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private Vampires run in the family.

Mentis Soliloquy

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"I did kill him I could of not fed on him I could of healed him or disarmed him, but I killed him to find you, it is my pain to bear the anchor to my moral compass so I never do it again and that guilt will stop me from doing it ever again." Emerald rolled over and looked at Crescent closing her eyes after a few minutes, she then heard a familiar sound. "what is that... oh I will look after sleep i'm tired." She drifted off to sleep.

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(Sorry, it's a bit long, basically just prepping for Manity.)


Façade arrived at the train station, a bit sore with all the peroxide used on his cuts. He walked down to the outskirts of Canterlot, it was late, and Façade saw a small unicorn family and fetched his satchel, he found some bits and handed them to the family. "Here you go, have at it," Façade said gesturing to an nearby for stand. He quickly trotted home, and heard an explosion from the warehouse sized garage.


"Façade! You're home!" A voice came from an opened door. Whirlwind Firestarter, professor and tinkerer. Probably one of the most interesting ponies in Canterlot. "You may not know, but despite being an alicorn and all, I can't actually fly! My wings are useless!"


Façade looked at the slightly disgruntled Professor. "Prof, what are you talking about? I know you're an alicorn, maybe not most of the street, but I do. Could've used your help with a contract." Façade said, walking up the stairs to their apartment next to the garage.


"My magic is purely utility, it's been that way forever. No... generous means of income." The red-coated professor said. "I can't even fly. It's ridiculous. Regardlessly, I like my anonymity." Whirlwind sighed, "dinner is in the microwave! Burritoes! You're favorite!"


"I hate burritoes!" Façade exclaimed, dropping his things by his bed across from Whirlwind's. Façade notified Whirlwind of what he was doing tomorrow, "Also, I've got to get to Manity tomorrow, so I'll buy a ticket and be off, and won't be back until I complete this cursed contract." In afterthought Façade muttered around what was upon his mind, "Whatever compelled me to agree to this insanity better shove off." Façade angrily pulled out the burritoes from the microwave, and divided them between two plates. Façade bit into a burrito, surprised, "You got the bacon ones? I thought they didn't sell these in Equestria?"


Whirlwind smirked, "On the black market they do."


Façade responded, "So what are you working on now? Project Skyshark right? What's it about?"


"I'll show you in the morning." The young professor said.


"Alright," Façade conceded to wait until morning, it was better to wait.


Façade and Whirlwind caught up on what each other was doing, and then headed to bed.




Façade woke up next morning, and yawned like a cat. "Best nights sleep, ten out of ten." A smell of burning toast came from the kitchen, and Façade walked sluggishly to the kitchen from his bed. "Whirlwind... HOLY DUSK!!!!"


There was not burnt toast on several plates. "Um, you didn't burn the toast...." Façade didn't understand why he had yelled, he had only just wakened up.


"I burned the crumbs to wake you up, nothing else would've worked." Whirlwind said matter-of-factly.


"Fine, I'm up, so you wanted to show me Project Skyshark?" Façade took some jelly from the kitchen, and spread some over his toast while the mail arrived. Façade scooped them up, and Façade looked through the mail. "Just taxes."


"I'll pay my share tonight, and I'll use some of that contract money for your share of the taxes." Whirlwind said, Façade okayed it, and then finished breakfast.


"You're my uncle right? Or is it my cousin?" Façade asked, he forgot those sort of things quickly.


"Second Cousin"


"Alright, so what did you want to show me?"


"Come with me."


Façade followed Whirlwind to the garage, and then just stared. "You've got a speed skiff in here! With, rockets attached to them?"


The skiff was rather small, designed for a one pony crew, and it had rockets off the back of it. The skiff also was hanging by four chains, and the garage roof was closed.


"Yes, it can fly, and theoretically, and goes about two times faster than a sailing ship." Whirlwind said happily, "I want you to test it."


"But what if I wreck it?" Façade said, "It might kill me."


"It won't, as for wrecking it, well I actually need to get this out of here so I can work on version two. And the other thing, the ship doesn't need fuel. It runs on solar power, raise the sails, and it'll charge up. Thought they will be very hot."


"Okay, thanks, I'll be heading out in about an hour, want to give me a rundown on how it works?" Façade said, heading to the ship.


"Yes, but I thought about your trip and worked up a new costume of sorts." Whirlwind said. "I cannibalized some of your clothes for it, and I forged some new swords for you. It looks more civilian, so you won't be noticed as easily, and it has a retractable hood. I used your pullover shirt, and some of your cargo pants and boots. I integrated leather armor into the clothes, you can see it on the shoulders, flanks, and back knees. It will protect your vitals, and while not indestructible. I fire proofed it, and it can retain 98% of the heat coming off your body, and keep you cool in Manity's sun. There's also space in a mini four way leather scabbard for your knives. "


Façade was surprised, but he knew Whirlwind, once he had an idea, he went through with it.


Façade grabbed the clothes, and the new forged blades. He pulled them on, he felt slightly exposed, but it would work for what he would need in Manity.

Edited by DarkHaert 2099
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@, @,


 Cresent woke up the next day seeing his lover next to him sleeping peacefully, glad to be in a safe setting. He looked up at the cealing thinking things over. The fight, the letter, and showing up at manity trying to remember his cousins names and uncles as well. His family hadn't had a reunion in decades, so when he first got the letter he thought it was a joke. A call from his cousin tho confirmed it all "we haven't gotten together for a while so you know something's up" his cousin said on the phone. He looked at the mare laying peacefully on him. he wondered how fast his aunts and uncles would find out she wasn't a pure vamp?


The family made it a big thing as far back as he could remember, it was alos why he needed emerald to read the invite as well. He then got up and washed himself up a bit before the boat would make its next dock. after the shower he came smelling better kissing his lover "better wake up love boats going to make port soon"   

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"there...s...a...snake...in...my...boot..." (guess the reference) as Crescent nudge Emerald, "what? Hugh? Sleep..." She opened her eyes. "Cres, what time is it?" She yawned and stretched on the bed, she rolled over looking at him. "morning I think."


Summer was up on deck taking in the the rather nice sights of the river as the neared  Fillydephia...

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@, (toy story?) cresent smiled kissing the mare nose, "for once we do need to be up with the sun setting, we are about to get to philly to jump on the next boat, c'mon" he nudged the mare a bit trying to wake her gentley but with enough boost to get her moving. After nibeling her ear playfully he moved off and looked over their luggage "i'll pop outside see whats next for us, I think they serve berky still" he moved towards the door making his way to the dinning deck of the boat

Edited by cwhip9
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"ok, ok fine." Emerald got up and stretched like a cat then hew wings like a pair of arms, she then yawned again and finally hopped out of bed and followed Crescent.


Meanwhile Summer too was getting hungry and set off for the dining room sitting at a table next to the windows eating something light.

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Cresent chuckled a bit as he herd emerald following him looking at the pretty view of the river they were on cresent couldn't help but stop a bit and take it in. "first time on a river boat, surprised with the cheapness  of the boat. the river still looks pretty" he said. Hugging his mare friend as they made there way towards the dinner he said "odd question, how well do you know manty, (itallain) I broght along two magical headsets just to be safe cuz I still need to work on mine" he said

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Summer lent up on the railings, "yes it is rather pretty even if it's a little outdated as a means to move ponies around I mean we could of flown or took the train but this is nice." She looked at him when he talked about the Manity question, "not one word of it, you'll be all speaking in gibberish to me."

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Cresent smiled looking at Emerald "hence the head set, I asked twilight about the once I got the letter, it was ether a headset or a spell she could cook up like zacora. but head sets are harder to loose then viles of potion id figer at least. don't worry tho, it has a two way mic just speak how your talking to me or anypony else and everypony will understand you. ill show you them on the next boat" he said. He then opened the door to the dinner gazing around at the food before them, pulsed


"is that?" cresent asked listening closely

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Emerald walked and looked at him "what is...Summer?!" She scanned the room to stop her yellow cousin sitting with her back to them. "what is she doing here?!" Emerald stormed up to Summer and tapped her on the shoulder...


..."yes can I..." Summer turned around to she Emerald, "oh crap..."


"...oh crap indeed little cousin..."


Summer was not going to be scolded, she attacked "NO, no I'm not a filly I'm 19 and I want to go the Manity and now that I am on the ship there is nothing you can do!"


"I could mind control you back to Ponyville."


"you wouldn't dare Sapphire will not take that lying down."


"No she wouldn't she'd have my flank if I did that to you Scarlet too, fine you can come but ah we are going to have words when we get back Summer."


"What words I'm 19 I can go where I please."


"in Equestria sure no complaints but Manity is not Equestria, even Cresent doesn't know what it's going to be like that is why I said not this time lass."




"yeah but now you're here, at least stay with us, Crescent's family are all vampires." 

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Façade had run down the different thing he needed to know, he had his new swords, knives, and spark bombs. He grabbed a knife, a bag of six hundred bits, and other odds and ends in addition to his satchel.


"Facade, do you even speak Manty?" Whirlwind asked as Façade began to fly onto the ship.


"I studied there when I was in college! And I'll learn what I don't as I go! See ya Cous'! I got a book!" Façade flew onto the rocket-skiff, and the roof of the garage opened up. Activating the thrusters with the sticky notes on them, Façade lifted off. Ad soon as he was clear, he turned on the actual ignition. He fired the accelerator. The skiff flew forwards, no doubt that the vampires were well ahead.




Clear skies ahead and the wind in his face, Façade extended the solar sails, and the ship shot forwards. "Wait... Why are they heading to Manity? Family, oh Dusk, I hope not."


His eyes a relaxed green color, Façade began his journey to Manity.

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the waiter looked a little panicked and cresent sterred him away from the sisters session "sorry about the bro, I'll call ya if we need anything" he said handing over a few bits towards the waiter pony. he nodded and grined "oh trust me I have a sister or three" he said the too pony chuckeled and cresent sat down next to emerald and summer hearing their session quiet down. at the end of his lovers statement he gave her a raised eyebrow


"ya something about a family full of...us if she walks in all the youngest will be going for her we cant risk it" cresent looked at summer


"i know a buddy im meeting there anyway, darkbeak will kill me dumping you on him like this but....that's the only way I see this working" he finsihsed.


yet he saw a 2nd way, and knew it was summers idea. She had been hinting at learning about vamps sense he met her.

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"ah not Darkbeak, he's boring I want to me Cresie's family."


"i'm not sure that, his family would be ok with that.." She turned to Crescent, "are they killers, do they feed on regular ponies you haven't actually said."


"Oh I don't even care not Darkbeak, I'd rather get fed on especially after the last time I met him."

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Cresent calm annoyed looked went to straight anoyence after he herd summer's name for him from summer he shook his head calming his urge to slap the yellow mare. looking up still anoyed "tell you what sunny, cover berky and ill think about it" he said he looked back and waved the waiter over


"so three then?"


"yes she'll cover the tab and just give us a bit with the menues" he said the waiter pony bowed and retirved the menus and went off to get the drink for the 3 of them. As cresent looked over the menu of berky his mind raced threw mutipule ways how his family would react to emerald and NOW summer.

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"Fine it's a deal I'll get all the food to Manity and back again if you want." She looked over her own menu.


"Crescent you did not answer my question what are the answers to my questions is my cousin in danger visiting, am I in danger?" Emerald was surprised by her own comment "why did I say that?"

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cresent put a reassuring hoof on his lovers looking deep in her eyes "no pony is going to lay a hoof on you two love, ill bet my cursed off cuti mark" he said


Still what the attacker said the previous day rang in his head 'your not the only one they are after' something told him things weren't going to be so easy at manity but they should be there in time to get security. "were going to bat country so not many ponys will figer who we are" he said.


"i cant promise anything on my family they know your showing up but not summer. again ill call dark beak tonight to work things out with him" he said

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"well there not just gonna see me and go, 'oh hey free lunch get her.' I mean that is not going to happen Manity has laws and such, I mean what could honestly go wrong?"


"your optimism is refreshing Summer, but you are talking about well my kind, no that's not right Crescent's kind he was born a vampire so there might be a difference." 

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"there is, also manity is our home...ok not our" he paused trying to say vampire without saying vampire


"but...you know what I mean" he looked around.


He really didn't like talking about vamps in the open like this. He didn't know if the attacker would strike or the one who put up the bounty on him was on the same boat. But they had to know him to send a fighter like that at him...cresent was caught off by the waiter asking if they wanted eats. After they placed their orders cresent took a drink of his juice in thought

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"Summer let us continue this talk in our cabin on the next ship, this talk is worrying Cresy."


"what talking about...you know what outloud?"


"yes, so let's talk about something else for now." 


"so what then should we talk about then? I was kinda keen to talk about Crescent's family I mean how are they as a family?"

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Cresent looked at the two mares might as well give them the gist but not the full table "well, its big for starters and because its manity some of my family are well known, mostly with trade and the like. As too how my family is we like to keep things close to the chest. Emrald knows the full story of that side but its not because we don't like other ponys. more, occupational hazards  if that makes any sense." said cresent doing his best not to mention the elephant of how royal his family is in Manity  


"so the fact that im showing up is going to raise a few eyebrows in itself" the batpony finished. Soon after he finished his sentence the food arrived making it easier to relax for him  

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"Why not tell me we are practically family anyway I mean when you two finally bit the tree and get married..."


"Summer! We've been going out for a few months that doesn't make you my cousin his family, stop being rude."


"Aw come on my life is boring being around you guys is the only fun I have apart from work on occasion Rainbow is a blast to have as a boss." The two mares then tucked into their respective meals.

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cresent coughed a bit at the marriage part, after swallowing carfully he said "summer, love doenst move fast, that's why its called love and not lust" he took more in from the meal. He then thought up something


"you know when I sometimes help with the night side for the wheather team I rarely see rainbow, whats it like working for her aside from the race's she likes to have" It felt good to steer the conversation away from himself  

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Emerald looks his way and mouths "thank Luna you thought of something."


"Aw she is awesome she makes everypony feel important and she's a great leader, and she's a Wonderbolt I mean how cool is that a real life breathing Wonderbolt is my boss aw that is so cool, she just manages to bring out the best in you without trying you can go to work in any mood and come back as happy as can be by the end." 

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Cresent raised an surprised eyebrow "so she is one, huh thought those were just rumors about her. so I bet she race's with you often, have you beat her yet?" he asked with a cheerful hint of a challenge also adding to the mares hero worshipping. just anything to keep them from talking about his family is what he was aiming for. Seeing the look from emerald he knew it was working

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"Oh Celestia no, no one has beat her in a race I mean she is the only living pony to make a sonic rainboom..." Summer started to rant about her Idol.


Emerald lent over and whispered, "why did you ask about Rainbow Dash she'll talk out heads off till we get to port."

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