."

Travelture decided that if he tells more of what happened, he would have to explain that he came from the village.

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Foray squinted her eyes for a moment. She hadn't really thought about it until right about now, but who was this guy anyway? He said he wasn't a changeling, but what was he then? He knew enough about the village to know where it was, when it disappeared, and how many survivors there were, but didn't know why it disappeared? All this seemed very fishy to her, and he clearly wasn't telling all that he knew. If there wasn't a reason to distrust him before, there certainly was now.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Confusion squinted her eyes. "Were you in the village? If so, how and who destroyed it?" She wanted answers. She didn't want to be blind. Suddenly, she but out into a musical number with the other ponies.


"I want to know,

I'm tired of being blind.

I wanna see,

the truth of this.

I can tell,

that there is something,

that you are hiding from me."


After all the other ponies sang their part, she sung another verse.


"Please let me know...

I've spent many years blind.

Please not anymore.

I wanna see!"


She ripped apart the bandages on the face of the mummy. The face was dried upand creepy, yet the cranial structure was obvious. It looked like Celestia's head. She threw the detached head at Travelture. "Is this the filly you're refering to?"


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Travelture looked at the head, and nudged it away as he said,

"I don't think you want me to answer that. Trust me. The less you know, the better."

He looked up to see the sun was almost to the land. 

"I think it would be better that we rest here. I'll get the fire going.

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"Well that was completely pointless..." Foray commented, referring to Confusion's performance. "But she does kinda have a point."


Slowly she stepped forward until she was face-to-face with Travelture, a stern look on her face and a matching tone of voice. "If you expect us to follow you blindly into the wasteland to help you find some 'lost village', the less we know isn't for the better." Her eyes momentarily shifted to study his face, with her frowning in thought. "C'mon, spill the beans."

Edited by Meson Bolt


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt

"In the 17 years on me being alive, misfortune has happened to friends and enemies that got  close. I don't know exactly what happened. Every time I leave somewhere, I get a message that my friends and enemies had misfortune, like broken bones or house in flames."

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"Every time you left, something bad would happen to your friends?" Foray was legitimately confused. His speech pattern wasn't very understandable. "Does this mean you're from the village, and leaving made it disappear, or... what? You're not being very coherent, to be honest. Why not start from the beginning?"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@Meson Bolt,@Phosphorous,@- Aethergem -@Teh Narwhal Muffin,@Sporemane,@reader8363,


While everyone was doing there various things Summer had picked up on the campfire bit and set to the task in an attempt to show her good will that she wasn't going to kill everypony, She darted off to find some wood and bring it back then set the bits she had collected into a campfire teepee style then flew up and grabbed a stray cloud near by then pushed in so that is was over the campfire and the jumped on it in order for a lightning strike to hit the wood, CRACK!! as the lightning bolt hit the wood setting off the campfire. She then flew down and sat at the new fire rather pleased with herself. "fire here if anypony wants it." She made a large wide smile, with no fangs this time so she did not casue any discomfort. 

Edited by Emerald Bolt

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@@Meson Bolt,

Travelture sighed and sat down,

"I was born from an egg, but I'm still not a changeling, I don't need to feed on love. I looked around and saw no one around. walked to the village. They feed me and named me. Woke one morning to see the whole village gone, except the bed I was in. 


Travelture and Feeder said at the same time, "Thanks."


Travelture got into his bag and out a map of Equestria, almost all the places were crossed out. 


Feeder reached into his bag and pulled a different notebook and written the names and backstories of everyone there



A creature moved silently through the sand. When it got close to the campfire, it released its tongue with a cake on the end of it, that was on the surface

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"Is there anything else you remember?" Foray pressed, eyeing him closely. "The whole village -- all of the ponies, all of the houses, everything -- just disappeared? And what about this... filly that you mentioned? What did she look like? How did you know she survived?"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,

(messed up meant foal, young pony.)

"After the village, I walked through this wasteland until I found Canterlot. When I was leaving, I got my cutie mark and the message, then I headed to crystal empire"


Feeder wrote the whole story down as he listened to Travelture tell it

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Foray nodded and sighed, taking in the little tidbits he'd added to the story. It was evident that he didn't know exactly what happened and that he probably wouldn't answer any more questions, so cross-examining him wouldn't do any good. Best to get some rest.


Tossing a quick but warm smile at him, she said, "Okay then... thanks for your time. We'd better get some rest."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,@,@@Phosphorous,@@Sporemane,

Travelture said as he put away his map of Equestria, 
"Yeah, I think we should get some sleep. We'll be leaving early in the morning. Just out of curiosity, Who is going to have first watch. I know I said that nothing came after me, but it might have changed."



(Red are the creatures)

The creature grew angry that no pony has taken the bait yet. I let out a delicious smell come of the cake.

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"I can watch first," Foray volunteered, stepping up, the glow from the fire casting warmly against her hooded face. "I'm used to going with little to no sleep... kind of in my nature." She used her magic to untie her saddlebags and prop them up on a rock near her. "And if anypony needs me to take a shift for them, I'd be happy to oblige."

Edited by Meson Bolt


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Agaricus awoken from a deep sleep. Sniffing the dry air of the wasteland, he noticed a sweet aroma in the air. "Hmm...cake." Grabbing his bag he dug through it and found a bioluminescent mushroom. Holding the mushroom in his mouth. The mushroom began to radiate a dim greenish glow. Agraicus set out to investigate the sweet aroma. Trying not to wake the others. It had bin several hours, sense his last meal. His hunger push aside any logical thoughts in his mind. Like, why was he smelling cake in the middle of a barren wasteland.




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"Do you want some cake?" Confusion patted Agaricus's. "That mushroom looks radioactive. We better be careful around here."

The ponies sat on a log and talked as they ate the two-day old cake in a plastic bag. Confusion thought for a while. "Do you sometimes have strange dreams, that are very vivid." She took a deep breath. "I have reccurent visions that I am working in a laboratory south of Los Pegasus. This laboratory, you have to wear special suits in it, and have isotope gauges in your hoof at all time. I then see myself in another situation, rotating a key in a keyhole on a dashboard." She took a pause. "Perhaps those are the only memories that remained on me, hidden for a while in my subconscious, then slowly emerging." 




Morning came, and everyone woke up. "Travelture, I've been thinking, maybe that bed with the mummy in it was a memorial of some sort, placed by other ponies of that village when they realized that their village was destroyed."


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"There has been speculation that dreams are suppressed memories, but sometimes they are something else. that's a possibility for the bed, but I haven't really met anyone from the village after it disappeared. That doesn't that there are other survivors other than me."


Feeder got up and said as he got his bag on

"Is everyone ready to continue on our way?"



The creature grew restless and decided to try a direct approach. it moved through the sand, until it was behind the pony with the mushroom, then moved its tongue until it was almost touching the mushroom.

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@@Phosphorous (Just a side note here, I'd appreciate if you asked before doing a timeskip, m'kay? =D)


@@Sporemane @@reader8363


It was evident that Foray didn't get much sleep that night; her eyes were droopy and had dark circles under them, her legs shaking, and her mane disheveled, yet she was still able to carry her saddlebags. "I'm ready, I guess," she muttered sleepily, a yawn halting her speech just after she finished. "Next time, make sure we assign some backup watchers, m'kay?... I was up all night..." Her lack of sleep was hindering her awareness, otherwise she would've quickly heard and alerted the group about the creature.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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