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open Dusk Labs: Project Coepi Ignis RP


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Redwood only became more angered and inched her weapon closer to the mare's face.


"You stop fuckin' with us, right now!" she yelled, "How do you know our names? What's on th' floor under us? Who or what are you? Ah want answers, and mah trigger hoof is mighty itchy."

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The mare cocked her head to the other side. "I know them because that is how you identify yourself. By the way, I am Ignis 38, and one of the few things in this damn place that doesn't wish you to kill you all on sight. I am... A clone? A genetic manipulation? I don't know." She then flicked her horn, and wings were revealed on her back. "Surprise"

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Second Sight held Redwood back with his claw, giving him a calm look. He eyed 'Ignis 38's' wings. He doubted that they worked as well as a normal pegasus's. Only Alicorn Magic could enable flight despite having the tough bone structure of an earth pony.


"Do those work?" He asked. "Or are you lacking in something else?"

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Ignis 38 smiled, "They do the basic work, that's what the blue stuff does, since I don't have an infinite source of magic on hoof." Ignis 38 started hovering, "However, I am blind. So I have to sense ponies, which means their thoughts, and maneuver that way. But as for precision flight, no can do."


Then the mare walked into another room, and Foulbearer looked into the room to find her gone. "She's gone." He said.


Something made a noise under the elevator, visibly shaking it. The elevator shook again. And a smell of blood was in the air. "What is that!?" Foulbearer exclaimed

Edited by DarkHaert 2099
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Second Sight observed the elevator for a while, noting the shudders.


"Whatever's under the elevator can't break the floor, or so it may seem."


He stepped into the elevator itself, motioning for the others to follow.


"If we bring this elevator to the bottom floor, it will crush whatever's underneath it. "


The elevator shuddered once more. Second was unsure if the elevator would hold. Nevertheless, he kept his card and pistol ready.

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Foulbearer then replied, "But wait! If there is no power to the other floors, we might not be able get back up, the bottom winch wouldn't work. At least, I think. If we cut the lines holding the elevator, and then we will just have to climb down? What do you think?"

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Second Sight nodded. "That's... also an option. We can rappel down the ropes and I can slam open the deactivated elevator doors with my claw. The falling elevator will also squash the monster beneath"


He grimaced as another shudder shook the elevator. "However, the resultant sound would wake up anything with ears on the level". He looked up at the ceiling of the elevator, focusing on the maintenance shaft. He brought his open claw towards it, the blue streaks glowing slightly. With a flick of the claw to the right, the trapdoor popped open, swinging on it's hinge. He jumped upwards, claw grabbing the side of the exit and pulled himself up. 


Standing atop the elevator, he located the main wire responsible for controlling the elevator's descent and inspected the thick wire.


"The wire is extremely thick: I don't think anything weaker than a plasma cutter can cut through it, unless my eyes deceive me." he called out. 

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Suddenly a rip opened through the bottom of the elevator, and grabbed Foulbearer, the creature looked like a scaleless dragon, it's skin a near white color. It shrieked and tried to bite at Foulbearer.


"Ahh! It's claws! They're acidic! It's in Me!" The creature began to climb out, dragging Foulbearer to it.

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Redwood reached out to try and grab Foulbearer, but the monster had pulled him out of her reach. She wasted no time firing a blast from the Appleoosa Buster, aiming for the monster's face. Redwood quickly chambered another shell and fired again for good measure.

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The scaless dragon fell out of the hole, dragging Foulbearer with it. It was then silent. After several moments, a sound of something hitting the bottom was heard faintly. Ignis 38 appeared from behind the generator. "He died, now you're surely safe in trusting each each other. G'day Gents." She disappeared by exiting the door into the hallway.

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Redwood ejected another shell and looked down into the hole, and couldn't see or hear anything else. 


Redwood cursed, and said to Second Sight, "What in the hell killed him? Ah'm pretty sure ah killed whatever it was, though. Looks like we gotta keep goin' down"

Edited by crispy fries
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The elevator appears to still be fully functional, all the tethers holding it in place. The hole in the elevator's floor didn't da,age any electrical, and a hum is heard from the generator from across the room. One of the lights in the elevator fizzled out, leaving only one to illuminate the elevator.

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Second Sight stared into the darkness of the elevator shaft, through the newly made hole. 




He grit his teeth, drawing a different card. He struck it against the cable, and the card started burning brightly. He dropped it into the elevator shaft, the flare card slowly drifting to the bottom and illuminating the elevator shaft.


( Darkhaert, decide what's revealed in the elevator shaft )

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As the burning card fluttered down the shaft, it struck the bottom. Something stood up, and walked out to the flame. It looked up. It looked like a green unicorn with a wide black hat. But... it's eyes, looked like somepony took several spider-like eyes and shoved them into where a normal pony's eyes were. He just waved. And said something. A moment later the echo was heard.



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Redwood once more pointed the Appleoosa Buster at a strange creature that came from this cursed lab.


"Stay right where you are if you don't want to end up like that white dragon. We're comin' down there, and ah don't trust anythin' that comes outta this lab," She said.

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Second Sight softly cursed. 'Just how many of them are there? At least this one doesn't seem hostile on sight.'

He turned to Redwood, speaking softly. "I'm going to see if the maintenance controls at the top of the elevator are still working. I should be able to manually control the descent and ascent of the elevator itself if they are."


He moved over to a small box and opened it's lid, revealing an array of buttons. He pressed down a downward arrow; hopefully, it would cause the elevator to descend if it was held.

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The elevator dinged, and closed the door. It started to descend, but as it came to the second level, it shuddered to a stop. The elevator dinged again, and revealed a long, dark walkway above something in the shadows. The spider-eyed Pony waved again, and left to go to the second floor.


(Note, there are 19 floors going down, SpiderEyes just climbed onto the second floor.)

Edited by DarkHaert 2099
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"Hey! Hey! Get back here you little varmint!" Yelled Redwood.


She proceeded to trot over to the door the spider-eyed pony had gone into. Redwood hugged the wall by the door, readied her weapon, and slowly opened the door, just as she had done on the last floor.

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The room was dark, and there were hanging cables everywhere. A shuffling was heard, and ahead, the spidereyed pony looked back, and it opened a mouth of needle teeth and hissed. "You know not of what you do stranger! Do not follow me!" It was an assortment of green, brown, and reds. It wore a black trenchcoat, and a wide worn hat.

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Second Sight lowered his firearms and swung into the corridor, siding by Redwood.


"Our orders were to eliminate any hostiles. That... thing hasn't hurt us. He's not a hostile."


He wandered down the corridor, turning on his his flashlight, looking around.


"What we should be doing is to uncover the secrets of this place. Look for logs, files, etcetera."


( DM decides what second sight finds )

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This hallway is a disarray, all the doors are open, the generator is actually been halfways turned on. A computer console is down the hallway, and loose cables hang everywhere. Claw marks gouge the hallways, and there is dried blood in some of the marks on the walls.

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Redwood looked into the room where the spider-eyed pony ran off to. Inside was a video of the spider-eyed pony going on about having to kill the "ascended one" and something about ignises being disjointed.


"Second Sight, ah found somethin'," she said, "There's a video in here of that... thing we just saw. It said somethin' about killing the "ascended one" before it escapes its prison. Ah think he's talkin' about that abomination of an alicorn we saw earlier."

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Second Sight peered at the video, memorizing it's details.


"This... will give us insight into the purpose of these labs. Though, we must question who the 'ascended ones' are. Perhaps... Celestia and Luna, and perhaps Twilight Sparkle, the element of magic. After all, they had 'ascended' to alicornhood." he suggested, resuming his search. 


He walked along the corridor, trailing a claw along the markings on the walls, flaking off some of the dried blood.


'Blood from multiple ponies' Second Sight mused.


Second Sight arrived at a terminal at the end of the hallway. He switched it on, and to his surprise, it wasn't password protected. He flipped through the logs.


'Log 1, let's see... What's this 'Project Darkhaert? What kind of secrets does this lab has that needs this much protection? The employees don't even know who the CEO is? Intriguing.'


'Log 2, this will be useful. Though, I can't imagine an immediate situation where we have to open the canisters. Perhaps when we get a proper crew to sweep the place. Oddly enough, the canisters require 2 pony's DNA to open. I should find out what this 'beta protocol' is before i do anything rash.



'There is a report here. It seems to be a report on the spider-pony from just now. Changeling, pony and spider DNA. I hope those ponies realised that spiders aren't insects, or they would have made some... unsightly mistakes. Though changeling DNA...'


Second Sight downloaded the logs into his claw and walked back to redwood.


"Be careful; the spiderpony has changeling DNA. He might be able to shapeshift. Stay close. The terminal also mentions a project by the name of 'Project Darkhaert', outside of Dusk Labs."

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Then down the hall Ignis 38 appeared, "You know, I think that what Dead Eye was talking about was o. The nineteenth floor, you know, along with the other four that aren't supposed to be there?" The blind pony directed her head towards Redwood, "You know, Talking about ponies behind their back is a mean thing to do. The geny will be up in running in no time." She exited to another room, a fizzle was heard, and she was gone.

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Redwood went to go after the mare but was too late.


"That Celestia damned mare keeps talkin' in riddles and tellin' us nothin'," Redwood huffed, "Let's turn on th' generator and get th' hell outta here. Ah guess we gotta go to th' nineteenth floor if we wanna find anythin',"

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