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@@reader8363, @@Orbit@


Foray slowly lumbered into a flat, empty spot in the cave and plopped down onto the ground, using her magic to unbind her saddlebags and lean them against her side. Staying down for a minute, she let out a sigh which quickly turned into a yawn, then carefully let down her braids as she prepared to get some sleep. "Unless y'all need somepony to stand watch, I'mma finally go to sleep, m'kay? Keep the chatter down if you could, this place echoes."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Agaricus had been waiting for the others, for several hours. While taking a short nap he heard a voice echoing off the walls of the cave. Rapidly shaking his head then, yawning trying to wake himself up. He turned around, and saw the new traveler. Agaricus had just woken from his nap and was filled with energy, he let out an enthusiastic greeting to the new traveler. "Greetings I am Agaricus Mycelium Sporemane, please to meet you!"


Agaricus faced Traveltrue as he entered the cave, he was amused by his question. "Ha...like a little bit of sand would stop a Earth Pony! Besides I got to the cave before the worst of the storm hit."

Edited by Sporemane




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@@reader8363@@@Meson Bolt,@@Sporemane,


"Yeah... Did you said?...Ya making fun of me?" he looked around and smilled "c'mon ya making fun of me, just admit it!" smile dissapeared from his face "Ya traing to tell me that's a mythical creature from before a war" Cyan looked at Travelture "and that she's a vampire" he looked at Summer. Silent... "Ok, I buy it, seen a lotta of weird stuff already... Soo... What's up with this vanished village?"

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Travelture said as he started the fire, 

"It was 17 years ago, a foal was sleeping in a bed, woke up to find that the whole village was gone, vanished in a single night. We're here to find out what happened to it. So what are you doing out here?"


A loud crack echoed throughout the cave as the egg in Feeder's bag hatched.

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@@reader8363, @@Orbit, @@Sporemane


Foray snorted annoyedly, lifting her head and glaring at the others with tired eyes. "So, did y'all just blow off what I said? In case you didn't notice, there's a worn-out mare tryin' to sleep here. Unless you want me to stand guard for another night, keep it the buck down!" In a huff, she turned away, draping her hoodie over her body and resting her head on her saddlebags.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@reader8363,@@Meson Bolt,  


"im..." Cyan looked at mare and whisper " i'm just wanderer, not mercenary, not scrapper, not raider or hero" he heared cracking sounds from Feeder bag, something broke in his bag? Eggs? Where did he get eggs in this land? "Ya hear that?" "he whispered to changeling in front of him.

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Summer then walked over to Cyan, "it's nice that you think i'm not a creature of darkness but alas it is not true have a gander will you?" Summer stood  back a little and her features began to change,

from this post-35804-0-75782400-1452034302_thumb.jpg to this post-35804-0-53308800-1452034319_thumb.jpg

"see vampire, not like i wanted to be one in the first place but either this or death. I also had no say in it either." Summer then changed back to her original form then sat at the fire.

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Agaricus ears popped up when he heard crying echoing off the cave walls. He the trotted over to Feeder and Travetrue in the direction of the crying. That's when he noticed a bag next to the two. He then looked inside of the bag and was astonished, at what he saw. "What in Equstria is that thing?" Agaricus exclaimed pausing to look up at Traveltrue and Feeder, Agaricus then shouted "How long have you had that thing with you!" Agaricus then looked over at the shell around Foray. He felt lucky that the shell was their. The last thing he wanted to do, was wake up a crumpy Unicorn.

Edited by Sporemane




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Feeder said as he pulled it out and sat down,

"Remember the worm that was behind ya, well this was in its tunnel, I was guessing that the egg was the worm's. I took it before we left. I think it's hungry. Does anyone have meat, I think that it's either a carnivore or omnivore

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@,@@Sporemane, @@reader8363, @@Orbit


Whatever the shell was made out of certainly wasn't 100% soundproof. Foray squirmed uncomfortably on the hard cave floor, loosely hugging one of her bags and pressing her good ear into the other one as she rested her head on it. In only a few seconds her rhythmic breathing was replaced with the sound of quiet snoring.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@,@@reader8363, @@Sporemane,  @@Meson Bolt,



"Righ... But ya wont mind if I will watch out for my neck?" He looked at Summer, then at Feeder, little, crying, ugly "Can we cook it?" Cyan said and look around "No? Ok ok..." He come closer to little worm, egh not a big meal anyway "So... What is this some kind of worm? Why did ya carring it? When he grow up he will probably want to eat ya"

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Feeder said as he reached into his bag,

"I wanted to run tests on it. I don't think Equestria knows about this worm, a worm with eyes and two tongues. I don't think it will eat us, if I train it not to. 

He pulled out a bottle and some wheat. 


The worm reached out and grabbed the wheat with its tongue and ate it.

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@@reader8363@@Meson Bolt,@@Sporemane,@,  


"Well... As long it's in your bag - it's your furneal " Cyan sit at stone "So... Where is that village exactly? And..." He look at ponies in front of him, well it's not a super badass group of ponies, but it's better that traveling alone. "Do ya need extra gun? And who is the leader here?"

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Travelture stood up and said,

"I guess you could say I'm the leader, and the village is about a day's walk from here.


Feeder looked up at the roof, lost in thought, then he said, 

"I'll name ya beast."

Then he clean out one of the bags and grabbed a blanket and placed it in, then he set beast on the blanket.


@@Meson Bolt,  @@Sporemane,@,

When the sun rose up the next day. Beast woke up and started crying. 


Travelture stirred from his dreams and dispelled the shell around Foray and said, 

"It's morning, let's get back to walking, the sooner we get there. the earlier we learn."


Feeder woke up and as he drank some water he dropped some wheat into the bag and placed it on his back

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@@reader8363, @@Orbit@@Sporemane@


Foray stirred slowly as the sound of the worm's crying slowly awoke her. Grunting annoyedly, she shifted her position and half-opened one eye. The blinding light stung, making her groan as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Morning already?" she mumbled, brushing back her mane and using her magic to fasten it in a sloppy braid.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Awoken by the worms crying. Agaricus stuck his head inside his saddlebag, trying to block out the worms crying. "Uhh..just five minutes more." Agaricus said half asleep. Agaricus found two mushrooms in front of his face. Lifting his head out from the bag, he grabbed the two mushrooms and plugged his ears.




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Feeder said as he turned to Cyan,

"If you try to cook Beast, I will stab my syringes in vital areas. 

@@Sporemane, @@Meson Bolt,

Travelture said as he pulled the mushrooms out of Agaricus' ear,

"Just a friendly warning, whoever doesn't come will be left here for the creatures to eat."


Unknown to them, a pony was watching them with binoculars, waiting for them to make a move.

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@@reader8363, @@Orbit, @@Sporemane


Foray yawned and stretched, cracking her joints methodically, before standing up and again rubbing her eyes. She produced a half-empty water bottle from her bag and took a quick sip before using some if it to wash the dirt from her face. "Let's not cook anything until we're out of this cave, hmm? Don't want to leave any traces in case we're being followed."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@reader8363,@@Meson Bolt,


Cyan finished eating and drink rest of the water from bottle "Ok, ok... But keep this screaming maggot quiet" He trow bottle away to the cave "I will recon around cave, see if we don't accidently sleep under raider nest" Cyan taki his rifle and go out cave, looking trought scope and going from stone to stone.

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The pony ducked and stayed quiet. A hood creature said, as he placed a metal claw over the mouth and said, as he scraped the bottom of the neck,

"Don't scream or I will have to silence you. Now go into the cave and ask them to come out, but don't mention anything about me. Got that?" 

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@@reader8363,@@Meson Bolt, @@Sporemane,  


Shiet... "Ooookeeey..." Cyan said slowly, he dont know what to do - shoot him, or go and play his game, this is trap, this is obviously trap but hell... Cyan walked in the cave and touch blood coming from his throat "Okey everypony..." He walked few steps in "Now everypony... " He pass big stone "Cover!" Cyan hide behind big stone and shoot at entrance" 

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Travelture said as he got closer to the door, 

"What going on? Why do we need to cover?"
a bullet barely missed his hoof. His eyes widened in fear and he ran further into the cave.


The pony cursed and yell at the creature,

"You could have done it quieter. Now everyone start firing."

But it turned out that there was only two beside her. She picked up her assault rifle and started firing like crazy at the mouth of the cave.

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@@Orbit, @@reader8363@@Sporemane@


The sound of gunfire echoing through the cavern instantly forced Foray awake. Leaping to take cover behind the rock, and not incidentally, next to Cyan, she unsheathed her crowbar and shouted, "Everypony get back into the cave! We'll hold 'em off!" Dropping her tone of voice down to a loud whisper, she hissed, "What the hay did you do?!"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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