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open Dusk Labs: Project Coepi Ignis RP


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Second Sight gave a last sweeping look the the floor and got back into the elevator.


"Nothing on this floor indicates the presence of a generator here." He stated. "However, several major cables lead to a floor below this one. There's probably a generator there."


He climbed to the top of the elevator and and prepared to press the 'down' button.


"Get in." He asked.

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Redwood stepped into the elevator as Second Sight had said.


"Hey, Second, just what do you think is goin' on here?" asked Redwood, "It feels like this is evil, and that feelin' is gettin' worse as we keep goin' down. Ah saw some real bad shit back when ah was in th' army, but nothin' like this."

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Second Sight shrugged, and pressed the down button.


"Honestly, despite all the genetic horrors they have created, in some twisted way it's still science."


He showed his metal claw to Redwood. "My claw isn't a far leap from this. I am biologically, magically and mentally linked to it. Having realistic, synthetic wings and horns isn't very far off."


He sighed, mentally flipping through the logs from the terminals. "So far, there was no indication of ponies bein tortured or morally defiled. The scientists just weren't careful enough."


"Though the true purpose of this place is for us to find out."


( Darkhaert decides what floor we descend to )

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When the elevator stopped, the sign next to the now open elevator door read 'Level 5'. A dust filled the air, and for some reason, gas masks laid in a box, ready to be used. It was dark, as usual, and... music could be heard. The tile on the floor was dirty, and cracked. In addition to all the other strange things about this floor, water pooled on the floor and in the cracks.

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Redwood picked up one of the gas masks from the floor and clipped it onto her vest.


"Somethin' toxic musta gotten into th' air," she observed, "Is that... music? Ah'm gonna check it out."


Redwood began to walk towards the sound of the strange music emanating from the lab.

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As Redwood approached the music, something creaked above the red pony's head. And a familiar face appeared infront of Redwood. The spider pony, Dead Eye, was hanging from the ceiling. Up close, you realize that his mouth is actually two pincers over a mouth filled with sharp teeth. The spider pony appeared to be content to hang there, it was as if it was waiting for Redwood to say something.

Edited by DarkHaert 2099
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Second Sight put on the gas mask; not before checking the filters. He wasn't fond of breathing in dust


'Ah, love this composer' he mused, taking a listen at the music in the lab and following after redwood.


He turned his eyes to stare at the spider pony in the air. While bracing himself for an attack, he greeted the spiderpony with a less than friendly "hello".

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Redwood swore as she saw the unexpected face of Dead Eye on the ceiling. He was a ghastly sight with his sharp-toothed mouth.


"Were you waitin' for us or somethin'?" She asked, "While ah'm askin', what's with th' gas masks and th' music? Is there toxic gas in here or somethin'?"

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"Toxic to you. Not to me. I left the gas masks for you." The spidereyed Pony hangs there before dropping down. "In that room, rests an Ignis, he's strange, and has a weird way of using words. I would be careful of him." The spider pony walked past them down the hallway before looking back. "You should be also know, a revolver to his head could kill him. We call him 'Glass'". The spider pony then climbed into the elevator, through the gash in the floor in a very un-pony manner.

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Second Sight shrugged. "Glad you aren't trying to kill me" he called out after the spider pony. The monster' gone, he took out his revolver and spun the cylinder, clicking it back and priming the hammer. "Well, that's convenient" he commented. "That gives us our backup plan. Now let's see if this pony loves up to his name." He said as he entered the room.

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Redwood raised the Appleoosa Buster and walked into the room behind Second Sight.


"Hold on a second, just what th' hell is an ignis? Remember that video of th' spider-pony ah saw on th' last floor we were on? It said th' ignises were disjointed. Seems kinda important," she said.

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Inside the spacious room sat a pony. It had similar technology to that of Ignis 38 on it's body. It stood up on robotic legs, and looked at the two ponies that entered. "Hello, Redwood and Second Sight. Your delving into this lab has caused quite a ruckus amongst our little family. I am Ignis 12, and due to that, my bones are fragile, so Dead Eye has taken to calling me Glass. So if you intend to hurt me I'll kill you." Ignis 12 looked at them, and his eyes were a cyan blue color. He was very similar in color as Ignis 38, and he was also an Alicorn.

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Second Sight inspected the ignis's mechanical legs: the tech seemed very different from his own mechanical hoof.


'So... the term 'ignis' seems to denote a synthetically made alicorn.' He mumbled.


Second's piercing blue eyes met the other pony's own. "The threats are mutual. Are you here to give us anothe riddle like the others? Tiny snippets of information we're only gonna understand at the end of our little adventure?"

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"You're very observant Second, as for my legs, yes, they are a bit different from what you have attached to your hoof." Ignis 12 looked like he was going to consider Second Sight's request when he spoke, "It's not that we don't wish to tell you, but we can't. Something resides at the bottom of floor nineteen. It isn't angry, but actually just curious about you two." Ignis 12 looked like he was struggling for a moment to breathe when he gasped and then continued on. "It can't find a way to take control of your mind, which infuriates it some, but makes it more curious. It calls itself "O" but it's real name, as far as I can tell, is unknown. The creature down there. That's the abomination, the thing that shouldn't exist. It doesn't even resemble a pony."

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"Can you tell us about Dead Eye? He ain't an ignis and ah wanna know just what his game is. He mentioned somethin' about th' ignises and that somepony called '47' was gonna rally y'all. Is 47 another ignis?" Redwood paused to take a drink, "Last question. What th' fuck is tryin' to control our minds?"

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Ignis 12 looked at Redwood, "Ignis 47 is another one of the Coepi Ignis Project, the project had fifty subjects, and about 21 live. He is the most genetically stable of us inside the lab, but he has his own issues. He seeks to get us out of this building, to freedom, but to do what is right he will do as he must. As for Dead Eye, he is a creature that mostly keeps to himself, sometimes he can speak to the more dangerous Ignises, which like to kill ponies for fun. He is comprised of several creatures DNA, I don't know what, as for what he stands for. He wants somepony named Watch Eye dead. She supposedly had his insides removed just to see if he could regenerate, and when he did, repeated the process three times. It's disgusting to me. Anything else I can help you with? Anything you need to know about this facility?"

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"Well ah'll be damned. Watch Eye was th' one who put out th' bounty for investigatin' this lab. She knew more than she was tellin' us, and she said she wasn't affiliated with Dusk Labs. Oh, by th' way, Ignis 38 said somethin' about not lookin' at th' canisters down here 'cuz they've got problems. What's in th' canisters?"

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Second Sight narrowed his eyes. He turned to Redwood and nodded.


'Looks like our employer is hiding something.' He thought, grinding his teeth at the thought. 'He probably didn't expect us to learn this.'


'But still' he sighed, closing his eyes. 'I see no reason to trust the ignis. He could be trying to turn us against the surface.'


'But is it really our business?'


Second Sight asked the ignis: "where can we find the hostile ignis..."


'Our mission is clear: to eliminate hostiles. I need not involve myself in anything else.'


"... And how do we get to the 19th floor?" He finished.


'Yet, this place is intriguing. I want to learn more. Their research can further my own'

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Ignis 12 smiled, "47 essentially acts as our sheriff around here. He is going to try to take down Ignis 26, 26 has killed several other Ignises, and to avoid further bloodshed, he's going to lock up 26. Ignis 47 even built a special type of inhibitor ring, which will completely shut down the magic of an Alicorn and also render their wings and hooves useless, synthetic or not. In fact he perfected the model himself. Nutcase." Ignis 12 pulled out some maps from a panel in the floor, and then he said, "I can turn on the rest of the generators if you'd like, and then to get to the 14th floor, just use the elevator, and use the manual override to the bottom floor. But be careful, that thing... It's powerful."


Then a familiar voice comes on your radios, "Hello? Foulbearer? Second Sight? Redwood? You there? Can you give us a report?"

Edited by DarkHaert 2099
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Redwood said into her radio, "All clear at th' moment. Foulbearer got killed by a hostile before we could get to th' second floor. We've been able to get th' generators on for a few floors. We haven't found anythin' besides th' hostile that killed Foulbearer, which is dead by th' way. We're proceedin' down to th' rest of th' floors, over."

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"I'm alive and well" said Second Sight to the radio. "Some biological hazard on the 5th floor. Don't send in Your teams yet."


He clicked the radio off. He wondered if the ignis were willing to interact with the surface word peacefully. Looking at Ignis from the corner of his eye.


"Take us to the 14th"

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Ignis 12 smiled at them. "Of course" he smiled and walked past them. He cracked his neck, and the sound resembled glass scraping glass. His mechanical legs whirring, he lit his horn, and the music stopped. "I would act peacefully with the upper realm, Second Sight. But I wonder.... Would they behave the same to us?" He teleported, and after fifteen minutes, a humming could be heard. Ignis 12 appeared, "They're on. C'mon. Want to help 47? We've got to go." Ignis 47 stepped onto the elevator.

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As Redwood stepped into the elevator along with him, she asked Ignis 12, "Would you happen to know anythin' about an 'Ascended One'? That was somethin' else Dead Eye mentioned, and he said we gotta kill it. Seemed pretty important if he wants whatever it is dead."

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Second Sight stepped into the elevator, wary of the Ignis beside him. At this point, he didn't really have a choice in trusting it, but it didn't hurt to be careful nonetheless. 


His wandered to the experiments once more. He started to wonder if he would have worked here in a very close timeline. "After this is all done, is there a mainframe, a central computer where I can download the research?

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