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@Meson Bolt,@Phosphorous,@- Aethergem -@Teh Narwhal Muffin,@Sporemane,@reader8363,


Summer had been rather quiet that night no one really talked to her so she slept or tried to, the night was more like her day so it took a while for her to nod of. 


When she woke the others were doing various things and some were still asleep, however she smelt something sweet in the air she had a bad feeling about it but was still half asleep so did not pay it a huge amount of attention. 

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@,@@Meson Bolt, @@reader8363,


Confusion took out circles of pita bread, and rubbed ketchup and grated cheese on them. "This campfire is useful for making pizza." Se held a pan over the fire, and placed each pizza on it, until the cheese was melted. "Pizza for beakfast!" She said as she smiled. It was interesting why the only pony sensible enough to bring food was her. "Maybe some fresh squezed orange juice might wake up you sleepyheads." She sliced five oranges open and handed them to Foray. "Would you mind squeezing these into these paper cups as I finish the pizzas?"


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Foray nodded and yawned sleepily as she started squeezing the orange juice into the cups using her magic. She really didn't expect Confusion to have all this food on her, but she knew they couldn't be extravagant with it. At least she still had some food if they got really hungry. Wandering into the wasteland unequipped was practically asking to die.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,

Travelture said as he pulled out the map of Equestria and started drawing line and numbers,

"I would have taken over but I fell asleep, and ponies said I can probably sleep through anything"


Feeder said as he went through his book,

"This might be a little weird question, has anyone else been to the badland, well except me.

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@Meson Bolt,,@- Aethergem -@Teh Narwhal Muffin,@Sporemane,



Summer picked up the glass or orange juice, and smelt it deeply, "hey this is from my farm, well well small world, mmm yeah just like home." She sat up and drank it over the next few moments. "Yep tastes like home too, oh I need to go back soon." 



"dose flying over it count? because I have flown over a few times, like say 3 or 4 now." She looked at feeder, "because if flying counts then yes?"

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Summer's mention of home brought a flood of thoughts back to Foray. She hadn't been there in a long time either...


Sighing and sitting down next to the dwindling campfire, she looked into the burning logs wistfully. Staring into a fire always seemed to have a calming effect on her. In less than a second her mind was far, far away. She was lost in thought. Lost in thoughts of home and family.


What was home like? Not the dull, dank, cramped place she grew up in and called home, but real, actual home? What was it like? She could remember the faces of her family. What would they think of home now? What would they say as they saw the remains of what used to be? The wrecked ruins, the rubble that covered the floor, the collapsed shells that were once shelters to fillies and colts. Somehow she felt sad for her home, despite never actually living there.


For her, only a moment had passed before she realized she was falling asleep. With a quiet but disgruntled snort, she stood up and voiced, "Well, I think we'd better be on our way. Gotta make use of the sunlight while we can..."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@,@@Sporemane, @@Meson Bolt,@@Phosphorous,

Travelture said as he rolled up his map,

"Don't worry, it won't take as long as it took me. I'm sorry to cut breakfast short, but I can shake a feel from yesterday that we were being watched."

He looked to the side and saw a tongue next to Agaricus. He panicked and shot a beam at the tongue.



The creature roared as it pulled its tongues back in, and rose out of the sand. It looked like a giant worm with teeth, red skin, and beady black eye. When it open his mouth, it showed that it had two tongues, one with cake and one without.

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Foray's ears perked up instantly at the sound. The sight of the creature made her start, nearly falling off the rock she was standing on. In a flash she charged forward, placing herself between the creature and the ponies and brandishing her crowbar defensively, shouting, "Everypony get back!"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Feeder walked over to it, pulled out a notebook and said as he wrote, 

"Looks like it's more than two feet in length, three feet in diameter, and have sticky skin for the sand to stick to him.  It uses its tongue with the cake on it to lure it's victims, if that doesn't work it will use the other tongue to grab it's prey and eat him."

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@Meson Bolt,@Phosphorous,@- Aethergem -@Teh Narwhal Muffin,@Sporemane,@reader8363,


Summer stood to see the massive worm like creature, she flew straight for the cloud still above the campfire, then positioned it looking towards the monster, she flew behind it so was the opposite side aiming at the worm, then kicked the cloud with her hind legs and lightning strike went out CRACK!! It missed the creature and Foray and Feeder landing 5 or so meters behind them all. missed again Summer, she bucked again CRACK!! another miss but getting closer to hitting the creature...

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Agaricus was oblivious to the menacing creature behind him. Noticing the commotion in front of him. He turned around and saw the creature right in front of him. He quickly made about face and trotted away from the creature. Looking back as he was racing away. He saw the Vampire Pony assaulting the creature.

Edited by Sporemane




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The creature took notice the vampire flying around, and rose out of the ground a few more inches and snapped at the vampire. 


 Feeder grabbed two syringes and used them to climb up the creature. 


Travelture shook his head and launched a stream of rocks at the creatures bottom jaw, which shattered on impact.

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"Confound these ponies..." Foray muttered under her breath, as nopony seemed to be heeding her warning. It would've been easier for her alone to cover their retreat, but noooooo, they had to be heroes. Well they weren't gonna have all the fun to themselves, she told herself. Wanting to punch herself in the face for such a decision, she let out a feral roar as she charged forward, using her magic to launch her weapon sharp end-first at the creature's eye.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,

The creature roared as the weapon hits its eye. the came out of the ground and hit directly in front of the unicorn that launched the weapon at its eye. 

@@Sporemane,@,  @@Phosphorous,

Feeder reached into his bag and pulled out a different syringe. He jabbed it in and poured the liquid into the creature. The creature swayed and fell sideways, not crushing anypon

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Confusion was cheering. "Good job Feeder! Now what do you suppose that creature is?" It's skin was leathery and greyish. When it had died, the creature oozed red blood out of its wounds. It smelled very bad. "What do you say we pack up and leave before this smell chokes us?"


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Foray skidded to a halt, again using her magic to return her crowbar to her side, eyeing the creature for any signs of activity. She couldn't tell whether it was dead or merely tranquilized, but there was no point in expending her already limited energy to try and kill it. Best leave that to the other ponies -- after all, they had gotten a decent night's sleep.


Smirking disgustedly, she wiped the residue from her weapon and muttered, "Well, I reckon that's that..."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Phosphorous@,@@Meson Bolt,@@Sporemane,

Feeder said as he took some blood,

"I don't know exactly what it is. I never saw anything like it before. I suggest we get out of here before it wakes up and tries to eat us again."

He placed the syringe into his bag and said as he looked through his bag,

"Does anyone know how to make liquid tranquilizer?"

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Agaricus raised his hoof in the air. "I don't know about a tranquilizer. But I can mix a neurotoxin from a certain species of mushroom." He then lowered his hoof. "Unfortunately I don't have the mushroom with me. I have never bin out this far in the wasteland. I don't know if they grow this far out." He then trotted next to the worm. Turning around, he bucked it in the side and quickly trotted away.

Edited by Sporemane




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"Well if you ponies don't mind, I'd like to get a move on before I become earthworm meal," the gray mare announced, fastening her bags securely and raising her jacket's hood over her head. "Travelture, you're supposed to know where we're going, right? Lead the way."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt

Travelture said as he picked up his bag, yeah the sooner the better. Great shot back there."



Feeder walked up to the worm, closed its mouth, and push it back into its hole. He said as he sat down,

"I guess that means the next creatures will have to be killed or outran."

He flinched at the mention of killed. He hoped that no one noticed

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Foray did overhear Feeder's comment, but didn't pay it much mind. She'd seen her share of death in the past few weeks, and had been all but desensitized towards the concept. However, that didn't stop a cold wave from flowing over her body as she remembered why she was alone.


Clearing her throat and mind, she nodded in thanks at Travelture, adding, "Not my best, but it got the job done."

Edited by Meson Bolt


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@Meson Bolt,@Phosphorous,@- Aethergem -@Teh Narwhal Muffin,@Sporemane,@reader8363,


Summer peaked her head from under the cloud, "did I hit it? I was trying it's hard to aim when you can see." She then flew down and landed at the creature and prodded it with her hoof. "what is that? That thing?" She then stood back as if she thought it might move again or something, then looked around and waited for somepony to give her an answer if there was one.

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Feeder said as he took a tissue sample of the tail,

"I'm afraid this is an unknown creature, it's cake must have got everyone that ran across this. If this place is full of creatures like this, I'm afraid that this will be tough. 

He moved the tail to see that in the hole has an egg buried in the side. He said, as he grabbed it and placed it into his bag, 

"I think it's part reptile."

Edited by reader8363
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"All the more reason why we should hurry up and get a move on," Foray stated, growing more annoyed and impatient. She was feeling rather uneasy around the huge creature even though she knew it was tranquilized. Turning to Travelture, the only pony she seemed mildly pleased with at this point, she asked, "How far is it, by the way? If it's more than a day's journey, I don't want to be out in the middle of the wasteland at night..."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt

Travelture said as he sighed and bent his head down,

"Quick question, is it better in ruins older than my home, or a cave. Because, my village is long ways away. If we sprint all day me would reach the ruins by nightfall. Then it's one or two days non-stop sprinting."

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