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private Vampires run in the family.

Mentis Soliloquy

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@, cresent relaxed at his lovers remakrs on the pasta and her saying the no to summer which he was trying to figer out himself but decided to let emerald handel it.


"thanks love, I try to be how do you like the spice I added to it, kind of not in the original recipe but I always felt it didn't have enough kick till now" he said taking a spoonful for himself satisfied with the taste, he looked at Saphire


"hope I didn't make it too strong for you saph sleep well?" he asked

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Trailing Emerald and keeping calm was a bit of a task, and Façade had relished every moment of it. When Façade saw Emerald head into the house. He jumped up into a tree, and pulled out his telescope. Extending it, and looking through the window, Façade saw a number of ponies inside. "Oh," Façade sighed, "Family... Why does there have to be so many ponies?" Façade felt his heartbeat start to raise, and then he panicked for a moment, raising it higher. Then he took at deep breath and begun to calm down. After about two minutes he had slowly his heartbeat enough... At least he hoped he did.

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@, @, As the dinner counties cresent herd a distant raise of a blood beat that was kind of odd sounding. He herd emeralds and the rest of the mares blood flow fine except for this one. It was like a random fire work that went off in terms of blood beats but then tried to hide itself. The bat pony's ear twitched as he looked around the windows but it looked like busyness as usual outside in ponyvill. He shrugged thinking it as just paranoia and continued eating.   

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Emerald looked to Cresent and mouthed to him "you heard that too?" before talking to Summer again, Sapphire got up.


"Sorry..." yawning, "lovely food Crescent, bed." With that Sapphire went up stairs. 


"Well I hope you two have fun on your trip then."


Emerald looked out the window the heartbeat was familiar to her...

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Looking through his telescope, he saw the grey stallion's ear twitch. "Darn... He probably heard me. Alright then." Façade stared taking fast shallow breaths, oxygenating his system, and increasing his heart rate. "Time to test this theory out." Façade started to jump and run through the trees around the house, allowing his heart to beat faster. He circled the house slowly, and while being a bit of a workout, they would detect him, hopefully. If it worked, they could possibly come out, and then he would work it out from there.

Edited by DarkHaert 2099
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(on mobil sorry for the delay again) cresent nodded at his lover but keept eating "play it off" he mothed back. "Don't worry summer I'll get you something there" Cresent said after a mouthful of food he swallowed. Sompony was definitely acting off moving that fast. If not a pony then definitely somthing acting...eratic

He decided to check it out after dinner.

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Dinner came to a conclusion after about 10 more minutes or so, and the three of them found themselves at the door, "so you two have fun then I'll see you when you two return then?" Summer then walked out the door.


"By Summer see you in a few weeks." waving her off, she turned to Crescent "what is going on with that pony? There is something up." 

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(I won't be able to RP, my school has a new firewall which prohibits MLP Forums. You can set this up however you wish, and Godmod Façade, he should manage against you two. I'll be back 6-7 pm EST)


Façade dropped down, and took a deep breath, slowing down his heartbeat for a moment. "Well, well, well, if it ain't our two bloodlovers. Man, I thought that Jadas and Shoe would've taken care of you for sure, but it only shows how much the hunters are falling." Façade's Eyes glowed green, happy that his plan had worked, now just to make this all end. Drawing his blade, he started towards the two vampires.

Edited by DarkHaert 2099
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cresent steped in front of his lover spreading his wing drawing his own blade the blade glowed an crimson red "love get to the boat ill follow soon" cresent said under his breath for only for emerald to hear.


Addressing the approaching sword pony he said "if you truly know who I a stand down now, I'll only say it once" he got into a defensive stance, emerald recognized the stance herself from the sparring sessions, but this was the only time she had ever seen him fight with his gauntlet blade.  


Cresent knew if this pony was serious they would both have to make this battle quick, this pony had to be a bit exhausted from that tree hopping, if not done right it would be one's undoing....

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"If you think I'm tired by just a hop, skip, and a jump. Well, then the Hunters have prepared you badly." Façade's blade flashed out from behind the couple, and Façade took a stance which allowed him great stability and defense. "So I've got something for ya. Let yourself over, and I'll let Emerald go. Dusk's Honor. Or, I'll slit throats."

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Emerald wanted to fight but she adhered to Crescent's request and took of towards the ship, she was quite scared for him, but he said run.


Summer all this time had also done the same and had sunk onto the ship as well making sure to below decks away from Cresent and Emerald.

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"It's you they want anyways." Façade drew one of his knives, and examined his foe accordingly. It was evening, Crescent's turf, this was Everfree, Crescent's turf. But, Façade didn't have relatives, or loyalty to anypony... Which could be played to an advantage. Façade also had a sword, and three knives. The vampire had probably a good few tricks. That's why Façade was hired anyways. "This can go nice, or not. You're choice."

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"you just made yours sadly" resent said and with a mighty FLAP! and gust of wind sending the sword pony back, cresent rushed in during the recovery but was stopped by the pony's blade "impressive, who ever sent you knows me" the batponys wings were closed tight to his sides. his hoof went straight into the pony's chest knocking the wind out of the attacker  but he soon recovered fast again.


"who sent you!" cresent said lunging for the sword arm

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Façade wished he had his armor, because he wouldn't have suffered that blow. "I answer not to you. But you've got an impressive bounty on you. The Hunters are idiots." Façade noticed the hidden blade, and then threw a knife, in which Crescent dodged easily, when Façade slammed the pommel of his blade into Crescent's left side, possibly hitting a wing, possibly not. Façade switched tactics, fast and hard, and then defensive with aiming low.

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the strike on the side was a mere burse, at least cresent hopped it would be as he spun around slashing the attackers hind leg from behind then pounced on the attackers back sending him to the ground. Cresent blade dove straight at the ponys ear cutting the top of it making a slit looking down at the attack he said


 "i don't want to kill you, but your running out of option's, who ever sent you didn't know how jadas died. in fact I don't think hunter know who made the killing blow do they. now" he leaned in close by the attackers face


"do you want to hear or walk again. one way or another, you'll wish I killed you after this" he said he didn't realize that his voice was changing slightly into a darker tone. Like a 2nd voice was being over laped and that his left eye was turning red.   

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Façade was furious with tripping up. His ear bled, but he had felt worst in EIS. "I was shocked by an Electric Chair forty seven times, and I'm still standing. That's when Façade felt the darkness within in him start to convulse. It set fire to his veins, and Façade started to gather his strength. "Can definitely see what makes you a great guy," Façade was done with niceties, and he felt himself starting the tread the line between his sanity... And his maddness's. "But I'm not done yet Crescent, you may have power, but..." Façade threw Crescent off him. "He felt the fire slowly building in his stomach. His voice deepened into a growling voice unlike his own, "I am not just a Hunter, in which I fall easily" Façade's eyes flickered black and purple. Façade took a deep breath. Vampires were so much more powerful than your average pony, Façade stood defiantly his voice more growl as he restrained his maddness, "I've done a job once, I'll do it again."

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Sapphire was awoken by the ruckus outside looked out her window, "what the buck!" Sapphire ran for her door and picking up her breast plate and putting it on as she rushed down the stairs. She grabbed a sword and drew it from it's scabbard and burst out of the front door, she ran to side with Crescent looking at the mercenary. "YOU WILL STOP HOSTILITIES AT ONCE!" Sapphire had her sword at the ready and was going to cast a capture spell.


(this is in order for us to get to the ship)

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Façade felt the maddness well up inside of him, and then he saw Ponyville. He knew that no doubt there were children there. "Fine, for the children's sake. Until Next time Emerald and Crescent" Façade would be making upgrades to his arsenal, but he had matters to attend to. "I drew blood tonight Crescent, I'm not stopping until your death." Façade headed back to town. He saw the shop, and pulled some paper and a pen from his satchel. He began writing an apology. He posted the note on the door of Sugar Cube Corner.


Façade headed out to his field, and packed his things. He then headed to Canterlot, to where his home lay, at least near his home. He boarded the train, grabbed a bottle of peroxide, and dumped it over his head and any other wounds he had accumulated. "Damn them all to hell." Façade stared at the moon through the train room. He pulled out the pictures of the couple, "What maddness drove me to this?"

Edited by DarkHaert 2099
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(on mobil small break at work will respond to you guys after work. Also bravo darkheart great writting) Cresent watched as the pony made his way out of town still with his blood blade out. Once he couldn't hear his blood beat any more he sheathed it. "Sorry saph, but I need to get to that boat. Thanks" he have the pony a hug and sped his way to the dock

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(just after fight)


"it's fine Cres you go, he can't get you in Manity, I'll watch for him here, and put an arrest warrant out on his description maybe somepony will spot him." Sapphire left for the castle wo fill out paperwork...


(meanwhile on the docks and ship) 


Summer found a small room on the ship to hide for the whole trip she hopped, all she needed was to be on as they left and that would be it she would not be able to leave the ship.


Emerald was standing on the docks waiting for Crescent she was terrified about what the outcome of the conflict with the strange pony... 

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as cresent flew closer to the docks he herd the worried mare blood beat as he honed in on it. landing in front of the mare he gave his lover a tight hug and kissing the mare. After a bit he pulled back as the boatpony was giving the last call for pony to bord "im fine love, ill show you soon" he said hugging her tight.


The two ponys made their way onto the boat and into their cabin. Still un aware of Summer abord they embraced again. "we are getting your sister sapphire a new sword, or something related to that in manity" he said trying to relax as well. His eyes had gone back to normal along with his voice when he got to the dock

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Summer was quite confident in her hiding spot as the ship set sail.


"Crescent why did you tell me to run, I mean why I could of helped you and we are a team now no more lone pony stuff." But at this point she did not care she just hugged him she did not want to let go for awhile. 

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"sorry em, I just love you too much to see you get hurt" he said snuggling his lover close. It seemed more of a primal instinct as well for him in a way he couldn't find words for. yet something told him he would need to say it soon if this fight told him anything about this bounty on his head.


"heres what happened, let me know if you hear anything..." he paused his mind was still in fight mode so his full memory might be blured. No he needed another pair of eyes something did bug him about the attacker, it wasn't the way he fought, "pay attention to what he said as he left, or anything off" he closed his eyes calming himself and bit into his lover showing the fight between the two.  


After he showed her the blood vision he pulled back as much as he wanted more blood, "thoughts love?" he asked

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"I'm never going to get used to that, but it is much more effective than words. He's going to come back for us either in Ponyville or even on the ship or in Manity, I hope Sapphire can find him but he is more skilled than Jadas and Shoe, oh Shoe I never want to kill another pony in his position again. Do you want more blood love? He hit you good a few times."

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"this is fine love" he kissed the mare and just layed there in their bed together with the feel of the river calming him more. The shoe comment kind of threw him off with her, sense that whole fight she has gotten better at fighting and keeping her blood rage in check. Yet after a battle like that it didn't surprise him to see her at shoe's grave every now and then. He couldn't imagine how he would have coped. Bitting her gently he looked at his lover


"you didn't kill shoe, it was jadas that did that. She said so herself at the water fall, stop blaming yourself love" he said snuggeling the mare

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