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private Dawn of Pony


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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/147088-dawn-of-pony/


Long ago before the royal sisters and even long before Equestria its self was founded, three tribes emerged from the dangerous wilderness.


The strong and mighty earth ponies began to work together to form connected villages!


The pegasi warriors learned how to mold the clouds to their liking and began building their villages upward!


And the intelligent unicorns began building walls around their villages and more advanced homes.


However there was one persistent problem, among other things.  All three races despised each other and had an uneasy truce with each other.  Minor races such as bat ponies stayed out of the conflict, keeping to themselves mostly.  However a new danger from the north is threatening this uneasy peace, and even the very young civilizations.  The leaders of each tribe came together to reluctantly discuss what to do.  It was decided that a team of volunteers from each tribe would investigate the nature of the threat and deal with it if possible.



In an earth pony village, the elder approaches Sprightly Hooves  "I heard that you were interested in volunteering for the group we are putting together with the wingeds and the horn heads?"



A rather large pegasus encased in bronze armor approached Rain "I am to understand you want to be apart of the expedition?"



(Just a note, use different color text to differentiate between characters)

Pallid Flame heard a knock as his door, outside was a unicorn in a fancy robe "Pallid Flame, your presence is required!"



In a dark cave inhabited by bat ponies, A village elder approached Mist Twister "Mist, I must speak to you about something very important"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


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In a dark cave inhabited by Batponies Mist, of the clan Twister, was busy sharpening his spear. He was preparing for the nightly hunt. The tribe elder came up to Mist and said he had something important to tell him.




"Of course elder," said Mist as he put down his spear, "what do you need to talk to me about?"

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She smiled, her features radiant as she heard the elder's words. "Absolutely! Any opportunity is a good opportunity is what I say." Sprightly came forward and wrapped her hooves around his neck.


Pallid ambled over to the door, pulling it open and glaring at the unicorn. He had dark rings under his eyes, the subsequent result of several nights of poor sleep. "What is it?" he said, a sharp edge to his voice. "I was trying to relax."

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"The tribes of the outside world have put together a travel party to deal with a terrible evil from the north, I have spoken with their leaders, and I need you to go with this travel party to make sure that the members of each tribe to not kill each other, the tribes hate each other and I feel like you have the skills to mediate them, for all of our sake."



The earth pony elder chuckled "Are you sure you are up to this?"


The unicorn sighed "Well sorry, but I got notice that you were the one who volunteered to go scouting with the other tribes, so I need to make sure that it is what you really wanted to do"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"Of course!" She beamed, releasing him from the hug. "I'll get to go out, see new places, meet new ponies! It'll be a blast," she said, so excited that she was practically fidgeting on the spot.


"Oh, yeah..." He glanced away furtively, then sighed. "Give me a minute to collect my things and I'll be ready." Pallid shut the door in the unicorn's face, turning back to the darkness of his home and heading over to his cabinet where he had placed his satchels. He pulled open the drawer and threw the bags over his back, having packed the night prior.

After a minute he opened the door again, stifling a yawn. "Lead the way."

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"I'd be honoured to be mediated for this expedition," said Mist as he gave a small bow of respected to the elder, "and if these other tribes are anything like this tribe then I should have no trouble. However I do find it odd that I have not seen these other tribes. Surely I would've seen other Batponies hunting at night like we do."

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"You need to be very careful, the other tribes, they arent like us, the winged ones are blood thirsty monsters while the horn heads believe that anything that isnt them is some kind of inferior" The Earth pony elser said in a low, sad voice


 The unicorn led him to the village walls "Why do you want to associate with such savages? I just dont get it"



The village elder chuckled these are not tribes of bat pony, they are different, ones who walk during the day, you have probably at least seen one of their villages during a hunt"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"I remember seeing a few villages," said Mist as he thought back to the times he had gone hunting, "but i never saw any villagers so i just assumed they were abandoned. Except there was one hunt where i saw a strange pony. He was like a batpony but he had feathered wings," Mist explained, "but i thought i imagined that."

Edited by Dappers Duck Army
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She frowned slightly, but then resumed her smile. "Well have you ever met them, yourself?" She bit her lip. "I mean, they can't all be that bad, right?"


"I don't," he said, voice strained with anger as he glanced at the unicorn beside him. Pallid gazed up at the sun, gleaming within the bright blue sky. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then released it. "I just want answers."

Edited by Makazi
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"You didnt imagine it, there are different breeds of pony out there, trouble is they hate each other" He conintinued, heading to the mouth of the cave




The elder sighed "I dont know, ive seen the winged ones take out whole villages just for the fun of it, and youll be lucky if a horn head even listens to you"


"Answers to what exactly?"  The unicorn scribe asked as they headed to the gate 

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"I see..." Her countenance was one of worry, but it was transient. "Maybe we'll soon change all that," she said, nodding with confidence. "We won't know until we try!"


He plodded on silently. Then finally, he said: "I'm not quite ready to speak about it, my apologies. I'll tell you when the time is right, if it is ever."

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(Sorry for not being active, I will make time in the future!)




Rain had been toying with clouds of different densities at the moment before the armored pegasus approached her. "Ah, yes I did express interest in joining the expedition with the military general. It's official now then, are we really sending a unified search party to investigate this threat?" she said a little to excitedly. "Ah...I will have to clean up my mess here first, but I shall assemble right away, where do you need me?" pointing to the various piles of clouds around her knocking over one in the process. She awaited the answer as she began to methodically organize and put away the materials back in the village storehouse.  

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"But would the other tribes hate each other?" asked Mist as he followed the elder to the mouth of the cave, "and if they hate each other what will they think of me. If I have never seen these tribes surely they do not know of our tribe." Mist reached the mouth of the cave and frowned. "Wait I'm not going now am I? Its still day out!"

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"I just dont know, I just hope this works" the elder said


"Fine" the unicorn said "At least take this" he floated out a short sword "Heres a short sword to defend your self in case the pegasus tries to attack you"




The pegasus warrior "Yes we are, I dont agree with it, but its not up to me.  The meeting place is a forest clearing to the south.  Take some bronze with you at least some armor."


The pegasus turned to Hidden Heart "Are you going too?"




"Yes, their meeting was during the day time, youll have to get used to acting during the sun hours. Take this cloak when you go" The elder hands him a dark colored cloak

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"Thank you for trusting me with this important task," said Mist as he put on the Dark coloured cloak, "I promise not to dissapoint you." Mist pulled up his hood and began to exit the cave but stopped. He turned to the elder, "where exactly am I meeting these tribe members again?"

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"I never needed armor before, you sure I am even qualified?" she asked incredulously. "How will I know they won't ambush me or something? I guess I can try to wear this thing." As she clumsily put on the armor, she almost stumbled until smiling half-heartedly regaining her composure. "Okay...I'll....report to...the clearing..immediately...sir!" As the armour straps were finally secure, she took a deep breath as it fit snugly and her balance had recovered somewhat. "Do I get a weapon too? Otherwise, I'll just head down now." After a slight grin from the pegasus, and nod toward the weapon rack.  She pulled a sword out and awkwardly sheathed her weapon in the attached holster and managed to avoid hurting herself never mind someone else. He walked away, later with a loud guffaw with some other guards who were watching the whole affair on the sidelines. Taking a deep breath. Hopefully the other ponies wouldn't be too hostile, she spent way too much time in the clouds anyway. Maybe some adventure would do her some good.    

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"Yes I am." The purple Pegasus in a light bronze chest plate and leather (or the pre-equestria pegasus equivalent) full-body under baring with a gladius strapped to her side said. "this meeting with the other tribes might turn bad at any moment, rain will need some backup if that happens."

Edited by redshell


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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"Me too," she replied with a grin. "So where am I headed?"


"When they try to attack me," he jested sadly.

He levitated the sword over to his belt where he sheathed it, looking out at the rolling hills beyond the gate. "Let us hope that my combat training has paid off; else I am afraid it's been a complete waste of time."

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@@Dapper Charmer,


"There is a forest clearing to the north youll know it when you see it"


@, @@redshell,


"Good, team work, I like it report to the clearing as soon as possible!"




"There is a forest clearing to the east head there young one"


"One last thing, when you get to the clearing in the west, you are to tell the group their mission, you must travel to the far north and take a look at the threat that could possibly end us, and if you can, destroy it, if you cant come back and we the tribes will attempt to raise an army to defeat it...which I hope it doesnt come to that because I fear we may destroy our selfs afterwards.." the scribe took a sigh "now go!"



After a few hours of travel, each of the party members reach a forest clearing with a torch  in the middle to signal the meeting place.  It burned brightly in the red orange late evening sky, it would be dark soon

Edited by Skullbuster

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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@@Skullbuster, @@Makazi, @, @@redshell


Mist reached the clearing as the sun was just starting to set. "Finslly," Mist said to himself, "I can take off this hood." Mist took of his hood and was able to get a look at the clearing. So far it looked like he was the first one there. Now all he had to do was wait for the other tribes to show up.

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Rain set off from the budding settlement of Cloudsdale with a sense of curiosity and trepidation. Would there be violence or just general unease at the initial meeting? She never had to really leave the settlement except for errands close by that never really amounted to much as a real view of the other cultures or races that also inhabited the world. Her duties kept her cloistered within as maintenance usually was a constant job with the expansions and what not. She left the exploration to the more adventurous or militarily-minded pegasi who repeated the same old tale of weak-willed and ignorant beings that were stuck on the ground unable to fly! Did't the place harbor danger as most would tell you? How did they even subsist with all the peril? Good thing Hidden-heart came with her regardless, speaking of which she hadn't really introduced herself yet. Who kept close by with all her internal musings. They were just about to descend to the ground level from the cloud that held Cloudsdale itself.


"So what brings you here Hidden-heart? Why the choice to leave?" she asked curiously. They never really talked back in the settlement and even when they exchanged glances or got close enough to talk at all, nothing happened. The clearing itself was in view but still some distance away. There would be a moment or two before introductions began among the other races. Might as well get to know her now.

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"private hidden heart cloudsdale 1st,recon that's why, I'm getting paid to make sure you make it through this in one piece. Anyway you can call me hidden, like I said, I'm coming in case things go wrong, captain's orders." After about three minutes of awkward silence "Why did you volunteer for this? It'll be dangerous if the earth ponies or unicorns attack us."

Edited by redshell


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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"I figured it was a time for a change. Cloudsdale is self-sufficient enough that i'm not needed right away and maybe a friendly face might defuse the situation somewhat," I said with a small hope. A breeze blew by and I allowed myself to briefly glide on the wind as I considered what to say next. "Thanks for the help anyway, even if we don't encounter a threat, I wouldn't mind if you give a little training with this thing. I'm more worried about hurting me than something else," I smiled referring to Gladius secured on her armor. With a quick flap of my wings to regain control, I angled my descent and a small speck appeared on the ground in the distance as we approached the clearing. The oranges and yellows mixed and produced the most amazing sight as evening enveloped the sky. "Too bad they don't have wings, I almost feel for bad for them. The sights are pretty incredible up here," she said enraptured now. "What do you think we'll expect down there? You are a recon pony after all," she asked curious.

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Sprightly didn't know why there weren't any guards to accompany her, but within an hour of toiling through the forest's brush she came to a hill overlooking the clearing, the virid grass blowing softly in the breeze. She could discern the lone flickering torch at its center, though couldn't see any other ponies...yet. She gulped, doing her best to maintain her composure.


Pallid knew they were out there, and as he descried the lone torch in the field's centre he drew a deep breath, then exhaled. "Might as well get this over with," he mumbled to himself, stepping out of the umbrage and sauntering over to the flickering torch. He drew up close to it, then stood still, waiting for the others. There was a mission to accomplish, and he knew the other tribes, despite the tension betwixt them all, would also come join him once they were ready.

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While Mist was waiting he had decided to make a spear out of the trees that surrounded the forest. It was something all Batponies learnt to do at a young age. Mist turned to look at the clearing and saw that a new pony had shown up. It must have been one of the tribes members he had been told about. Mist walked over to introduce himself then noticed that the pony had no wings, "oh my goodness," Mist said with worry as he rushed over to the pony (Pallid), "what on earth happened to your wings?"

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