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private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with Vulcan

Illiad Easle

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Vulcan returned to his universe editor , the whirring sound of an electric fan spun proudly to his left. He wished his air conditioning was fixed but for the moment, life had been a bit inconvenient in the tropics. “I’ll take that as a challenge, care taker of an unfathomably large amount of universes” He smiled , typing the words into the keyboard as it appeared on his screen. He then began typing characters into the screen, and as if like magic , the universe entitled “A Cultural Exchange” began to move like clockwork, the pieces instantly unfrozen and unaware of their somewhat sporadic lives.


“I’m not in that much pain” Cecil grinned, limply following Swift before tumbling to the ground. “Okay….maybe I could use a “slight” patch up” He added with a laugh, slowly bringing himself to his feet, his injuries were critical but not more so than his pride. “Where do you have in mind?”

Edited by Vulcan
  • Brohoof 1


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"Well, given that you have to be more or less continuously wrapped for the next week or so we can't exactly do conventional healing spells. I happen to know a few creatures nearby who specialize in a bit less conventional means of healing though I can assure you they are both safe and effective on ponies." Swift quickly signed a presented form that he had been the one to remove the outsider from guard custody and would be the one hosting him for the duration that he was within the borders as a non-citizen. "If you're up to meeting new and exciting creatures that is, though I think you might enjoy meeting the ones I have in mind. Plus it will make the trip to Deltrot much easier."




I was frankly surprised at the speed of his response, going from once every other week or so to twice in the same day was frankly a phenomenal shift of pace. I would have to plot out the events for the next few days, this one would certainly be different from the others as it was a potentially indefinite stay. Perhaps an arc of learning the customs of this strange new land? There would certainly be quite the culture shock which provided many opportunities for interesting events to occur. Only time would tell what the future held for them.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Vulcan sat on his cream colored leather couch, his keyboard resting heavily on his lap, a thick metal cord connecting it to the laptop to his right. It was midnight, and He had spent most of the evening attending to religious matters, which had him quite drained. “Is it weird that I find it fun, to narrate one’s actions?” He pondered , as he began typing all the while fueling a couplemore minutes into the “Cultuiral exchange” universe.

“Strange creatures?” He thought, raising an eyebrow at the remark, to him, everything in this city felt rather odd. “That sounds like fun!” He grinned , he was a bit worried, the words ”healing”and “safe” were words one wouldn’t normally find in the same sentence back home. “Lead the way” He smiled , forcing his left arm straight forward in front of him.


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Swift looked with a raised eyebrow yet happy expression towards Cecil, "I wouldn't consider them so strange, though they may be quite different from what you're used to." With that they exited the police station and entered the ever busy streets of Troy. The day was hot and those on the streets few actually, it was like a town at night with everyone still awake spending as little time as they could in the sunlight. There were certainly many varieties of creatures to be seen, the ponies of course were most numerous, but there were also deer and zebra, the occasional camel or buffalo, and one or two thestrals thrown in for good measure. Indeed it was a racially diverse town.


Swift led Cecil towards a building nestled in with some of the more residential constructions, the sign on the first floor held a small red cross with the words, 'Unconventional means for Unconventional beings' written below the sign. Swift opened the door and beckoned for Cecil to enter.




I too found it somewhat odd that I had taken to narrating, though a bit different from the rest it was no doubt enjoyable to do so. An interesting change of pace to say the least. I sighed as I returned to my editor, who knew spending time with family could be so draining? At least now I was free for the night to do as I pleased.

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Vulcan lay slumped on the couch he'd had to sleep in, He was quite exhausted. Good Friday has had him going through 6 hours worth of mass and it was incredibly draining. Still, the flow must go on. He picked up his phone, a moto x he got on a trip from the states, and began typing, as he did so, the universe, - Cultural exchange, unfroze instantly, as the characters began moving to their supposed wills.


As Cecil walked through the town he found it quite odd indeed, Not so much because of the scenery or variety of creatures, but because the creatures were all so happy. It was strange... He had grown quite used to eerie emotionless faces on the street.


Cecil was them led to a fine building, it didn't look so much old to him as it looked quite rustic. "whatever could they mean by unconventional?" He wondered, the sign was quite odd. Nonetheless, he trusted Swift. So with a deep calm breath... He walked inside.


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The interior of the building was dimly lit, but bright enough that those inside could see where things were. There were a few seats nearby that looked comfortable, the variety suggested they catered to many different species here.


Swift approached the desk and rang the small bell placed there, soon after a small blue unicorn came out from the back, her amber eyes practically glowing in the dark room. "Ah, it's good to see you again Swift, I hadn't expected to see you back here so soon, I hope you're doing okay?"


Swift gave a slight nod and a smile, "I'm alright Plaster, it's my friend here who needs help. Fresh from Nightvale so we can't really use magic to heel him directly."


Plaster nodded, "I see," She turned towards Cecil, "What seems to be the problem?"




It was so great to not have class in the morning for once, it almost made the test worthwhile. Getting up late on a school day was always an enjoyable experience when you didn't have to miss a class to do it. But before I got down to the days homework, the ponies were calling me. 'Why am I so motivated to write here but not in my own stories?'

Edited by Illiad Easle
  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Cecil walked inside and eyed one of the empty seats nearby. "I'm gonna take a quick breather" He sighed, sitting himself down,as Swift conversed with what looked to be Unicorn. Cecil looked around the room, "Swift wasn't kidding about the variety of folks here" Cecil muttered before the blue Unicorn called his attention.


"I'm a little roughed up from my trip to the dentist" He replied in his usual smooth silky voice that had made him Night vale's favorite radio host. "I might need a little stitching, and maybe something for the shiner" He added, gesturing towards his black eye. His condition was much worse than that but he valued his pride quite a bit.


Vulcan continued typing, he was now in an airport on his way back to his residence. The flight was delayed as it usually does during holy week,and he had a bit more time to get back to his roleplay duties. He laid back further on his seat, one of many in a long row to his right. "I ask myself the same thing" He grinned, glancing once more at Illiad's post before hitting submit.

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The unicorn behind the counter did not seemed convinced that he was as uninjured as he let on. "I see then," She gestured to some curtains to the right of the desk. "Head through the curtains when you're ready and we'll get you patched up. Be sure to be honest with the doctor or we won't be able to heal you correctly."

Swift took a seat on a nearby chair. "I'll wait out here for you, unless you would prefer for me to be in there with you." 




Isn't college fun? Where else could you juggle RPs and papers whilst prepping for finals as the house burns down around you as you sit with a smile on your face and chocolate in your mug, 'This is fine' you might thing to yourself.


I give a slight smile at the allusion I've drawn, poor weather does that to me. I realize yet again that there is no way for me to get to the April fools portion of my story before April fools this year, so it will have to wait again, but oh well. More time to not write anyway.

Edited by Illiad Easle
  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"I think I can handle it" Cecil smiled , to be honest this was quite strange to him, normally, after horrific injuries, his magic usually gets him healed quite quickly, he's never been injured for this long before....it was unnerving. The toga he was wearing seemed to slow down this process even further.


Cecil took a deep breath and walk towards and through the curtain.



And with that, Vulcan heaved a brief sigh of relief, His duties for the day were finally complete. He's had to deal with quite a lot of paper work today but thankfully it's over now. He was also relieved by the knowledge that he was not the only one dealing with these things. these little additions to the RP were quite interesting...

  • Brohoof 1


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Through the curtain was what seemed to be a standard looking doctor's office, the walls and floor were tiled smoothly white and the overhead light was bright, yet soft enough to not hurt the eyes unless looked at directly. The room had a small examination table with many adjustable parts so it could accommodate a large variety of creatures. A changeling with very dark grey chitin and amber eyes was dressed in a white doctor's coat and seated at a nearby desk. He looked up as Cecil entered. "Ah, you must be the Cecil swift was looking for. It seems he was right to be worried for you." He gestured to the examination table. "Do take a seat, normally I would ask you to disrobe but I can see that won't be necessary today. So, in detail, in what ways are you presently injured. I won't tell anyone so you don't have to worry about pride."




Aren't paper's great? especially philosophy papers where you either agree with the grader and get a good grade or you disagree and they mark you down for every little thing they can get you for. In addition to having like zero motivation to do anything not ponies for the day.


I sighed as I continued to not do homework, it wasn't full procrastination, but it almost was. It's like senioritus hit a year late just in time for finals. But the ponies kept me sane even when they were insane themselves.


The meta of this one RP really made it all the more enjoyable.

Edited by Illiad Easle
  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Through the curtain was what seemed to be a standard looking doctor's office, the walls and floor were tiled smoothly white and the overhead light was bright, yet soft enough to not hurt the eyes unless looked at directly. The room had a small examination table with many adjustable parts so it could accommodate a large variety of creatures. A changeling with very dark grey chitin and amber eyes was dressed in a white doctor's coat and seated at a nearby desk. He looked up as Cecil entered. "Ah, you must be the Cecil swift was looking for. It seems he was right to be worried for you." He gestured to the examination table. "Do take a seat, normally I would ask you to disrobe but I can see that won't be necessary today. So, in detail, in what ways are you presently injured. I won't tell anyone so you don't have to worry about pride."


"Urghh..." Cecil moaned in pain and said  nothing as the room fell dead silent for a few moments. "I went to the Dentist" He finally uttered, his voice deep and calm."and believe me...it wasn't pleasant" He added, taking his seat towards the examination table. He'd never been to the Doctor before, likely because being sent to the Nightvalian Doctor , usually meant a slow and painful death. 


Vulcan typed, wondering if he himself should get back to his homework as well.Nevertheless He had something much more nerve-wracking in the back of his mind, today he was turned into an Alicorn! It was quite frustrating....Simple things such as typing in RPs became much more difficult with hooves. He began to wonder how long this transformation would last..."Maybe it would last forever" He wondered, a bit terrified at his predicament. 


Happy April fool's day Mr. Easle


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I shrugged off the sudden transformation, but Discord's appearance gave me a bit of a frighten despite knowing this one to be different from the one loaded in my cannon. Still, a pair of gloves and a delicate application of magic made typing easy enough, and wings made class going a breeze despite all the odd looks I was getting for the duration of my being in public.


And a happy late fools day to your April Mr. Not Vulcan 




The doctor looked confused before he shrugged it off. He lifted a clipboard with the standard medical information for male unicorns from the desk as he approached. "I would suppose we have a different idea in mind between us. Are your injuries localized to a specific area? Or are they distributed throughout? If the latter, are you injured on the underside of your barrel? If not it would be best to lay across the table with your legs hanging off either end. If the injuries are localized sit on the table in whatever position is most comfortable so I can tend to the injuries." He looked up from the clipboard, a caring look on his face. "Also, if at any point you are uncomfortable or scared do let me know and I'll stop until you are ready to continue. Very little of this should hurt, so don't worry."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Cecil thought for a moment he knew he had to say something, After all the truth seemed to be eating away at him from the inside. "My injuries are in my bones! " Cecil blurted out, staring at the doctor as if he knew what he meant. "When I was sentenced there..." Cecil gulped as if trying to maintain his pride."they made me swallow some eggs...brittlewood eggs" He added, with a disgusted expression as he remembered the moment. "You know! Those teensy tiny little worms that eat away at trees to make them brittle! The little buggers are inside me!" He vented letting out his aggression. Cecil stared at his shaking hooves. "I'm well passed the lethal stage... I don't even know how I'm still alive"



Vulcan typed and typed on his smart phone as he waited anxiously for his dentist's appointment. The past few days have been a little hectic for him, what with his graduation coming close. He always wonders how Iliad has the imaginative capacity to write in multiples RPs at once and with such speed.


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The changeling simply stared at Cecil, his facial structure so different from a pony's that it was hard to tell what he was feeling. "I take back what I said earlier, this is probably going to hurt quite a bit, but you'll live. If you are infected by the brittlewood, something must be slowing them down. Or, you were only meant to think that you were infected. If they offered you an antidote in exchange for cooperation that is likely the case at this point. I'll have to take a marrow sample to be sure, though given the circumstances you describe, you probably have holes throughout your stomach and intestinal tract if you are infected."


The changeling moved around the room to a nearby filing cabinet, opening it and retrieving a sheet of paper. "I'm surprised you were actually ably to be infected, usually its only changelings that get brittlewood, and its a bit more serious as it eats right through our chitin. But we can purge it with fire, for you..." He looked up with a placating expression. "On a most basic note we'll have to burn them out, and no it will not be pleasant. We can't use spells on you do to the levels of corruption making it very difficult to cast a spell correctly within you."


He sighed, moving over to a set of drawers. "Normally I would schedule and plan this sort of procedure, but we need to act quickly." He retrieved a needle and a razor and placed them on a tray. Turning to the curtain, "Nurse! I need local anesthetic for bone marrow stat." Turning back to Cecil, "If you could lie on your barrel with your legs hanging off either side of the table that would be perfect. If we're lucky you aren't actually infected."


The nurse was the receptionist, she came in with another needle, this one filled with what was probably anesthetic. she placed it on the tray with the other needle and the razor.




I realize that staying up till 4am then sleeping for only 6 hours is not the best way to start the day, but I had fun doing it.


I smile as I read Vulcan's compliment, given that only a few of them post super frequently its easy to juggle those with the slower posting threads.

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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  • 1 month later...

"Y'know what?, I think I'm feeling better doc!" Cecil smiled , with a forced enthusiasm, needles weren't exactly his best friend and perhaps it was just what the doctor said, It's all just in his mind, In fact, It's all going to be fine....no need for sharp points things or fire, He thought to himself, ignoring the burning sensation, swallowing his bones. "It was all just in my head! , So if you don't mind! I'll be taking me leave!, Bye!"  Cecil waved, casually walking himself towards the door's exit.



(I'm curious as to what you mean by "different things", this'll be interesting) 


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The doctor looked mildly surprised at Cecil's reluctance to be cured, "I can't in good faith let you stay as a guest with Swift if you are infected, it wouldn't be very nice to him if you got him infected as well."


He turned to the door as Cecil tried to leave, "Nurse! The patient needs some assistance with the procedure!"


The receptionist/nurse peeked back in with a sigh, "Alright." With a roll of golden fire the receptionist took the form of a rather burly Earth Pony to block the doorway so Cecil couldn't leave. Her voice was still the same however, "Would you please just lie down on the table? Are you going to risk dying a very painful death just to avoid a needle now?


(I was surprised when you suddenly posted, I thought you had forgotten about me.)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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  • 1 month later...

@@Illiad Easle




The doctor looked mildly surprised at Cecil's reluctance to be cured, "I can't in good faith let you stay as a guest with Swift if you are infected, it wouldn't be very nice to him if you got him infected as well."


Cecil gulped with a pang of guilt,  he knew the doctor was right. No matter his fears he couldn't risk his friend's infection. He readied himself to be injected when he heard the doctor's sudden order.




He turned to the door as Cecil tried to leave, "Nurse! The patient needs some assistance with the procedure!"   The receptionist/nurse peeked back in with a sigh, "Alright." With a roll of golden fire the receptionist took the form of a rather burly Earth Pony to block the doorway so Cecil couldn't leave. Her voice was still the same however, "Would you please just lie down on the table? Are you going to risk dying a very painful death just to avoid a needle now?" 


"Alright! alright!" He assured them as he walked towards his table. "I'll comply" He added lying on the table. "Another changeling?" Cecil thought, as he awaited the doctor's treatment. "Hold on a sec" He stopped for a moment.  "Are you they ALL changelings?" He thought, his eyebrow slightly raised. 

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The doctor smiled at his choice, "​Good, now hold still as I administer the anesthetic and we'll go about this with as little pain as we can manage, Okay?"


He retrieved the anestetic needle from the tray and carefully injected it into the base of Cecil's neck, like a cool wave washing over him he slowly lost feeling in everything below his neck, though a little attempt revealed he could still move them just fine. He did feel a slight sting when the larger needle was inserted however, which grew to a burning sensation as it withdrew a sample.


The doctor removed the second needle and ran a spell through it to check for infection. "See? Was that so hard? The numbness will pass in an hour or so, and when it does your neck may still be a bit sore, that too should pass in time."


(You'll have to tell me what the result is of the marrow sample.)


This thread has been closed for inactivity. The contents are preserved above.

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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